The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 752, Bloody Battle at Wallaya Gate (Part 2) (Second update, please subscribe for monthly tic

PS: Second update! Please give me a guaranteed monthly ticket for December!

"My King! Leave this to me, you retreat first!" Just in front of the front line, Lane and Kalad fought side by side. The gap in the front line was blocked after receiving the support of fresh troops. Kalad slashed and killed with his sword. The green-skinned boys and green-skinned big guys who rushed up yelled at Ryan: "The army can be without a warrior, but it must not lack a commander!"

"I understand!" Ryan used Mjolnir to knock over a big green-skinned guy, and then smashed its chest with a hammer. The King of Knights raised his hand and directly released two psychic storms, which enveloped him like a whirlpool. Although a whole group of big green-skinned guys can't kill these rough-skinned guys, they can still kill and hinder them.

Another slash opened a gap in the green-skinned battle group like a sickle, and the Old Guards immediately swarmed forward to protect the king back to the central army's main line.

"Forward!!!" The supporting serf infantry were armed with axes, swords, shields or spears. Under the leadership of the knights, they stepped into the gap. They immediately found that the enemies they had to face were several times their number. .

Ryan's whole body was covered in blood. As soon as he withdrew from the front line, he immediately noticed that the battle situation was changing.

The ax gun formation on the left wing had collapsed before, and a gap was exposed on the entire front. The cunning Skarsnik immediately ordered the green-skinned giant and the Anaknare giant spider to attack the gap, and Ryan personally went into battle. It was barely blocked. Now, with Ryan's retreat, Kalad obviously does not have as large a control range as Ryan. He can stop ten or twenty greenskins by himself, but he cannot stop the endless greenskins no matter what. impact.

The first row of serf infantry regiments fell, and the serf infantry regiments behind them immediately stepped forward and used their bodies to form a new line of defense.

Groups of green-skinned boys, led by the big green-skinned men, once again crushed the serf infantry formation. These tyrannical green-skinned troops used machetes and axes to slaughter the serfs. An entire serf infantry regiment was thus destroyed. Killed to pieces.

Although the Great Sword Battalion of the Old Guard was exhausted, they still shouted the names of the King and Queen Surya and rushed forward. Relying on the two-handed fine swords produced by the dwarves, they smashed the greenskin offensive and blocked it again. Live the gap.

The giant spiders of Anakinari came again, and a whole group of night goblins followed the giant spiders to charge. The giant beasts directly overturned the efforts of the old guards, and the huge and hard shell was pushed open. The Great Swordsmen and the Old Guards fell to the ground one after another, and the formation was rushed away again. The Night Goblins waved huge iron balls. They had just eaten fungus mushrooms with hallucinogenic effects, and they were spinning in place one by one. The big iron ball directly smashed the half-body plate armor of the Old Guards. The tough Night Goblins directly caused a bloody storm in the human front. Now even the Old Guards had to avoid the edge for a while.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the front line was breached again, a gap was exposed, and the heavily armed green-skinned men and trolls rushed into the human front line again.

"Antelme! Take your people and get in!" Ryan ordered immediately before he could take a breath.

"Yes!" Antelm was also covered in blood. He had just led the foot knights to repel a wave of attacks. After hearing Ryan's command, the Holy Grail knight yelled: "Brothers of the Champion Knight of Quinaris Guys, follow me!"

"Oh oh oh!" Several Holy Grail knights and dozens of expedition knights all held two-handed swords. Many of them were exhausted and their armors were in tatters. A dozen knights had already died on the battlefield, but the rest of the expedition The knights gathered together again and charged towards the gap. At the same time, Ryan immediately commanded: "Duggan! Artillery!"

"Fire!" The Black Powder Brotherhood led by Dugan-Tiehan opened fire immediately. The dwarf cannons opened fire together. The artillery fire brought strong support to the foot knights led by Antelm. The foot knights rushed into the gap again and fought with the green-skinned giants. There is also a bloody battle with the giant spider Anaknare.

Ryan ordered continuously: "Send the reserve team to all go into battle!"

"Yes!" The knight's retinue immediately began to pass the order.

"The entire dragoon battalion also went into battle to support Antelm and his Brotherhood of Champion Knights of Quinaris!"

"Where are the Lionheart Knights of Leonese? Go and support King Belegar!"

"Where is the Montfort Watch? Go immediately to support the Bastogne Beast Slayers!"

"Command Estelle, don't shoot those goblins, focus your firepower on the trolls and Orcs!"

Ryan's orders came one after another, and the king judged the situation of the battle. There was sweat on his forehead. Just behind him, Veronica was still leading the witch group to release spells. After a few hours, even the king with deep mana reserves Veronica and Orika were both out of breath and pale, with almost all their magic gone.

"My king, there are no arrows in the Longgong Camp!" A servant came up and shouted loudly.

"Then let's engage in close combat!" Ryan roared angrily: "Go immediately to support the army of the Principality of Carcassonne!"

"Yes!" The knights and serf infantry of the Principality of Carcassonne faced the fierce attack of a large group of greenskins. Each knight led a dozen serf soldiers to persist,

"We have no bullets either!" the dwarf engineer Dugan Tiehan also roared. He put away the scary red barrel and took out the battle ax from behind: "Now, we can only rely on steel!"

"For Belegar, for Eight Peaks, for Granny and Valaya!" The dwarf thunder gunners all engaged in close combat. They rushed forward without hesitation, using their flesh and blood to resist the greenskin's attack.

The dwarves fell one by one, followed by more greenskins. The two sides fought back and forth around the entire gap. The serf infantry of the serf infantry regiments retreated under the constant attacks of the goblins, and finally fell. During the attack of the green-skinned boys, the organized free folk army immediately attacked, but was immediately overwhelmed by the green-skinned behemoths and big guys. The foot knights charged forward again, resisting the behemoths and big guys. The guys were then gradually overwhelmed by the endless green skins, and then the Holy Grail Knights reappeared and once again repelled the green skins' offensive.

The battlefield was like a flesh and blood millstone, harvesting and grinding everything crazily. Corpses were piled up into mountains. The piled corpses on the originally wide and barrier ancestral hall had formed a small slope, and no one had any intention of stopping.

Many knights have changed their weapons several times, and some knights have even begun to pick up the weapons on the ground and among the piles of corpses to use. Ryan ordered them one after another, and the battle situation was stabilized. He did not even have time to talk to Veronica. After saying a few words, he raised his warhammer again and rushed towards another gap, where the army of the Principality of Belion was collapsing. The appearance of the king doubled their morale and barely managed to repel the greenskin army again.

Ryan raised his head. He stared at the battlefield, wanting to see Skarsnik's reaction. Will this gap, which is located on the high platform of Wallaya's ancestors and has been fought over repeatedly, be the key to this war?

Is the Bafeng Mountain Warlord planning to devote his Black Orc Legion and his personal guard, the Bafeng Mountain Fanatics?

The result disappointed Ryan. The cunning Bafengshan warrior had no intention of investing his last elite force.

Skarsnik's attention was always focused on the Pegasus knights "Swift Sky Spear Club" and "Paravon Spear" who had not yet entered the battle. The Eight Peaks Mountain Warlord made up his mind that as long as the Pegasus knights did not dispatch, his black orcs The legion and the Bafengshan fanatics will never move a step!

If you have the ability, use someone to fill it! It depends on whether you have more people or my tribe is more waaagh!

At the same time, Belegar's central army was becoming increasingly exhausted. The King of the Eight Peaks still stood on his Oath Stone. He wielded the Hammer of Angrond and smashed any greenskin who dared to offend his majesty, even if It was the flank that was attacked by the Skaven. Belegar still showed no sign of wavering. He remained silent.

However, the army of the Angland clan was already defeated. With the collapse of the right wing, Fedmund had to gather the defeated army and gradually retreat towards the center. The dwarf army must face the simultaneous attacks of the greenskins and ratmen. The dwarves' front was almost defeated. If the headhunter Quik hadn't ordered to weaken the offensive and let the scarlet hunters retreat first because he was worried about being suddenly attacked by the greenskins, and the power of Valaya protected the dwarves, maybe Belegar and The story of his sworn guard of Angrond would end today.

The Skaven gave up the pursuit, giving Fedmund and Durant a valuable opportunity to retreat, but they immediately faced the simultaneous attack of the Greenskins and Skavens. They ran out of arrows and bullets, and the dwarf crossbowmen and dwarves The thundering gunners also raised their axes and joined the battlefield. Some cannons and organ cannons fired all their shells. The artillerymen also joined the battlefield shouting the names of their ancestors. The artillery positions faced repeated attacks. During repeated battles, new troops were able to arrive. Replace the fallen dwarf and human armies.

The war is still going on, and while the expeditionary force is facing the onslaught of greenskins and Skaven at the same time, the Skaven are also fighting a bloody battle with the greenskin army, countless goblins and terrifying slave rats. The tide is fighting and devouring crazily in the hall. When the Skaven slave rats are outnumbered, the goblins will temporarily retreat, but the slave rats will not pursue them. They will stop and gnaw crazily. Eating the corpses of goblins and green-skinned boys, these stinking green-skinned meats are considered supreme delicacy by slave rats.

Similarly, the defeated Goblins will quickly regroup under Skarsnik's command and charge again. Neither the slave rats nor the clan rats can stop the Goblins' attack, and they will soon be all over the line. Collapse, and now it was the turn of the goblins to have a feast. The corpses of the Skaven were also good food. The goblins ate while eating. The stinking battlefield was so terrifying. The scene, the slaughterhouse, the banquet hall and the excrement place, is the battlefield of the Skaven and the green-skinned Evil Moon tribe!

The Storm Rat breathed flames at the oncoming troll, and the green-skinned warpstone flames burned the troll's skin. The troll screamed in pain but did not stop. It picked up the With one swing of the mace in his hand, he knocked the Storm Rat to the ground, and then hit it hard with the mace, causing blood and flesh to fly everywhere.

"Rat~Rat~" The Storm Rat painfully pressed the warpstone flamethrower against the troll's belly. The flames burned the troll's flesh and blood, revealing the yellow bones. Large balls of pus came out of the troll's mouth. It spurted out, splashed on the surface of the Storm Rat, and dripped on the dimensional stone energy device.

The next second, a huge explosion swept through the entire battlefield. The trolls and Storm Rats were blown to pieces together, and the pieces of meat were everywhere. Goblins and Skavens immediately rushed forward, and they were covered with food and blood. Fighting on the battlefield of excrement, eating and drinking at the same time.

However, while the three parties were engaged in a fierce war at the same time, the tunnel door in the corner of the hall had been completely opened, and the undead army filed in from outside the door. Countless skeleton warriors and undead creatures suddenly rushed into the green skins and Ska. The Wenrat people caused huge damage to them in their position.

Everyone was stunned by this scene. Skarsnik, Headhunter Quik, Ryan and Belega realized the changes on the battlefield almost at the same time. A huge group of uninvited guests were coming to join them!

The wind of death swept through the entire ancestral hall, and the sound of ancient horns echoed in the leyline network, shrill and crazy, hateful and twisted.

A Horror entered the battlefield first. The Horror spewed brimstone flames from its mouth, burning all the Goblins and Skaven on the battlefield to ashes. The remaining Goblins and Skaven were Fleeing in fear, riding on the Terror Beast is the legendary Strigg Ghost King. On its face that has completely turned into a beast, there is only hatred for the living and complete madness. It chants spells while He blasted a Storm Rat into rubble and murmured to himself: "Everyone misses our Great Strige Empire."

Skeleton warriors, ghouls, tomb ghosts, and tomb guards entered the battlefield one after another. They tore all the greenskins and Skaven into pieces, and then, holding high the golden crown jackal emblem, the undead wearing heavy armor The Guards enter.

Then, the gorgeous sedan with the bones as the frame and the souls of the dead as bearers finally entered the battlefield. The dead souls used as sedan bearers all come from the admirers of the sedan owner. On both sides of the gorgeous sedan, there are dozens of charming women wearing gorgeous dresses and long skirts, but each of their eyes is blood red. , holding weapons or claws in their hands, extremely terrifying.

"The Witch's Throne." Ryan saw this scene after cutting down two big green-skinned men. The King of Knights stared closely at the new enemy: "Blood Queen!"

Sitting on the throne is the Queen of Lahmia, the Blood Ancestor of Vampires, the world's first vampire, Arkhan's lover, Vlad's ex-wife, Tomb Queen, and Lord of Silver Peak Mountain, Neferata.

"Drive away these disgusting green things and rats!" Neferata ordered coldly: "Then, kill all these humans and dwarves! Slave them."

"The secret of Valaya's Gate and the treasure within it belong to me, Neferata!"

The second update, I am asking for a guaranteed monthly ticket for December. I would like to express my gratitude to you. I will do anything (nothing).

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