The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 768, The King of Knights’ Justice Speech

PS: This chapter has 4,800 words, isn’t it impressive?

Before dawn, the army began to gather. When the sky was just bright, all the troops in the entire stream outpost had already risen. They began to prepare for the war step by step. Now the army chefs and soldiers were cooking food. The war was approaching. , the soldiers began to gather together. Their food today was particularly rich. Even the most ordinary serf soldiers could eat hundreds of grams of carefully cooked animal offal, as well as relatively speaking, bread with a lot of salt and butter. .

The dwarves also ate and drank, but unlike usual, these dwarves neither quarreled nor discussed anything loudly today, but lowered their heads and ate silently.

Including Belegar, the real king of the Eight Peaks Mountain was strangely silent at this time. He just sat in the corner, quietly waiting for the dawn to break.

The sky in Bafeng Mountain is still filled with howling cold wind. It no longer snows today, replaced by bright sunshine. The skylight has revealed a touch of fish belly white on the top of the majestic peaks. The dwarves sucked in the air-conditioning, and some long-bearded veterans They even picked up a handful of dirt and stuffed it into their armor.

The north wind is howling, the cars are ringing, and the horses are whistling.

The King of Knights of Britannia, Duke of Mousilon, and the God-chosen champion of the Fairy of the Lake, the expeditionary army coach Ryan Macado is wearing Gray Knight Seiko power armor, with the Goddess of Vengeance on his back and the God of Thunder in his hand. Hammer, Ryan stood silently on the heights of the outpost, looking into the distance of the mountain.

"Fifty years of life are like a dream compared to the people who live in the next world. Counting the nearly twenty years that I set out from Nord, it is like a dream." Ryan looked at the Titan Gate that was vaguely visible in the distance. , he closed his eyes, feeling the cold wind blowing against his face. Time flies by. The time when the Sledgehammer Knight set out from Nordland, and when he had a championship duel with the Chaos Champion outside Mjördenhaven, it seemed like Just yesterday.

The plain at the gate of Titan's Gate was covered with a layer of snow, and there was a shallow layer of ice on the river. Looking around, Ryan saw that everything was empty except for the sound of the troops eating and packing. , there seemed to be an inexplicable sense of fear and solemnity surrounding the expeditionary army. It lasted for a year and involved dozens of battles. Now, another decisive battle was before the expeditionary army.

The army of more than 40,000 people when they went on the expedition now only has more than 20,000 people left after many recruitments.

A dozen Holy Grail Knights, headed by Kalad, all stood quietly behind Ryan, lined up in several rows. Most of the Holy Grail Knights' robes were in tatters, and their cloaks were often frayed, but everyone was waiting quietly, waiting. Following Ryan's orders.

The cold wind was blowing, blowing the clothes and cloaks of these most powerful knights in the old world. Ryan turned around. He was about to say something, but he found that the cold wind was blowing, falling into the depths of the red plums, and falling away.

A red plum blossom is growing tenaciously from the ruins of the collapsed wall of the stream outpost, blooming on this long-lost land.

"My brothers, you have followed me all this way. Have you ever been confused? Have you ever been hesitant? Have you ever been hesitant?" Ryan stretched out his hand to caress Aoxue Hongmei. The King of Knights faced his own The subordinates said warmly.

Just in the distance, the dark elf Olika also put on a pair of leather boots and a black-red cloak. Veronica also put on a fiery red leather suit and was adjusting the light with the witch apprentices. Magic vehicle.

"We have never hesitated, never been confused, and never hesitated. My king, where your sword edge is is where our lance is heading, your will is our will, your glory is also our glory, we are very honored, I can fight side by side with you." Kalad stepped forward with a serious face. There was a certain kind of faith and enthusiasm on the face of the Holy Grail, which made his figure shine: "Please give the order, my king!"

"Please give the order, my king!" The voices of the Holy Grail Knights were as firm as gold and iron. What could be more glorious than fighting side by side with the great king to eliminate evil under the gaze of the Lady of the Lake?

"That's right, you can't hesitate, because if you hesitate, you will lose."

A smile appeared on Ryan's face, and the king nodded slightly: "At this point in the expedition, we are fighting alone. We only have more than 20,000 people, and the enemy may be five, ten, or even twenty times our number."

"It is said that if one day we lose the spirit of chivalry and the glory of our ancestors, we will suffer a lot." Ryan walked among the ruins of the stream outpost, and a large group of knights followed him: "But We are not really alone."

In front of them, the dwarf army, the elven army, and a group of paladins and a group of ascetics led by Alfred were ready: "Because our partners who also have faith and will are united with us. , fight together.”

"Now, the Eight Peaks Mountain is right in front of you." Ryan looked at the rising sun on the top of the mountains, and the king's expression gradually became firm: "All troops, listen to the order!"

The dwarves, humans, and elves gathered together. The army was neatly arranged and filled with murderous intent.

"Set off!"

"Duwu~duwu~duwu~" The loud horn sound sounded from the outpost, and the army slowly left the city. Lane only left 1,500 people responsible for defending the materials and positions of the stream outpost, and the remaining two The entire army of 12,000 people marched out, aiming directly at the Gate of Titan in Bafeng Mountain.

And at the farthest point as far as the eye can see, the Titan Gate is also slowly opening, and countless green oceans appear from the gate like opening a floodgate to release floods. The greenskins hold their heads against their heads and their bellies against their bellies, constantly The ground was crowded forward, roaring, roaring, and waving their weapons excitedly. Although several green-skinned boys and green-skinned giants suffered heavy losses in the battle of Valaya Gate, the remaining ones in the eighth There are still a lot of greenskins in the peaks and mountains, enough to cover all the sight range of the army, enough to make people feel fearful.

Many serf soldiers were breathing heavily, and the weapons in their hands were shaking.

Ryan knew that these battle-hardened soldiers did not lack courage, but it was obvious that their faces were tense because of nervousness. The spear points and the halberd ax blades gleamed in the morning sun, and behind Ryan, the knights were already ready, waiting for the king's order.

The Stream Outpost is located on the east side of the Titan Gate, so Ryan marched from the east to the west. He placed his army of knights on the right wing in the north, which made it easier to attack the enemy from behind. Belegar led his army in the center. Army, the King of Eight Peaks Mountain and his dwarf army remained silent.

The wood elf army led by Araloth was on the left wing, led by the woodland guards and the eternal guards holding spears and giant shields. The hero of the wood elf himself rode a huge stag in the team. He and his The army leaned to the south, and further south of the wood elf army was a frozen stream. The upper reaches of the stream was the stream outpost, the base camp of the coalition forces.

"Soldiers! My soldiers, my dwarf brothers, my elf friends, time is running out, please listen to me!" Ryan rode his untamed griffon Imperius, in Walking in front of the military formation, this knight king created endless glory. His speech attracted everyone's attention: "What is before you is a race and civilization that survived the war! Not only It’s the green-skinned bastards all over the mountains and plains, and the Skaven hidden deep under the Eight Peaks Mountain!”

"Dwarves, a great and excellent race, a race as strong as a rock and as passionate as a furnace fire. They once controlled the mountains, and they were once full of glory!"

"But in a terrible disaster and shameless betrayal, they lost their homeland and fell into decline and destruction."

Many dwarves lowered their heads after hearing Ryan's words. They recalled the glorious and glorious history of their ancestors and wept silently.

"The oath is the bond that maintains the dwarves. It once allowed the dwarves to usher in a glorious era, but the oath is also a heavy burden. Keeping the promise should be the bond that unites them, but in the end it also puts them on their backs. The heavy yoke."

"Recovering the Eight Peaks Mountain has cost Belegar and his people all their blood for thousands of years."

"But some people may ask, why don't dwarves know how to stop losses? Why don't dwarves know how to give up? Why do dwarves insist on shedding more blood to cleanse their hatred after bleeding?! Why are dwarves here? After thousands of years of pain and sorrow, why are you still committed to the seemingly impossible task of recovering the Eight Peaks Mountain?!" Ryan's voice was like a bell, and his psychic ripples shook the earth: "Tell me, why? !”

The army was solemn, and everyone raised their heads, looking at Ryan, waiting for his answer.

"Because this is the dwarf." Ryan said affectionately: "For His Majesty Belegar, for every dwarf brother of the Angland clan, no matter how difficult it is, whether it is feasible or not, every dwarf will They must fulfill their oath without hesitation and cleanse their hatred. There is no need to doubt that the oath they made and everything guided by their ancestors are correct."

Tears already flowed from the corners of many dwarves' eyes.

"Now, before we come to the Eight Peaks Mountain again, we must abandon our prejudices and arrogance. We will let the history of green skins and rat people rule the Eight Peaks Mountains to stop here!" Ryan raised his war hammer: "Because , we are fighting for the same goal and the same belief!"

"The future is very dark and very desperate, but I firmly believe that whether it is humans, elves or dwarves, our history and our civilization will never succumb to darkness or end in the face of evil! I firmly believe that we An expeditionary army can unite and firmly believe that Belegar and his people will regain the glory of the Queen of the Silver Abyss and rebuild their great and splendid civilization!"

"This battle will be immortal. Even if a hundred, a thousand, or ten thousand years pass, everyone will still remember our stories and recite our songs. The golden age of the past will reappear, whether it is human beings, Dwarves or elves, we will all find our own glory. Let us trust each other and unite our will in the battle." Ryan shouted loudly: "Let us be remembered forever!"

"For the lady! For Brittany!"

"For Belegar! For the Eight Peaks Mountain!"

"For Kurnos, for Athel Loren!"

The entire expeditionary army responded to the king's speech with the warmest and most excited cheers, but Skarsnik and his greenskin army also approached, and a low drumming and roaring sound sounded from far to near, and soon Another wave responded to it, and green-skinned voices rose one after another. A large green-skinned ensemble finally began to overwhelm the roar of the expeditionary army, and the echoes rippled in the fields in front of Titan's Gate for a long time. Soon they were joined by thousands of roars from various voices and the sound of ax blades striking shields.

"Dong~dong~dong~" The earth was trembling, the ice on the glacier was constantly shaking, and the number of greenskins was so great that when the vanguard approached the range of the expeditionary army, the Titan Gate The green-skinned armies inside were still pouring out endlessly. All the green-skinned armies in Bafeng Mountain were mobilized under the blue and cloudy sky above Bafeng Mountain. Their crazy roars and chaotic war songs resounded throughout the sky. At first, , the expeditionary force thought that the cunning Skarsnik would test the army's firepower, but Ryan soon realized that this was not a test at all, and he immediately ordered to open fire.



The order spread throughout the battlefield, and the dwarf musketeers raised their muskets, as did the human musketeers. Smoking projectiles were sprayed out of the muskets, and the cannons and dwarf organ cannons also immediately began to fire.

"Get ready!" Alaros was riding on the stag, and the wood elf hero raised his spear: "Let go!"

Thousands of woodland guards fired in unison, and their movements were uniform. This volley was like art. More than a thousand arrows produced by the woodland flew neatly into the air, and then fell like a downpour. In that brief moment, In an exciting moment, the greenskin army suffered more than a thousand casualties.

The attack of solid bullets and the explosion of exploding bullets interrupted the war songs of the greenskins, but the tribe of goblins and greenskin boys rushing out from behind were almost endless. Soon, the expeditionary army found that they did not need to aim, because they had no idea at all. It is possible to hit nothing, and the same is true for artillery. Only the most unlucky beginners can fire the artillery with a very small chance of losing anything.

And at the Gate of Titan, Skarsnik stood under its Evil Moon banner, the roars of the Eight Peaks Mountain warriors and the sound of the green-skinned horns sounded "wuwuwu", and Skarsnik screamed Said: "Go forward! My army! Kill these canned shrimps, bearded enemies and pointed-eared things! All of them!"

"Get ready!" Not far from Skarsnik, dozens of Goblin dive destruction catapults have been prepared. Dozens of Goblins are already wearing tattered flying suits with explosives hanging on their chests. Being hung on the catapult: "Get ready!"

"Launch!" The slingshot sounded, and dozens of goblins flew into the sky, gliding towards the expeditionary force's position.

"Yeah yeah yeah~"



The expeditionary force had noticed the large group of goblins flying from the sky, and Ryan immediately shouted: "Araloth!"

"Let go!" Alaros understood immediately, and right behind him, hundreds of wood elf rangers raised their big bows toward the sky.

"Boohoo~" Hundreds of tracking arrows filled with the power of forest sparks flew into the sky, and they all hit the group of flying goblins as if they had eyes. Dozens of goblins fell from the sky, carrying The bomb exploded directly in the group of green skins. A flash of fire engulfed the large group of goblins, and the thunderous explosion of the bomb smashed the flesh and blood of the green skins to pieces.

"Yeah, yeah!" The expeditionary army roared with victory and excitement.

"What?" Skarsnik looked at the scene in front of him angrily, and the Eight Peaks Mountain Warlord shouted angrily: "Launch! Launch again!"

Dozens more goblins carrying explosives flew into the sky, and Aralos raised his spear again: "Let go!"

The rangers' arrows once again hit these "flying goblins" collectively. They failed to reach their destination. Instead, they were all hit in the air again and fell to the ground. The explosives all blew up their own people.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah!" Even the knights roared in victory.

This roar lasted only a moment.

The greenskin army is approaching, and the long-range soldiers have hidden behind the spearmen and dwarf warriors. The dwarf miners and dwarf iron-smashing warriors trot forward, using grenades and detonators to blow up the greenskins approaching them into pieces of meat. , then they formed a tight formation: "Fight!"

A large group of goblins and green-skinned boys collided with the shield. Their heads were bruised and bloody, and they staggered back. Sven Novigrad, the leader of the dwarf Ironbreaker Warriors, shouted: "Forward! The War of Valaya son!"

"Ahhhh!" The dwarves raised their weapons and went to the battlefield together, followed by humans and elves.

"Then, this is about to begin." The King of Knights was riding on the griffon Imperius. He looked at the green-skinned army and clenched the warhammer in his hands: "Knights, fight for the old world! For justice. Fight for glory!"

"Lady, I am always with you."

The war finally begins! Why don't you give me a vote for this scene?

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