The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 776, the difference between elves and dwarves

What was happening in the room? Since the Lake Fairy closed the door, Ryan and the others only heard the sound of applause. Belegar and the white dwarf both sneered in relief, shouting loudly that the pointed ears finally got their comeuppance. Ryan secretly laughed in his heart, but he didn't mean to. Upon further investigation, it is obvious that the Lake Fairy cannot let Aralos make such an obvious mistake. The goddess can now be said to be the staunchest ally with Ryan, a community of interests, a couple, and an unmarried couple (?). Facing the situation of escaping from battle, it almost caused the army to collapse. The fairy in the lake was extremely angry.

This was also the rare first time that Ryan had seen the Lady of the Lake so angry.

The sound of heavy objects falling to the ground and things being smashed continued to be heard in the room. Both Belegar and the white dwarf heard it. The white dwarf snorted in relief, but Belegar still held onto his Hammer of Angrond and silently Drink beer to quench your thirst.

Everyone is waiting for the result of the Lake Fairy's handling. For Ryan's sake, the dwarves still respect how the Lake Fairy handles this matter. Among them, Belega is completely based on Ryan's face, while the white dwarf knows that the lake The fairy in the middle is the highly refined moon goddess Lilith.

Veronica tidied her long dark brown hair and sat obediently next to Ryan. Her magic power was almost exhausted. The Witch of Gloria had used her strength to gain the respect of everyone. In this battle, she and Ryan The entire Gloria Witches destroyed nearly 6,000 greenskins and Skavens. They made numerous achievements in battle, and the battlefield was filled with charred corpses.

Although she is also a strong person in the Sanctuary and can take a seat in the expeditionary army, Veronica is often very quiet on military and political matters. She just sits quietly next to Ryan, holding his arm, and whispers with some worry. : "Honey, are you okay?"

"Now, I can only trust Madam to handle the matter." Ryan sighed. Alalos really messed up the matter this time. Originally, the relationship between the elves and the dwarves had already been caused by the Phoenix King Fenuba. Efforts have also improved, and this time the Wood Elves send troops to help Belegar regain the Eight Peaks Mountain, which is a perfect opportunity for the relationship to thaw.

However, looking back carefully afterwards, Ryan could only shake his head. This was the problem with the elf's character.

Elves and dwarves are both face-conscious races, arrogant and complacent with their own culture. These two races were once united because of the invasion of Chaos, but why did there be a complete break after that?

This is related to the personalities of the two races. In short, both races are arrogant and need face, but the ways in which the two races show their need for face and the core of the problem are completely different.

To put it simply, dwarves are superficially rude, while elves are superficially polite.

Dwarves are stubborn and do not know how to adapt. They talk in a bluffing manner and like to complain and despise everything. Especially when humans ask for help, they will put up airs to show their high level. It is very difficult to get help from dwarves, but as long as It is a promise made by the dwarves. Even if there are no benefits or benefits, the dwarves will still try their best to complete it, even if they give their lives for it, the dwarves will not hesitate. Just like Belega's oath, the dwarves will not question their ancestors. Oaths and contracts, because that is the bond that maintains the dwarves.

Therefore, during the battle, Ryan knew that he could safely leave his back and the most difficult battle to the dwarves without having to believe that they would betray their alliance or run away like the wood spirits. Because of this, humans and dwarves can often form alliances. The coalition forces fought together, had close relationships, and forged deep friendships.

And what about elves? Elves are arrogant, withdrawn, and have high self-esteem. They believe that their race and civilization are the best in the world. Therefore, they are often polite and polite on the surface. This often causes humans to have the illusion that elves are still more important to humans. Friendly, especially for some requests and cooperation, arrogant elves often agree first out of face-saving reasons.

It's just a verbal agreement. For the elves, their thoughts are very simple. To sum up, they are: I don't want you to think, I want me to think. What you said is very good and makes sense, but I still do what I want. Come and do what I want.

These are elves who are polite and polite on the surface, but deep down they look down on other races and often disdain to fulfill their agreements, because in their view, they are the only ones who are right and will not consider other people's thoughts at all. They don't think about others, they only think about themselves.

At the military meeting before the war, Ryan was on guard against Aralos, because the wood elf army had no reason to fight to the death or to fight vigorously. They were just here to share the spoils. Therefore, at the military meeting at that time, Aralos proposed to defend the city, but Ryan did not agree. In the end, the field battle was decided two to one. Aralos had few people and lacked the right to speak, so he reluctantly accepted the decision of the field battle.

At that time, Ryan felt that something was wrong, so when setting up the formation, Ryan took the initiative to place the wood elves behind the dwarf army, with the Brittanian army as the two wings. As a result, Aralos strongly opposed it, and he was red-faced in the argument, saying Does Ryan look down on Eislay and not let them take on important tasks?

When it comes to this matter, Ryan can't say much more. And from another point of view, Bojing does not come to support for free. Everyone has their own agenda. Fighting is not just a house game. Of course, you have to recover the losses you deserve. If there are too many casualties and Bojing feels that he is at a disadvantage, he will naturally ask for more in the post-war distribution. Considering that Bojing provides help in times of need and is a front-line support, Ryan and the others will naturally consider Bojing's request.

After all, Alaros is Alaire's chosen champion, so he shouldn't be so incompetent, right?

The result is really like this! Ryan's eyes turned black with anger when he thought of this. Alaros, if you don't have the ability to take on this task, then just tell me that I can't! This guy couldn't believe it. He even asked Ryan if he looked down on Eislay, but he accepted the task but didn't carry it out! This directly led to the death of Hal Hafer - the gold digger. If the white dwarf hadn't suddenly appeared, the entire expeditionary army might have collapsed or even been annihilated!

After thinking about it for a while, Ryan laughed angrily. He couldn't help it. This was the nature of elf things, especially since Arallos had a smooth life before. He was also a hero of the wood elves, favored by Orion and Alaire, and he had once Being chosen by Lilith and having once killed the shadow demon Gur, it is not surprising that he is overconfident and willful.

"Ryan Malcador." Just when Ryan was still thinking wildly, the white dwarf Grim Brindel spoke. He looked at Ryan with interest and said: "You did a pretty good job. This time Belegar-Ironhammer has a chance to regain the Eight Peaks Mountain. The dwarves must thank you for your efforts. Although your command level is only so-so and your combat skills are only barely adequate. You can only be regarded as a barely qualified warrior. You have found another one. Unreliable pointy-eared ally, obviously you have not listened to my advice, that is, you must never trust pointy-eared allies, unless there is a Chaos Demon in the room, so you, a young warrior, still have to learn a lesson... you humans, after all, Still too young, you know what I mean? In the future, you still have to improve your posture level!"

coming! A black line appeared on Ryan's forehead. This was the dwarf. It was obviously a compliment, but it was said in a very rude and even offensive tone. Fortunately, after spending time with the dwarf, Ryan was able to automatically filter and capture the words in the dwarf's words. After receiving the key information, he stood up politely, took Veronica and bowed together, and said with a smile: "The younger generation would like to thank His Highness the White Dwarf for his sincere teachings. I will keep it in my heart."

"Hahahaha!" Sure enough, the white dwarf was extremely proud of Ryan's performance. He laughed repeatedly, nodded his head pretending to be deep, with a childish expression on his face, and touched his long waist with a golden ring. Long white beard: "Very good, you are indeed a humble and polite human being. I admire you very much. So I want to ask you, was it really you who ordered Aralos to return to Fangxi Outpost? Tell me the truth!"

"Uh..." Ryan lowered his head in difficulty, leaving plenty of space for the white dwarf.

"Look at my beard, young man, look at it." The white dwarf snorted coldly: "Look at the length of my beard, you know your little tricks. You are too young, too superficial, and naive. There is no need for you to defend those pointed ears. , and even took the initiative to take the blame for him!”

"Hmph! We will always remember Brother Ryan's kindness to Angland!" Belega also snorted coldly: "But we will not let go of that pointed ear! These are two different things!"

In desperation, Ryan could only nod in agreement. Now it was war or peace, and he could only wait for the outcome of the negotiation between the Lake Fairy and Alaros.

Fortunately, everyone did not wait too long. After a few people chatted for less than ten seconds, the Lake Fairy and Aralos came out of the room. At this time, the wood elf hero was like a defeated rooster, with a dejected face and a look on his face. There was a big slap mark, and half of his face was swollen.

At the moment the door opened, everyone heard the Fairy of the Lake saying, "I'm very disappointed in you! Very disappointed! Don't make it difficult for Ryan, you can figure it out for yourself!"

Then the Lake Fairy turned around and sat next to Ryan, signaling with her eyes that Arallos could do as she said.

"I'm very sorry, King Belegar. On behalf of Islay, I apologize to your people and the dwarves who died. It was my fault. It was a problem with my command. It was my responsibility. I... I apologize. "The wood elf hero walked up to Belegar. He gritted his teeth until blood flowed, and clenched his fists until they turned white. This was simply a shame and humiliation for him, but Araloth finally chose in Lilith's eyes. He bowed his head and apologized.

"Pointy Ears, if an apology is useful, then why do the ancestors still forge battle axes and hammers?" The white dwarf said unceremoniously: "There is no sincerity! We dwarves will not accept it! Also, you should kneel down!"

"Well..." Arallos' face was covered in purple. His body was shaking, but he couldn't kneel down.

At this time, Ryan took the initiative to speak, and he said softly: "In this way, the apology is a matter between the Belega brothers and His Excellency Aralos. We have no relevant personnel to be present and give them some space. Do you think it is okay?" Just give me some face, okay?"

Aralos cast a grateful look at Ryan.

"Okay, let's go out." The white dwarf thought for a while, and finally decided to give Ryan some face. They left the big house, leaving only Belega and Alaros inside.

A few minutes later, Belega and Araros finally came out of the room. Araros's mental state at this time was extremely humiliating and shameful, and at the same time a little lucky. Belega said with some reluctance and relief: "Since the pointy ears I have knelt down to apologize and are willing to make a series of amends, then this matter is over."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. A huge internal strife was finally eliminated due to the efforts of Ryan and the Fairy of the Lake. This loose alliance was finally saved.

It was ironic, but also helpless. Ryan and Veronica looked at each other. Veronica gave Ryan a "none of my business" look, but Ryan could only sigh.

After the war, everyone was very tired. After arranging the patrol, Ryan planned to take a rest. In the wind and snow, the Holy Grail Knight, Ryan's flag officer, Baron Armand of Merovingian came over with a list: "Your Majesty, this is It’s a list of fallen knights.”

"Yes." Ryan took the list. He glanced at it a few times. There were many familiar names on it. After looking around, Ryan handed the list back to Armand and said softly: "The old Guards and the serf soldiers died in battle." Where’s the list?”

"The list of dead soldiers of the Old Guard is with Bertrand. The army is still verifying it. As for the list of dead serf soldiers, it is not available yet." Armand looked up at the dark clouds on the peaks of the Eight Peaks Mountains. His long hair was shaking in the strong wind. There was something floating in it: "It may take a while. There are too many serf soldiers killed in this war. Not to mention the Titan Gate, even the list of those killed in the battle of Wallaya Gate has never been released."

"Do your best, Armand. No matter what, the pension must be paid in full. Tell them that if anyone embezzles the pension of the serfs, my lady and I will not forgive them." Ryan nodded.

"Yes!" Armand saluted, and Ryan noticed that the Holy Grail Knight had a small cut on his forehead. It seemed that the forehead was broken by the Skaven's sling, but it was only a flesh wound, and there was not much blood. , with the Holy Grail Knight’s recovery power, he would be fine in a day or two, so he didn’t say anything and just patted Armand on the shoulder.

Later, Baron Lucien of the Spire Palace and Baron Hex of Devon also came to report the battle situation to Ryan. These two guys were already the only two "old men" left under Ryan's command. Ryan encouraged them with gentle words, and Tell them that they will be rewarded for their merits when they return to Britannia.

After arranging everything, Ryan asked Francois to help him take charge of the entire army affairs, and then returned to his residence with Veronica, which was in the big house at the top of the stream outpost. When Ryan opened the door to the room, Lake The fairy in the middle is already sitting on Ryan's bed. The goddess has her arms folded across her chest, with a very ugly expression on her face. Under her long skirt, a pair of beautiful legs wrapped in flesh-colored ultra-thin stockings are exposed, and a pair of beautiful fleshy feet are wearing a pair of black fish. She wore open-toed high heels. What was rare was that the goddess didn't wear nail polish today. It seemed that she was in a hurry. When she saw Ryan coming in, the fairy in the lake clapped her hands and signaled Ryan to come over.

The dark elf Olika had changed back into her previous black and white maid outfit, put on a headscarf, white suspender stockings and black strappy high heels. She was lighting the fire. When she saw Ryan coming in, she immediately Stand up and take off Ryan's armor: "Master!"

"Olica, thank you for your hard work, you should rest for a while." Ryan nodded towards Orica first, and then motioned to Veronica to rest. Even though the Witch of Gloria did not go to the front line to fight in person, she was also covered in Dust and snow, she nodded too, signaling to her apprentice witch to boil water for her to bathe.

"Ryan, I've already reprimanded Arallos, don't worry." The fairy in the lake pulled Ryan and asked him to sit down next to her. There was still a thin anger on the goddess's face: "I also hope that you It’s understandable that Aralos had everything going smoothly before, which made him overly confident in himself. There was no problem with his personal martial prowess, but he made serious mistakes in command. Don’t blame the wood elves because of this. , Even if the elves have prejudices, at least I will always stand with you."

"Recovering the Eight Peaks Mountain will require the power of the wood elves." Ryan nodded slowly. He knew the reason why the Fairy in the Lake appeared. This was to give everyone a step forward: "Now after this battle, the Eight Peaks Mountain has been pacified. It’s not far away, and our next plan is not to attack from the front.”

"What are your plans now?" Seeing that Ryan was not angry with her, the Lake Fairy looked much better. She immediately took Ryan's arm and leaned against him: "Let's discuss it?"

"Next, we will form a team of five people at the Holy Domain level, enter the underground network tunnel of Bafeng Mountain, and kill the two rat bastards, Headhunter Quik and the Supreme Disaster Lord!"

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