The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 83, The Thoughts of the Lake Fairy

After opening a room in the hotel, Ryan took out a handful of silver coins and threw them to three street girls: "Guys, I don't want to do anything. I want to chat with you. If you are willing, the money is yours. If you don’t want to…”

The three street girls were a little disappointed. They looked at each other a few times, and finally agreed decisively for the sake of money: "Of course! Mr. Rhodes, of course you can pay and just chat with us."

"Very good!" Ryan motioned for the three women to sit down. He poured himself a glass of wine and sat on the other side of the room: "Is the business going well? How many ladies? I don't think there are many customers?"

"How many guests can we get at this time of year? There are not many gentlemen who are as generous as Mr. Rhodes and just want to chat~" A street girl came out and smiled charmingly. Ryan felt nauseous, but Ryan still suppressed his displeasure. Said: "This is your luck, it's just that I don't want to do anything today."

"Sir, is your reed stick unusable? Do you want to try it on me?" The street woman still refused to give up, but Ryan had no reaction. It seemed that he was too lazy to defend himself against this kind of irony that is most unacceptable to men. .

Anyway, he knew how much he weighed.

"There will be a chance, ladies, but not now, or you don't want the money?" Ryan said lightly.

"Okay, whatever Mr. Rhode wants to talk about, we'll just do it."

After changing the topic a few times, the atmosphere gradually became warmer, and Ryan knew that the opportunity had come.

"I want to ask you about the Aesthetic Society. You know, I have just met Ms. Aneda, so I am very curious about her."

"The Aesthetic Club?" Street girl Sarah's subconscious reaction when she heard about the Aesthetic Club was disgust. In other words, the reactions of the three street girls when they heard about the Aesthetic Club were all disgust: "Mr. Rhodes, it's not that we are talking nonsense, but the Aesthetic Club is indeed It’s annoying, very annoying.”

"Very annoying? Can you tell me more about it?"

"The Aesthetic Society was first formed by a group of scholars, well... it was a group of artists who knew how to write poetry and paint. They had art, the businessmen had money, the businessmen needed art, and the artists needed money, so the Aesthetic Society emerged. ." Sarah spread her hands and said in a mocking tone: "Those so-called artists are no different from normal people. They also need prostitutes (harmony). They also have such and such needs. On the contrary, artists hate getting married the most. , their need for people like us is even greater, am I right? Mr. Rhodes."

"Of course, that's right, but what next?" Ryan was not moved at all. Everyone has needs, and this is normal.

"As time goes by, the scale of the Aesthetic Society becomes larger and larger. They hold salons and parties all day long in the temple university area. Anyway, we low-class people have never participated, and we don't know what is going on inside. But as long as we have participated The artists and businessmen who gather at the Aesthetic Society will no longer be interested in lowly street girls like us."

"Those artists who are keen on participating in aesthetic society activities will gradually develop a love for makeup and follow trends. Every time they go out, they are often surrounded by many servants to ensure that no mud is splashed on the owner's expensive and gorgeous clothes. There will be dirty naughty ghosts polluting the owner's sight." Sarah finally concluded: "I heard that people from the Aesthetic Society have been asking the city council to renovate the buildings in the canal area, demolish the houses, rebuild them and redesign the streets. , but the city council has discussed it several times with no result, and it feels like it’s a blow.”

"Oh~ I just attended the city council banquet in the evening. I felt pretty good. Well... how much do you know about President Anida?" Ryan said seemingly casually.

"Things started to go bad from this woman." One of the street girls appeared and chattered: "I don't know when, Anida appeared and became the leader of the Aesthetic Society. Her wealth is endless, and she only uses One person has supported art groups in dozens of cities and built several orphanages. Although we don't like her, she still does good things. However, the mortality rate of orphans in orphanages seems to be very high. There aren’t many…”

"That's it, I understand." In this context, high infant mortality is normal. Ryan didn't say much. After chatting about a few topics casually, Ryan suddenly raised his hand.

In the middle of the man's palm, a dazzling white ball of light illuminated the entire room: "Ladies! Look over here~ I want to give you a surprise~"

After the eyes of the three street girls were all attracted by the white light, the light ball in Ryan's hand flashed suddenly, and the light almost penetrated the closed window, and then the whole room became silent.

Thirty minutes later, No. 53 Amber Avenue.

Ryan returned to the guest room next to the master room. He sat on the luxurious wooden chair in the room. There were no lights in the room, and only the cold moonlight illuminated the room. Ryan held his chin and thought about the intelligence collected at night. He could feel When he reached the lake, the fairy was hiding beside him, so he whispered: "Madam?"

The room exuded the fragrance of flowers and clear springs. The Lake Fairy, wearing a flower crown and dazzling blond hair, appeared in front of Ryan. Unlike usual, the Lake Fairy did not use the fog to hide her peerless beauty in front of Ryan. Her face was decorated with colorful flowers, and the dazzling ankle-length blond hair of the Lake Fairy was adorned. She was wearing a white porcelain fringed flower butterfly dress, holding a golden chalice in her hand, and her naked, slender feet were hanging in the air. The light emitted by the Lake Fairy was too bright, so Ryan quickly closed the curtains in the bedroom. His guilty look made the Lake Fairy smile flash in her eyes, but she did not stop him.

While Ryan closed the curtains, the Lake Fairy glanced at the mural on the wall and said casually: "Isn't this Eduardo's ancestor Crillon de Guy Francesco? This is his family's house. ?”

"This is my house now, my lady." Ryan knelt down on one knee in front of the Lady of the Lake.

"Then you still let Crillon's portrait hang on the wall?" The Lake Fairy waved her hand, and the portrait turned into a scene on the shores of the Fairy Lake in Britannia. On the shores of the beautiful Fairy Lake, the lake The fairy in the middle is holding the Holy Grail, while Arthur Pendragon, the founding knight king of Britannia, is kneeling in front of the fairy in the lake, drinking from the Holy Grail.

Then the fairy in the lake stretched out her hands and motioned for Ryan to get up: "Your power is getting stronger and stronger, my champion. With your help, I have been able to descend to the main material world stably for a while."

Ryan nodded slowly.

As a deity, the Lake Fairy cannot exist in the main material world for a long time unless she is willing to "come to the world", that is, risking great risks to come to the world in her true body, or to possess her chosen one by way of possession. On the body.

Both methods have their own disadvantages.

The gods who come to the world are very strong, but they are far from invincible. If a god chooses to be born into the world, then it will be in extreme danger and will easily fall. The power of chaos is far stronger than the power of order. There are many Chaos Champions, Daemon Princes, Chaos Demons and even Chaos Eternal Chosen who want to dedicate the glory of killing gods to the Dark God. They will only become delicious prey for Chaos.

The White Wolf God of War Yurik has proven the dangers involved - even the White Wolf God of War who came to the world in his true form is no match for Moka, the first unifier of the Eternal Chosen God of Chaos. The White Wolf God and the Eternal Chosen Chaos God are at a disadvantage in the duel. .

Possession is also a method, but the party that pays more for this method becomes the chosen one who is possessed by the god. The longer the possession time of the god, the greater the damage to the possessed person, and those who are not strong enough will The possessed person usually dies immediately after the possession is released. As the selector and spokesperson of the Lake Fairy, the Lake Witch Morgiana, who has the strength of the sanctuary, can withstand the short-term possession and calls of the Lake Fairy, but this is always This is what causes every Lake God Witch to have a short lifespan. Few of the Lake God Witches who have reached the level of the Holy Realm live over two hundred years old. They can only continue to repeat aging and rebirth, and be reincarnated again and again.

As for the Holy Grail Knights, it's even worse. The Lake Fairy can only convey her meaning to the Holy Grail Knights through dreams. And in order to protect the precious Holy Grail Knights, the content of the Lake Fairy's dreams can only be vague and general. As for the meaning? you guess? Guess hard!

But Ryan is different. His incredibly powerful soul and huge spiritual power allow him to talk to the gods for a long time. He is a processing factory that constantly refines pure subspace energy, and the most incredible thing is that This - the Lion is immune to the connection between the Warp and the Prime World, and he is insulated from the corruption of Chaos.

Therefore, Ryan's existence has become a bridge to communicate with the real world. The Lake Fairy can rely on Ryan to provide subspace energy to come to the world for a long time. The Lake Fairy even regrets that she did not discover Ryan's existence early, but let him waste everything. Let that idiot Yurick be used as an ordinary knight.

"...Have you erased the memory of those women who were involved in flesh and blood (harmony) transactions?" The fairy in the lake answered Ryan's question sideways. The goddess admired the luxurious decoration in the room. She did not go straight to the topic, but... She chatted with Ryan for a while, because she didn't need to worry about Ryan's soul being unable to bear the conversation of the gods. She didn't need to rush to finish everything because she was afraid of Morgiana's body collapse like she possessed the Lake God Witch.

"This is the best way." Ryan stood up. The man looked at the changed murals on the wall in ecstasy, and then suddenly said in a confused voice: "Is King Arthur a man? I always thought he was a woman. "

"Arthur is a woman??" The Lake Fairy listened to Ryan's words with a strange tone: "Any myth, any epic and document records that Arthur is a man, and as far as I can see, Arthur is also a man."

"No, I was just influenced by some people on the moon." Ryan thought that the influence of certain things in his previous life was really deep-rooted. In order not to be embarrassed, he changed the topic calmly: "I can confirm that beauty will be chaos. Cult, my lady.”

"Are you sure?" The Lake Fairy held the Holy Grail in her hand, floated around the room, and then slowly sat down on the most luxurious leather sofa chair. Her dazzling blond hair almost covered the entire chair. The goddess stretched out a The green-white jade fingers signaled Ryan to sit down and talk.

"This is the case for all believers who believe in Him. Its believers are most easily corrupted by strong sensory stimulation. That sect exists everywhere in human beings, from the smallest hut in the countryside, to every corner of the city, and even... to... In the lady's cathedral, it is obvious that the Aesthetic Society is the Chaos Sect, and their main targets of corruption are the upper-class nobility." Ryan sat down on a wooden armchair about three or four meters away from the Fairy in the Lake: "Ha~ I Madam, that woman... is she considered a woman? She just disguises herself too well, but she can't hide it from me. Her so-called beauty is just a pile of rancidness hidden under the appearance and decoration."

The Fairy of the Lake nodded slowly, obviously she had accepted this rhetoric: "You are right in your analysis, my champion. The exquisite egoism promoted by the Aesthetic Society is indeed annoying, and this kind of argument is very popular in Britannia." There is still a huge market among the upper-class nobility, which is constantly destroying the knightly virtues I established. They encourage selfishness and greed through exquisite packaging and moral veneer. The aesthetic society must be erased from this world. This is what I leave to you. mission.”

"So the problem is very simple, just eradicate the Weimei Society from this world." Ryan spread his hands: "Anyway, I just need money, Weimei Society has money, and it is the Chaos Sect, destroy it, and then obtain its heritage and savings , it will be to our mutual advantage, my lady.”

"You are indeed interested in the wealth of the Aesthetic Society, Ryan." The Lake Fairy raised the Holy Grail and looked at Ryan with her blue eyes: "You like to kill two birds with one stone."

"Everyone needs gold. Without gold, we can't fight Chaos." Ryan spread his hands: "We can't go to the battlefield with bare hands. A complete set of equipment for a knight costs a lot of money. The ideal is full, but the reality is cruel. When one person eats When he is not full, telling him about chivalric virtues and ideals has no effect at all. Giving him two loaves of bread is obviously a better choice than preaching."

"Pfft~" The fairy in the lake smiled slightly and nodded repeatedly: "Many young knights are not as far-sighted as you. While they enjoy fine wine and delicacies, they ask the servants who don't have enough to eat to fight for honor. On your life.”

"But my lady, you never dissuade them." Ryan chuckled along with the Lake Fairy. He enjoyed chatting with the Lake Fairy.

"Simply using dogma to restrain them is far better than letting them realize it on their own. Rigid rules will only lead the lawful knights into a dead end. Britannia's knighthood is limited. My champion, the knighthood should be reserved for more talented people. and strength, and only those who have fully understood the Eight Virtues of Knights can complete the transformation on the road to the Holy Grail, and then I will come in front of him." The fairy in the lake raised her hand holding the Holy Grail and raised it to the sky. place, and then put it down: "There are very few knights who can complete the trial. My divine power is not unlimited, so the incompetent must be eliminated. Only the best, strongest and most virtuous knights can join the upper class nobility." And among the Knights of the Holy Grail.”

"That's how it should be." The Lake Fairy belongs to the order camp, but that doesn't mean she likes to raise waste. A mature elimination mechanism is extremely necessary, and Ryan fully agrees with this.

"The road ahead is full of dangers, Ryan, my champion, come here, come to me." The Lake Fairy waved to Ryan, motioning for him to come closer.

"As you command, my lady."

The concept of possession by gods is this: if you want to build a skyscraper, you need at least tens of meters of foundation, but if you want to build a bungalow, you only need a cement slab.

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