The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 827, Ostermark

The old world, late March 2513 in the imperial calendar, the capital of Ostermark province, Bekafen.

For the empire, Ostermark is a province with a relatively low presence, but it is indeed one of the most important and oldest provinces in the empire. There is a lot of evidence that shows that the ancient human wizard empire was here. Had a glorious but short reign.

But for the residents of the Ostermark Province, even if the ancient human wizard empire was glorious, it was a long, long time ago. The concept of Ostermark was truly formed about a thousand years ago in the imperial calendar. After the Age of Disaster, a tribe called Ostergos established some villages and strongholds in what is now the northeastern corner of the empire. This land is located in the northeastern corner of the empire, south of Kislev and north of Sylvania. To the west of the northern section of the Roof of the World Mountains is a province composed of two large black forests and a large wasteland in the middle.

At the time of the rise of Charlemagne, the Ostermark region was already a well-established tribe, and it was also an ancient, barbaric and warlike tribe. The king of Ostergos at that time was named Adelhard, and he was dedicated to bringing the entire region to All the loose tribes are integrated together to fight against the constantly invading greenskins, beasts and trolls. Therefore, the people in this area are naturally savage and tough, and have a strong sense of unity and unity. They firmly believe that united human beings Far more powerful than division.

At that time, the Ostermark province was facing a terrible greenskin invasion. King Adelhard managed to concentrate all his strength to hold on to several strongholds, but the people here still could not survive the greenskin invasion, so Adelhad Delhard sent the envoy Gagarin to Rickdorff to request Charlemagne's support. At that time, many people in the Carolingian tribe thought that the ghost place Ostermark was too far away from Rickdorff, but Charlemagne blocked it. In response to the public opinion, he personally led an army of thousands of people to support Ostermark, and smashed the head of the green-skinned warlord who headed it with a hammer.

After the greenskins were driven to the other side of the Roof of the World Mountains, the human coalition cheered for victory, and the province of Ostermark announced that it would join the empire. King Adelhard gave up the crown and called himself the elector instead. In the Battle of Blackfire Pass, a group of axemen from the Ostermark province joined the battle and played a key role in the decisive battle against the greenskins.

At this moment, in a villa in the city of Bekafen in the province of Ostermark, the dozen or so female members of the Glory Council who had survived the incident were sitting in the villa for a meeting, discussing what to do next. .

The city of Beckafen, also known as Beckhamn and Beckhaven, is the political and economic center of Ostermark and the seat of the Ostermark Union Parliament. Interestingly, it was originally just the economic center of Ostermark. The Brunwasser River flows here, and large quantities of wood, pottery, and livestock are exported to various parts of the empire, earning huge profits.

An important branch of the Gloria Council is established here, because the main supplies of Sky Castle are basically raised from Bekafen City. A female congressman would originally be stationed here to be responsible for the allocation of supplies, but the previous Gloria Assembly This place was completely vacant. After Aurora and others teleported here, they could only live here temporarily. Most of them were injured or ran out of magic power and needed time to rest. Moreover, the witches were divided into three groups as to what to do next.

One group is headed by Teresa. The sorceress believes that the only way out for them is to go to Britannia to join Ryan and ask the King of Knights to take them in. Judging from the relationship between Ryan and the Gloria Council, Ryan will definitely take him in. they.

This group's opinion was agreed by about half of the witches.

The other faction is headed by the legendary sky witch Adriana. This witch does not want to go to the Knight Kingdom, because there is already another faction headed by Veronica in the Knight Kingdom, and King Ryan also has the Lake God Witch Mo The prophets of the Lake God led by Jaina, so she thought that if she went to Britannia at this time, wouldn't she become a third-class or even fourth-class person? They should try to find an imperial elector to take refuge or go to Kislev to seek refuge with the Ice Queen. She urged everyone to go to the Oster Territory to find the Varmir elector for financial support. If that didn't work, they could collectively go to the Tsarina Katalin. .

The third faction is headed by Aurora, the only remaining sanctuary witch among the survivors of the war. She is undecided about what to do and remains neutral for the time being. Aurora is still somewhat repulsive about taking refuge in Ryan. She means taking refuge in Ryan as a As for the final choice, we should first see if there are any other options. The Glory Council has been an "independent" spellcaster organization since its establishment. Don't bow down unless absolutely necessary.

Now, in the open-air courtyard of the villa in Bekafen City, the witches of Gloria, who have survived the disaster, are discussing what to do next. Everyone's will is very depressed, and their spirits are also very dispirited. In the open-air courtyard, the sanctuary Aurora, the ice witch, Teresa, the legendary ice sorceress, Adriana, the legendary sky witch, and Annie Lorak, the legendary beast witch.

The weather in Ostermark is as dark and desolate as the land here. Although it is not as cold and uncultivable as Kislev, the atmosphere of darkness always hangs here, and the sun looks very bright under the forests and mountains. The weak, melting snow has plunged the entire city into a gray and brown muddy environment. Even for the provincial capital, the population here is not very large. The sound of the wind blew loudly in the courtyard, and the four people Congresswoman Garland sat together, looking at each other speechlessly.

They still have not been able to accept the fact that Sky Castle has been destroyed and the Gloria Council no longer exists.

Everyone looked very weak, because they all more or less overdrawn their blood or life force in the battle of Sky Castle. Teresa was even more tired. The sorceress had not recovered much energy after resting for a whole day. She His tone was very sleepy: "It's not an option for us to continue to stay here. It won't help us. What we need now is a good and safe resting environment and the hope of rebuilding the parliament. Only Ryan can give us this."

"I agree with the first half of your words, Ms. Theresa." Adriana said: "But there is no need for us to surrender to the Kingdom of Knights. You are the female courtier of His Majesty Ryan, but we are not. He already has many magic advisors around him. Being able to provide him with magical answers, I don't see any need for him to treat us well. Moreover, even if he is willing to accept us, we will inevitably become his vassals. This is not what we want, or at least not what I want. .”

"However, we have suffered such huge changes and losses. If we can no longer unite at this time, how can we rebuild the Gloria Parliament?" Teresa said very tiredly: "Speaker Margarita used Life has bought us the chance to escape. If you are going to stand on your own feet, Adriana, then go ahead and let us see what happens?"

"I have no intention of being independent, but I don't want to be a vassal either!" Adriana knew that Teresa was pointing the finger at her, and she said impatiently: "Ms. Teresa, you are from a wizarding family. You enjoy all kinds of preferential treatment, all roads have been paved by you, and you have great luck, but we are not like you. I doubt whether your knight king will sincerely accept us."

"We don't know whether we are sincere or not." Aurora spoke. The Holy Witch still maintained her mature and beautiful demeanor, but her spirit was also a little haggard. She shook her head: "But for now, Adriana, Ji We can’t go to Slov, and as long as you know a little bit about the situation in that country, you will know that this option is unlikely.”

"So, Osterland?" Adriana also knew that the country of Kislev had fallen into turmoil.

"Elector Varmir will be very happy to have an extra female courtier. Maybe you can be ranked among the top ten?" Teresa said impatiently: "He has ten illegitimate children! This is still admitted! What do you think? Will he acknowledge you?"

Adriana fell silent.

Aurora finally decided to speak, and the Holy Witch shook her head: "There are actually not many choices left for us. Everyone, we all know that the south of the empire belongs to the Royal Wizarding Academy, and even in the north, our influence The power is limited to the Nord Territory, the Hawk Territory, the Talabek Territory and the Oster Territory."

After thinking for a while, Aurora felt a little unwilling. Did she really want to surrender to Ryan? The Holy Witch always felt unwilling to give up, so she simply said: "In this case, let's first meet with the Speaker of the Ostermark Union and the Elector of Bekafen, His Excellency Wolfram Hertwig, and ask him if If you are willing to take us in, we can discuss it again and compare the conditions. If you are not willing, it will not be too late for us to leave for Britannia. But everyone, please remember that at this time, the most important thing is To unite, we must keep advancing and retreating together.”

After Aurora said this, everyone had no objections. Theresa was a little worried about why Aurora didn't choose to stand with her at this time, but seeing her mother's warning eyes, she didn't say anything in the end.

Everyone was very tired. After lunch, Aurora and Theresa both took a nap, but they still felt very sleepy, but they were busy with tasks, so they had to set off to the Elector's Palace in Bekafen City.

The sky is gray, the buildings are gray, and the mood is also gloomy. Theresa and Aurora, two mature and beautiful witches, are particularly conspicuous walking on the road wearing more colorful clothes than the locals. The locals can't help but think too much. I glanced at the mother and daughter, but there was no particular hostility, because the blood of the Ostermarks was very complicated. The harem of the first elector Adelhard included women from almost all provinces of the empire. Here For this reason, people here do not object to intermarriage with people from other places, so they are not as hostile to outsiders as many places.

(Of course, Ostermark people particularly hate Reiklanders, especially those Reiklander men who like to seduce local young women. Such people are called "rickflies" in Ostermark)

While walking on the road, Aurora and Teresa had nothing to say. They had not yet recovered from this huge accident. When they arrived at an electrifying palace that was entirely iron gray, Aurora noticed Oster. The elite army of the Mark Alliance, the Dead Skull Army, is stationed here. This army was established during the Vampire War. It performed extremely well in the battle with the three vampire counts, and followed the Stiir leader in the Battle of Helfionn. Prince Martin completely defeated and killed the last vampire Count Manfred von Carstein. This elite group is famous for using black and red flag emblems, wearing skull masks, fighting to the death, being extremely tough and especially good at dealing with the undead. Behemoth is world-famous.

"Daughter, go up and tell me your name and title." Aurora looked at the Death Skull Army looking at them expressionlessly, and said to Teresa: "We all know who Hertwig is. , there’s no use telling me my name.”

"Yes." Theresa took the initiative to go up, reported her name and her title, and asked to see His Excellency the Elector Wolfram Hertwig.

The Dead Skull Army is an army that hates magic. They were originally a bit hostile when they saw the witch appearing here. But when they heard that Teresa had another identity besides Congresswoman Gloria, they did not dare to neglect and immediately went in to report.

Two minutes later, soldiers from the Death Skull Army trotted out: "Your Majesty the Elector welcomes your arrival, please come in."

Before Teresa felt anything, Aurora sneered in her heart, thinking that after all, Ryan's name was still useful. The name of this wild son-in-law was simply a passport to the old world.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel a little sad.

The Elector's Palace in Bekafen was not as magnificent as imagined. It looked very austere and simple, and just like the province, it looked monotonous in gray, brown, and red, except for the Elector's personal coat of arms and his personal coat of arms. Except for a little bit of purple that could be seen on the guards, everything was so monotonous. Teresa noticed that all the men in the palace had thick mustaches. The attendants took them to a very simple reception room with only simple wooden furniture. , signaling them to wait a moment: "Please wait a moment, you two, His Excellency the Elector is concluding the alliance meeting. He will come here to see you as soon as he is finished."

"Okay, thank you." Aurora nodded.

The province of Ostermark is different from most imperial provinces in that the elector here is not hereditary - the hereditary elector family has already been involved in the Mordheim twin-tailed comet impact event from 1999 to 2000 in the imperial calendar. All the noble families and civilians in Mordheim were wiped out. Only the Sisters of Charlemagne received the oracle from the God of Man and hid in a monastery deep underground in advance to escape the disaster. In Mordheim, After the destruction, the remaining provincial cities, strongholds and villages of Ostermark united to form the Provincial Union Parliament, and the speaker usually also held the title of elector.

"The current Elector Hertwig is the Speaker. This Speaker is famous for vigorously safeguarding the interests of the common people and the middle class. He often spends his energy on dealing with the corruption and greed of the nobles in his territory. He fights against the nobles, Fight against the church and the knights, let them all abide by their duties, strictly prohibit corruption and exploitation of the lower class, and protect the interests of the common people and the middle class. He has repeatedly emphasized that the justice of the nobles is not the justice of the people." Aurora told Teresa. tells the story of the elector.

"If it were in other provinces, Hertwig would have been dethroned as elector by the nobles long ago, but Ostermark has a special political system. Here, civilians and the middle class occupy a large number of seats in the Union Parliament. , so Hertwig’s actions not only did not shake his position, but made his position more stable. The common people loved the elector, and Ostermark flourished under his rule.”

Before he finished speaking, there was a burst of deep laughter from outside the room. Elector Hertwig walked into the reception room with two attendants and spoke to Theresa. His expression was very surprised: "Oh, Moore Are you up, Ms. Teresa? Why do you appear in a rural place like ours? It has been almost ten years since we last met in Braunschweig? Anyway, you are very welcome, what are you doing?"

"Hello, Hertwig, we are in trouble." Theresa stood up quickly and said, "We need your help."

The Elector sneered inwardly, thinking that indeed these witches would only bring trouble.

He doesn't have to give face to the Gloria Council because his palace magic advisor comes from the Empire's Royal Academy of Wizards.

However, Hertwig had to give the face of the Knight King "The Pious" Ryan Malcador, and he knew very well what Theresa's identity was.

Thinking of this, the Elector nodded enthusiastically and motioned for Aurora and Theresa to sit down: "No problem, what difficulties have you encountered? What do you need me to do for you?"


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