The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 829, Beria returns

This time Beria brought more than 3,000 people from Kislev, almost all of them scholars, high-level technical workers and elite soldiers. They were full of expectations for the new life in the future, but they were also a little scared. Under the order of the Guards, the group of Mrs. Keesler was asked to step down from the cabin, and supplies had been arranged on the dock.

Each Kislev refugee was given a standard meal (two bottles of cider per person, a large bag of hot dogs and a large bowl of oatmeal) and a blanket, and then soldiers loaded them onto a carriage. , transported away in waves.

From a certain point of view, it is right to call them gray animals. Ryan looked at the group of Mrs. Keesler from a distance. He said to the old guard commander Bertrand and deputy commander Davout who were standing behind him. : "Take someone to see if there are any strange people sneaking in. Also, check the cabin, clean up the scene and let irrelevant people get out of the way first."

"Yes!" Bertrand and Davout nodded, and the Old Guard immediately stepped forward to maintain order and drive away the citizens of Bordeaux who came to watch the excitement.

Bordello has been expanded three times in the past few years, and the Mannann dry dock has also reached its largest scale in history. Every day, ships are being produced here at full capacity, and many shipbuilders have made a fortune from this. The Poseidon Mannann Church and the Poseidon Knights also made a lot of money.

Ryan couldn't do anything about it, because Britannia seemed to have a long coastline, but it did only have two high-quality ports, Le-Angoulêne and Bordeaux. Among them, the Duke of Le-Angoulêne had been away since Richard abdicated. After that, he was replaced by Taubot, but this guy, like Richard, disliked Lane and reforms in his heart. Although he also remained loyal and obeyed Lane's orders, of course Lane still preferred to go with Boulder who fully supported him. Luo.

Beria successfully completed the task and brought so many people back. On the one hand, Ryan was happy, but on the other hand, it also made Ryan frown. The knight looked at Sulia and said: "I'm right, right?" Things look bad in Slev, and the more people come, the worse they get.”

Today, Sulia is wearing a romantic pure white curtained checkered dress, a high-end dress presented by Emilia. She is also wearing a pair of ultra-thin velvet and delicate black pantyhose with a platinum cloak on the outside. It seems that because of Emilia’s recent The reason for staying in the Kingdom of Knights is that Sulia always dresses up recently. The female knight looks even more graceful and luxurious in this dress. She has a queen-like demeanor that overwhelms the audience. Her flowery face was revealed after hearing Ryan's words. Thinking expression: "You are right, Kislev is the first line of defense for the old world in the face of chaos. It cannot fall. Should we provide some assistance?"

"We provided it!" Ryan said with a smile, holding his hands behind his back: "Didn't I send Beria? First, we sent a large amount of supplies at a fair price, and then, we also helped Her Majesty Katalin With her burden reduced, she can save a lot of money and food to support her family. Isn’t that great? My eldest brother said it’s all a good thing!”

"Human traffickers, hypocrites, you people in the Knight Kingdom are all so hypocritical!" Emilia said unhappily.

"Your eldest brother? I think he's called Zhuang Sen? He's quite a gloomy person. His smile looks like a fake smile, not like an optimist like you said." Sulia suddenly thought of Ryan's brothers. The female knight is really interested in Ryan's weird brothers: "You rarely mention him."

Ryan thought to himself that I wasn't talking about a big brother. The King of Knights couldn't help but laugh after thinking for a while: "Don't talk about this. The only people who can make Brother Zhuangson laugh are you and little Devon Hill." ”

"Ah? Is Brother Zhuangson so serious?" Sulia was a little surprised, but thinking that she had only met the eldest brother twice, she didn't say more.

"Hmph! When it comes to gloominess, your brother named Clarkson is the most gloomy and terrifying." Emilia's voice came from the side. The clothes the Imperial Lady wore today were actually the same style as Sulia. The difference is that her cloak is Nur's unique black and gold color, and her stockings are replaced by dark red velvet pantyhose. The Imperial Lady, whose demeanor is slightly surpassed by Sulia's, intentionally joins the conversation: "I was still pregnant at the time. When Frederick, he and your father bypassed the tens of thousands of troops in Nuer City, bypassed thousands of guards in the rich area, and bypassed my carefully designed black tower defense system and hundreds of black towers. The guard appeared directly in front of me, and I almost scared him to death. I still don't understand how they broke through that perfect defense system."

"There is no perfect defense system. That's because father and brother want to give you a surprise." Ryan smiled casually: "Okay, the situation is almost over. Let's go back and let Beria talk to us carefully about Keesler. Regarding my husband’s situation, I also need to meet this Master Urban.”

Several people nodded. Ryan had always been very secretive about his family background and could only occasionally hear a little bit about it. Angron always shook his head and smiled when faced with such questions. Everyone knew that he was unwilling to talk and could not force it.

Ryan, Lidya Su, and Amelia turned around and got into the royal carriage. The three of them sat down separately. Sulia originally wanted to sit across from Ryan, but Ryan directly held his wife on his lap and refused to let her go. His husband's action The queen was very embarrassed, but she soon realized that Ryan was supporting herself in this way.

Thinking of this, Lidya Su felt sweet and let her husband hold her. She said softly: "Ryan, do you still decide to let Lucien go to Badland to serve as the Border Marquis of the Badland's Third Guard?"

Just a few days ago, Baron Lucien of Spire Palace's request to transfer the Bad Land to the Bad Land was placed on Ryan's desk. He really wanted to go to the Bad Land.

"That's right." Ryan nodded and said: "On the one hand, it was Lucien's own strong request. He said that he could give up the land in the Spire Palace and transfer it to the bad land, because he is good at training and running the army, and managing the territory is really not his thing. What he is good at, he hopes to have a platform to show himself, and he can be promoted to Marquis in one fell swoop. On the other hand, I discussed it with Francois and Hex and thought it was feasible. Furthermore, I Now that the power is getting bigger and bigger, we should cultivate some generals who can take charge of their own affairs."

During this expedition to the Eight Peaks, Lane found that he had made the same mistake as Napoleon.

He placed too much emphasis on obeying orders on the knights and nobles under his command, and was suspected of over-controlling. The knights and nobles under his command could only obey his orders, lacking sufficient autonomy and flexibility, and lacking the ability to independently command operations.

In the past, Ryan's territory was small and he could do this. Everyone could listen to his command and he could control the overall situation by himself. But as his territory grew larger and his troops increased, he had to cultivate a group of people who could control the overall situation. Independent Commander.

He plans to train Earl Hex of Devon, Baron Juan and Lucien of Biocari as independent commanders, and these knight nobles under his command already have very rich combat experience and tactical abilities. With practice, your strategic abilities will soon improve.

"Yes." Sulia nodded repeatedly after hearing this. Strictly speaking, Lucien's Winford factionalism was very obvious. Of course, she would like this distant relative to have more troops and strength: "Now that you have thought about it, Then I have nothing to say.”

"Nine thousand people, divided into three legions, will be stationed in three places in the Badlands. The dwarves will repair the fortress for us and provide supplies." Ryan continued: "As for the wood elves, they promised to use the roots of the oak trees of the times to transport us a large amount at one time. of supplies once or twice.”

Ryan was a little amused when he thought of this. As the wood elf commander, Araros mysteriously disappeared after the Eight Peaks Mountain Expedition. Lilith told him Araros's speculations and thoughts, and said that she had punished Araros and let him He went on the "Atonement Expedition", so Ryan shouldn't raise any more troops to investigate and just pretend that he didn't know.

"Hmph~ If you need it, Ryan, Nuer can also send troops." Emilia looked at Ryan and Lidya Su being intimate, and said sourly: "Only if you still remember little Frederick It’s your son.”

"Hahahahaha!" Laughter sounded in the carriage.

About half an hour later, Ryan, his Queen Surya, and Imperial Countess Emilia received Beria and the "Ur" he brought this time in the reception room of Bordeaux Castle. Mr. Ban”.

"He's coming, he's coming from Ostermark!" With a flattering smile on his face, Beria came in from the outside with the former chief engineer of Kislev, smiling at Ryan and Sulia. Said: "We spent a lot of effort to get him out."

"Very well, welcome, Mr. Urban, welcome to Britannia!" Ryan laughed loudly and motioned for Beria and others to sit down.

Maybach, Noor's chief engineer, was also present. This time he was hired by Ryan with a large sum of money to come to Britannia to provide technical guidance to the Mousilon gun factory for a short period of time. When he saw this "Urbain" When he said "Mr. Urban", I couldn't help but laugh out loud: "Hahahaha~ Mr. Urban? I don't think you are Mr. Urban!"

"Then who am I?" Serge, the former chief engineer of Kislev, had already been dressed up and arranged clearly by Beria. He was wearing a simple gray engineer's outfit, with hair and His beard was carefully trimmed and his appearance was completely changed. During the return trip, Beria asked him to stay on the deck to bask in the sun to darken his skin. If you weren't very familiar with Sergo at this time, People basically cannot tell his identity.

But unfortunately, Noor's chief engineer Maybach is a very familiar person. The two have met many times and have done research together. Ryan also considered that the two of them will work together during this period of time, so he must hide it. You can't hide it, so why not be honest? Noor will definitely not reveal Serge's identity for nothing.

Sure enough, Maybach recognized his old friend at a glance, and he said meaningfully: "Mr. Urban, you come from hell (Sergo)."

"That's right, I'm back from hell!" Sergeo was very proud. He opened his arms, which made his thin and tall figure even more obvious: "Are you welcome?"

"You old thing, you are indeed a disaster." Maybach shook his head helplessly, he understood.

"Welcome to Britannia, Mr. Urban, we have heard of your name for a long time. Here, I hope to hire you as the chief engineer of the second workshop of the new Mousilon gun factory." Ryan said with a smile. : "Thank you for coming all the way."

"Second workshop?!" Sergo glared at him when he came up. The former chief engineer of Kislev immediately became angry: "You spent so much effort to get me out, why don't you arrange a place for me?" Second workshop?! Who is the chief engineer of the first workshop? Is he worthy?"

"The chief engineer of the first workshop is the dwarf engineer Mr. Dugan Tiehan. I believe you will become a good partner with him." Sulia took the topic, and the words of the Knight Queen were very sincere and gentle: " Please trust our sincerity.”

"Oh, it's a dwarf, then it's okay." Sergeo nodded. Ignoring Beria's warning eyes, he sat down on the soft sofa, picked up the wine on the table and blew it. He drank half the bottle in one breath, and then directly reached out to grab the pastries on the table to eat: "Okay, I will be the second workshop chief engineer for you. Anyway, I have no other choice. If I am not wrong, , you won’t let me leave either, right? Okay, I will be Urban’s chief engineer from now on.”

"Very good, very refreshing." Ryan nodded: "Then, let's talk about the treatment issue. Mr. Urban, what do you want?"

"Of course there are requirements." Urban (hereinafter collectively referred to as Urban) first stretched out two long fingers: "First, it is about salary. I require a salary of at least two hundred gold crowns per year!"

"I can give you three hundred." Ryan said directly.

"I will be given a villa with an area of ​​300 square meters to live in! At least five servants."


"Assign me a maid, please note it's a maid."

"No problem, Beria will arrange this for you."

"You need to ration at least 150 grams of vodka and 500 grams of meat every day, and if it's beef, mutton, or capon, it's fine."


"Ten-hour work system, with at least one day off every ten days off, and I want to enjoy all statutory holidays in this country."

"Okay." Ryan nodded patiently.

"In terms of technology, I need your Majesty the King to promise to provide me with sufficient research funds, at least... thirty thousand gold marks a year, and you are not allowed to interfere with me in any way. Also, I need you to build an engineering college. I have too many I want to teach future generations something. I am already over forty this year and I won’t live for long, but those precious knowledge cannot be lost.”

"No problem. I have negotiated a cooperation with Nuer. We will establish the Musilon Engineering College and be affiliated with the Musilon Military Academy." Ryan also agreed: "At the same time, we will also regularly hire Nuer gunners. Engineering lecturers from the college come here to teach. As for technology, we do not reject new technologies and new weapons. However, your new proposal must be approved by Mr. Dugan. If he does not agree, you can convince him through technical aspects. , and also, with so much funding for you in a year, you must also meet the military industry needs and technical indicators we put forward! Regarding the use of funds, we will also have dedicated personnel from Huzhong Lady Church to supervise the direction and progress of research and development every quarter. A report, this point is directly responsible for me or Sulia. Similarly, if you have any questions, you can also raise them directly to me and Sulia."

"Oh oh oh oh! My Majesty, you are simply an angel!" Seeing that Ryan basically agreed, Urban danced happily: "Very good, I accept your employment, you can give me the contract to sign. ! Esun is the best..."

"It's not Esun, it's Tal, Mr. Urban!" Beliapi said in Urban's ear with a smile: "You believe it's Tal. It seems your memory is not very good. .”

"Oh, Tal, Your Majesty Ryan, compared to Your Majesty Katalin, you are simply an angel!" Urban repeated, and his words made both Sulia and Emilia couldn't help but laugh. The flowers were trembling, and Beria's face turned darker. Lieutenant General Ugor simply asked Ryan directly in a neutral tone: "Your Majesty, I think this Mr. Urban is a bit old. Confused, we should immediately inform the Natural Church and arrange a grand baptism ceremony for him to remind him of his identity as a devout follower of Taal."

"Passed!" Ryan said formally. After saying that, the King of Knights couldn't help but laugh.

Just like that, the entire reception room was filled with cheerful laughter, and even the old guards at the door couldn't help laughing, because they knew that the King of Knights would never blame him for laughing at this time.

Vincent, the kingdom's tax superintendent and Sylvia's father, quickly drafted the contract for Urban to sign. After signing, Urban was taken out by Beria himself, and everyone else in the room also left. Leaving behind Ryan, Sulia and Emilia, the King of Knights signaled the Old Guards to call Beria back: "Beria, tell everything you have seen and heard along the way, and the whole matter. Tell me what happened."

"Yes!" Beria sat down and took out a whole bag of documents and put it on the table: "Your Majesty, please forgive me, Kislev is in a very bad situation now, and major turmoil may occur at any time."

"Well, I see it. Now, tell me everything."

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