The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 831, Fulgen’s ambition

A few days later.

On the surface of the Great Ocean, Fulgrim stood alone and proudly on the deck of his flagship "Holy Sophia". His loyal guards, the Phoenix Guards, stood far away, observing every move on the ocean.

The construction of the Saint Sophia took two and a half years from the beginning to its completion. Under the supervision of the Great Engineer of Haimen Pass, Jerrick Grimm, with the drawings designed by the Emperor himself, a large amount of manpower and material resources, and the full help of the Lizardmen, This deep-sea behemoth took just two and a half years to complete.

This ironclad ship is more than 150 meters long and 25 meters wide. It is powered by eight Dwarf steam boilers. It has a landing pad for a Dwarf rotor helicopter on the deck, which can carry two Dwarf rotor helicopters. On board the Saint Sophia It is loaded with dozens of dwarf cannons, but the most powerful main gun is undoubtedly the twin-mounted naval gun designed by Haimenguan's great engineer Jerem - Grimnir's Iron Fist. The barrel of this heavy cannon Made of obsidian, one shot is enough to blast through the hull of the Vampire Coast Fleet. Of course, the artillery is relatively heavy, has poor steering ability, and has a relatively slow rate of fire. For Jerrick and Forgan, the artillery is only secondary. of.

Of course, pure men will have corner fights, board fights and gang-hopping fights!

The legion commander, who was as handsome as a god, stood on the bow of the ship and looked at the sea. The soldiers of the Ash Legion also went their own way. There were only two dozen Phoenix Guards busy on the deck, counting the loot and losses.

After reorganization, Fulgrim has now reorganized and split the Ash Legion into several troops. Some of them are also named after the legion, while others are only one battalion, as detailed below.

Captain of the Phoenix Guard, deputy leader of the Ashes Legion, and Sanctuary strongman Fernando Pirazzo is responsible for commanding the First Legion. The First Legion is all composed of the most elite veterans, great swordsmen, and walking knights. The Phoenix Guard also It was placed under the jurisdiction of the First Army, with 4,000 men under its jurisdiction.

The Sultan of the Sea, Master of the Golden Arcana, Beloved of the Djinn, and Immortal Caliph, the Golden Mage Karim is responsible for commanding the Arabi Legion and the desert army he has just recruited from Arabi. This army is composed of Arabi. , mainly composed of Araby spearmen, Araby scimitar soldiers, Araby archers, Araby musketeers, Araby camel cavalry and Araby knights, and even included an entire Araby arcane wizard group, and the golden mage joined After the Ashes Legion, he is now one of the most powerful sultans in the entire Arabi. This time he returned to Arabi and not only attracted a group of Arabi arcane wizards to join the Ashes Legion, but also recruited a legendary elite—— The Janissaries, also known as the Janissaries of the Sudan, these elite men wearing red clothes and wielding machetes and muskets, once left painful memories for the old world.

The Chasseur Corps is commanded by Ryan's uncle Julius. After several years of training and expeditions with Fulgen, Julius has become a qualified commander in blood and fire. Julius Si is responsible for commanding most of the cavalry, ranging from heavy cavalry to light cavalry, but mainly light cavalry.

The Brotherhood of Grimm includes more than a hundred dwarves who followed Jerick Grimm, the great engineer of Haimen Pass, to explore the new world. It also includes more than 500 human musketeers and hundreds of artillery pieces.

The third army was led by the wood elf princess Carona, with a total of five thousand men, including two thousand crossbowmen and archers.

The Fourth Army was led by former Kislev Marshal Yegorov, with a total of 5,000 men, mainly including infantry and part of Kislev's hussars.

The Fifth Army and the Sixth Army were respectively led by the genetically modified Emperor's Children warrior Pedro from Estalia and the Imperial General Weidenfeller, who had surrendered to Fulgrim and offered his loyalty. Stay in Lustria.

In addition, there is also the Halfling New World Expedition, led by a team of halflings led by Mutt Halfling Harbi, and the "Cheka" special force formed by the Hussars General Felix.

Lev Davidovich, the former Chief Minister of the Interior of Kislev who also defected to Fulgen, nicknamed the Prophet, served as the general political commissar of the Ashes Legion. With the help of Fulgen, he established the "Honorable Successor Academy" to train The political commissar, as well as the team of doctors trained by Hertwig van Hel and several novice demon hunters.

Nowadays, this Purple Phoenix has a strong army. His legion is full of talents, powerful in combat, and united. These people from all over the old world, with different races, different skin colors, and different beliefs are firmly united in Fulgen's big city. Under the flag, I am willing to die for him,

The sea breeze was blowing and the ocean was overwhelming. The Saint Sophia was not sailing very fast. Fulgrim stood alone on the bow. The Primarch of the Emperor's Son was still recalling the previous war and a series of things.

Ryan sent him a prophet from the old world. This Mrs. Keesler once worked with the pirate king Captain Ross and knew how to enter the burial ship cemetery. That is Captain Ross's moondial. This moondial is hidden in Captain Ross is located in a hidden treasure spot in the Great Ocean. This treasure spot is an island that has been hollowed out from the inside.

After receiving the news, Fulgrim did not rush to set off, but waited for the ship to be launched. It was not until three months ago that he finally led the army to set off towards the treasure spot.

Just near the treasure spot, the Ash Legion encountered an undead fleet, also trying to find Captain Ross's moondial. The Ash Legion and the undead pirates had a battle in the sea near the treasure spot, luring each other to the treasure spot. The siege was completely destroyed, and then the moondial was successfully obtained. From the mouths of these undead pirates, Fulgan guessed that perhaps the legendary undead pirate king Count Noctilus did not seem to be in the burial ship cemetery. He seemed to be leading The main army went to plunder the coastal ports of Arabi and the Principality of Bilibali in Estalia.

A rare opportunity, Fulgrim immediately turned to the surprise attack on the Burial Ship Cemetery after getting the moon dial. The surprise attack was a great success. Fulgrim rushed back and forth, and according to Carona's description, he found the moon in the treasure chest of a broken undead pirate ship. The Sunfire Amulet of the goddess Lilith.

Now, all that's left is the mantra scroll that Asuryan, the Lord of the Phoenix, the high elf god, gave to his anointed one, Captain of the Phoenix Guard, Kadron. Regarding this, Fulgrim knew that he had to go to the old world to join up with Lion, because there was only Ryan Established relatively stable communication channels and diplomatic relations with Gaojing.

Furthermore, Fulgen knew deeply that if you want to steal things under the eyes of the high-spirited gods, especially the Lord of the Phoenix Asuryan, you must have a mole. Only the fairy of the lake and the high-spirited moon goddess Lilith can be the one. This mole.

Fulgrim is still thinking about everything. This is destined to be an extremely difficult task, even more difficult than killing people.

The sea breeze blew, blowing Fulgrim's long silver hair, and he looked at the endless sea without saying a word, while behind him, the commanders of the Ash Legion gathered together.

Ryan's brother-in-law Julius is fully armed. He has really grown up in the past few years following Fulgrim. Although he is still very gloomy and reticent, Julius has become a commander who can stand alone: ​​"Guess Guess, Pirazzo, what is our legion commander thinking about now?"

Fernando Pirazzo is now a strong man in the Sanctuary, and due to the genetic modification he received in the incubation tank, he is now over two meters tall. This old mercenary captain and current deputy commander and commander of the First Army The deputy with Fulgrim shrugged: "How do I know? I'm not a bug in his belly."

"Oh, my guess is that our legion commander is going to do something big somewhere!" The dwarf engineer Jerrick Grimm was extremely excited. He had never been so happy in his life. , the entire Ash Legion signed a hundred-year employment contract and alliance with him, and the great engineer was able to show off all his ambitions: "Grimnir, who are we going to kill next? "

"None of us can solve it. We have to go home, for you, for Commander Julius, for Commander Pirazzo, and for me too." The wood elf princess Carona also left When she came up, she was dressed in a leather outfit, leather jacket and leather trousers, with the wood elf's unique green leaf decoration and satin cloak. She had a wild beauty. Karona said coldly: "It is very dangerous to speculate on the thoughts of our legion commander. .”

"Leaders come and go, only the people last forever." Prophet Tuo also appeared, and he said very seriously: "We should not focus on guessing what the legion commander will think. We have our own tasks."

"Mission? For example, fight back to Kislev and bombard the Ice Palace?" Pirazzo said sarcastically: "Fighting a civil war under the eyes of Chaos and in front of the barbarians? I want to say, Lev, your The idea is dangerous and impractical.”

"If the time permits, why not?" Prophet Tuo didn't seem to be joking at all. He was always so rigid and serious: "The St. Sophia went along the upper reaches of the Linsk River, and the twin naval guns bombarded the Ice Palace. This is something I have only dreamed of, provided conditions permit, and it is still far from the realization of my ideal, but at least we have a direction to work towards."

But after he finished speaking, the expression on Prophet Tuo's face became a little more friendly: "Of course, it would be better if the legion commander is willing to try my new fried chicken."

Speaking of fried chicken, everyone couldn't help drooling. Even Julius, who had the coldest personality, couldn't help but be a little greedy. The prophet had been hiding in Sartusa for many years and spent a lot of time studying fried chicken. He His unique fried chicken recipe is loved by all the Ash Legion soldiers.

"Oh, suck on the original chicken!" Dwarf Engineer Jerick's eyes lit up and he licked his lips: "I have to admit, I really can't wait."

"Yes, Habi feels that the legion commander must be thinking about what to eat at night!" Habi, a halfling wearing a three-cornered hat on his head and carrying a short bow and a slingshot made by Karona behind his back, ran excitedly on the deck. He ran away: "I'm going to the kitchen to check out the ingredients. Which one of you wants to go with Habi?"

While everyone was still discussing, Golden Mage Karim walked up quickly from behind. He walked to Fulgen's side: "The news about the legion commander has been confirmed."

"What's the situation?" Fulgrim's attention turned back from how to explain to Sanguinius that he had settled down anyway and how to please his nephew: "Did your illusion succeed?"

"Yes, it was successful." Master Jin nodded meaningfully: "I have confirmed that the undead in the burial ship cemetery suffered huge losses, and the few remaining conscious undead saw us. I want them to see it.”

"For example, a group of enemies with phoenix emblems and phoenix guard patterns rushed in and took away the high elf's sacred objects?" Fulgrim smiled: "Well done, Karim."

"It is my honor to serve you, Legion Commander. In my hundreds of years of life, Karim, I have never seen such a leader. It is you who unite people from all over the world, people of different races and beliefs. Together." Master Jin nodded: "If you allow it, in the future, even if the damn undead pirate is cut into two pieces by me, I still want to continue to work for you."

"You will, Karim, you are excellent, I am very confident in you." Fulgen nodded. The legion commander could see that Master Jin had something to say: "If you want to ask anything, just ask!"

"Legion Commander, I don't think you need to be like this to an elf... I mean, don't just stay with that elf." Master Jin carefully tried: "If allowed, I will come from Allah this time. Bi has brought a lot of beauties, most of them are only fourteen or fifteen years old, as long as you like..."

"Oh, forget it, Karim, we shouldn't focus on those things." Fulgen curled his lips helplessly: "Also, one Karona is enough for me, right? , Karim, didn’t you say last time that you were going to perform the famous Arabiya music to celebrate this glorious victory? I can’t wait.”

"Yes, we are ready." Master Jin was very excited. He saluted and went down to make arrangements.

Fulgan noticed that the Sudanese soldiers, namely the Arabi Janissary Yenicheri Legion, had gathered on the deck, holding musical instruments in their hands, and the elemental mages and arcane masters from Arabi Academy also all held Staff, start preparing to play music.

"I seem to have heard the beauty Arabi?" As soon as Master Jin left, the wood elf princess Karona appeared. Her tone was strange: "So you like that kind?"

"...Karim is just asking casually." Fulgan had a headache when he saw the wood elf princess.

That time in Itaza, Karona finally agreed to Fulgrim's request and joined the Ash Legion, became Fulgrim's attendant and helped him train the longbowmen. Originally, all this was over, but she ended up getting along with Fulgrim. A year later, Karona made a fuss and wanted to leave. The reason was that Fulgrim did not regard her as one of his own and the two parties did not conclude a "real contract".

The existence of Karona is very important to the Ash Legion. In the tropical rainforest environment, the soldiers desperately need such an excellent wanderer to provide sufficient concealment, survival, protection and archery guidance. Fulgrim took the initiative to retain her. , as a result, Carona put forward a condition to him, a request that was easy to fulfill and only required Fulgrim to make a small sacrifice.

Fulgrim saw that Carona was adamant and would return to Athel Loren if she didn't agree, but he finally compromised.

Who knows that if there is a first time, there will be a second time, and if there is a second time, there will be a third time.

Fortunately, Master Jin and the others had already started playing at this time. On the St. Sophia, the Sudanese soldiers started their own performance. They blew the suona and the drum, and the wizards used their staffs to knock on the deck. The ornament on the staff jingled.



Master Jin stood in front of everyone and was the first to start singing, with a rare hint of joy and pride in his tone: "Ceddin, deden, naslin, baban!"

The Arabs sang military songs together.

"Ceddin, deden, naslin, baban!"

"Your ancestors, your grandfather, your lineage, your father."

"Always brave, desert people!"

"Thy armies have been famous throughout the ages."

"Your army has been famous throughout the ages~"

The melodious military music and elegant music from Arabi spread across the sea to the distance.

The ocean seemed to be boiling.

Fulgan closed his eyes and listened carefully. He liked listening to music the most.

What a great song!

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