The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 835, The Beginning of Revenge (Second update, please vote!)

PS: This is the second update today, please vote!

The King of the Royal Court of the North, the Black Iron Marauder, the King of Norsca, the Commander of the Legion of Destruction, the Son of the Blood-red Sky, the unparalleled warrior who defeated the wife of the Blood God, the man watched by the Four Gods of Chaos, his name is Black Iron Mo Special gold.

This is a giant man about two and eight meters tall, like an iron tower. His face is hidden behind a deep helmet, only a pair of blue eyes are exposed, and the sharp horn helmet points directly at the blood from the back of his head. The red chaotic sky, his dark chaotic full-body god-given armor was covered with strangely colored patterns, and he was surrounded by colorful chaotic energy. Every move he made made the distance between subspace and reality disappear. Greatly shortened, and torn.

Cha-Zan Aik stood in the huge and empty Royal Court of the North. He looked intently at Motkin. The chosen champion of Tzeentch could not determine what the King of the North was thinking.

On the left side of the royal court, there are more than thirty Chaos Champions sitting. They come from every corner of the Chaos Wasteland, and they are all serving Motkin now.

On the right hand side of the royal court, Mortkin's chief magic advisor, the Chosen God of Tzeentch, the Holy Domain's pinnacle chaos wizard Hal-Eternal Eye, led a large number of chaos demons and various terrifying chaos creatures, waiting for Mort Kim's orders.

To this day, Zan'ec still doesn't understand why Eternal Watch Thasorel asked him to come here. He carefully studied Mortkin's body language, trying to see some clues from his actions.

Soon, he discovered that Motkin's body was trembling slightly.

Waves of chaotic energy leaked out of his body.

After hearing the news of the destruction of his hometown Dragon Castle, the king of the North slowly closed his eyes.

His hometown was ruined.

The Dragon Castle, which had thousands of years of history and had always stood firm in the face of countless invasions and internal strife, was destroyed by those damn southerners. His ancestors' tombs were dug up, and his ancestors' palaces were burned in flames.


In Norse culture, what is there to be sad about? Ever since I embarked on the path of a warrior and offered my faith to the evil god, isn't this the destined ending? To become a warrior, to rise in the endless fighting, and then to explore the far north, in the chaotic wasteland. Looking for one's own destiny, or dying in battle with glory, or turning into a Chaos Egg, or gaining the highest glory, becoming a demon prince, what's so sad about this?

On the south bank of the entire Chaos Wasteland, there are more than thirty Chaos Talisman Steles standing. Each inscription is engraved with the story of a Chaos Champion becoming a demon, which is endless glory and the highest reward for mortals.

Isn’t this what the life of a Norscan is here for?

Waves of heat flowed down Mortkin's face. The King of the North could not calm down for a long time. He gently stretched out his hand, and his strong fingers that had become distorted and proliferated in the corruption of chaos were stained with blue tears. .

No, these are tears of anger, due to his incompetence. His hometown was destroyed, but he himself could only sit in his royal court. He did not stop the invasion of the empire and protect his hometown, which was made using dragon boats. home.

The flame of revenge burned in his heart.

He, Dark Iron Mortkin, King of the North, is a conqueror. He is a true leader. He wants to gain glory and power. He has been fighting in the realm of Chaos for hundreds of years. He has overcome all obstacles. Challenge, not only did he lose most of his humanity, but he was rewarded by the four gods of chaos, praised and worshiped by countless followers, and he also received the promise of demon promotion from the evil god of chaos.

But Motkin did not choose to agree. The King of the North knew deeply that once he became a demon, he would lose all humanity. He would become the plaything and puppet of the Chaos God. He would lose himself. This is not what he wants. , Motkin's long-cherished wish in his life is to seek a glorious ending after winning endless glory, and then return to the palace of his ancestors and sleep together with his father, grandfather, and ancestors. It is true that Chaos has given him his own destiny. Blessings, but Motkin was already frustrated and tired. He knew very well that if he took any further, his soul would be doomed.

But the news coming from Zan Aik's mouth made Motkin shaken for a while.

Dragon Fort was destroyed, his hometown was destroyed, the tombs of his ancestors were destroyed, and the goal he had worked for his entire life had been destroyed by the southerners! destroyed!

The Black Iron Predator gently reached out and squeezed his seat tightly. His tone was trembling, but he remained calm: "Is the news true? The messenger of the Demonic Bird God?"

"I swear in the name of Saint Tzeentch, it is absolutely true. I think you have also heard of the Imperial Norsca Great Expedition, right? The end point of this great expedition is Dragon Castle." Cha- Zan Aik said playfully: "I am ordered by the All-Changing Demon King to tell you everything."

"Oleg von Zhukov?" Motkin only felt that after many years, his blood and anger returned to his chest.

"Oleg von Zhukov, Imperial Oster Territory." Zang Ek nodded. He was holding a staff and a long sword, and his remaining two hands were hurriedly writing something in a small notebook.

"Oleg von Zhukov!!!" Motkin read the name again. The King of the North nodded stiffly. His tone was pale at first, and then became sonorous and powerful. His words It was compressed from the gap between the teeth, and then shot out: "Southerners!! I will make Oleg von Zhukov experience the same pain! I will let him understand! I will destroy his territory, I will open up the tombs of his ancestors, and I will know what true revenge is!"

After saying that, the King of the North signaled Cha-Zan Ek to get out, and he returned to the depths of his royal court alone.

It was a black iron secret room that belonged to him alone. The chaotic eight-pointed star made of chaotic black iron released colorful lights in the secret room.

Motkin unleashed his own fury here. He roared and shouted crazily, pouring out his anger and releasing his anger. He shouted the names of his ancestors one by one until his throat became hoarse and he screamed in pain. Saying the name of his hometown, he blasted everything in the secret room into pieces.

"I will destroy the cowardly southerners! I will destroy the entire world! I will drown the so-called empire in the south in the tide of chaos. I will take revenge! True gods, listen to my call and grant me strength!"

Just after the King of the North vented his anger, the power of chaos flowed out from the eight-pointed star until it flooded the entire room. Motkin was shrouded in the power of chaos. Deep in his consciousness, the four supreme His prayers were answered by the Supreme Being.

"Destroy! Good! Kill! Very good! Destroy the empire! Very good!" A voice full of fury responded to Motkin's prayer. His endless rage and thirst for blood skulls responded to Motkin's call: "Your power will be blessed by me! The great demon Kalgarak and the demon army of Khorne led by me will obey your orders!"

"Bring destruction to the South, bring glory to the North, bring the tide of change to the world, bring despair and destruction to those who are unwilling to accept true civilization, you have nine futures, and there will be nine in each future. Change, your wisdom will open the way for your future, make your choice, Motkin, time is running out!" A treacherous and distorted voice rarely said in a serious tone: "The future is full of challenges, and I am very optimistic about it. You have full confidence that Tzeentch's demonic army and my chosen champion, Cha-Zan'ek, will obey your orders!"

"Life and death, reincarnation, endless, we, in life and death, reincarnation, in disease, and decay, eternal life, and the true meaning of immortality, lies in this." A slow and kind voice gave Motkin's father With such care, he said gently: "My child, I finally figured it out. It doesn't matter. Dad will always love you. My divinely chosen champion, the plague priest Festus, and my demon army will obey your orders!"

"Killing is art, destruction is art, and revenge is also art. We are willing to try all sins and challenge all taboos. We will experience all excitement and taste all joy. Motkin, welcome to join us. We are willing to indulge in all kinds of sins. The carnival of passion and body and soul will always keep you young and make you strong." A seductive and twisted voice couldn't stop being excited. His voice flipped back and forth like a twisted tentacle: "It's time for my God-chosen champion Xi Gervald leads my demon army out, my prince and my demon army will obey your orders!"

The Four Gods of Chaos responded to Mortkin's prayer. Mortkin has always been fair. He believed in the four evil gods at the same time and never favored any one. As the favored and watched person of the Four Gods of Chaos, the Four Gods of Chaos have already achieved their goal. consensus.

"Mortkin, give everything you have, and we will give you an equivalent in return."

"Your road to revenge is destined to be bumpy and full of challenges, but you must be firm. It is we who will give you the final victory!"

"Now, open your arms and accept our blessings!"

"In the Oster Territory, there is a strong man from outside the Star Territory. He will be your fateful enemy and the biggest obstacle to your journey south this time. And we will give you the same power as him! Let you Complete your revenge!"

Mortkin nodded, and the King of the North closed his eyes, opened his arms, and waited for the evil god's gift.

"I, Slaanesh, grant you gorgeous dance moves, swift speed and the best combat skills!"

"I, Tzeentch, grant you the spell of destruction, top level magic resistance and the sharpest foresight!"

"I, Nurgle, grant you supreme defense, mutated organs and the most powerful regeneration ability!"

"Finally, I, Khorne, give you the power to destroy everything!!!"

"The day of destruction has long been destined, go and bring the doomsday to the whole world!"

"You are the new one, the Eternal Chosen One!"

The blessings of the four evil gods were imprinted on Motkin's body.

On this day, Motkin entered the realm of God alone.

On this day, another new Eternal Chosen God of Chaos was born.

The sound of rage raged from the entire Northland Court to the entire Chaos Wasteland, until the Warp responded to his wrath.


From this day on, Mortkin walked out of his own royal court in the North. He would integrate the tribes of the Chaos Wasteland and Norsca, and then launch his own revenge on the southerners.

Another Eternal Chosen One is beginning to prepare to go south. Soon, the whole world will taste the tide of destruction again.

Updated, please vote!

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