The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 839, Morning in Avalon

Imperial calendar year 2513, May, the Cave Paradise created by the ancient saints, Ulthuan, Resurrection Island, the Eternal Queen Courtyard, the palace of the high elf Eternal Queen.

The Isle of Resurrection is located in the northern waters of the High Elf Maelstrom, close to the coast of the Kingdom of Avalon (the jurisdiction of the Eternal Queen). In addition to the ruins of the temple of Mother Earth on the island, there is also the temple of Isha, the mother of all things, deep in the beautiful valley, where successive eternal queens were crowned. Living here is the priestess Isha of the high elves. The origin of the island's temple is shrouded in the mists of time. The underground part of the temple is extremely complex. Many mysterious rituals are held underground, and no male elves can watch or participate.

Every female elf in Ulthuan must make a pilgrimage to the island once in her life.

Here, we have perhaps the most beautiful natural landscape in the world. It is like spring all year round. The power of Isha, the elven goddess of life, continues to bless this land. Among the towering rock walls and rushing waterfalls, Flowers are everywhere on the island, the grass is swaying, and birds are singing here. And deep down the rock wall and among the peaks of the valley, there are thousands of clouds all around, thousands of years old trees gather together, and the sun rises in the early morning. , Thousands of mist are flying, the deep woods and gardens are bright or dark, changing magically.

At night, the moon is bright in the quiet night, the starry sky is vast, the atmosphere is elegant and dignified, and the forest is deep and ethereal. Animals, plants, and the high elves living here blend into nature. The moss covering the rock surface and the mountains from the cliff The fallen vines tell the story of thousands of years of ancient history.

The Pearl Tower in the Avalon Courtyard was filled with guests and friends. The high elves once again drank and enjoyed the bliss. The whole palace was filled with the atmosphere of sensuality (harmony). A conference to encourage fertility was held here, which lasted for several days.

Unlike the dark elves, where almost every couple gives birth to eight to twelve children or even more, the population of their cousin Asul has gradually declined after many years. If Phoenix King Fenuba hadn't opened up the old world, Trade routes, Assur's population decline will continue. Even due to the economic recovery brought about by large-scale ocean trade, the fertility rate of high elves can barely maintain a standard that can maintain the population without decline. A group of high-elf couples often Only one or two children are born, and more than three are very rare.

Just in the early morning of Avalon, the pure sunlight passed through the fresh and elegant Palace of the Eternal Queen, Summer Palace. An urgent military message came into the palace, awakening the Eternal Queen and her divinely chosen champion who were sleeping soundly in the palace. warrior.

On the big bed, the thin silk quilt could not cover the violent storm before. The Eternal Queen's chosen champion was still a little sleepy, but after hearing the news, he knew he had to get up.

He is the patron god of Ulthuan, he is the war lord of the high elves, and he is the pride of Assur.

Following the gentle sunlight, the man was only wearing a robe. He came to the spacious bathroom and slowly immersed himself in the water under the white marble tiles and gold-rimmed patterns.

Two Avalon maids walked in from the outside holding scented oil and towels. Another Avalon maid gently held a basket of flower petals. She spread the petals into the pool with graceful movements.

In Ulthuan, being able to become a Maid of Avalon is the highest honor for an Asur woman. This sisterhood, which originated from the mission of the ancient elves to protect the Eternal Queen, is both the goal that all female elves in the entire kingdom aspire to. The supreme status symbol, each of these maids of Avalon are stunning beauties. They are usually responsible for serving the Eternal Queen and going to the major kingdoms of high elf to declare the will from the Eternal Queen. In wartime, these maids will use The storm arrows full of magic and the enchanted radiant scimitars in their hands protect their queen.

Every Avalon maid has at least the strength of the legendary mid-level, and there are also many in the holy realm. There are as many as a thousand Avalon maids under the Eternal Queen.

But now, they are serving the warrior in the bathroom to take a bath.

The bathhouse was large, big enough for more than a dozen people to swim in it. The warrior closed his eyes and enjoyed the service of Avalon's maids in the bathtub. In the past, these maids had only served the Eternal Queen and the Phoenix King, but he had become accustomed to it. , there are countless exceptions made by the Eternal Queen for her divinely chosen champion, and this is just one of the most inconspicuous ones.

The streamlined muscles exuded a faint light. The two Avalon maids stared at the warrior's toned figure with admiration and love. The muscles on the warrior's back were as hard as the finest Ysrama silver armor of the high elves. It is perfect, but the skin of the chest and abdominal muscles is covered with scars one after another. They are the military medals of the warriors, and their fineness repeatedly tells the story of the countless dangers the warrior has encountered, and the fact that he has always been Face the enemy head-on and never back down.

After applying the ointment, the maids used their delicate fingers and small sandalwood knives to help the warrior scrape off the essential oil from his body. The dazzling long golden hair and the warrior's unusually handsome and sunny face made the maids blush.

He is like the sun, as many Avalon maids like to say, bright, dazzling, and fiery. He brings hope to everyone, but if you get too close to him, you will be in danger of getting hurt.

Now, the long golden hair was carefully tied into pigtails by the maid of Avalon. The warrior stood up from the water. He stretched out his hands with a calm face and put on a high elf white shirt and trousers, and then mithril underwear. , then came the chain armor, armor skirt, shoulder armor, and greaves, until the legendary Alario dragon armor was put on his body, the golden pointed winged prince helmet and the blue Cosqui cloak. After it was on his shoulders, everything was completed.

War Lord of the High Elf War Council, Guardian of Ulthuan, Descendant of Defender Alario, Chosen Champion of Eternal Queen Alarielle, Dragon of Cosqui, and the greatest warrior in the world, Tyrion nodded slowly, He slowly walked out of the bathroom.

In fact, Tyrion had already felt the call from Teclis when he was drinking Dadan. The other party was eager to say something to him. As twins, Tyrion and Teclis were completely different. , the former is a heroic warrior and a great leader, it is easy to see what Tyrion is thinking on his face, while the latter is an archmage who is indifferent to emotions and anger, Teclis can do this all day long It's all the same expression.

But the two sides still maintain a strange connection. Tyrion can always easily feel Teclis's emotions, whether they are angry, happy, worried, or calm. The twins are connected through a mysterious bond. , Tyrion doesn’t know if Teclis can also feel this connection. Compared to Tyrion who likes to use blood and passion to drive his sword, Teclis prefers to compile his spells and think about problems with foresight. .

Alario Dragon Armor burns with Asuryan's heavenly fire. This golden dragon armor is most likely the strongest and most powerful armor in the world, and is also the greatest work of art in the history of the high elves. When Rayon put on this dragon armor, he could recall before his eyes the glorious first half of his ancestor Alario's life and the mixed second half of his life.

More than once, Tyrion heard the high elf court questioning his ancestor and discussing Alario's final madness, but the last blood of the Defenders always believed that if it were not for the legendary Alario, the world would have been destroyed long ago. .

No one knows how to forge an epic artifact like Alario Dragon Armor. The dragon armor comes from the anvil of Vaal, the Elven Forging God. There has never been any armor that can compare with this dragon armor, even the legendary one. Neither the Chaos Artifact Mokar Armor nor even the meteorite iron god-given plate armor of the dwarf main god Granny will work. It is unique and cannot be copied. Whether it is elven magic or dwarf craftsmanship, it pales in comparison in front of it. In the sun Beneath it, sunlight and the magical fire within it alternately shine.

"Your brother is calling you, Ulthuan, calling for your help, my warrior." Just as Tyrion was thinking in the bright fire of heaven, just behind the guardian of Ulthuan, came There was a voice as sweet as honey, and there was some kind of powerful divine power in this voice.

Flowers bloomed wherever she passed, and the fragrance filled your nostrils. The bright light on her body was enough to dispel any darkness. Her words could touch the deepest softness in every elf's heart. The history of her existence is older than this dragon armor. She will continue to guide her people and fight for her in the future.

"Fight for you, my lady." Tyrion immediately turned around and knelt on one knee in front of the Eternal Queen "Bright Light" Alarielle. As her divinely chosen champion, Tyrion looked at the Eternal Queen's Coming on stage, he couldn't help but breathe harder.

It is difficult to describe the beauty of Alarielle in words. The Eternal Queen was barefooted and only wore a gauze dress as thin as cicada wings as she approached. With every step she took, several flowers bloomed in the air, which seemed to gather together. All the goodwill and beautiful light in the world surrounded the graceful body curves of the Eternal Queen. The fragrance of flowers spread into Tyrion's nostrils, making the guardian of Ulthuan relax: "There are still remains on the dragon armor. Kane’s curse, or the curse of the ancestors.”

"You can overcome it, right? My warrior." Alarielle's words nourished Tyrion's heart like a gentle drizzle. The beauty of the Eternal Queen is comparable to that of the elven goddesses. It is said that only the high-spirited Moon Goddess is Lilith's beauty can be compared with that of the Everqueen. She is the most beautiful woman in Ulthuan, the spokesperson of the Elf Mother Isha in the mortal world, and the most beloved descendant of Ulthuan. Tyrion is willing to live alone. He fell to his knees, but he quickly joked: "I've overcome a lot, including you, my lady."

"This is not the time to say this, my champion." Alarielle couldn't help but chuckle softly when she heard Tyrion's words. The eternal queen and her divinely chosen champion have a long-standing relationship. There was a silent feeling and understanding between them. Alarielle stretched out her hand to signal Tyrion to stand up. She said softly: "So, are you ready to leave?"

Tyrion stood up gently, and the guardian of Ulthuan and the war lord of the War Council sighed in a low voice: "Tyronlock and the outer reaches of Lothern were attacked by some undead pirates. Teclis and the War Council are calling me. go back."

"I feel it. Ulthuan is crying. Those undead pirates are trying to put corruption and curse on the land of Ulthuan." Alarielle nodded slowly, the light around her was very bright, the power of the Eternal Queen It is closely related to Othuan's rest. When she sings, Ulthuan's flowers bloom and everything is silent. When she is sad, Ulthuan is rainy. When she is happy, Ulthuan will usher in beautiful clear skies and sunshine.

But similarly, if Ulthuan is threatened by corruption and invasion, the power of the Eternal Queen will also weaken. Her fate has long been connected with Ulthuan: "Good times are always short, my champion. .”

"I will never disobey your orders, my lady." Tyrion bowed: "But I think I must leave. A qualified guardian should be ready to fight at any time."

"Yes." Alarielle put her hand on Tyrion's face, and the Eternal Queen said casually: "Going to find your brother, Teclis?"

"Him? Yes, that's right." Tyrion was stunned for a moment, and then said in a strange tone: "You can also feel Tigris's emotions?"

"No, I can't feel it, but I can feel you." Alarielle's green eyes exuded a warm light: "You can't hide it from me, my champion, at any time."

"You are always able to understand everything, my lady." The expression on Tyrion's face became much better: "But I always feel that in front of you, I am a little too easy to see through."

"Your emotions are written on your face, my warrior." Alarielle smiled, and her smile fascinated the guardians of Ulthuan: "Are you leaving now?"

"Without further ado." Tyrion nodded. He took his sword from the hands of the maid of Avalon - the Sun Flame Sword. This long sword was still used by high spirits to kill and expel Chaos Demons in ancient times. As powerful as he had been thousands of years ago, Tyrion could feel his transformation from the Everqueen's lover to Ulthuan's greatest champion.

The Heart of Avalon is hung on Tyrion's chest. It is a gift from the Eternal Queen and represents the crystallization of their love: "I'm ready."

"May Asuryan's heavenly fire bless you forever, my champion." The Eternal Queen nodded: "My daughter and I cannot leave Avalon at will, but we will wait here for news of your victory."

Tyrion nodded and walked out of the palace.

No matter how many times, he can be shocked by the beauty of Avalon. This pure land of high elves is a dreamlike land under the blue sky. Towering trees with huge crowns as pure and clear as emerald are surrounded on both sides, and silver Bell-like laughter fell from the magic-filled branches, which was the way the forest spirits expressed their joy.

Dryads, dryads and even treants walked and sang among the woodlands of Avalon. The beautiful scenery loomed in the mist, and the fresh and pleasant air was breathed into Tyrion's lungs. Ulthuan's The guardian closed his eyes. He knew that the conference to encourage fertility was still going on. Thousands of elven young men and women would continue to have a carnival in Avalon. They did not know what was going on outside and would not be interested in it.

Tyrion was a little irritated, partly because he knew that the high elves were losing their martial spirit and indulging in pleasure. Despite the repeated orders from the Phoenix Court, the number of elves willing to stand up to defend their homeland was indeed getting smaller and smaller. On the other hand, he was irritated that he had to leave Avalon for a while. Tyrion often dreamed of the handsome face of Kane, the bloody-hand god, in his dreams. The anger of the sign wants to tear everything to pieces.

"You are hesitant again, my champion." The Eternal Queen came up from behind. The warm smile on her face and the light fragrance on her body calmed down Tyrion: "I am always hesitant, my lady, murder The Lord has never forgotten the blood descendants of his ancestors, I am not Teclis, I don’t know Occlumency, he has Lilith, I only have you.”

"Then I think my champion needs a little encouragement~" Alarielle gently kissed Tyrion on the lips. The faint fragrance made Tyrion's anger disappear, and the Eternal Queen's chosen champion retaliated. Kissing back, the two of them struggled for two or three minutes before stopping. Then Tyrion got on his horse and took one last longing look at Alarielle, his lover, who was standing at the door of the summer palace, and then left.

Tyrion's personal coat of arms is engraved on the crimson satin military flag, which is a golden phoenix reborn in fiery red flames, but with a red heart symbolizing Alarielle and a dove of peace holding an olive branch in its mouth. .

From now on, the Everqueen's lover is temporarily gone.

The guardians of Ulthuan will immediately rush to Lothern, ready to carry out their duties.

Assur is not afraid of war. They will unite under the leadership of Tyrion and fight to protect their homeland!

"For the Phoenix King, for the Eternal Queen!"

"For, Ulthuan!"

High cum finally begins to appear~

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