The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 848: Spend money to eliminate disasters?

To put it bluntly, Marienburg was a very special city in the history of the empire.

This city first appeared in 20 BC in the Empire. The Judun tribe settled here at that time. They established Marienburg on an abandoned elven acropolis and dock at the mouth of the Reik River. The fort soon faced an attack by the Mist Demons from the southern swamps, and it took the Judon tribe ten years to defeat the Mist Demon tribe.

In 501 of the Imperial Calendar, Emperor Sigismund "The Conqueror" defeated the Kingdom of Judun in the Battle of Marienburg. King Jutnis of Judun agreed to peaceful unification and incorporated Marienburg and its surrounding areas into the Wei Kingdom. Since then, Marienburg has become part of the empire, and the Judun Kingdom has disappeared from history. However, as the price of peaceful unification, the Judun royal family has obtained many privileges and passed them down to this day.

In 632 AD, the Norscan barbarians plundered Marienburg for the first time. This terrible war continued for more than a hundred years, until 765 AD, the empire finally signed a peace treaty with the Norscans. The war was temporarily stopped.

Since then, Marienburg has been part of the empire until the beginning of the Three Emperors era. At that time, the empire had three emperors. These three emperors argued endlessly for the throne, and other electors also began to govern themselves. From this time on, Marienburg There were already signs of separatism in the Westlands. Around 1600 in the Imperial Calendar, the merchants and trade unions of Marienburg, together with the Elector von Bücke, announced the establishment of the Marienburg Autonomous Parliamentary Government. Since then, Marienburg gradually broke away from imperial rule.

In the year 1979 of the Imperial Calendar, Elector Margarita III of Westland was elected as the Empress of the Empire at the Elector Assembly. However, neither the Church of Justice, the White Wolf Church, nor other churches refused to be Margarita. III was crowned, and Margarita III decided to work with the Poseidon Church to proclaim herself the emperor of Marienburg. From this day on, Marienburg officially separated from the empire. The Rune Teeth of Westland was later managed to be returned to the empire by loyal imperial people. The Empire placed it under the control of Nordland.

Then came the Great Holy War. The savior Ludwig gathered all the remaining armies of the empire. At this time, Marienburg also gave up the title of emperor. The merchants of Marienburg decided to devote all their money to supply military supplies to the savior. At the end of the Great Holy War Afterwards, the Marienburg Parliament agreed to return to the imperial system and gave an astonishing sum of money to the savior to rebuild the empire, but the condition was complete autonomy and the empire not interfering in internal affairs. Ludwig agreed after thinking for a long time, chartering its complete autonomy.

After the Friedrich family of Prince Reik obtained the imperial throne, Carl Franz's grandfather Emperor Leopold tried to lead the army to regain Marienburg, but was defeated by the local defenders. After that, Prince Reik They tried many times to recapture Marienburg, but all in vain.

At the same time, Marienburg also has the only enclave of high elves in the old world - Ifitao. This has been introduced in the previous article and will not be repeated here.

Therefore, the big trench merchants of the Marienburg House faced many crises after the Great Holy War, but they often had a way to solve it. Either they asked for imperial assistance, or they asked for Britannian assistance, which was really not possible. Merchants can also request assistance from the high elves.

These business princes are confident.

It’s just a matter of money!

However, this time, the situation is different.

It's a dwarf, and the dwarf is here to seek revenge!

In the spacious and bright hall of the House of Lords of Marienburg, the business princes of Marienburg gathered together to discuss what to do.

Among them, Van der Cooper-Schulz, the Grand Duke of Marienburg, had a calm expression. He leaned on his luxurious seat with an expression that it was none of my business, sipping gin and sitting with him. Next to him, Viscount Casanova of the Gentlemen's Alliance Chamber of Commerce, the second largest merchant in Marienburg, was chatting and laughing together.

These two people have nothing to do with them, and revenge will obviously not come to them. The other chamber presidents in Marienburg obviously know that Viscount Casanova spent a lot of effort to hire the famous mercenary partner. ——The matter of Gotrek and Felix made those business princes gnash their teeth and cursed in their hearts that Casanova was really a bastard.

The businessmen attending the meeting mainly include the following.

Marienburg is now the third largest chamber of commerce, the largest food merchant in the old world, with trading branches all over the old world and the Bacher Family Chamber of Commerce with strongholds in many places.

The fourth largest chamber of commerce in Marienburg, a descendant of the royal family of the Kingdom of Judun, and the president of the Judun Chamber of Commerce, Van Hoogmans. The Judun Chamber of Commerce suffered a lot from the attack on the national debt of Bafeng Mountain and took a step back from the third largest chamber of commerce.

Claude Juncker, President of the Lucerne Chamber of Commerce, the fifth largest chamber of commerce.

These three business princes knew that they were the main targets of the dwarves' revenge. At this time, Hugelmans had sweat on his face. The president of the Judun Chamber of Commerce first placed the leaflet on the Bafeng Mountain Dwarfs' Hatred Book on the table: " Guys, we’re in trouble.”

"Damn dwarf!" Becker, the president of the Bacher Chamber of Commerce, said impatiently: "We are doing normal business activities. Where do they think Marienburg is? This is a free trade port! Everyone has freedom of speech and The power to make a choice! Why do they threaten us, and also ask us... hmm? Demand compensation and accept the trial of these dwarves? "

"Yes, I think so too." Claude Juncker, wearing a gray-black military uniform with a rapier hanging on his waist, cursed the dwarfs for being a bunch of idiots: "I suggest that we use the stone from the top of the city. Smear the dwarfs in the face with rotten fruit and tell them to get lost!"

"Then they will smear our faces with mercury bullets and artillery!" Hoogmans, a descendant of the Judun royal family, said ferociously: "Have you seen those two ironclad ships? Which of you wants to try cannon fire? Compare with the ironclad ships. Get up, our fleet is just like a fishing boat!”

Marienburg does have a navy of its own, but it is a yellow water navy, and the more elite Reik Navy and Nord Navy, the two imperial navies, are not Marienburg's army.

The business princes doubted whether their several gunboats could penetrate the skin of the ironclad.

"...That is not a dwarf ironclad ship." Someone in the House of Lords said: "Those mustached dwarves just boarded the ship of Britannia and the Ash Legion."

"That's the dwarf's ironclad ship! Made by the dwarves, the dwarves came down from above." Hoogmans said sharply: "Are you still pretending not to understand? The Ash Legion, the chivalrous patients in Britannia, and The dwarves are in the same group!”

"Knight King Ryan and Ember Legion Commander Fulgen are brothers. They brought the dwarves here and parked at the port. Don't you understand the meaning of this?" Hugelmans continued: "The damn Knight King and Damn the Ashes, they have a plan, are you pretending not to understand or do you really not understand? If we take action, they will have reason to take action."

Everyone was speechless, and the business princes began to get into trouble.

"How much do you want for a dwarf?" At this time, Becker, the president of the Bacher Chamber of Commerce, spoke. This old gentleman in his sixties was wearing a tuxedo, a black dome hat on his head, and a single gold silk circlet on his face. Wearing glasses and a big belly, he thought for a long time, and this time he said slowly: "Peace, we only want so much, the dwarves want as much as they want, let's get together and end the matter here, otherwise we How to do business?”

"Whatever the dwarf wants is written on this flyer." Hugmans took out a wrinkled flyer and placed it on the table.

"For Marienburg's disrespect to the Angrond clan: three thousand gold coins."

"For Marienburg's disrespect to all the dwarven clans: five thousand gold coins."

"For Marienburg's disrespect for reclaiming all the dead dwarves in the Eight Peaks: ten thousand gold coins."

"Finally, to wash away the unwarranted insult of the failed expert and celebrate the return of Belegar and his glorious royal family: twenty thousand gold coins and the head of José the Magic Bird!"

The business princes looked at me and I looked at you, they were all a little shaken. Claude Juncker was wearing a silk robe and light tights. He frowned and took the leaflet from Hugelmans. He looked at it carefully: "So, the dwarf wants 38,000 gold coins, plus the head of Mr. Magic Bird?"

"That's right." Becker touched his gold-rimmed monocle and squinted his eyes: "The dwarves asked us to give a reply within three days, and today is the first day, gentlemen and congressmen. , can you make it in time?"

"Do you really want to give money?" Claude Juncker's face was full of gloom: "Doesn't that make us easy to bully? Dwarves can come to beg for it once, and they can come to beg for it twice, three times, countless times in the future. We are not dwarves. A small treasury! Mr. Becker, you are really confused!"

"Dwarves are not human beings, Lord Junker? Dwarves are not elves either. Gold coins can wash away their hatred and allow them to return home with great rewards. This matter is over." Becker clasped his fingers together, placed them on the table, and said in a deep voice: "If Okay, can you listen to my opinion? Let's try to collect some money and send those dwarves away."

"Collect money? How much?" Fan Hoogmans, president of the Judun Chamber of Commerce, said impatiently: "Don't forget, we are the territory of the empire! We are citizens of the empire, and the dwarves can still demolish Marienburg. Can we take them back to their mountains? If so, it would be tantamount to declaring war on the empire. These mustaches cannot represent the entire race of dwarves!"

"The court of Karl Franz will not declare war on the dwarves for us!" Becker emphasized: "The question of High King Thorgrin has already reached the emperor's desk! Do you think we are more important to the empire? Is the dwarven covenant important?"

"We have the founding ceremony of the savior!" Hugmans roared: "Full autonomy."

"The dwarves have the Holy Alliance of Charlemagne!" Becker also roared: "Hugemans, put away your pride of the Judun royal family. That is a higher-level alliance. The empire cannot lack dwarves, and neither can we." , do you know how many things there are in Marienburg and how many trade contracts are signed with the dwarves!"

"So there's nothing we can do? We just have to pay the money, right?" Van Hoogmans sat down helplessly.

"Let's do this, let's collect eighteen thousand gold marks." Claude Juncker, president of the Lucerne Chamber of Commerce, said: "We recognize the first three of the dwarves' compensation, and we recognize half of the last one. They will regain the Eight Peaks Mountain. What does it have to do with us to return to our hometown with honor? We don’t recognize this, and that Mr. José Magic Bird... Mr. Hugelmans, where is he?"

"He is now hiding in a manor outside the city." Hugelmans said helplessly: "My people have controlled him, but..."

"Send him to the dwarves." Becker's old voice was a little hoarse. He had yelled a few times just now and his vocal cords were tired: "Consider it an apology."

"But if we do this, how can those people in the future be willing to continue to speak for us?" Hugelmans was very angry: "And our romantic Mr. Adabbe? Where did he go? Why did he disappear at the critical moment? ?”

"You don't know him yet? This old dragon is very cunning." Becker continued: "Okay, send Mr. Magic Bird to the dwarves. As for the eighteen thousand gold coins, we can gather them together." Together, our three major chambers of commerce will pool together 12,000 gold coins, and everyone will pool together the remaining 6,000 gold coins. Take them and use them as money to ward off disasters. Everyone, we are all businessmen, and harmony brings wealth. Are you willing to break this tranquility? If chaos breaks out, it will be difficult for everyone to do business."

"Yeah, this is the only way." Hugelmans was also discouraged.

In the end, Marienburg's House of Lords deliberated and decided to spend a sum of money to get rid of these dwarves. It was considered as spending money to eliminate the disaster.

They appointed the Archbishop of Poseidon Church, and Aldrich took the money to solve the problem.

At the same time, the leader of the underworld in Marienburg, the romantic Adabe Huntsman, also received news that the dwarves had come to seek revenge.

"Father, what should I do? What should I do? The dwarves are here to seek revenge, the knights are here to seek revenge!" Adabbe's son Alphonse was so frightened that he lost his mind: "Damn it, damn it! Why weren't they all wiped out in the Eight Peaks Mountain? "

Adabbe was very calm. The king of the underworld of Marienburg sat calmly behind his desk. He opened the safe calmly and threw the most important evidence inside into the brazier to burn it. The old gentleman didn't look nervous at all, but very calm: "What should we do? What should we do? Did we snipe the national debt of Bafeng Mountain? Or did we offend the knight king or the dwarf king? If you think about it carefully, we did it What? Did we leave any evidence?"

One by one the bills fell into the fire and were burned cleanly. Adabbe smiled and said: "Besides, we sent generous gifts to Britannia. Whoever they want to settle accounts with will not come to us. Relax, Alfonse, calm down, if you step forward at this time, you will die! If you are looking for death, this is not the way to find it!"

"Father, you are really foresighted." Alphonse carefully recalled a series of actions of their father and son, and then he managed to calm down. Unknowingly, his back was already soaked.

"You have to think twice, think about danger, think about retreat, and think about change. Only when you know the danger can you avoid the danger." Adabei frowned. He burned all the most important evidence, then opened the small vault and took it out. A big box.

It is filled with gold coins of gods. Each of the gold coins of gods has a photo of Ms. Fortune. If you count carefully, there are hundreds of them! There are more than 100,000 gold marks in it. Adabei looked at the box and suddenly sighed and handed it to his son: "Take them all, go and make some connections, buy generous gifts, and give some to the Ashes Legion." , part is given to the King and Queen of Britannia, keep a few for yourself, buy the best equipment and go to the Poseidon Church to bless you. I have signed up for you. From the day after tomorrow, you will be ashes. A new recruit of the First Army of the Legion, a trainee knight."

"Father?!" Alphonse quickly rushed to Adabé. He looked very emotional: "What, you actually want me to join the Ashes Army? Father, aren't you pushing your son to a dead end? You want me Go on an expedition to the New World? Then...then what will you do?"

"Hehehe~ I'll teach you what those imperial generals like to say again." Adabe smiled dryly and pulled Alphonse to sit down. The romantic man who had dominated Marienburg for more than 20 years stretched out his index finger and pointed at the brazier. The burning ashes in the middle: "Throw it to death and live again!"

"I have carefully observed and collected intelligence in the past few years. Sooner or later, the future of the new world will belong to this Purple Phoenix, and this Purple Phoenix has a close relationship with King Ryan and Schultz." Adabe said sadly. He said: "Don't look at the fact that our father and son have done such great things over the years. That's because we are still useful. The business princes need us to solve the underground world of Marienburg and clean up the dirty corners for them, so that we can get the chance." , but people like us are destined to be just rags, not even tool people. After more than 20 years, I can feel that those in the House of Lords have recently had the idea of ​​​​replacement, but we are On the recent national debt issue, we are on the wrong side.”

"What? We have done so many things for him! He actually?!" Alphonse said angrily: "Are we people destined to be..."

"So, I asked you to serve in the Ashes." Adabei closed his eyes and nodded slowly: "Alphonse, my son, I tell you, put your tail between your legs, serve as a soldier well, and serve Fulgrim." Your Excellency, you must use your performance to make Lord Fulgrim and the generals and soldiers of the Ash Legion look at you again. I have spent more than twenty years training you at all costs, your swordsmanship, your riding skills, even You won’t be vulnerable in the Ashes Legion. When you get there, forget that you are my son Adabe, forget that you are the underground noble prince of Marienburg, you are just a recruit, a trainee knight, and be your soldier."

"Father, I understand." Alphonse shed tears. He wiped the tears with his hands and lowered his head, which had been held high.

"Oh, go ahead." Adabe sighed: "If Archduke Schulz really starts to think about replacing my rag, I might have to rely on you to save my father's old life!"

"Otherwise, people like us are destined to die badly!"

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