The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 860, careful plan of stealing

"Brother, I have read all the books you lent me before!" In the bridge conference room of the Enterprise, Forgan elegantly handed several books to Ryan: "Give them back to you."

Ryan thought to himself that Fulgan didn't do anything to disturb other people's consciousness. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been grabbed by Petrabo's hair and hammered on the table. Before, Ryan felt sympathy when he heard people say, Now he feels he deserves it.

Fulgrim's pride and self-confidence were not much compared to those of the high elves. Ryan took the books he lent to Fulgrim.

"National Geographic of the Old World - The Kingdom of the Knights of Brittany" "The History of the Twelve Principalities of the Kingdom of Knights" "The Legend of the Holy Grail - The Epic of Landuin" "The Encyclopedia of Wild Monsters of Brittany" "The Ancient Mysterious Legend" " "Hymn to the Holy Grail - The Legend of Amanric", "Ode to Guillaume the White Death", "Heraldic Tradition of Britannia", "The Influence of Elf Culture on the Laws of the Kingdom of Knights" and many other Britannian works, Fu Gen has been just as bored as Ryan recently. He borrowed Ryan's books one by one and read them.

"Very good, how do you feel?" Ryan said with a smile.

"These academic books are okay, but the content is too broad and emphasizes the heroic view of history and subjective initiative." Fulgan said easily: "As for these biographies of the Holy Grail Knights, there is no doubt that they are all great Heroes, hey, I even admire this knight-king named Guillaume the White Death. This man reigned for eighty-nine years and killed one dragon, five Chaos Champions, two Chaos Demons, and ten green-skinned warlords. Two, and one man faced off against five green-skinned warlords in the Battle of Armandor, killing them all and driving all the green-skinned tribes out of the land of Britannia."

"His Majesty the White Death has always been considered a knight king who can be compared with His Majesty Arthur." Ryan nodded. Britannia's heyday began with Guillaume. The great feats of this knight king also include Fighting side by side with the wood elves, he saved the entire battle when the wood elves were in danger (he single-handedly killed hundreds of greenskins in the battle, and finally killed the greenskin warlord). In order to thank Guillaume, the wood elves With his help, he was given a pure white colt, which was a pure-blood elf war horse with the purest bloodline. This is where the nickname White Death comes from.

"It's just that the content is a little too watery." Fulgrim first raised his voice and then suppressed it. The Primarch of the Emperor's Son said casually: "The content in the book is filled with too many gorgeous words, too many compliments and too many irrelevant things. The description of the content is also mixed with a lot of background introduction, and there is not much real content in one chapter.”

"Hahaha~" Ryan pulled Sulia to sit down. In the conference room sat Fulgen's right-hand man, the deputy commander of the Ashes Legion, Pirazzo, and his magic advisor, the most powerful and greatest Sultan of Arabi at present. , Golden Mage Karim.

Sulia and Olica both have a good impression of Fulgen and Pirazzo. The former is Ryan's brother, and he is a handsome, extremely elegant, and handsome guy, while Pirazzo, despite his face, He has scars, but his temperament seems to be that of a serious soldier, and after many years of experience with Fulgen, he has begun to have the same elegant and unflustered nobility as the legion commander.

This kind of nobility cannot be imitated by ordinary people.

In contrast, Master Jin was particularly unpopular, especially when Sulia and Orika didn't give him a good look.

Because this guy started causing trouble immediately after Ryan and others arrived at Arabi. He used his privileges as the Sultan to get a "gift" from Arabi, saying that he would give it to Commander Fulgen and Ryan. His Majesty.

At first, Ryan and Fulgrim thought it was some kind of gift, whether it was a relic of King Jafar or some mysterious ancient holy relics, or a treasure left by the elves and Cathay (for the first time in history, the Cathayans The one who arrived was Arabi, trading with the local Nicohara dynasties. According to records, firearms were first invented by the Cathayans, but now the Cathayans' firearms level has lagged far behind that of the dwarves).

As a result, the gifts that Master Jin sent were - six innocent and cute little girls who were carefully dressed, with fair skin, wearing princess dresses and small leather shoes. The youngest among them was eleven years old, and the oldest was only fourteen years old. The girls opened their eyes wide, looking at Ryan and Fulgen with curiosity, admiration, and a little fear. On one side, they were very afraid of what would happen, but on the other side, they were eager to be chosen, because this might be a change. The only chance for their destiny.

As a result, when they saw this scene, Fulgen and Ryan immediately had black lines on their faces and hurriedly asked Master Jin to withdraw. Fulgen also called Master Jin and cursed him, meaning that he would never do such a thing, his father He would not let him go, and before Ryan could even curse, Sulia and Orika were dragged out by one arm each, covering their eyes to prevent him from looking.

Of course, Sulia and Orika would not give Master Jin a good look, and the most interesting thing is that Master Jin Karim never figured out why Fulgen and Ryan reacted so fiercely. In Master Jin’s view, women are not Do you feel the most comfortable at this age?

It can only be said that the cultures and customs of the two sides are different, and sometimes it is really difficult for humans to understand each other.

"This kind of book has the interest of biography and memoir, and it also has artistic processing." Lane said with a smile: "It is normal that the content will be relatively watery. After all, this is not a serious historical record."

"There is a lot of water in your serious historical records." Fulgan complained. At this time, his brother-in-law Julius also walked in, and on the other side, Bertrand, Davout and the commander of the Halberd Battalion Raymond also came Enter the conference room one after another.

"Hey, all the content is watery." Ryan also complained: "Take the personal biographies of these Holy Grail Knights as examples. What's not watery? The recklessness and repeated mistakes in his youth are watery. Let's introduce his long family history. and glorious deeds are water, the hardships and trials during the journey are water, the recruitment of knights and attendants is also water, and the first battle of a Holy Grail expedition can fill several chapters, isn’t it also water? As for the trials and insights during the expedition, there are also experiences That’s even more watery.”

"In the end, the only things that can be called dry goods are the things captured after battles and adventures, and the moment when the lady appears. They are not considered water." Ryan spread his hands: "And my answer is standard water. The answer is, it’s as watery as it gets!”

"Hahahahaha." There were bursts of laughter in the conference room. Everyone couldn't help laughing after hearing this. For some reason, everyone could feel that Ryan was very resentful about this issue.

After joking for a while, we got down to business. A map of Ulthuan was placed on the table. The conference room on the bridge was not particularly spacious, but it had good lighting and had the unique sense of rigor, simplicity and solidity of the dwarves. and a sense of security, Fulgrim first stretched out his finger and clicked on the map of Ulthuan: "Our goal of going to Ulthuan this time is to try to enter Lothern, and try to find something while negotiating with the high elves. To put it simply, we need enough time to investigate Lothern and the Fire Island near Lothern.”

"Therefore, our main goal is not to reach an agreement with the high elves, but to try to pass the negotiation time to prepare for our investigation of Fire Island and planning plans." Fulgan continued: "So, this is why Ryan will bring This Ms. Olica and that mustache are the reason why we will also bring the great engineer Jerrick Grimm here."

"That's right." Ryan nodded, his face also very serious. After all, this matter is related to the resurrection of Sanguinius, and there is only one chance: "The dwarves and dark elves will make the high elves doubt and be hostile to our intentions, but We are strong at this time, Orika, and it is up to you to tell us our plan.”

The dark elf smiled sweetly. She walked to Ryan's side and tucked her long black hair behind her ears: "There are three problems in investigating Fire Island."

"The first problem is the magical fog that protects Lothern. That guy Teclis will solve this problem for us." Orika first pointed her finger at a small island outside Lothern: "Therefore, the thousands of defenders, hundreds of ballistas and magic weapons on the shining tower at the Lothern portal will not take the initiative to attack us, so there is no need to consider this matter."

"The second problem is that as guests, the high elves will only allow you to operate in the outer areas of Lothern. The high elves have always separated the inner city and the outer city through the magnificent city wall of Lothern. Businessmen and tourists from various countries can only To be able to move around in the outer city, if you want to enter the inner city, you must get a permit, and it is a permit personally issued by the Phoenix King's court." Orica chuckled and said: "This is very difficult, unlike our Druzi. Wearing the clothes of the Lothern Sea Guards will allow you to walk in with dignity. If you humans want to get in, you have to put in some effort."

"Can't sneak in?" Julius always frowned.

"Yes, but the premise is that your magic ability is more powerful than the high-precision mage group stationed behind the giant wall. Not only must you be able to break the magic barrier on the magnificent city wall, but you must also be able to make it invisible to the members of the mage group." Ollie Ka said with a smile: "Otherwise, you will immediately face more than 20,000 Lothern sea guards and hundreds of thousands of high elves militia. I can put it simply, every resident of the high elves is Excellent warriors who spend a small portion of their time in service every year, their fighting prowess cannot be matched by humans, I suggest you seek help from Teclis."

"Well, what about the third difficulty?" Ryan then asked.

"The third difficulty is also the most difficult, and that is the Asuryan Temple on Fire Island." Orika continued: "The thing is placed in the Asuryan Temple, but how to get it is a huge problem. At this point, even Li... I mean, lady can't help you. Asuryan's chosen anointed Kadron leads the Phoenix Guard and swarms of phoenixes, as well as a huge army stationed here. , the most powerful Phoenix Guards dedicated all their lives to the Phoenix Lord here. No one knows how many Phoenix Guards there are, but at least there are one or two thousand Phoenix Guards and dozens of Phoenixes on Lieyan Island. no doubt."

"Very good." Ryan also felt the difficulty of the problem.

"High elves are also called Phoenix Guards?" Pirazzo focused on the name of the Phoenix Guards.

"They were called Phoenix Guards six thousand years ago." Orika complained.

"I named it this way more than ten thousand years ago." Fulgan emphasized, but he obviously didn't care much about it: "Damn it, I miss the time when I followed him."

"That's not something we should discuss at this time, brother." Ryan signaled that we were digressing: "Faced with such a tight defense, maybe we have to think of something."

"This, we can only wait until we figure out what to do." Fulgen nodded: "Then let's leave it like this for now."

"Our Druchi have some hidden stakes in Lothern, but I need enough time to contact them." Orika looked a little uncertain: "And it has been twenty years since I knew the situation. It’s been many years, and I don’t know what the situation is now.”

"Very well, Bertrand, Davout, Raymond, all you Old Guards have to do is follow us. As for the Coldstream Guards, Sulia will command them, and Lord Philip Mountbatten will obey. Your order." Ryan ordered to his subordinates: "Don't act without permission before receiving the order. It's also best to restrain yourself and don't cause trouble at this critical moment."

"Yes." Bertrand and Davout looked at each other to express their understanding.

"The same applies to the Ashes Legion." Fulgan also nodded: "Don't act until we understand the situation clearly."

"But aren't we here to form an alliance with the high elves this time?" At this time, Julius finally spoke. He looked at his sister and brother-in-law in confusion, and then said with confusion and indignation. : "Why do I sound like you are going to be thieves?"

"We are going to form an alliance with the high elves." Ryan raised the corner of his mouth: "Of course, we will become a robber by the way."

"Rogues? There are no knights in the world, only shameless thieves." Julius said displeased: "I always thought that we went to Ulthuan this time to do business and form an alliance, but you are all talking about stealing. Stuff, steal stuff! Are we here just to steal stuff? This is not chivalry."

Ryan and Fulgen looked at each other and laughed. Everyone in the conference room laughed loudly, leaving only Julius who looked confused and unhappy, and others who were suppressing their laughter and looking at them with reproachful eyes. His brother’s Lidya Su.

At the same time, on the other side, on the deck of the high elf Phoenix giant ship.

The Supreme Mage Teclis, the Council of Magisters of the White Tower of Hoth in the Kingdom of Savre, is standing on the bow of the ship holding Lilith's staff of the moon. He seems to be thinking, of course, he may be in a daze. In short, the Supreme Master The mage had been motionless for several minutes.

"Your Majesty the Supreme Mage." Zoltan, the magic swordsman of Hoth, came up and said to Teclis: "Do you really think those humans can help us?"

"..." Tigris turned his head: "Do you need to prove it again?"

"That's not what I meant, Lord Teclis." Zoltan, the magic swordsman of Hoth, was a little embarrassed.

"Asul's prejudice against humans has been around for a long time and has deep prejudices. This is not surprising. When we have made countless sacrifices and fought against various threats, humans are still drinking blood, but this does not mean that humans are useless. "Tigris said calmly: "We always feel that humans have to constantly prove themselves, time and time again."

"According to the prophecy of Hoth, the fate of mankind is inseparable from the elves." Zoltan nodded, and the magic swordsman of Hoth thought for a while and then smiled: "But look, who are the humans who visited Ulthuan this time? Man, that Ash Legion is simply a large group of miscellaneous troops forcibly kneaded together. It’s a mess, and they often don’t understand the language, but they can be united by the commander of the Fulgrim Legion.”

"As for the Knight Kingdom of Britannia, it's even more ridiculous." Zoltan couldn't stop laughing: "Hoss, can you believe it? The country known as the second largest human country in the old world has a foreign commander. Men, women and dwarfs? Can such a country win a war?"

"At least they can help us when we attack the Ship Burial Cemetery." Tigris said unhurriedly: "We need their fleet."

"That's right..." "Hoo~~~!" Before the Hoth Demonic Swordsman Zoltan could finish all his words, a solid cannonball flying from the side drew a parabola of white smoke from the distance. It directly bombarded the side of the Phoenix giant ship, sawdust flying, and the railings were blown to pieces. A Lothern sea guard was caught off guard and his head was blown away, and his blood and brains exploded out.

"Enemy attack!!!" The high elves responded immediately. The crew and soldiers ran back and forth on the deck. Teclis calmly took out a monocular and looked into the distance.

At the end of the sea level, black mist filled the air, and a terrifying ghostly giant warship gradually approached on the waves. The entire body was pale and dead gray, and the entire cursed ship was covered with cold iron chains and long, filthy, rotten flags. , the cold it carries is enough to freeze the blood of any living thing in its shadow.

"Boom! Boom boom boom!" The ship was still firing at the Phoenix giant ship, but this time it missed. Several shells fell on the nearby ocean, blasting out several water columns.

More undead ships appeared at the end of the line of sight.

"We are under attack! Prepare to fight! Send a signal to the human fleet behind!"



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