The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 891, What is God?

PS: The high-precision plot is basically coming to an end. Originally, I wanted to have a big scene war at the end, but one reason is that the timing is not right, and the other is that I am too tired to write. The high-precision plot takes too much time. Many brain cells, I hope everyone understands, I will try my best to give a happy ending.

"This is your story, Ryan." Fulgan stood in front of the mural. He looked at the mural carefully. The mural was very simple. After a few simple murals, it was Ryan and Britannia who were crowned Knight King. .

"Yes, this is my story. My origin has been clearly written here, and looking at these murals, they should have been carved when the world was created." Ryan looked at the fading The mural, even though it is protected by a layer of rock formations on the outside, has been severely faded, and the sparkling magic contained in the mural is now dull.

Asuryan predicted everything. Lion set out from Nord, fought against Egil's Red Eye, married Sulia, and Musilon fought against the Tzeentch demonic army, and ascended the throne to become the King of Knights.

"Look at this, Ryan." Fulgan pointed to a painting: "This painting?"

In the painting, Ryan and Fulgrim were riding in a small boat, heading to the Pyramid of Fire.

In the next mural, Ryan and Fulgrim stood in the White Palace. Fulgrim reached out and took away the scroll on the table, but Ryan took something else: "It seems that Asuryan has predicted that we will Came here to steal something.”

"Yes, that's right." Fulgrim suddenly felt depressed. The Primarch of the Emperor's Son was a little cautious before, but after seeing this mural, his will began to become a little depressed, and Fulgrim let go of his grip. Holding the hand on the hilt of the sword, he spread his hands: "So what's the point? Isn't this all arranged? Then why are we sneaking in? We should walk in swaggeringly, take it and leave, and then tell everyone that this is The will of your God, the mural is painted here.”

"Oh my God, my God, what are we doing here? We thought that this would be extremely difficult. We prepared a lot of plans for this, and specially launched two ironclad ships. We spent several months, and finally this ? That's it?" Fulgan was obviously very crazy. He suppressed his anger and the nausea in his throat, put his hands on his hips, and paced back and forth in the passage: "What does this mean? If all our fates are already doomed, then we Why are you still wasting your time here? Everything will go according to the prophecy."

Ryan can understand Fulgrim's frustration. His brother is a person who pursues perfection, but now his every move has been predicted by Asuryan, which means that his series of careful planning has taken a long time. A goal achieved in less time is worthless.

How this doesn't frustrate Fulgrim.

On the contrary, Ryan didn't think there was anything. He looked at the two murals at the back carefully, and then they disappeared. No matter how he tried, the rock wall had no reaction.

The last two murals, the first one is the scene of his marriage to Lilith, and right behind Lilith, Olika and Sulia are also there, but the difference is that there is a golden light shining behind Sulia. , and behind Orica was shrouded in an icy fog, but the three parties seemed to have reached an agreement and shook hands to make peace.

The second mural shows Ryan fighting a figure with long blond hair and an enchanted adamantine armor in a sea of ​​fire. Ryan holds a hammer in one hand and a sword in the other, while the figure opposite holds a silver sword and a sword. shield.

Is it Fulgen? Ryan thought for a while, but then shook his head, not Fulgan, it's not right, it's not right.

That was more like Prince Sigvald the Beauty, the Chosen Champion of Slaanesh.

In other words, there will also be a destined decisive battle between Prince Sigvald and I, right?

Thinking of this, I am still a little excited.

"Let's go, brother." Ryan and Fulgen continued to move towards the depths of the White Palace: "Hurry up."

Fulgrim shook his head. He was not a bastard like Pertrabo or Konrad who accepted death. After a while, Fulgrim had already breathed a sigh of relief from his depression. In order to save Sanguinius no matter what, First.

"Does Asuryan's prophecy want us to know that everything in the world is under his control?" Fulgrim and Ryan went down the stairs. The Primarch of the Emperor's Son smiled and said: "That's really boring. I remember Saint Gilles has that ability too."

"It's almost the same, but they can all predict the beginning, but they can't predict the end. Sanguinius's prediction was that he solved Horus." Ryan said casually: "The same is true for Asuryan's prediction. They can often predict it. The prophecy begins, but no one knows what the future holds, and according to Lilith, Asuryan’s prophecies have always been very vague.”

"For example, the current captain of the Phoenix Guard, Kadroin, according to Lilith and Orica, he was a super libertine and a troublemaker when he was young, and the high elves have a habit that everyone must come to Lieyan at least once in their lifetime. It was a pilgrimage to the Pyramid once." Ryan complained: "Kadro came on a pilgrimage, and after the pilgrimage, he fell into his old habit, wandering around, looking, moving, and touching. Finally, he came to the Day Palace, where he read several volumes containing the prophecies of Asuryan. After reading the scroll, he walked up to the then captain of the Phoenix Guard as if no one else was around, swore an oath to Asuyan on the spot, and never spoke again."

"I understand." Fulgan nodded: "He must have received a revelation, but what does this have to do with the prophecy you said?"

"Kadroin discovered that Asuryan's prophecy was not accurate. In Asuryan's prophecy, Kadroin could only know that he and Orika were fighting, but could not know the outcome. And for many things, he had The right to decide." Ryan continued: "In fact, most situations rely on Kadron's self-expression and his interpretation of the gods' meaning."

"I see."

After walking along the inside for more than five minutes, we finally arrived at the White Palace.

This is a small library with a large number of scrolls. There are more than a dozen rows of bookcases filled with all kinds of books. In addition, there are many bottles and jars.

"We must move quickly." The two original bodies didn't say much and immediately started searching.

Ryan first flipped through a few scrolls and found that they were the scrolls recording the recent patrol reports of the Phoenix Guards. Then he went to the next bookshelf, which recorded the locations and number of guards that could be activated in the entire Ulthuan Waystone. .

These were not what Ryan was looking for. Ryan flipped through them casually and put them back in their original places.

Immediately afterwards, Ryan took out a thicker ancient elf document and began to read through it.

The things above aroused his interest.

"No matter what kind of god they are, their origins are the same. The essence of any god comes from the Supreme Heaven. They once shared the Supreme Heaven and explored endless realms together."

"Before the War in Heaven, the Supreme Heaven was not such a terrifying and twisted place. There, the Crow God, the Dog God, the Snake God, and the Eagle God once coexisted with gods such as the Phoenix God, the Moon God, the Hunting God, and the War God. In the distant past, all the gods in the High Heaven once freely competed for faith.”

"During the Battle of Heaven, the Supreme Heaven mutated, and endless twisted energy poured in, so everyone changed. The gods had to make a choice. This difference comes from cognition."

"The Crow God, Dog God, Snake God, and Eagle God chose to betray. They absorbed all intuitive cognition, and those instinctive negative emotional energies gathered together. They became extremely powerful, but twisted."

"The gods headed by the Phoenix God chose reason. They lost a lot of power, but retained order. They lost the initiative, but retained superiority."

"The long divine war has made all the gods very tired. No one among the gods can truly kill the other. World after world repeats the process of birth, development, prosperity, invasion and destruction."

"Until one day, mortals killed gods."

The content stopped abruptly here, Ryan frowned, mortal? God?

If what this book says is true, then before the War in Heaven, the Gods of Order and Chaos actually lived in harmony? Are they all born in the Supreme Heaven? But as the war in heaven caused countless negative emotions and energy to flow into the heaven (subspace), eventually leading to the split of the gods, the four gods of chaos chose to accept all perceptual emotions, such as anger, happiness, sadness and hope. These emotions Although chaotic, it is very powerful, which eventually led to the birth of the Four Gods of Chaos.

The Gods of Order accepted rational emotions, such as battle, death, glory, knowledge, and hunting. This made their strength incomparable to the Four Gods of Chaos, but they were the guardians of the world.

The two sides repeated a whole cycle, and neither could really kill the other until...

Lane then ponders the next line: Until mortals kill gods.

In other words, gods cannot really kill gods, but mortals can. If gods are defeated by mortals, they may be killed. Assuming that gods die like this, then they are really dead.

I see! Ryan's eyes widened. Mortals were weapons made by the Ancient Saint to deal with the Chaos Evil God!

The Old Ones hope to create mortals to deal with their destined enemies, the Chaos Gods!

However, this attempt failed, because mortals can also be corrupted by Chaos. This sharp blade used to deal with Chaos will most likely be used by Chaos to deal with the God of Order! And many gods of order died like this!

The Eternal Chosen God of Chaos from generation to generation!

The Beast King of the Beastman Sanctuary, the Shadow Demon Gul, swallowed N mortal incarnations of elves and gods!

No wonder, no wonder the Ancient Saints would evacuate immediately when Chaos invaded. No wonder, no wonder Lilith said that Asuryan regretted creating the elves as a race. No wonder the Phoenix Lord never left the Phoenix Pyramid after Alario. !

The reason is very simple. Asuryan knows that even if the world is destroyed, the Chaos God cannot kill him. After at most one reincarnation, he can be resurrected. But if he dares to leave his own domain at will, or likes to walk in the world like Lilith, , as long as you are killed, you are really dead.

Asuryan, afraid of being truly killed by mortals!

The Phoenix Lord is really scared.

In contrast, Lilith is fearless. She keeps showing up in the mortal world to cause trouble. She is looking for a handy weapon (and then a husband) to deal with the Chaos God and to protect herself. Own.

This weapon was previously owned by Teclis and Araloth, but Lilith cast her net and picked everywhere, and the goddess placed bets everywhere, and finally selected Ryan.

And what about Asuyan? The Phoenix Lord is not doing nothing. He has put everything he knows and has formulated. It doesn’t matter whether you want to see it or not, or use it or not. Anyway, I will stay in the Phoenix Pyramid. Out.

The cold Phoenix God, the frost-hearted Phoenix God, Ryan stuffed the books back into the bookshelf. He sighed. As a god, Asuryan is the only god in the world who can confront Chaos with divine power. To be so unbearable, He loves Himself more than anything else.

There was a big problem with the things inside, and he would definitely ask Lilith for clarification later.

Next, Ryan rummaged through a bookcase. This bookcase records the story of the second generation Phoenix King Beo Chanel. It contains many stories about the most glorious era of the Elf Empire at that time, and many of them are mentioned in it. The secret even mentioned Lilith's star crown, which contained endless power.

Yes, Lilith asked me, Tigris and Aralos to repair the Star Crown. Now I don’t know how it went. Ryan suddenly remembered what happened at the beginning. Since he managed to get a fragment from the empire, the rest The matter was left to Teclis and Araloth.

The elves' concept of time is different from humans, and they don't know what's going on now.

After flipping through a few more books, Ryan noticed a book sealed in ice.

"On the Origin of the Ancient Saint's Ice Relics and the Use of Ice Magic in the Far North - Caledor - Dragon Tamer"

Ice ruins and ice magic! Ryan immediately reached out and pulled out the book. The cover and pages of the book were very old. Ryan's action almost made the whole book fall apart. He took it out, pressed the pages together, and flipped through it a little. It was full of Ryan didn't quite understand the obscure understanding and discussion of ice magic, but there were three major ice spells recorded in the book.

Summons the High Elemental Lord of Ice.

Large-scale AOE and battlefield control skills - Frost and Ice Break.

Ice Phoenix Crystal Sealing Technique.

This book must be useful to Theresa and Aurora, right? Ryan thought for a while and decided to put the book in his arms.

I want this thing! Teresa will like it. As for Aurora, if she behaves better, it's not like she can't share it, Ryan thought. The Knight King wanted to see if there is anything else worth taking away that won't attract attention. Book?

Next, he rummaged through three more cabinets, but Ryan found nothing. The contents may be very valuable and historically significant to the elves, but they are worthless to Ryan and Fulgan.

Just when Ryan was still looking for it, Fulgan shouted: "Found it! Ryan, the Phoenix Mantra Scroll!"

"What?" Ryan returned quickly. Fulgen held a long box in his hand. He opened the box with some pride. Inside was Asuryan's Phoenix Mantra Scroll! The platinum phoenix fire of heaven burned brightly on the scroll.

That is a powerful weapon to restrain the corruption and curse of Chaos! This white-gold Phoenix Fire will help Sanguinius free himself from the curse of the Four Gods of Chaos!

"And this, this is the Tears of the Ancient Saint." Fulgan then took out a small bottle and handed it to Ryan: "I feel that it contains huge amounts of pure subspace energy..."

Before Fulgen could finish speaking, rapid footsteps came from outside: "Dong dong dong dong~"

Both Ryan and Fulgen's expressions changed slightly.

"not good!"

"Hide now!"

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