The Sun King's Evidence

Tribute to the greatest and most lovable heroes

Today is a heavy day. Here, the emperor deeply mourns the martyrs and compatriots who died in the fight against the new coronavirus (harmony) pneumonia. May the deceased rest in peace, may the living work hard, and may the motherland prosper and be prosperous.

Stop updating for one day.

It's embarrassing to say that when the epidemic just started, the emperor, like most people, initially felt that it had nothing to do with him. The emperor lived in a small third- and fourth-tier city, far away from the outbreak place. At that time When the Chinese New Year was approaching, I didn’t take it seriously and went out for a meal with my friends.

But then, the situation suddenly took a turn for the worse. The epidemic swept across the country, and we couldn't even leave the house. At that time, I was a little angry, but I still stayed at home.

Unexpectedly, the family realized how serious the problem was and what this disaster meant.

In the past, many times when I looked at the comments on some platforms, I couldn't help but lament that times have changed. Now dedication is regarded as feebleminded, sacrifice is mocked, tolerance is regarded as cowardice, and refined egoism is instead sought after, which is sometimes very frustrating. Sometimes it’s very helpless, but the environment is like that.

This time, I understand that there is no shortage of the greatest people in any era.

That is Academician Zhong Nanshan, who is over 80 years old and still rushes to the front line.

That was when tens of thousands of medical staff from across the country gathered in Hubei.

That was a nationwide effort to provide disaster relief supplies and charitable donations supported by all parties.

Without their sacrifice and dedication, without their courage and courage to be the first in the world, without their indomitable spirit and belief, there would be no better situation today. Regardless of individuals or themselves, for the sake of the motherland and the people, they continue to fight without asking. What kind of spirit is this in giving back without considering one's own safety?

Mr. Lu Xun once said: Since ancient times, we have had people who worked hard, people who worked hard, people who prayed for the people, and people who sacrificed their lives to seek the law... although they are equivalent to genealogies for emperors, generals and prime ministers. The so-called "official history" often cannot cover up their glory. This is the backbone of China.

To the most glorious people, every soldier fighting on the front line in the battle against the epidemic is an ordinary hero in this people's war.

You are the backbone of China and the backbone of the splendid culture of the Chinese nation for five thousand years.

Without you, there would be no strong motherland now.

A large river has wide waves, and the wind blows the fragrance of rice and flowers on both sides.

This is a beautiful motherland, where I grew up.

Salute to you again!

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