The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 904, great harvest

The good news is really coming one after another for the Old World this year.

It seems that the barbarians are really going to have a fierce battle with the dark elves. This is good news for the entire human kingdom in the old world. This has been mentioned before, so I won’t repeat it here.

Likewise, the second good news comes from the autumn harvest.

This year, the weather has been smooth in the old world. It is an extremely rare year in which no major disaster occurred in the world. Agricultural products, especially major food crops, all ushered in a gorgeous harvest. Almost all food crops in the world increased by 10%. -20%.

And Britannia is even more crazy. In this year, 2514 in the imperial calendar, the entire country of Britannia increased production by 25%-35%.

This is a lady’s blessing!

This is a God-given miracle!

This is the great revival of the Kingdom of Knights!

Thank you my king! Thank you to the great man Ryan Malcador of the Gray Mountains!

The harvested grains filled the barns, the warehouses of noble castles, and the homes of yeomen and serfs. From the nobles to the serfs, everyone was smiling. A good harvest is a good thing, a good thing!

Pay enough to the church, keep enough to the knight master, and the rest is yours!

The existing serfdom system in Brittany is still gradually evolving. The most important thing for serfs is to grow food for themselves. They roughly estimate how much food their families will eat and leave some surplus. The excess food left over from the harvest will be sent to Sell ​​them in the city in exchange for some extra income. By the way, the serfs will try to enter the city to buy some daily necessities and many daily necessities. Now oil lamps, iron basins, iron farm tools and all kinds of cloths have begun to enter the families of the serfs. , the citizens and businessmen began to come to the forefront. The Landuin Grand Canal, which had just been opened recently, has become the busiest transportation channel. The number of passenger ships and cargo ships on it was so large that the king had to send additional river patrolmen. Some troops were even used to maintain order.

Of course, the Church of the Lady of the Lake is a place where all serfs must go. From morning to night, almost every temple of the Lady of the Lake in Britannia is crowded with people who come to pray and thank the goddess for her gifts. , they thanked the goddess for the harvest, thanked the gods for blessing the earth and believers, and also thanked the gods for the generous tax reduction, from ten taxes to one to fifteen taxes to one. The goddess seemed to have given up a lot, but she won everything. human heart.

Among them, the Changping Warehouse built under Lane's order showed its effect. The merchants originally tried to lower the price on a large scale through "peer bargaining" so that the grain could be sold at a low price and earn huge profits. However, the Changping Warehouse established by Lane and the Dukes The warehouse ruthlessly crushed the merchants' plans. Some food merchants tried to fight against the will of the Knight King, but the gold and silver in Ryan's vault seemed endless. When tens of thousands of dwarf gold coins and thousands of elven gold dragon coins appeared, While in the market, more than a dozen combined merchants all declared bankruptcy, and their assets and trade routes were quickly taken over by other merchants.

Businessmen never want too much profit.

After the price of grain stabilized, a large amount of grain was transported to the Musilon Industrial Zone, ensuring that the Musilon Industrial Zone could always maintain horsepower production.

Now, in the harvest season of September, Knight King Ryan is riding his horse Grape, taking his family, his maid Olica, Aurora and the mother and daughter Theresa who came over, walking in the fields. On the roadside, during the harvest season, in the boundless wheat fields, you can see that everything you see is filled with intoxicating gold. Under the sunlight, it becomes more and more dazzling, like gold all over the ground. The fields are full of gold. People were busy, even children, following the adults, helping to pick up wheat ears and do whatever work they could.

In the harvest season, pieces of golden leaves dance in the air like beautiful golden butterflies. The fairy in the lake scatters the fruits to the earth with her hands. People deeply love the wind and sunshine this year and the beauty of autumn. The air of autumn is crisp, and I love the fragrance of autumn floating everywhere.

The harvest also entered the noble manor. Wow, the yellow corn reminded Ryan of an old man holding corn (or an old man held by corn). The peas laughed happily and their belly was split, and the rye was black. The face is swaying in the wind, and the golden autumn is the autumn of harvest.

"Ah, our hometown is in the fields of hope~"

"Smoke is floating on the newly built houses~"

“The river flows beside the beautiful village~”

Looking at this harvest scene, Ryan couldn't help humming a familiar song.

The naughty little Devon Hill is now a guy over 1.6 meters tall and very strong. He is running around and looking around. Sulia takes her son with a gentle face and lets him run around.

The sorceress Teresa was specially recruited by Ryan from the sorceress gathering to work with Jean. She and Aurora had no sense of presence in the sorceress gathering because they were severely ostracized by Veronica. In addition, the mother-in-law The woman was mainly responsible for the intelligence work of MI7, so she came from Margarita Castle as soon as Ryan was called.

Today, Teresa and Aurora are both wearing the same version of a dark black champagne hazy shoulder dress from Brittany, with a mink coat on the outside. The only difference is that Teresa has her waist-length black show Her hair was slightly rolled up and then fixed with the high elf jewelry given by Ryan. This not only made the sorceress look much more noble, but also highlighted her cool temperament, while Aurora simply combed her hair. The ponytails hang from their shoulders. Both mother and daughter are wearing the dark gray autumn and winter matte velvet pantyhose that Ryan brought back from Ulthuan, and even the same type of pearl satin high heels. The mixed-blood elf war horses under them are also It was matched by Ryan. The four long legs of gray silk like jade pillars are really a moving autumn scenery.

In fact, Teresa was very satisfied with the current situation. The sorceress rode a mixed elf war horse alongside Ryan, with a touching blush on her face that could not be hidden, and she softly reported the latest information to Ryan.

Ryan nodded slowly with a bad smile on his face. The King of Knights regained his confidence from his female courtier. Although Theresa seemed to be riding a horse now, in fact she couldn't walk at all now.

"Ryan, the assembly has an opinion on this year's harvest in the old world." After Teresa has enjoyed a pampered life here for many years in Ryan, she has now lost her previous complaining personality. Her ability in intelligence work is even better than that of Ou. Ruola is even better: "Veronica and the others have studied and believed that in addition to the blessing of the lady's divine power, the core reason for the harvest in the old world seems to be the influence of the barbarians. The barbarians' large number of chaos sacrifices Action absorbs the winds of chaos in the world, so that the grain may be harvested.”

"Is this true? The intelligence still shows that the barbarians intend to fight the dark elves, right?" Ryan asked again with some worry: "The new intelligence also shows this?"

"That's right." Teresa nodded gently, and the sorceress's silver eyes were filled with the reflection of Ryan: "The information sources we got from Kislev and Nord show this. As for our own... …Sorry, Ryan, since the destruction of Jialan, all the information sources we have worked so hard to establish have been destroyed, and it will take at least several years to restore them."

"I don't blame you for this." Ryan thought to himself whether he was too suspicious. From the comprehensive intelligence, it seemed that the barbarians were indeed going to fight the dark elves: "How is it, Teresa, how is the situation at the sorceress gathering place recently? ?How is your recovery going?"

"It's okay. Veronica has basically completed the reconstruction of the parliament and the reconstruction of the college." Theresa said softly. Before the sorceress could say anything else, Aurora rudely interrupted the conversation between Ryan and her daughter. .

The Holy Witch had a bad rest last night because Ryan and Teresa slept next door to her. This made her feel very depressed today, and she was also very embarrassed and dissatisfied: "What else can you do? Your Majesty, you Anyway, all the rights have been given to Veronica. The two deputy speakers, Teresa and I, don’t even have the right to interfere with many things. I didn’t know about many meetings until Veronica and the others had finished the meeting. Is this your arrangement? I feel that we are not even as good as the original Gloria Council now."

"What? Not satisfied?" Ryan looked at the mature and beautiful Aurora with a half-smile. Unlike Teresa who was blushing, Aurora was obviously not in a good condition. The King of Knights smiled and said: "Ms. Aurora , if you are really dissatisfied, you can also start your own business, just remember to keep Theresa."

"Mother!" Teresa was also dissatisfied with Aurora's attitude. The sorceress thought that the two of them were living so well now, with high status and abundant resources. Why was mother always dissatisfied?

"How can I stand on my own now? The whole old world knows that I am yours and avoids me. It is best not to have contact with me!" Aurora pulled the reins angrily, and the mixed elf war horse trotted a few steps to let the Saint The Domain Witch's proud figure was shaking up and down, and she immediately realized the ambiguity in her words, and quickly added: "Forget about other things, can you tell Her Highness the Lake God Witch not to send people to monitor her all day long? I?"

"No." Ryan said with a smile: "What Morgiana does is Morgiana's business, I can't control it. If one day you are caught by her, I can only enforce the law impartially."

"Ms. Aurora." At this moment, Sulia also approached with a smile. The female knight smiled and said: "Lian and I trust your ability and your work very much, and we hope that you will not let us down." expect."

"It's okay to let me down occasionally. I will enforce the law impartially on behalf of my master. Are you right, master?" Olika also approached from behind. Although the dark elf smiled sweetly, there was a deep look on her expression. The chill made the Holy Witch tremble all over. Aurora not only recalled the days when she was locked up in the monastery.

What is very strange is that the Holy Witch found that there was a period of memory loss during the time she was locked up. She could not remember what she did or experienced for many days in the middle. No matter how she recalled it, she couldn't remember it. Unable to get up, she could only vaguely remember Orika's weird smiling face, and then her body also experienced some strange changes, but Aurora couldn't remember exactly what it was.

This made her a little afraid of Olika, and she usually tried to avoid meeting her: "I didn't mean that, I just said that since Ryan appointed us as deputy..."

"Uncle Angron!" At this moment, little Devonshire's crisp shout diverted everyone's attention. The sturdy young man noticed that he was lying on the thatch, wearing a straw hat on his head, reaching out to stroke the saber-toothed tiger next to him. The chin and belly of the World Eater Primarch Angron.

The Kingdom Knight of Red Fish Village was looking at the scene of the great harvest with a leisurely look. When he heard his nephew's voice, Angron instantly turned over: "Hey, who is here? Oh, it's Devon Hill. Ah, you came back from your godfather?"

"Uncle Angron, I'm here." Little Devon Hill, who was closest to Angron, said excitedly: "I'm coming to your place to eat lamb chops and steak, uncle."

"Okay! Okay~ Uncle will prepare delicious food for you. Eat well and grow taller and stronger!" Angron laughed loudly, and at the same time said hello to Ryan and others: "Brothers, younger siblings, welcome!"

Ryan smiled and said hello to Angron. The King of Knights came to Angron's manor today for a reason to reunite with Angron, but there are two main reasons. The first one is to meet Kara here. The two Holy Grails of De and Turas arranged for them and the army they were about to lead to deploy defenses in the north.

Although Ryan also felt that the barbarians would not come due to the large amount of news, it was still time to train troops and practice marching. Some precautions were necessary, and the group of knights-errant who were completely out of business and would fight when nothing happened was necessary. Bringing them together is also conducive to social stability and strengthening public security.

The second thing is that he wants to see how the five Primaris Gray Knights are undergoing the final transformation process. The Emperor has handed over this matter to the four Emperor's Custodes, but as a original The body has to ask after all.

"It's been troublesome these days, brother." Ryan said to Angron.

"No trouble, no trouble. I haven't stayed with my nephew for a long time. Hehehe, dear nephew, would you like my uncle to kill a four-armed bull demon and show it to you?"

"It depends! My uncle is the most powerful. My godfather and father are not as strong as my uncle!"

"Hahaha~ I love hearing this. Let's add roasted lamb leg tonight!"

"Thank you uncle!"

…………I am thanking uncle for the dividing line…………

Just as the entire old world was immersed in the joy of harvest, above the chaotic wasteland.

The new Eternal Chosen One of Chaos, Black Iron-Mortkin.

Cha-Zan'ek, the Chosen Champion of Tzeentch.

Festus, Nurgle's chosen champion, "The Sick Doctor".

Beauty Prince Sigvald, the chosen champion of Slaanesh.

Karahank the Bloodthirsty, the fourth most powerful demon under Khorne.

Abbar the Undefeated, the seventh demon under Khorne.

The eternal dancer of Slaanesh.

Brutus, the Great Demon of Nurgle - the Happy Plaguebearer.

Azazel, the Daemon Prince of Slaanesh.

The Chosen One of the Four Gods of Chaos, the High King of Norsca, Valmir-Aisling.

Chosen by the Four Gods of Chaos, Ulfric the Wanderer.

Howl, Chosen of Tzeentch - The Eye of Eternity.

Below are more than a dozen chaos demons and demon princes.

The following are more than two hundred Chaos Chosen and Chaos Champions.

The Black Iron Mortkin Guards, all members of the "Crimson Reaper" legion of the Chosen Ones blessed by the Four Gods of Chaos.

The personal bodyguard of the beautiful Prince Sigvald, all members of the "Mirror Guard" legion of Slaanesh's chosen warriors.

The bodyguard of Sick Doctor Festus, a legion of Nurgle's chosen warriors, the "Sons of the Last Plague".

The Chosen Champions of Tzeentch Cha-Zan'ek's personal guard, the entire "Raven Guard" legion of Tzeentch Chosen warriors.

The following are a dozen legions of Chaos Chosen Warriors and more.

The personal bodyguards of the High King of Norsca, Varmir-Aislin, all members of the "Eight-Pointed Star Pattern" Legion of Chaos God-given Warriors

Worldwalker Ulfric - Wanderer's bodyguard, all members of the "Icehorn" legion of warriors given by the gods of Chaos.

Below are dozens of Chaos Warrior Legions and more.

Norscan "Beasts of the Tribe" Barbarian Champion Warrior Legion.

Following hundreds of barbarian legions and more.

Two chaotic dragons.

Below are hundreds of monster warbands and hundreds of Chaos Behemoths.

More than three hundred various demon cannons provided by the Chaos Dwarves.

A total of more than 200,000 Chaos armies have been assembled in the Chaos Wasteland and Norsca.

"We will take advantage of the time when the Southerners are letting down their guard and busy harvesting, to cross half the world and bring destruction and ashes to all mankind!"

"Now, give me the order and the whole army sets off!"

"For Chaos! For Black Iron Motkin!"

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