The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 907, Kislev Millennium Celebration (5200 words long chapter, please subscribe!)

A dwarf messenger finally used the underground river that the Norscan dwarves had spent hundreds of years building to deliver urgent military information to Erengrad, the second largest city in Kislev, located on the easternmost coast of the Sea of ​​Claws. , a trade and economic center, and also a developed industrial large-scale deep-water port.

The underground river of the Norscan dwarves connects the underground of the Giant Mountains to the Sea of ​​Claws. There is a hidden outlet under a coastal cliff, which allows the Norscan dwarves to go around the entire Norscan coast. News reaches Kislev or the Empire.

The order from Norscan Dwarf Lord Torgard-Crimson was very timely, because just thirty minutes after the dwarf messenger left, the entire Dulong City was instantly surrounded by hundreds of thousands of Chaos troops. , the news can no longer spread.

The first one to try to attack Dulong City was the Norscan Mountain Army led by the High King of Norsca and the Chosen Four Gods of Chaos, Varmir Aisling. This army consisted of more than 50,000 barbarian warriors, including more than 3,000 It consists of a Barbarian Champion Warrior and more than 2,000 Chaos Warriors, as well as a large number of monster warbands and many behemoth units.

The Norscan Mountain Legion quickly launched a fierce attack on Dulong City.

The Great Lord Torgard-The Crimson is also ready. Dulong City has set up ten lines of defense. Hundreds of artillery carts and hundreds of artillery pieces are firing. Tens of thousands of dwarf crossbows are raining down to cover the sky. In the rain of arrows on the same day, more than 30,000 dwarf residents in Dulong City were all mobilized to participate in the defense.

The war was extremely cruel, and Valmir Aisling was one level higher than Egil Red Eye. He was the successor to Eric Bloodaxe (this guy boarded Ulthuan and Tyrion in a duel about fifty years ago, and was defeated by (Killed by the High Elf Warlord) Another High King of Norsca. No one knows how old Valmir Aisling is. People only know that when the second Eternal God Anointed Aissa Kuvar went south. , Varmir Aislin was already one of the most powerful Chaos Champions in Norsca. He escaped with his life in the Battle of Fasha, returned to Norsca, and restored his tribe. When Motkin contacted By his time, Varmir-Aislin had proclaimed himself the "Emperor of Chaos" and the "High King of Norsca". He had reached the pinnacle of the Holy Realm and was ready to bring destruction and massacre to the cowardly southerners.

However, Dulong City's defense line was far stronger than the Chaos army had imagined. After five days and five nights of continuous fierce attack, Dulong City's first line of defense finally declared its fall, but after that, there were still nine lines of defense located deep in the mountains. Waiting for the Chaos army to attack, the Chaos army left more than 1,300 corpses, while the Norscan dwarves suffered less than thirty casualties.

The barbarian tribes and Chaos Warriors were all agitated, and then there was another heavy snowstorm, which made the onslaught intermittent. The retreating Norscan dwarves retreated to the second line of defense to build a stronger defense system. , the dozens of meters high city walls, hundreds of gun ports and narrow passages made the barbarians really tired of looking at them.

After the Great Holy War, the Norscans besieged Dulong City for 35 years, but they failed in the end. Dulong City was able to be self-sufficient, and at the same time, it could also obtain a large amount of supplies from the outside world through underground rivers and undercurrents (this is something the barbarians have no idea).

What made Valmir Aisling even more furious was that they had to go into the mountains to continue their attack on Dulong City. This left no room for the giant beasts and monster warbands of the Norsca tribe to play. Therefore, Valmil Eslin After discussing with his Chaos Champions and Norscan Lords, they finally decided to leave a small number of troops to besiege Dulong City. The remaining 45,000 barbarian army continued to move south, preparing to directly attack the empire from the Sea of ​​Claws. of Nordland.

The Norscan dwarves bought a week's buffer time for the humans in the south through active defense, but now these dwarves have been surrounded by four dwarf fortresses north of the Mourn Mountains. They and the surrounding barbarian armies are fighting for victory. Before the disaster, they had lost all contact with the outside world.

Just above the snow-covered peaks, Norscan Lord Torgard the Crimson stood on a hidden mountain sentry, looking out with a telescope.

"The Chaos bastards seem to have given up for the time being." Lord Torgard put down his telescope. He looked at the Chaos army marching around the peaks of the mountain range where Dulong City is located. The black tide of destruction filled all the ends of his sight. As endless as the ocean, Tolgard sighed: "I hope our battle can buy enough time for our human friends in the south and Thor Green and others to prepare."

"Roar!!!" A terrifying dragon roar came from the sky. A chaotic dragon spread its wings and flew across the sky. The once noble body was now covered with tumors and pimples, but there was no trace of it. Questioning the power of chaos makes the dragon even more powerful.

"Chaos Dragon, Skulex the Great." Lord Torgard Crimson put down the telescope: "Oops, the scale of this Chaos invasion may be the largest since the Great Holy War."

"Southerners, have you heard from us?"

"We have received news from the Norscan dwarves, General Voroshilov." Just inside the palace of Erengrad, an attendant was telling the current State Duma representative of Erengrad that during the Winter War He lost troops and generals, and was eventually reported to Voroshilov, who was demoted from marshal of the Bear Cavalry to general.

After the huge losses in the Winter War, it was obvious that the old marshal had lost Katalin's trust. However, Voroshilov was senior and knew how to cater to his superiors. He had never offended the tsarina. His personal hobbies were just Drink some wine, and this guy knows how to size up the situation and is flexible and adaptable. After the war, when Katalin planned to question him, he took the initiative to wear a simple pair of animal skin burlap clothes, and at the same time pretended to be old and showed off his white hair, which was very Humbly and even abandoning his dignity, he knelt down and apologized to everyone. This made the tsarina a little bit intolerable. Thinking carefully about this old marshal, he was a loyal old man who had experienced three tsars. He had a high prestige in the army, and He rarely formed cliques and never participated in other things, so he was simply demoted to general and no longer commanded the army. He was sent to Oerengrad to become a Duma deputy, which was regarded as a way to provide for him in old age. .

Although most people did not take the urgent report from the Norscan dwarves seriously, due to the stubborn demands of the dwarves and the particularity of the news, the news that a large group of Chaos troops were gathering in the north of the Mourn Mountains was still sent to Voroshilov. in hand.

In the aristocratic mansion of Erlengrad, the old marshal was wearing a bearskin coat, leaning on the old man's chair and rocking, rocking, feeling very comfortable. He was sitting in front of the fireplace warming himself by the fire, with a table on the table. With a half-eaten bowl of cream of mushroom soup and a half-eaten hamburger steak, he had just finished writing an article praising the Tsarina's hard work and hard work, which finally allowed Kislev to obtain one of the few great harvests in history. , the state is very tired.

One month later will be the Millennium Celebration of Kislev. It was exactly a thousand years ago that the first female tsar of Kislev and the ice witch Empress Miska led Mrs. Kislev from the deeply corrupt Kurgan. They migrated from the grasslands and finally settled here in Kislev after a few years. Unknowingly, a thousand years passed like this.

In the past two years, Kislev has become slightly more stable. The empire has restored its food supply after recuperating. In addition, Beria's "gray livestock trade" and the opening of the trade road with Dulong City have allowed Kislev to The husband's treasury received huge income, and the kingdom in the ice and snow took a breather on the edge of the cliff and gradually stabilized. Voroshilov couldn't wait to send a message to praise Katalin for creating a new "Katalin" era".

Voroshilov's praise coincided with a rare bumper harvest. According to the Tsarina's reply, the old marshal thought that he would be restored to the rank of marshal and transferred back to the city of Kislev.

"General, this is a message from the Norscan dwarves." An attendant came in and handed the message to the old marshal. The old marshal immediately motioned to the attendant to get the reading glasses on the table and read them carefully.

Two minutes later, the old marshal took off his glasses: "Is the news true?"

"It should be true, but Boyer and the generals believe that this is outdated news. There is no doubt that the damn barbarians are targeting the dark elves." The attendant said.

"Well..." The old marshal has received dozens of pieces of information like this during this time. Some of this information comes from spies from Norsca, some from merchants trading with barbarians, some from northern frontline fortresses, and some The information comes from the empire and the dwarves, all of which are contradictory and impossible to tell.

Obviously the old marshal was not an expert in intelligence, so he almost subconsciously wanted to put this information aside.

However, the old marshal suddenly realized that this was his chance to get into the sight of the female tsar again.

"Arrange a passenger ship and I will personally deliver this information to the Tsarina!"


A week later, the old marshal arrived at the Bokaha Palace in Kislev City as he wished.

The Krim guard held a halberd and blocked Voroshilov outside: "General, you can't go in now."

"What's going on inside?" The old marshal tried to look inside.

In the main hall, Noble Boye, General Kislev, and the ice witches were sitting together. Tsarina Katalin was sitting on her throne. Her tone sounded cold, and it seemed that there was something in it. With some kind of deep dissatisfaction: "Defeat the barbarians, defeat the greenskins, and put down the rebellion. In the north, we have just expelled the Belpine Forest tribe to the other side of the Mourn Mountains, and the Jiakova Fortress in the south is facing another greenskin attack."

"I have been on the throne for more than 20 years. How can I really let go of my mind and conduct research? This has brought about the recent peace and this great harvest!" Katalin sat on her tsar's throne. A circle of ice witches sat around her. They sat beside the Tsarina. They also looked at the State Duma deputies below with cold eyes: "I am not doing this for the prosperity of our Kislev, I am doing this. What is it for?"

It was very quiet in the palace, no one spoke, and even a fine needle could be heard. When the old marshal saw this scene, his face was ugly. He knew that he came at the wrong time, so he could only stand outside and wait.

A very handsome, tall officer, who even smelled of cologne came from a distance. Voroshilov recognized him. He was Alexei, a sergeant of the Kislev Ice Palace Guards. Officer.

Yes, Kislev also has a Guard, but this Guard is not as elite as the old Brittanian Guard. The selection criteria for the Ice Palace Guard are firstly not strength, and secondly not Blood source, but they were selected entirely based on appearance and height. This resulted in the Ice Palace Guards, a team of only a few dozen people, all being handsome, but at the same time they were all looking good.

There are rumors in the palace that this group of Ice Palace Guards are actually the male favorites of the Ice Witch Sisterhood. The old marshal thought that this might be true, because most of these handsome guys are short-term and will not survive. There are many people who mysteriously disappeared at the age of thirty, and the master chief was personally appointed by the tsarina. There have been more than a dozen of them after taking the throne for more than 20 years, and about half of them are also missing.

The two parties greeted each other, and the chief took the initiative to chat: "Hello, General, what brought you here?"

"Ah, it's nothing. What are you doing inside?" Voroshilov asked in a low voice. The sergeant chief could enter and leave the palace freely, and often participated in palace meetings as a guard of honor.

"Hey, you're not that group of ignorant guys!" Alexei straightened up his handsome face, full of an expression of hatred for iron and steel: "I told you, this year belongs to Kislev What’s the matter with the Millennium Celebration, such a grand event, with a little extra tax? This year’s harvest will be a bumper harvest! Shouldn’t the extra food be presented to express gratitude to His Majesty the Tsar for his gift?”

Before Alexei finished speaking, the conversation in the palace continued.

"Take this thousand-year celebration as an example. It has been a thousand years since Queen Miska took the tribe from Kurgan. Anyone who knows it knows that it is time for the Ice and Snow Kingdom to hold a grand event of sufficient size. It’s a celebration. People who don’t know only know how to scold me for being extravagant and lustful. Do you think I don’t understand what everyone is talking about recently? Yezhov and Cheka have already reported to me.” The female tsar then said coldly: “ Isn’t this just for the sake of our national image in Kislev?”

"Normally speaking, if a Boye master marries a wife, wins a victory, or lives to be sixty years old, they will hold a big banquet and let people nearby come to enjoy the food and bonfires. Everyone will be happy and everyone will It is said that this Boye has been blessed by Esun, is strong and full of hope, and his reputation will spread throughout the old world with the banquet and celebration!" Katalin saw that everyone still remained silent, and became a little impatient: "Boye Yes, this is what the country should be like! If we don’t even hold a proper Millennium Celebration, not only will our tsarist family lose face, but the entire Kislev family will be unable to hold its head high in the old world!”

"If we don't do a good job, how will the stability and prosperity in the past few years after the Winter War be shown to everyone?" Katalin opened her slender red eyes. The tsarina's facial features would not be particularly stunning if singled out. Combined together, there is a very well-proportioned beauty, with a small oval face and long black hair parted in the middle hanging from the ears with crystal pearl earlobes.

After adjusting her long dark blue skirt and bringing her calves wrapped in white stockings together, the Tsarina stared closely at the people in the State Duma: "In this way, the northern barbarians and greenskins will look down on us, and even the old The humans and dwarves in the world will also look down on us! If the greenskins and barbarians look down on us, they will fight! If the humans and dwarves in the old world look down on us, they will disobey us!"

"That's all I have to say. Those who are still opposed to the Millennium Celebration can speak out!"

The Boye nobles and generals below looked at each other in confusion, but they did not dare to raise objections. Marshal Rokossovsky of the Bear Cavalry knelt on the ground and did not dare to raise his head. He thought that prestige is earned, how can it be achieved through a celebration? What about?

After thinking for a while, Marshal Bear Cavalry said thoughtfully: "To answer your Majesty's question, we are not opposed to holding the Millennium Celebration, but the time is not right now."

"Why is it inappropriate? The Empire in the south came back from the Norsca Expedition and held celebrations for twelve consecutive days. Britannia in the west also held ten celebrations respectively after returning from the Eight Peaks Expedition and the Obien Expedition. Two-day and five-day large-scale banquets!" Katalin said coldly: "Our thousand-year celebration only happens once in a thousand years!"

"But..." Rokossovsky wanted to say something more, but he immediately felt that Grand Marshal Kislev, Dimitri Zaev, pulled the corner of his clothes, and the Bear Cavalry Marshal shut up knowingly. .

"But what?" Katalin became more and more dissatisfied. The Czarina thought that Emperor Karl-Franz was just a prince who only had the name of emperor but could not command the Reikland. As for the Knight King Ryan, he still It's not just that he married the Duke's legitimate daughter, Marquise Sulia. After all, he got to the position through nepotism. So what if he can fight? He's just a reckless man who works hard for his life.

Look at the generals and boys below this palace who are all waiting for my orders. I am the only one who knows how to use people. What’s more, I am a strong man in the holy realm and have the blood of Tsarina Miska. When it comes to fighting, I am no better. He is poor.

"No, your Majesty has considered the long term, but I didn't expect it." The face of Lieutenant General Ugor suddenly appeared in Rokossovsky's mind. His bald head and gloomy words were both Ugor's. It was lingering in the person's mind, and he struggled and chose to give up.

"Then it's settled."

After everyone dispersed, the tsarina, who was still angry, received a report from Krim's guard, saying that the old marshal wanted to see him.

"Voroshilov, what's the matter?"

"I bring you congratulatory gifts and new words of praise for our millennium celebration, Your Majesty!" The old marshal knew that the Tsarina was angry, so he wisely told the Tsarina what she was happy about, and when he saw Katalin, she looked good. At one o'clock, he whispered: "Also, the Norscan dwarf king Torgard Crimson sent news that a Chaos army of at least 150,000 people is gathering in the north of the Mourn Mountains."

"I know, I know." The Czarina said calmly: "We all know that our neighbors in the north want to fight the dark elves to the death. The dwarves' information is really out of date. There is no need to talk about this matter anymore."

"Yes." The old marshal could only say nothing.

"Oh, by the way, since it is the Millennium Celebration, the soldiers on the front line must not forget it. In this way, since there is more food this year, go and give each of the defenders at the mountain pass and the northern front line two bottles of vodka, three pieces of black bread and a piece of bacon. ." Katalin thought of the defenders on the front line, and the Tsarina said casually: "Go and inform the State Duma about this and let Vlasov do it."


In this way, the heart of the entire Ice and Snow Kingdom began to beat vigorously, preparing to welcome its own millennium celebration with enthusiasm and vitality.

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