The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 909, I am from Vosgrad Fortress (5800 words long chapter, please vote!)

The Kislev garrison stationed in Vosgrad was no stranger to barbarian armies. In other words, they had developed instincts from fighting with barbarians all year round. When the fire from the Chaos Hell Cannon fell into the fortress, dozens of people were killed. When the defenders burned to ashes and a whole section of the city wall was blown into a big hole, the alarm sounded immediately, and Kislev's defenders immediately began to respond quickly.

The commander of the garrison at Vosgrad was Major General Ugorboy Korobkov. The general woke up from the explosion. When he got up from the cot, he ran all the way to the city wall and looked at The firelight and smoke of dozens of Chaos artillery pieces streaked across the sky and fell like meteors. The general immediately realized that something was wrong: "Oh no!"

"It seems that some people's estimates have made serious and irreversible mistakes!"

"Alert! Alert! Get everyone up!"

"Get ready to fight, get ready to fight!!!"

The urgent sound of horns and sirens woke up Artyom, who was still sleeping soundly. The private first class shuddered and woke up from his sleep: "What's wrong? Damn it! Esun is here!"

"Tal's teeth! Get up, Artyom, the enemy is coming! The Chaos bastards are coming!" There was a commotion in the military camp, and the guards were all hurriedly dressing and looking for their weapons and equipment.

As soon as Artyom got up, he felt the early morning chill penetrate directly into his clothes. The young Kislev soldier's eyes darkened. A very strong sense of nausea filled his mouth and throat, and his head felt dizzy. , Artyom almost fell to the ground, but fortunately someone reached out and pulled him up: "What's wrong, Artyom, are you feeling uncomfortable?"

"No, it's okay." The spearman knew the reason for this. Long-term malnutrition had made his body a little weak. Artyom gritted his teeth and stood up. He grabbed the vodka and stuffed it into his arms, then took it from his chest. He hung the armor on his body and put it on, then found his helmet and took the spear.

"Quick! Quick!" the officer yelled at the door, signaling the soldiers to climb up the city wall as soon as possible.

Along the stairs of the city wall, the spearman climbed up the city wall facing the first ray of sunlight in the early morning. He looked through the crenellations of the city wall.

The terrifying sight in front of him made the first-class soldier tremble uncontrollably. He felt the cold air creeping in along his cuffs, collar, and ankles, gradually covering his whole body.

Outside the city wall is a dark green ocean.

Thousands of Norscans have surrounded this fortress. The old Norscan warriors in simple clothes and gray hair are at the forefront. They stretch out their hands to push the huge Nurgle Plague siege tower and siege tower. City cars, veteran soldiers are very old, these barbarians have been regarded as "useless garbage", their only value now is to act as human shields and to die.

After the old Norscan warriors came more than a dozen legions and hundreds of warbands of Norscan raiders. Their ferocious faces were filled only with a passion for killing. How many low-level Nurgle demons were there with weird appearances? At least Artyom saw hundreds of them, plague-stricken mortals and corrupted mutated beasts raising their pimple-scarred faces in anticipation of orders. Thousands of banners were hoisted high in the sky, each marked with The face of the father of all diseases, the butcher's knife unsheathed, the hammer unchained, the blunt sword drawn from its human-skin scabbard.

In the distance, a dozen huge Nurgle Chaos Trolls were waving their big sticks. After that, three Chaos Giants were covered with pustules and sores blessed by Nurgle. As they moved forward, The ground was dripping with slurry, and dozens of Chaos Spawn were driven forward by the Norscans. There were no traces of their former human nature on their bodies.

Interspersed among the ranks were a large number of Plague War Mastiffs.

"Oh my God, Esun is on top!" Dozens of flames flashed across the sky. Artyom hurriedly hid his body behind the battlements. A demonic shell from the Chaos Hell Cannon bombarded the city wall. A large hole three meters high and two meters wide was instantly blown out of the fifteen-meter-high city wall.

"Where are our artillery? What are they doing?" Artyom shouted fearfully and helplessly at his colleagues nearby who were also holding spears. It seemed that he could not expel the wavering in his heart without this method.

"The range of cannons and mortars is not that far!" Major General Korobkov commanded the defense. The major general stood on the top of the fortress, looking down at the city wall below: "Get into your position! Prepare to meet the enemy's attack. We must hold on until the end of the fortress. Raghu’s reinforcements have arrived!”

How many enemies are there? Thirty thousand? fifty thousand? Or one hundred thousand? Artyom tightened his grip on the spear in his hand. It seemed that only this spear could bring him a sense of security. He took out a crossbow from behind and began to pull the string with his hand to load the crossbow.

This kind of inferior crossbow made by the empire is different from the exquisite hand crossbows of Nuer Military Factory or the dwarves. This inferior crossbow only has a simple wooden handle, and loading is very troublesome and laborious. It is enough to shoot even one arrow in a minute, but At least it would give the spearmen something to distract themselves and something to do.

The footsteps of Chaos were approaching quietly, and Artyom could feel the footsteps of boots coming one after another. After loading their ammunition, the defenders saw a large number of neatly arranged torches spreading around, and they heard the piercing screams of war horns. , and a low lament in praise of the god of decay.

Soon, Chaos' attack began.

Dozens of Chaos cannons fired continuously under the operation of Chaos Dwarf Engineers. Following the sound of the cannons, there were the roars and cheers of thousands of Norscan warriors, the sound of weapons hitting shields, and chaotic drumbeats. , the Khorne believers were the first to launch the charge. The groups of Norscan warriors who believed in Khorne rushed towards the fortress wall crazily. They roared crazily, trying to make their voices heard by the great Blood God. heard.

Major General Korobkov initially signaled the defenders to stabilize their positions. The Major General thought this might be a test by the Chaos bastards. However, as the followers of Khorne charged, all the Chaos armies began to advance, and the monsters The war gang even overran the old, weak, sick and disabled people from Norsca in front. Only then did the major general realize that this was not a test, but a full-scale attack.



"Free Fire!"

The officers' roars resounded through the city. On the western wall of Vosgrad Fortress, hundreds of defenders and more than a dozen artillery pieces opened fire at the same time. Dozens of muskets from the Empire also fired bullets at the enemy. , most of the Khorne believers who rushed at the front were only wearing the simplest leather armor, and many of them even had no armor. More than a hundred of them fell in an instant. In an instant, Artyom felt the power from mortals. With strength, he tightened his grip on the crossbow, pointed it at a Norscan warrior who was wearing only underpants, holding two crudely made axes, with gray hair on his temples, charging madly, and pulled the trigger.

However, the power and confidence brought by the artillery only lasted for a moment. The wails and screams of the dead on the city wall were immediately drowned out by the endless successors. Dozens of Norscan warbands rushed up from behind. They even ran over their own compatriots and stepped on the bodies of their incompetent compatriots, who came like a flood.

bring it on! bring it on! The children of Kislev will never succumb to darkness, ever! Artyom's heart was gradually filled with a cold and desperate anger. The spearmen loaded their hand crossbows, and the officers' orders rang out: "Aim at the nearest shot! Prepare for close combat!"

It was too late, or in other words, there were too many. After the Norscan warriors rushed to the city wall, hundreds of brass hooks flew into the air from under the city wall. A few seconds later, on the rope of each hook It was full of Norscan raiders, and they quickly alternated their hands, trying to pull themselves up the wall.

The remaining ones without hooks took out their javelins and throwing axes and fought back at the guards. The hit rate was naturally low, but as long as a guard was hit, thousands of howls and praises to the God of Darkness would erupt under the city wall. eulogies.

The defenders tried every means to resist. The hundreds of brass hooks were extremely hard and could not be broken with crudely made swords or spears. So the defenders stabbed them with spears, boiled them with boiling water, and smashed them with stones. , and tried their best to prevent the barbarians from ascending to the top of the city.

A Chaos Hell Cannon hit not far away. The oncoming debris, pieces of flesh and blood, and gunpowder smoke splashed all over Artyom. The spearman clenched his spear with both hands and angrily bent the spear. Stabbing a climbing Norscan raider, the sharp spear tip pierced the barbarian's face, turning his fanatical and angry face into shock and disbelief, and the hot blood spurted onto the city wall, splashing all over the city wall. Artyom said: "Go to hell! Chaos bastard!"

The scarlet blood caused the spearman to fall into a frenzy. He tried to pull out the spear, but the workmanship was not very good and the spear broke completely when it was already bent. He only got back half of the wooden handle. , Artyom roared angrily, seeming to complain about the poor workmanship of the spear. He immediately noticed that three more brass hooks had been fixed nearby, and the Norscan raiders above were moving at a very fast speed. Climb up at speed.

The young spearman had no spear anymore, and he was about to turn back and call to his companions.

However, what appeared in front of him was only the huge crater blasted out by the Chaos Hell Cannon on the wall around him, and five or six groups of melted ashes. Half of a spearman's body was blown to pieces by the cannon fire, leaving only His upper body was broken, and his intestines were bleeding all over the floor. He was struggling in great pain, breathing, and the hand that was burnt black by the cannon fodder of the hell cannon pointed to a place: "Brother, my spear... is there."

After saying that, the soldier's head fell down and never got up again.

Artyom only felt that his mouth was dry. He had no time to grieve for the sacrifices of his compatriots. The spearmen were crazy and angry. He grabbed the spear, pierced the weapon into the masonry of the city wall, and forcefully tore the masonry into the wall. It tilted up, and fell down along with the two brass hooks and all the barbarian warriors hanging on it.

This small section of the city wall was temporarily safe. The spearmen were gasping for air. The reinforcements from behind soon arrived. A reserve team was pitifully small, only a dozen people. The defenders were holding spears, swords and shields. The army rushed over, preparing to meet the next wave of offensive from the Chaos army.

Artyom subconsciously wanted to get a sip of water, but he had nothing now. The spearman tried to observe the situation. He immediately discovered that four siege towers and a large siege ram pushed by the Chaos Trolls were moving at a high speed. Approaching the city wall very slowly and firmly, the Nurgle believers did not move quickly, but the scene they saw next was extremely despairing.

A cannon shell hit the rotten and fragile siege tower. A big hole was immediately blasted out of the siege tower and it was crumbling, but then, the terrifying Nurgle Witch Doctor - more than four meters tall, wearing a robe and holding a The Chosen Champion of Nurgle wielding the Skull Staff only needs to cast a spell, and a thick, slimy green ichor will flow out from the damaged siege tower, sealing the breach and keeping the siege tower running quickly.

"For Esun, for Kislev, for Katalin!"

Mrs. Keesler would never retreat or surrender. The defenders were starving and lacked weapons and clean water. Under the personal command of Major General Korobkov, they formed a death squad of more than a dozen young men. Personally carrying grenades and explosive packs produced by the empire, he swung down from the city wall with a rope, and used his own life to detonate the mobile base under the siege tower. The four siege towers were placed five meters, five meters, and seven meters away from the city wall. and eight meters away from paralysis.

"Wow!" The Chaos Army roared angrily! Especially Festus, the chosen champion of Nurgle, the good son of his loving father and the most beloved Nurgle Witch Doctor ordered the Chaos Warriors to come forward.

The two Chaos Giants continued to push the giant battering ram forward.

"Boom!" The giant battering ram bombarded the strong east gate of the fortress.

"Boom!" The iron chain tied behind the gate twisted.

"Boom!" After dozens of consecutive hits, the gate was about to lose its hold. The defender's bed crossbow finally hit the heart of the Chaos Giant after dozens of attempts. The Chaos Giant screamed and fell down, covering his chest with his hands. , crushed the siege ram, and the other Chaos Giant retreated in fear, and was killed by Festus himself.

"Boom!" The battle on the city wall continued. The Kislev guards fought for their last drop of blood. Hundreds of barbarian warriors jumped directly onto the city wall from the siege tower, but they were still repelled by the defenders. !

Three teams of heavily armored Chaos warriors climbed up the city wall along the siege ladder, but were still repelled!

Finally, more than a dozen Nurgle God-chosen warriors climbed onto the city wall under the personal leadership of Nurgle Champion Apozul. As soon as they came up, they harvested the heads of hundreds of Mrs. Keesler. The Nurgle Champion once announced that he victory, and the determination to dedicate this fortress to Nurgle.

However, the descendants of the Bear God never gave up, and the defenders used their last trump card, which was the sacred object of Thor, the God of Thunder, among the three northern gods. Now, this sacred object has lost its previous light, and a ray of light flew down from the sky. Thunderbolts scorched the flesh of Nurgle's champion, Abozul, and a dozen chosen warriors, and drove them off the city walls.

But even Thor's lightning power could not completely kill the Nurgle Champions and the Chosen Warriors. They quickly got up. It seemed that Thor's magic had not only scorched their flesh a lot, It's not powerful enough to kill them.

The Chaos Hell Cannon collapsed all three towers of the fortress, and the dozen cannons and a small number of musketeers inside were all silenced. The Chaos army tried to attack again, but Mrs. Keesler's iron will allowed them to organize again. A wave of counterattack was launched, and at the cost of more than 300 casualties, the Chaos army was driven off the city wall again!

The long battle, malnutrition, and lack of water left Artyom almost unable to stand. Only a few guards were left alive on the entire city wall. They threw the corpses of their compatriots from the city wall as heavy objects. Used as rolling stone and wood.

In this way, the Kislev defenders actually repelled the offensive of the Chaos army again!

After nearly ten hours of continuous fighting, Festus finally could not tolerate the clumsy defeat of his legions. The Nurgle Chosen Champion signaled the Nurgle Chosen Warriors to take out his secret weapon.

More than a dozen large Nurgle pottery jars were thrown into the fortress by the chosen warriors of Nurgle God. The ground was already covered with debris and in a mess. Dark green dark clouds enveloped the entire fortress. At first, only a small number of the defenders felt their body. Discomfort and coughing, but soon a group of people collapsed. Those who succumbed to the evil contagion of the Cloud found boils forming on their skin, blisters on their tongues, and gelatin on their eyelids.

Artyom coughed painfully, and as he coughed, pieces of lungs and large streams of blood came out of his mouth. The spearman stood up against the wall, and he found that the originally solid stone wall was now Became slimy.

The walls melted, dripping salty liquid with a pungent sound.

"Boom!" Another chaos giant rushed over, and this time, the fortress gate finally collapsed.

"Retreat! Everyone! Retreat...ahem, retreat to the main castle!"


The remaining garrison of less than 500 men began to attempt to retreat under the orders of the major general. They retreated into the fortress and continued to resist.

Festus, the Chosen Champion of Nurgle, thought they had captured the fortress after breaking through the gate.

Mrs. Keesler, however, was quick to tell the Yankees that you couldn't be more wrong.

The remaining five hundred Kislev garrison, infected by the Nurgle plague, lacking weapons and ammunition, water and food, and without any reinforcements, relied on brutal street fighting and street fighting to defeat the four fortresses in the fortress. , put up a tenacious resistance to Festus.

In every house, every building, every street, and every stronghold, Mrs. Keesler used her own life to tenaciously block Festus and his army. Due to the narrow and crowded streets, the numerical superiority of Chaos and the giant beasts. The advantage could not be used. Every hour, Mrs. Keesler had to repel 6-7 attacks from the Chaos army.

The defenders were already desperate, the fortress was surrounded from all sides, and there was no messenger who could pass on the subsequent information to Prager, but the proud and stubborn Mrs. Keesler decided to continue fighting and keep fighting.

The defense of Vosgrad Fortress lasted from 4:30 in the morning on the first day to noon on the second day. This war far exceeded the five hours planned by the Nurgle God's Chosen Champion to resolve the battle.

However, no matter how tenacious the Kislev defenders were and how they resisted, at twelve noon the next day, when the last Kislev soldiers continued to cough up blood, endured terrible pain, and used willpower to overcome the lack of water and Troubled by hunger, when they gathered in an inconspicuous Esun church deep in the fortress, everyone realized that the last moment had come.

Private Artyom... No, he is now Acting Colonel Artyom. This spearman is dying. Behind him, more than twenty people who are suffering from illness and disease are the last of the Vosgrad Fortress. The Kislev garrison is hiding in the church of the Bear God, preparing to face its last moment.

Not far away, on the streets strewn with corpses and billowing clouds of plague, countless Chaos warriors marched side by side. The streets were filled with the corpses of Kislev defenders and barbarians, and flames and smoke were in the ruins. Burning.

The Plague Warmastiffs are sniffing the scent greedily, searching for whether there are still any defenders alive.

The corpses of all Kislev's defenders will be gathered together, and the plague doctor Festus will use the flesh and blood of these corpses to make "little soap of Nurgle."

Acting Colonel Artyom was gasping for air. He kept coughing up blood, and his mind was already in a trance.

In the hallucination, he felt as if he had returned to his hometown, the beautiful birch forest, the snow was still falling, his and her names were engraved on the birch trees, pigeons were still flying in the sky, and the village was always peaceful.

"Cough cough cough..." Artyom suddenly remembered something and reached out to touch his arms.

There lay his own glass bottle of vodka.

The last bite cannot be missed no matter what.

Artyom reached out and took out the glass bottle, struggled to unscrew the cap, and drank the last sip of vodka. His mouth was filled with the smell of rust, but he still tasted a familiar taste.

The acting colonel stood up holding on to the wall. Seeing him stand up, all the soldiers stood up hard.

Groups of Chaos Warriors were approaching, getting closer, and some Chaos Warriors had already noticed this dilapidated church.

The church rang out the last war cry belonging to Kislev. Under the leadership of Artyom, more than twenty soldiers staggered with weapons, even stools, shovels, table corners and wooden sticks. , launched the last charge towards the Chaos army coming from the north.


"Ula la la la!!!"

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