The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 914, Zedevka Battle (Part 2) (Second update, please vote!)

The camp on the front line of the Slaanesh Legion was stinking to the sky. Artillery fire from the Kislev Artillery bombarded the camp on the front line of the Slaanesh Legion, blowing up the high-spirited Chaos Souls into the sky. It really satisfies their need for novelty.

In the confusion and fatigue after the carnival, a Kurgan chief under the beautiful Prince Sigvald opened his eyes in a daze. The chief only felt a splitting headache. This Kurgan warlord was in the haystack. He wanted to turn over and stand up, but the pain in his head made him feel like the world was spinning. During the process of turning over, his legs softened and he fell directly to the hard ground.

He drank too much last night and vented his anger on a mule six times. His legs were so weak that he couldn't stand up.

The state of the Kurgan warlord represents the state of his entire camp. The Kurgan tribe was extremely high last night. The soldiers responded slowly, while Mrs. Kesler got a certain amount of rest. Their artillery bombardment After opening the simple wooden walls and gates of the camp, Marshal Konev personally led the bear cavalry into an array. The strong giant bears, symbolizing the bear god Esun, unleashed their anger and forcibly broke through a small amount of the warehouse. The weak resistance of the Kurgan spearmen, and then the hussars rushed into the camp, followed by the Ksar warriors and Krim guards. They swung the battle axes in their hands and cut the Kurgan people who were caught off guard into several pieces.

"Get ready!" The Tsar's shooting army lined up in several rows, holding muskets imported from the empire, and fired at the Kurgan infantry. The Kurgan warriors who tried to form a long gun formation were shot one after another, and even a few Neither the Chaos Warriors nor the Chaos Knights were immune. A group of Chaos Knights tried to get close to the Tsarist Shooting Army, but how could the Son of Kislev be afraid? The shooters aimed the black muzzles of their muskets at the horses of the Chaos Knights.

"Bang~bang bang bang!" After a round of intensive barrages, a group of Chaos Knights fell off their horses one after another. As soon as these heavily armored guys fell to the ground, the shooters skillfully hung their muskets behind their shoulders. They took out their sharp two-handed battle axes and brought it down, splattering their bodies with pieces of armor and flesh.

A group of Chaos Knights was wiped out.

In the camp, the Kurgan warlord just struggled to stand up. When he took his battle ax and rushed out of the gate to summon the army, the oncoming giant bear knocked him to the ground on the spot. The claws swept away, leaving a claw mark so deep that it could be seen on the face of the Kurgan warlord. The warlord grunted, cursed in the Kurgan language, and tried to get up.

It was too late, groups of black-clad legions rushed into the gate. A Krim guard had only cruelty and hatred on his face. He waved the heavy ax in his hand to draw a circle in the air, and slashed with the ax head. The Kurgan warlord was disemboweled on the spot.

The warlord was immediately beheaded. The dead warlord frightened the Kurgan people. Many barbarian raiders took courage but were defeated by volleys of cannonballs and muskets, as well as the charges of bear cavalry and winged cavalry, and the entire tribe began to rout. .

Soon, the Kurgan tribe, which numbered more than a thousand, was completely defeated by Konev's assault legion.

"Go forward! Go forward with me! Soldiers, for Kislev, for Esun, and for Tsarina Katalin!" Marshal Konev personally rode a giant bear and charged forward, his big bald head shining in the sun. The dazzling light reflected below, the marshal waved a big flag with a white bear on a brown background: "Forward!"

Kislev's army formed a sea of ​​gray and brown. They were in units of hundreds, and under the command of the officers, they rolled towards Sigvald's Slaanesh army. The angry Mrs. Kislev headed towards As the Chaos bastards unleash their most terrifying rage, they will never forgive these people who invaded their hometown.

At this time, the Krim guards played a vital role. Although these black legions were greedy, their combat experience and strength were unquestionable. These brave Tsarist guards were brave and good at fighting, and their hands were heavy. The ax is a weapon that can break armor. Once the bear cavalry rushed out of the way, the Krim guards immediately followed, and then the Ksar warriors and Kislev recruited infantry.

The Yankees were stunned at first. Because everyone was having too much fun, the reaction of the Slaanesh Legion was very slow. Dozens of gaps were torn open in their line. There were some barbarian marauders or Chaos Warriors. Trying to form an array to fight against the oncoming Mrs. Kisler, however, it was useless, because the bear cavalry and wing cavalry would quickly bypass them, and then the Kislev shooting army and artillery would immediately kill the barbarians. The resistance was defeated.

Marshal Konev pulled the reins. In front of him was the defeated Slaanesh army, several completely destroyed barbarian camps, and the appearance of the huge Kislev army advancing. The smoke and the gushing fire showed that The success of this raid.

It seems that his advantage can last for a while, Marshal Konev thought, if Rokossovsky's large group of light cavalry can divide and cut into pieces the ranks of Slaanesh's army, then the plan can be completed.

Kislev's army poured into the camp of the Slaanesh Legion like a flood. Konev immediately noticed several Chaos Hell Cannons at one end of the camp. He immediately ordered: "Petrovich! Take your people, immediately Go get rid of those Chaos Hell Cannons!"

"Yes!" Major General Petrovich of the Hussars immediately raised his flag: "Soldiers, follow me!"

Mrs. Keesler, who rushed into the camp of the Slaanesh army, immediately divided an arrow with hundreds of people, pointing directly at the location of the Chaos Hell Cannon in the camp. At this time, the Chaos Dwarves were still belching wine, and they were in a hurry. The ground tried to load the Chaos Hell Cannon, but due to the characteristics of the Chaos Hell Cannon requiring living flesh and blood and taking time to digest, it was impossible to fire the cannon in the event of a surprise attack. The Hussars divided into half to drive away the Chaos Dwarves and pierce them with spears. One half of the armor drove them away, while the other half threw prepared explosives and grenades imported from the Empire at the Chaos Hell Cannon.

Chaos hell cannons exploded one after another, and the fire they spurted rushed hundreds of meters into the sky.

But the rest of the attack gradually began to go wrong. The Chaos Dwarves activated the Demonic Lava Cannon. This giant artillery sprayed more than 20 meters of flames at the oncoming wing cavalry. Half a dozen wing cavalry were on the spot. It melted into a twisted mass of flesh and blood on the spot.

The Chaos Flame Warlock Fisterjax-Think Tank also appeared on the front line. He summoned five fireballs and swept across the Hussars array. The Hussars Major General Petrovich and his horse were directly bombarded on the spot. A mass of charred remains, the remaining hussars tried to regroup amidst the explosion and fire, but there was a sharp and piercing sound of horns in the distance.

A group of Slaanesh's lusty knights are leading more than two hundred barbarian marauder riders to charge from afar!

"Array!" Colonel Ushakov of the Hussars shouted sternly. Dozens of the Hussars quickly formed a formation, with their wings swaying behind them, and sprinted to meet the enemy. They quickly dispersed into two teams and dodged the Knights of Slaanesh's Desire. A fatal charge, followed by a flanking attack, dozens of barbarian marauders were slaughtered, but there were still several winged cavalry who fell into the icy frozen soil of Kislev with them.

"Continue! Continue the attack!" Marshal Konev shouted: "Continue the attack! The target is the camp of the chosen champion of Slaanesh!"

Kislev's army continued to advance.

In the camp, the beautiful Prince Sigvald had just woken up. He hung up his Slaanesh silver sword, and dozens of exotic beauties put his fine gold armor on his body. The entire set of armor was extremely gorgeous and polished to be brighter than a reflective mirror. The chosen champion of Slaanesh even took out his shield, washed his face elegantly against his shield, and took out a razor made of giant beast teeth and a I figured myself out with soap made from human fat, and then I was ready to go.

"Whoops!" Halfway through, a cannonball carrying Mrs. Keesler's anger blasted into Sigvald's camp. The Chosen Champion of Slaanesh drew the Slaanesh Silver Sword and struck it with his backhand. The cannonball flew up and landed on He said to one side: "Ah~ what, damn Southerners, disturb my good mood, a bunch of ugly, stupid and unclean filth!"

"Watch me kill them all!" After saying that, Prince Sigvald left his camp, but the sight in front of him made him frown.

Nearly one-third of his camp had fallen to Kislev's attack. Thousands of smoke and flames made his vision unclear. The battles at several front positions of the Slaanesh Legion were all over. , the Slaanesh army that was caught off guard was killed and defeated. There were defeated barbarians and their corpses everywhere. Even the Chaos Warriors were on the verge of collapse. Those purple and black dots were soon submerged by the torrent of gray and brown. .

Mrs. Keesler continued to advance, and the sounds of curses and banging weapons were heard endlessly. The ice witches also joined the attack. Vanessa, the second archmage of the ice witch, summoned an ice storm and swept through several fronts. Poor The barbarians were frozen into ice sculptures under the bombardment of ice and snow, and the rest were beaten so hard that they could not lift their heads.

Apparently the ice witch Vanessa won the magical duel with the Chaos Fire Warlock Festerjax-Librarian. The cold climate of Kislev helped its people and led the Children of the Bear God to victory.

"Hundan! What are those idiots doing?!" The beautiful Prince Sigvald was obviously very angry at this scene: "Formation! Formation! Listen to my order, and all of them will form a shield formation for the labor and management. , block the intersection!”

"Yes!" Two teams of Slaanesh's Chosen Warriors and three teams of Chaos' Chosen Warriors began to form a shield formation to resist the attack of Kislev's army. The offensive of the Konev Assault Legion, which had been advancing forward slowly, gradually slowed down and entered. During the fighting in the positional battle, the Tsarist Shooting Army tried to break through the solid shield wall of the Chaos Chosen with salvos, but the bullets could only bounce off the demon armor, Chaos plate armor, and shields.

Only the two-handed heavy axes of the Krim Guards or the exquisite scimitars of the Bear Riders can split these strong armors. The war has reached a stalemate. The songs praising Slaanesh are getting louder and louder. Continuously assemble under orders.

Marshal Konev anxiously rode a giant bear to fight in the battle formation. The giant bear under his seat was completely covered in blood, but basically it belonged to the enemy. The giant bear continued to release its fury, using its claws and dragons to fight. The impact of the car defeated the powerful Chaos Warriors, but the space left for Mrs. Keesler is getting smaller and smaller, and the speed of Slaanesh's army gathering is accelerating!

At this moment, a loud bugle sounded from the southwest!

Marshal Rokossovsky led the bear cavalry, wing cavalry and thousands of Ugor horse archers to join the battlefield! The heroic Bear Cavalry Marshal was covered in blood at this time, and the scimitar in his hand had been broken. The number of Bear Cavalry and Winged Cavalry under his command was much less than before the war, and there were even thousands of Ugor Archers missing. There were many broken arms and legs, and there were many empty mounts, but their appearance completely detonated Mrs. Keesler's morale, and for the Slaanesh army, it was like the death knell of doom ringing in their ears!

"Advance!" Following the shouts of Marshal Bear Cavalry, thousands of cavalry came from afar and attacked the Slaanesh Legion's line from the flanks. The Chaos Warriors and Chaos Chosen who were gathering in the direction of Konev were suddenly attacked from two sides. .

The beautiful Prince Sigvald was furious at this. He screamed: "What is Festus doing? Why do I feel like I'm facing all the Kislevians? I need reinforcements, I need reinforcements!"

At this moment, the demon prince Azazel of Slaanesh appeared. The demon prince looked at the battle playfully and said to Prince Sigvald: "Hey, adopted son of the Prince of Darkness, I think I must remind you, we might as well Leave the camp alone."

"Retreat! No! Never!" Prince Sigvald refused immediately, but he immediately realized something: "Wait, you..."

"Guess." Azazel looked at the beautiful prince in front of him. He suddenly remembered the shameful past when he was defeated by a human hero with similar appearance and behavior in Itaza several years ago. He will definitely take revenge: " Has the master's brilliant tactics been taken away from your head? Hmm?"

"...Retreat! Retreat!" Prince Sigvald immediately made a decision: "Inform all the chiefs, champions, gods, or other shit, and all of them should retreat to the hills behind, all!!!"

Finally, the Slaanesh legions, which were attacked by two sides, began to gradually retreat after suffering heavy losses. They left behind the old, weak, sick and disabled. Prince Sigvald sacrificed several Norscan tribesmen to delay Lady Keesler's footsteps, and He personally led the Black Desire Guards, the chosen warriors of Slaanesh, to slowly retreat and abandon the camp.

After the Slaanesh Legion suffered more than 13,000 casualties, the remaining troops finally withdrew and regrouped on the small hills northwest of the camp, trying to establish a new line of defense.

In this way, after five hours of bloody battle, several bear cavalry were the first to rush into the abandoned Slaanesh camp. They cheered for victory, and the Chaos Eight-Pointed Star Banner and the Slaanesh Bisexual Banner were thrown in Stepping onto the ground into the hard frozen soil, the bear flag belonging to Kislev was planted on the top of Prince Sigvald's tent.

"The camp of Chaos is ours! Long live the Tsarina! Long live Kislev!"

"Your Majesty Esun! Long live Kislev, long live Katalin!"

News from the frontline soon reached the Kislev main formation in Zedevka. Tsarina Katalin put down her monocular and nodded with satisfaction. She looked at her Ice Palace Guards Sergeant Alley. Keshe shouted, "My Master Chief?"

"I'm here, Your Majesty!" Alexei wrapped himself in a cotton coat and sneezed.

"Send someone to deliver a message back to Kislev immediately!" Katalin shouted happily: "Tell them, tell everyone! What time is it now?"

"It's 11:37 noon, Your Majesty!" the Master Chief shouted.

"Very well, tell them that at 12:30 noon, we have completely defeated all the Chaos armies and won the Zedevka Battle... No, we have won this war with Chaos!" The Empress He continued shouting: "Only by ourselves, not by any Imperials or Brittanians!"

"Yes!" The Master Chief left quickly.

"What's the situation with Fedosov's Army in the east and Zaev's Central Army?" Katalin couldn't help but be excited. With such a brilliant victory, she would become the most beautiful girl in the old world.

"Fedosov's Legion has begun fighting with Nurgle's Legion! So has Zaev's Legion!" the scout continued to report.

"Good! It's time to prepare to give Chaos the final blow!"

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