The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 916, The Battle of Zedevka (continued) (Second update, please vote!)

The first to appear on the western horizon was the vanguard of the Norscan Mountain Legion.

The High King of Norsca is wearing the plate armor given by the four gods of Chaos. He holds a dark rune sword in one hand and a great ax burning with evil flames in the other. He rides a head that is two meters long and one meter high. The Chaos Steel Bull was as strong as a moving boulder, rolling towards Mrs. Kesler.

Just behind him, there were more than a hundred Chaos Steel Ox Cavalry. On each Chaos Steel Ox sat a powerful Chaos Champion Warrior. They waved their battle axes back and forth and made terrifying screams. With a loud voice, one bull took the lead and launched a fatal charge following Valmir Aislin.

Although the legions under Rokossovsky were prepared, the fragile spear array and shield wall they formed still almost collapsed under the impact of the Chaos Steel Bulls. The spears and halberds could not penetrate the skin of the Chaos Steel Bulls. With the strong armor of these Chaos Champions, the ordinary long swords and scimitars owned by the levies are even more powerless against this heavy armor.

However, the battle axes and rune swords of the Chaos Warriors were fatal to Mrs. Keesler. The battle axes and chaos swords in their hands easily chopped into pieces the sword and shield of Mrs. Keesler, as if tearing apart The thin leather armor on their bodies was torn apart like cloth, and the sword blades and ax blades devoured Mrs. Keesler's flesh and blood. The impact of the more than a hundred chaos steel cattle herd instantly penetrated the three-layer spear formation. The bodies of hundreds of Mrs. Keesler turned into fragments flying in the air, and their blood warmed the cold snowy land.

Each Chaos Steel Bull Knight requires at least five Kislev spearmen to barely cope with it, and the Norscan High King Valmir Aisling turned into a whirlwind of death and a skull harvester in the Kislev group. , he slaughtered at least thirty more Kislev soldiers in this charge. After the momentum of the charge slowed down slightly, the High King did not hesitate to fight, and he immediately ordered the Chaos Steel Ox Cavalry to rush out.

After a round of harvesting, the frontline position of the Rokossovsky Corps almost collapsed. However, they did not get any breathing space, because when Aislin and others came back from a circle, this group of Chaos Steel Ox Cavalry was already behind them. Following more than a thousand barbarian raider riders, they were armed with spears and battle axes, preparing to charge with their High King.

Therefore, the number of cavalry attacks that Mrs. Keesler had to face next was ten times the previous one. However, the brave and tenacious Mrs. Keesler did not defeat. They were still gritting their teeth and persisting. Rokossovsky was already very tired from riding. The war horses ran back and forth in the queue, shouting inspiring slogans, and Kislev's bear flag fluttered back and forth in the wind.

Facing the bloody battle, the Norscans were all crazy with excitement. They knew that the Chaos Gods were watching this battle. All the Norscans were not afraid of death. What they were afraid of was worthless death. At this moment, Is there anything more satisfying than dying gloriously under the gaze of the Chaos God?

Thousands of marauder riders followed the Chaos Steel Bull Cavalry and launched a charge. The Norscans screamed, throwing javelins and throwing axes at Mrs. Keesler, swearing angrily, and then replaced with long spears and Battleaxe, ready to show your courage and worth to the God of Darkness.

The front line of Kislev's army was thrown into chaos by this attack. The barbarians rushed into the army formation wantonly and shuttled freely among the ranks of Kislev's army. The axes and spears in their hands cut open the armor and flesh, frantically slashing through armor and flesh. Mrs. Keesler's army was almost defeated by the wild charge. In this charge, there were more than 3,000 casualties.

However, in the long years of the Ice and Snow Kingdom, Kislev had already proven his courage and tenacity. The barbarian attack was terrifying and frightened them. The overwhelming black barbarian cavalry charge also made many soldiers scream in fear. Screaming, but as Rokossovsky ran back and forth in the ranks holding the big flag, Mrs. Keesler saw the military flag and regrouped. The flag of the white bear on the brown background filled their hearts with courage again. The formation gathered again.

Marshal Rokossovsky felt cold in his heart. He looked at the Norscans who were unable to defeat his legion in the second wave of attacks. He felt no joy at all, because more barbarian raider riders and a small number of chaos knights were joining. Aislin's troops, the large group of barbarian cavalry, regrouped again and prepared for the third charge.

The number of barbarian cavalry in this third charge will be four times that of the second charge.

In addition, in the distance, densely packed Norscan Mountain Legion infantry with hundreds of phalanxes were joining the battlefield, and hundreds of Norscan direwolves were following behind them. , there are also several Norscan skin wolf warbands and several Norscan ice troll warbands joining the battlefield, and at the end of the team are three Norscan war mammoths.

Marshal Rokossovsky knew that his efforts were not enough to make up for or prevent the deterioration of the war situation, but he had to buy time and buy enough time for Konev and Zaev's army!

The Ksar warriors once again proved their worth. These fearless sons of Kislev blocked the third charge of the Norscans with their bodies and flesh. On the nightmare bloody battlefield, a small number of Ksar warriors fought to the death. He held his position and launched a powerful counterattack under the charge of the Norscans. Despite the heavy casualties, despite the hunger in his belly, and despite the exhaustion, the son of Kislev would never surrender or give up!

Ugor's horse archers and a small number of bear cavalry under Rokossovsky's command, and the winged cavalry were also very tired. They did not rest for long before they were ready to go again. Many horse archers had finished shooting the quivers behind them, and they drew out Scimitar, and Chaos Zombie, their eternal enemies started a bloody close combat.

Immediately afterwards, the fourth wave of attacks from the Norse Mountain Legion came. This time in addition to cavalry, there were hundreds of infantry phalanxes. The terrifying barbarians turned into seven waves and rushed towards Mrs. Keesler!

Finally, after more than two hours of bloody fighting, at three o'clock in the afternoon, Rokossovsky's regiment could no longer hold on.

Rokossovsky's Legion is not like Konev's Assault Legion, Katalin's Tsar Legion or Zaev's Central Legion. The vast majority of soldiers in this legion are ordinary soldiers recruited temporarily. Mrs. Sler, they may be strong, have received basic military training, and may have combat experience in daily life, but they are still not professional soldiers. Rokossovsky knows that they have done a good job in such a hard battle today. , it is no wonder that the army has begun to completely collapse at this time.

When the marshal summoned the last five thousand cavalry troops and planned a final charge, the situation on the battlefield suddenly changed.

"Dong~dong~dong dong dong~dong~dong dong~dong~" The sound of loud drums and horns came from a distance.

A brand new army appeared behind the Rokossovsky Army!

Military musicians and drummers blew horns and beat drums. Rows of neat Kislev troops came up from behind to support them. Strong Ksar warriors and Krim guards took solid steps to join the battlefield.

They sang Kislev’s national anthem.

"Kislev, our sacred motherland."

"Kislev, dear land of parents."

"Your strong will, your glorious reputation,"

"It is your eternal wealth that will last forever!"

"Glorious, our free country,"

"An ancient alliance of fraternal peoples,"

"The wisdom given by Queen Miska belongs to the people! Glory to the motherland! We are proud of you!"

A steady stream of reinforcements approached, and Krim guards and Ksar warriors joined the battlefield under the leadership of the Boyer nobles. The appearance of fresh troops finally stabilized the battle situation. The Norscans once thought they had completely defeated Mrs. Keesler. But now High King Aisling realizes that these old rivals are far more difficult than imagined.

As the singing became louder, a terrifying giant blizzard covered the entire battlefield. Dragged by four reindeer, the royal sleigh belonging to the Tsarina drove into the battlefield with the assistance of ice and snow guards. The Tsarina of Kislev, The last bloodline of Queen Miska, the Holy Domain's high-level ice witch Katalin looked cold. She began to chant a spell, and the ice witch sisters behind her immediately joined forces to cast spells.

The land of Kislev responded to the power of the Czarina, and the sky changed suddenly. With the magic of the entire Ice Witch Sisterhood, the sky formed a rotating layer of stratocumulus clouds, and the wind and snow moved around the Czarina's body, endless The ice energy is peeling off the land of Kislev, and a big spell is gathering in the chants of the tsarina.

"Luoshuang Ice Breaks!" Dozens of giant ice fragments condensed on the sky. Each fragment was more than ten meters long, five to six meters wide, and two to three meters thick! The extremely hard ice is filled with the cold anger and ice energy from the ice witches. Now, under their will, these ice fragments fall from the sky and blast towards the entire Norse Mountain Legion!

The magical storm formed by the ice fragments hit the battlefield. Its terrifying power and the power from the land of Kislev made the Norscans feel fear for the first time. They were wondering whether the God of Darkness had abandoned them. , dozens of ice fragments blasted into the mountain legions like meteorites. Even the High King of Norsca, who relied on his bravery, had to order the Chaos Steel Bull Cavalry to temporarily avoid the edge. Hundreds of Norscans The bombs turned into pieces and pieces of meat and were torn apart. The rest also hesitated under the power of cold and magic. Katarin took the opportunity to order the army to attack. She drew the sword of Ivan the Terrible. The sword of this sword The huge power of the ancient ice witches flows on the blade. Only the blood of Queen Miska can use it. Mortals who use this sword will be frozen into ice sculptures.

The Tsarist Shooting Army brought methods to deal with monsters and strong armor. The armor-breaking effect of the muskets killed or knocked down the Chaos Warriors and Chaos Knights one after another. The Norscan Ice Trolls and Norscan Skin Wolves They were knocked to the ground one after another by volleys of muskets. Even if a few could get close occasionally, the Krim guards and Ksar warriors would tear them into pieces.

The most terrifying thing is the ice and snow guards. These personal guards of the female tsar have used magic to bless themselves and the nearby troops. Bright ice cloaks have enveloped them one by one. The Krim guards and the Ksar warriors have The armor was covered with an indestructible layer of ice. The crude weapons of the Norscans could not break through this ice layer. The barbarians fighting on the front line suddenly suffered a large number of casualties.

There was another fierce battle for more than an hour. Aislin, the High King of Norsk, angrily tried to attack Katalin, but was blocked by the brave Mrs. Keesler. He waved his giant sword and axe, killing more than a dozen people nearby. A Ksar warrior and a Krim guard chopped into pieces filled with flesh and blood, but their positions were exposed. Then the ice witches collectively cast a spell: "Ice Prison!"

A circular ice wall three meters thick and one meter wide suddenly rose from the ground, surrounding Aislin. This ice wall strengthened by ice magic was so strong that even Aislin had to Taking some time to chip away at the ice wall, the angry roars of the Norscan High King did not help shake the Mountain Legion. In an instant, the brave and fearless Lady Keesler had almost pushed back the Mountain Legion, pushing the enemy back. go back.

Katalin seems to have seen the dawn of victory.

I, Kislev, won this battle!

However, at this moment, a fast horse rushed from a distance. Alexey, the Sergeant Major of the Ice Palace Guards, shouted towards Katalin with a cry in his mouth: "It's not good! It's not good." ! My lord, it’s not good!”

"What's wrong, what's going on?" Katalin's sensitive nerves were touched, and the Czarina nervously swung her sword on the Master Chief's neck: "Speak quickly!"

"The Fedosov Legion on the right wing has been defeated! Dagniper has fallen, and now there are only more than 3,000 remaining soldiers retreating towards Zedevka! The Nurgle Legion is following." The Sergeant Major cried out.

"What???" The tsarina was immediately shocked. Katalin knew that if Fedosov could not stop Nurgle's army, their retreat would be cut off! In this way, Kislev's army will be surrounded from behind, and this battle will undoubtedly be defeated!

It took the Tsarina a full minute to come to her senses. She was sweating all over and felt chills in her heart.

"Why did it happen like this?!" The more Katalin thought about it, the more helpless she became. She grabbed Alexey's collar with force, almost tearing the sergeant's collar apart. The tsarina admitted that this There were no mistakes in the war. The opportunities that should be seized were seized, and the tactics that should be fought were implemented. The Slaanesh Legion had almost collapsed, and the Norscan Mountain Legion was blocked by itself. The only thing left to do next was to deal with the fading. The Evil Legion then attacked the Norscan Mountain Legion. This battle was an epic victory with less defeating more!

"Why?! Tell me clearly!"

"Nurgle's chosen champion, the cunning Festus secretly sent more than 10,000 Nurgle troops to secretly cross the Linsk River while we were unprepared, and attack Marshal Fedosov from both the back and the front! Fedor The Sov Corps was defeated and lost almost all its positions and artillery. Marshal Fedosov died in the battle, and now General Apanashenko is leading the army," the sergeant major cried.

Katalin became more and more angry as she thought about it. She raised her hand and pointed into the distance. The legions of Konev and Zaev had already attacked the hills and drove the beautiful Prince Sigvald off the hills. Then she spread her hands again, Aiming at the battlefield ahead, Aislin has been trapped by the magic of himself and the ice witches. The Norse Mountain Legion has lost its leader and is showing signs of wavering.

She was so furious and frustrated that she couldn't say a word.

"Why? Why didn't Fedosov resist the attack of the Nurgle Legion? He relied on the town to defend. Why didn't he send someone to detect whether the Nurgle Legion was smuggling? Why? Why do I need to do everything personally? Come here? Why can't I leave for even a quarter of an hour? Why don't I even have a commander who can take charge of my own affairs?" the Ice Queen roared hysterically.

"Zedevka must not be lost, otherwise we will be completely surrounded. My Majesty, this is for Marshal Rokossovsky. Go back quickly to support Zedevka and Marshal Fedosov!" The female tsarina Petrov, the palace minister, shouted quickly.

In extreme desperation, Katalin agreed with her minister's opinion without thinking too much. She ordered the legion to retreat and go back to support Zedevka. Nothing could happen to this formation, otherwise the army would lose its way out!

However, it was this move that brought this great battle to an end.

Seeing the Czarina's flag and personal heraldry move, leaving her military formation and retreating, Mrs. Keesler was stunned. Many soldiers were stunned. At the critical moment, the Czarina actually retreated?

After a while, a voice came out of nowhere, "This woman has abandoned us!"

"The Tsarina has abandoned us!"

"We lost, Her Majesty Katalin escaped, we lost!"

"It's over, it's all over, let's run for our lives!"

"Run away, everything is over, everyone run away!"

Strong and tenacious, Mrs. Keesler, who had fought hard all day, was tired, hungry, and suffered heavy casualties, finally collapsed like a camel that was pressed on the last straw.

This is the second update today, please vote!

By the way, I would like to recommend a novel "The Three Kingdoms" that one of my book friends likes very much. Some people like to have sex with boats, some like to have sex with guns, and some people like to have sex with the city? Affirmation from the Emperor (thumbs up).

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