The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 931, troops are approaching the city

In the throne room, Ryan shared the information from the empire with all the Dukes, including the Lake God Witch Morgiana, the Speaker of the Sorceress Assembly Veronica, the two Deputy Speakers and the head of MI7 Ou Ruo. La, Teresa, the two commanders-in-chief of the Old Guards, and Marshal Roland of the Border Guards, all had a copy of the information.

As time passed, the message from the front became clearer.

It is now early November, and nearly ten days have passed since the end of the Zedevka Battle.

The Kingdom of Kislev is now in a state of turmoil, and Prager has been confirmed to have been abandoned. There were originally thousands of city defense troops and some militia troops there, but with the execution of General Pavlov, these troops have basically all been destroyed. After the defeat, according to the intelligence of the scouts and refugees, Festus, the chosen champion of Nurgle, had just entered Prague with an army of about 60,000 people after being replenished, and moved south at a slow speed.

The Slaanesh army of Prince Sigvald, the chosen champion of Slaanesh, suffered a devastating blow in the battle of Zedevka. Only 13,000 people are left. They are currently staying at Zedevka for fun, waiting for the destruction of the north. It is said that Turkey's reinforcements have only reached the level of 20,000 troops, and it will take time to restore combat effectiveness.

The Norscan Mountain Army was reduced to 35,000 men during the Battle of Zedevka, but barbarians from Norse continued to join Aisling's army, and the Norscan Mountain Army soon reached 50,000 men. Go straight to Erengrad.

What's left is the 100,000 Chaos army led by Black Iron Motkin. This main force of Chaos is trying to cross Kislev and move towards the border of the empire at a very fast speed. Of course, Motkin's luck Not very good. They encountered two giant blizzards, which slowed down their march. These two giant blizzards were the last efforts of Katalin and the Ice Witch Sisters to stop Motkin. Kislev's earthly response He heard Katalin's call and used his last strength to slow down Motkin.

In addition to these 100,000 troops, a new 50,000 Chaos Reserves are starting to move south from the north of the Mourning Mountains.

In addition, the Norscan dwarves sent the latest information, that is, more than 100,000 Chaos troops are gathering in the northern wasteland, preparing to go south.

Even if Chaos dispatched so many troops, not counting Norsca and the Kurgan Steppe, the tens of thousands of barbarian tribes in the northern wasteland only dispatched less than one-twentieth, all of them. Everyone is waiting, waiting for Motkin to win victory and glory, and to win the admiration of the dark gods. They need to see the opportunity to successfully build a career and even become a demon before they are willing to consider whether to join Motkin's team. , fighting for the Dark God.

When all this information was put together, all the dukes in the throne room felt heavy pressure. Duke Taubot of Le-Angoulant, who always liked to argue with Ryan, was the first to speak: "Your Majesty, is there a mistake? The northern barbarians Isn't it a war with the dark elves? Why did an army of 300,000 suddenly appear?"

"Yes, Your Majesty." Duke Ford of Montfort, young and energetic, said directly: "I think this is because the empire and Kislev want to reduce their losses, so they deliberately exaggerate the number of enemies, right?"

"I think so too." Theodoric, Duke of Berlaon, nodded. He hurriedly expressed his views while keeping his eyes on Morgiana, the Lake God Witch: "Everyone, I think it is true that Chaos went south. But the scale is at best equivalent to that of Ulfric and his Worldwalker Legion that we have to face in the Battle of Chantillon. At most, if there are a little more people, 50,000 people can hold up to the sky, right?"

Ryan knew that Theodoric had just become a duke again and his rule was unstable and he urgently needed the support of the Church of the Lady of the Lake.

"The 50,000-strong Chaos army defeated Kislev's 80,000-strong army so easily? This is unreasonable." The Kingdom Regent Lawn took this situation very seriously. After listening to Theodoric's ideas, the Kingdom Regent directly He retorted: "If Chaos only has 50,000 people, then even if Kislev loses, he will never lose so miserably!"

"Who knows? How do we know what happened in the small town of Zedevka?" Theodoric said displeasedly: "My opinion is the same as Lord Ford's. I also doubt Kislev and the Empire. Deliberately exaggerating the enemy's situation so that we can share the losses."

"I don't think so, Theodoric." Ryan said: "If this is the case, the Empire and Kislev will never adopt this attitude. They will say it differently."

"I agree with His Majesty the King." Father-in-law Francois stroked his goatee: "For example, annihilate 100 million enemies and transfer victory to Bekafen?"

"Hahaha~" bursts of laughter came from the throne room.

In recent years, under the leadership of Ryan, the Kingdom of Knights has won consecutive battles without losing at all. This time the Battle of Chantillon was another great victory. Everyone felt honored as citizens of Britannia. In contrast, Kislev's defeat made everyone despise him.

"What's the longest joke?"

"Military plans drawn up by Tsarina Katarin at Zedevka."

————Britannia Joke

"Okay, everyone just smile. Don't really think that Chaos is weak and can be bullied." Knight Queen Surya spoke, and the female knight said majestically: "You don't have to believe the news about Kislev and the empire, don't you? Can you not believe the information from the Norscan dwarves? Those are dwarves. When the dwarves point out that the situation is critical and ask us to prepare early, what does that mean?"

Lidya Su's words shocked everyone in the throne room.

Yes, they don't have to trust humans, their allies the Imperials or the distant and unfamiliar Mrs. Keesler, but what about the dwarves? Having spent time with King Rorek of Breeze Castle and King Belegar of Eight Peaks Mountain, the knights naturally knew that if a dwarf issued a warning and asked for assistance, what would it mean?

"So, the situation is indeed very bad?" Duke Hagen of Gisoleaux said seriously: "But why do you want us to start general mobilization? What about the empire?"

"The Empire has their own mission." Francois continued: "They are caught off guard now. It takes time to mobilize. They are, and so are we. They will try to slow down and delay the tide of destruction of Chaos, and we will arrive. Imperium, work with our allies to drive these Chaos bastards and dregs from the Old World."

"Very good, it's like this again. We are always like this. In order to fight against the darkness, the knights risked their lives, but when did the empire on the other side of the mountain help us?" Duke Kasfan of Palavon still can't forget the memory of him in Helmgart. After failure, he said angrily: "In addition to constant sacrifices, what else have we gained? We support the empire, what can the empire give us?"

"The empire can give us very little." Ryan said softly: "Emperor Karl-Franz only promised to solve logistical problems for us, but what is the duty of a knight, Casfan?"

Duke Palavon was silent.

"Once the tide of destruction goes south, no one in the crossing will be able to survive. All creatures will either be slaughtered or corrupted into one of them. The countless glories and splendid cultures of the past will become a passing cloud until they are completely forgotten. , the efforts of mortals can only keep the world alive." Lake God Witch Morgiana spoke: "We must prevent these things from happening. Without our assistance, Kislev will soon succumb to Chaos, and the Empire will also suffer. A terrible disaster, and then it will be our turn."

"Yes, we must defend the enemy outside the country." Duke of Carcassonne, the cold Hubald spoke: "Let the war not occur within the borders of Britannia, and protect the land and land given to us by the goddess. Our citizens, this is our mission and responsibility, Your Majesty, please send troops."

"That's right, Your Majesty, send troops!"

"The glory of a knight is to get the Holy Grail, or return it wrapped in horse leather. Your Majesty, please send troops."

"Your Majesty, it's time for the whole world to witness our power."

After Morgiana spoke, it was obvious that the new chivalry war had been approved by the Church of the Lady of the Lake. The Dukes soon realized that their goddess agreed to support the empire, and in return, there would definitely be new Holy Grail Knights. Born in this war of chivalry.

Coupled with Ryan's own overwhelming power, everyone has realized that there is nothing to dispute. The opinions of agreeing to support quickly overwhelmed the hesitant opinions. Only Adehad, Duke of Lyonnais, asked worriedly: "If we send troops to support the Empire, what about the fleet of Norscan dragonships that are always roaming the Sea of ​​Claws and our outer seas looking for opportunities?"

"The goal of the dragon boat fleet is obviously to contain us." Francois nodded: "My opinion is to recruit troops to support the empire without affecting production and the daily life of the people."

"Very good. Can someone tell me, under what circumstances, how to recruit troops without affecting production and the daily lives of the people?" Ryan spread his hands. Ulfric's dragon ship fleet was indeed a threat and had to be guarded against.

"Normally speaking, Britannia now has a population of more than eight million. According to the general mobilization, it is about 25 to 35 people recruiting one soldier." The kingdom's regent Lawn said: "If you don't want to affect production, If you can live with the daily life of the people and do not affect the standing army, garrison and mobile forces, Your Majesty, I suggest that recruiting one soldier from fifty households is a more ideal recruitment method, and one soldier from seventy-five households is even better."

All the dukes nodded their heads at this kind of recruitment ratio. One soldier per fifty households had almost no impact on the kingdom. As for seventy-five households, there would be competition for the quota, and the free people would compete for it.

"Then one soldier from seventy-five households will be recruited." Ryan nodded, and the King of Knights said: "Now, tell me, the entire Britannia will recruit soldiers in this way, plus the standing army and knights you can mobilize, as well as some active requirements Approximately how many freedmen can join?”

"There can be about 35,000 to 40,000 people." Lawn did a little calculation and immediately added: "There should be more, Your Majesty, it is the slack season, and free people and serfs have nothing to do. There may be mass recruitment for promotion opportunities.”

"Let's calculate it based on 38,000 people." Ryan nodded: "Everyone, a new chivalry war is about to begin!"

"For the lady and the king, for Brittany!"

In the end, the national policy of aiding the Empire and Kislev was decided.

The Kingdom of Knights will be dispatched in three groups.

The first batch is a ready-made army, the Northern Front Army led by Calard. This newly replenished army will form an army with the Poseidon Knights led by Boderick, Duke of Bordeaux. They will set off immediately after preparations are completed. , broke through the blockade of the dragon ship fleet by sea, and supported Erengrad.

The second group is the assembled army, led by Knight King Ryan himself, including the Lake God Witch Morgiana, the Speaker of the Sorceress Assembly Veronica, Aurora Teresa and her daughter from MI7, Regent Lawn, Red Duke Bohemond of the Dragon, Duke Hagen of Gisoleaux and others will all accompany the army, including the knights and nobles of northern Britannia and the army of the Principality of Bastogne. They will set off overland, passing through the road to Curona, and passing through Marienburg and Westerland arrived in Middenland and went to support the Empire.

The third group is led by Francois, mainly knights and nobles from the south. They will gather and set off later, and they are more of a reserve force. The journey is to reach Nour first and then to Talabheim.

As for Sulia, she was left in Kurona to take charge of the overall situation of the Knight Kingdom, while Ryan left Orika to help her.

The king could see that neither Surya nor Orika was satisfied with Ryan's arrangement, especially the dark elf, whose face bulged greatly. She did not want to stay in Kurona, she just wanted to be with her master. .

Ryan thought that it was most appropriate for Olika to stay and assist Sulia, and due to the instinct of the dark elf, after the order was given, the dark elf said nothing more.

In this way, the entire Knight Kingdom began to mobilize to prepare for a new chivalry war, and Kalad, his Northern Front generals and the Poseidon fleet set off immediately after a short rest.

In a world of darkness and despair, there is only war.

…………I am the dividing line with bulging cheeks……

Imperial calendar year 2514, late November, Old World, Kislev, suburb of Erengrad, Groward Forest.

The tide of destruction is approaching Erengrad.

After the defeat of Zedevka, Marshal Rokossovsky tried to accommodate some of the remaining defeated soldiers, barely keeping the battle order from collapsing, and the army withdrew into Oerengrad, and also accommodated some of the basic troops. Refugees from Slov.

In the view of Marshal Rokossovsky, the geographical location of Oerengrad is very important. This is Kislev’s only outlet to the sea. As long as we control this place, we can expect reinforcements from the Empire or Britannia. Arrival, and controlling Erengrad can also contain a large group of Chaos troops, giving the empire time to react.

At the same time, this port city also has the only small arsenal in Kislev, the Kirov Factory, which can produce its own muskets, mortars, and cannons.

The north and east of Ehrengrad are covered by a dense coniferous forest. This forest is called the Groward Forest. After Marshal Rokossovsky withdrew into Ehrengrad, he immediately joined the navy. Marshal Kuznetsov seized the supreme rule of Erengrad. They placed the entire city under military control, preparing to deal with the massive attack destined by Chaos. At the same time, they sent some troops to the Grovel Forest. Establish a defensive line and try to delay the attack of the Chaos army.

However, at this moment, Marshal Rokossovsky received an execution order signed by the Tsarina.

Marshal of the Bear Cavalry could not believe that when he was trying hard to preserve the last bit of hope and fire for Kislev to defend his country, his Majesty Katalin actually issued such an order! Want him dead! Let him take full responsibility for the failure of the Zedevka war!

Marshal Bear Cavalry, who was only in his thirties this year, was disappointed with the Tsarina and the Bokaha royal family. The news that Cheka told him next was a bolt from the blue for everyone: the Tsarina ordered to abandon the city and kingdom and flee to the south. .

The Marshal of the Bear Cavalry tried to negotiate terms with Cheka. He hoped to be able to get away with the crime and served meritoriously. He also tried to argue that Erengrad must not be given up. If he gave up here, it would mean that the northern part of the Oster Territory and the Shadow Forest would directly face the attack of the Chaos army. At this time, Osterland was not prepared for war at all. If possible, he was willing to accept the order of execution afterwards.

Cheka told him not to even think about it and to execute it immediately.

The marshal was disappointed again. He actually found it a bit boring.

Really boring.

The frustrated Rokossovsky told Cheka that he should at least give himself some time to say goodbye to his army. Seeing that the marshal had a tough attitude and took out a blunderbuss, Cheka had no choice but to agree. Then, Xiong The cavalry marshal left the room.

He came before the troops and told everyone the Tsarina's orders.

As a result, the entire Erengrad army was disappointed, especially those soldiers who fought bloody battles in Zedevka until the last moment before being forced to retreat. They couldn't understand why it happened like this? Luo Shuai was obviously the spark that saved the situation and preserved the last bit of hope. Why did he order his execution?

At this moment, something that no one expected happened happened. A group of Kislev Red Marines shouted angrily: "This must be a conspiracy of Chaos! This is a false edict!"

"Fake edict! This is a fake edict!"

"The execution order is fake!"

"The son of Kislev will never give up on Erengrad!"

The angry Red Navy soldiers rushed into the room and directly captured the Cheka. Marshal Rokossovsky and Marshal Kuznetsov, who were burning with grief and indignation, had a brief conversation and immediately decided to kill the Cheka. The Cheka was executed, and for not accepting Katalin's orders, all the nobles and citizens' representatives gathered, and they swore to defend Erengrad to the death.

"Boom!" With the sound of a cannon from the Erengrad naval battleship, the Erengrad Silavik Group was officially announced. The entire city, from the marshal and Boyer to the refugees, finally reached an agreement, that is, Ning Don't even take a step back until you die.

At this time, the Norscan Mountain Legion had appeared at the edge of Groward Forest.

The battle to defend Erlengrad begins.

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