The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 936, Eastern Front in Fire

The West Territory of the Empire actually refers to the abandoned territory, that is, the waste (waste land) province. It refers to a large area northeast of Marienburg, across the sea from Marienburg through the sea. , located in the west of Middenland and the west of Nordland.

A large area of ​​land here ostensibly falls under the jurisdiction of Marienburg, but in fact it is in a no-nonsense zone. Whether it is Nordland, Middenland or Marienburg, the areas adjacent to this land rarely have jurisdiction over the West. Territory, which makes this area extremely desolate, with basically no cities, towns, castles, or villages. It is a veritable "wasteland".

The history of Westerland is a long story. To make a long story short, this place was once an imperial territory. It was the famous imperial province of Drakwald. The main residents were Thuringians and the leader was the barbarian king Ochun. This matter has been mentioned before. I’ve said it before, so I won’t repeat it here.

In the year 1110 of the Imperial Calendar, Elector Werner of Drakwald Province was killed by the Skaven Assassins while wiping out the Beastmen army in the province. The army was immediately slaughtered by the Beastmen army. The most serious problem was that At that time, Elector Werner of Drakwald Province did not have any heirs or relatives, and all those who had the right to inherit were killed in the battle. At the same time, the empire was engaged in the Black Death and the Skaven War, and there was no way to come to support. Drakwald and even the Imperial Emperor Boris the Moneymaker also died in the Black Death. Decades later, the Elector Mandred of Middenland the Rat Exterminator finally defeated the Rat Exterminator in the Battle of Whistling Hills. Cavan army and became the Wolf Emperor, but he was assassinated by the Skaven Assassin before he could revitalize the empire.

Then came the Three Emperors era.

The Drakwald Province has never received strong support from the empire. In the end, under two to three hundred years of continuous attacks, except for a small number of people in the Drakwald Province, all the remaining towns and the entire population escaped. Turned to dust by the Beastmen's attacks, plunder, and destruction, the province ceased to exist, and the Elector's Rune Sword - Beast Slayer is now in the treasury of the Imperial Capital.

The province has completely turned into a weird and terrifying Black Forest, where many terrifying mutated creatures live, the most famous of which is the lurking tribe of beastmen. No one knows how many beastmen there are, but according to the empire's many years of research, there are at least two Three hundred thousand beasts and a hundred thousand greenskins hide in the deepest part of Drakwald Forest.

Later, the Midden Territory tried to regain Drakwald but failed in the end. It also took the order of the then White Wolf Elector Falk and tens of thousands of troops. So far, no imperial army has tried to regain it.

It was not until after the Great Holy War that the savior Ludwig made up his mind to restore Drakwald. At that time, he also had the most powerful imperial army that had experienced the Great Holy War. After a fierce battle, part of Drakwald was recovered by the empire and Nordland and Midden Territory were annexed, and a large part of the remaining western seaside area really lost any value under the ravages of beastmen for thousands of years, and was eventually turned into Westland, or wasteland.

Therefore, after the knightly army passed Marienburg and then passed through the town of Salfen northeast of Marienburg, the next two hundred kilometers were almost completely desolate and inhabited. If it were not for the elector Boris Todbringer, If some sentries, fortress stations and watchtowers were built on this road, Ryan thought it would be like crossing the grassland.

Looking up at the desolation, nothing can be seen except snow, grass, wasteland and the distant skyline. The ruins of historical towns occasionally seen on the road are a warning to everyone - if you continue to ignore the beastmen Attacks and plunders, then even the greatest civilization will eventually fall.

The army was slowly advancing. The King of Knights held several opened letters in his hand and said to Morgiana, Lawn, Hagen, Birhemond, Veronica and others present: "There are several messages. , let’s look at it separately, and then discuss what we should do next.”

Everyone received several pieces of information and began to read them.

The news that Erlengrad is still standing and that another hundred thousand Chaos troops have moved south in the Mourn Mountains has been mentioned before. Ryan and others were greatly encouraged by the fact that Erlengrad has always stood firm, but at present they can only It was hoped that Kalad's Northern Front and Poseidon Fleet could save the city.

Another news is that the Nurgle Army, led by Festus, the chosen champion of Nurgle, is marching slowly but surely towards Bekafen, the capital of Ostermark. The capital of the Ostermark province is located The northern border of Ostermark must not be lost here. Elector Hertwig has assembled more than 60,000 troops to stand ready.

Finally, there was news that the main army of Chaos was approaching the borders of the empire.

Due to the impact of the refugee flow, it was difficult to design and build the empire's border defenses. Although the refugees from Kislev provided some of the necessary manpower, the larger food consumption and the chaos caused by the refugees, as well as the many mixed refugees, The destruction of Chaos followers in the tide made it difficult to establish the empire's border defense line.

For this reason, some armies from the Oster Territory, the Kingdom of Nord and Ostermark began to enter Kislev to take over some towns to defend and establish defense lines. At the beginning of December and at the end of December when Lane received the news, the imperial army They fought against the leading part of the main force of Chaos in the Defense of Tczev, the Battle of Konekpol, the Battle of Ostroti, the Battle of Krakjunov, the Defense of Voytazis, and the Battle of Chizovi Strange defensive battle.

Not surprisingly, all the imperial armies were defeated. Most of the hastily assembled imperial armies were composed of conscripted soldiers and provincial conscripts. These armies were not professional soldiers, and they had to fight for a certain period of time if they were to have combat effectiveness. Training, but now the empire has no time to train, so it can only force the duck to be put on the shelf, or even kill it directly to delay time.

"The empire expects that the main Chaos army will arrive at the border of the empire in mid-January...if everything goes well enough." Duke Bohemond put down the news, and Duke Red Dragon judged the situation: "Can we catch up?"

"It is now the end of December. We are still at least 600 kilometers away from Middenheim, and Middenheim is at least 500 kilometers away from Osterland." Lawn also said: " Maybe we won’t reach the Empire’s borders in time.”

Even if all the logistics along the way are prepared, the daily marching speed of the knight's army will only be about 30-40 kilometers. This is already the limit to ensure the army's physical strength, combat effectiveness and temporary adaptability. And you must know that the knight and the old guard The soldiers usually march without wearing armor. The heavily armored troops only wear all their armor when entering the battlefield.

Why? Just think about it with your head.

Considering that it is impossible to march at full speed and there is no fighting in Drakwald Forest, plus other factors, it is a miracle that Ryan can reach the Oster Territory in early February.

"We will definitely not be able to catch up, but we can at least get to the battlefield before the Chaos army approaches the Talabek River." Ryan agreed. The Knight King took out the map and placed it directly on Veronica's back. Female Speaker Gloria said to This was a bit unexpected, but she still expressed that there was no problem, and Ryan didn't seem to be joking: "The rapid current of the Talabek River will definitely stop the pace of the Chaos army, so in the worst case scenario, we will also be encountered in Talabekheim. Arrive before the siege, and the ideal situation is..."

"That is, the empire can hold on to the border long enough." Lake God Witch Morgiana didn't like seeing the little tacit understanding between Ryan and Veronica, not at all. She took the map directly, and Ryan saw it. Veronica came to her side: "We will meet up with Boris Todbringer and his white wolf army in the Midden Territory."

"Where is the emperor and his army? We have a king, shouldn't the empire have an emperor?" Duke Hagen said unhappily.

"Before Chaos reaches the Talabek River, the Emperor will not leave Brunswick easily." Ryan frowned, and the Knight King pulled Veronica: "Let's go through the West Territory first."

"I am familiar with the beastmen, Your Majesty." Bohemond put his hands on his hips and looked at the endless wilderness: "The beastmen will not attack us here, but it is hard to say when we reach the Drakwald Forest."

"So we have to get through Westland as quickly as possible."

.........I want to cross the dividing line of the Westland as quickly as possible......

While Lane's knightly army was still leading the march in West, it was early January in the year 2515 of the Imperial Calendar.

The junction of Kislev and the imperial territory, the imperial border area.

The main army of Chaos, which is like a black ocean, is heading towards the Empire's Oster Territory. Amid the overwhelming snow and corpses everywhere, as many as 120,000 main army of Chaos formed several arrows. Their number is so large that The land that originally belonged to the empire was covered like black and turbid crude oil, and thousands of tribal and chaotic flags were pointed at the sky.

Along the way, this main force of Chaos has killed nearly half a million people tragically due to their weapons and sorcery. Under Motkin's order, everything they passed became a no man's land, and erected With dozens of giant Chaos emblems and skulls on display, the Avengers from the north destroyed everything. Their cruel actions made even the strongest Mrs. Keesler and the Imperial people cry.

Motkin didn't want any prisoners, and he didn't even like being held for a short period of time. When the Chaos army passed through, there was no grass, black smoke filled the sky, and fire was everywhere. What was left was only charred and destroyed cities, large Chaos sacrificial sites, and Emblem of Chaos.

Above the sky, two chaotic dragons spread their wings and flew across the sky, leaving behind countless filth and chaos corruption.

Right at the center of the team, protected by the Crimson Reaper, the warrior chosen by the Four Gods of Chaos, the Eternal God of Chaos, Black Iron Mort, with his golden and ice-blue eyes, is looking at everything in the distance, each piece of new information. After being delivered to Motkin's hands, the Eternal Chosen was judging the situation.

So far, the first phase of Project Barbarossa is going very smoothly. Through the Battle of Zedevka, Chaos has relatively easily dealt with the threat of Kislev and quickly moved south without being caught by this old world fence. Blocking the road.

However, problems have already begun to arise in the second phase of the plan. The first is that Erengrad cannot be captured for a long time, and the Norsca Mountain Army did not complete its mission as planned. In this way, Erengrad is always threatened by the Empire and Bremen. The danger of reinforcements from the Tanians and even the High Elves, and the news of Ulfric's defeat was also sent to Mortkin at this time. Although the plan to contain the Bretons was still in progress, the effect was already gone. Big discount.

Furthermore, along the way, Motkin's decision was also questioned by many Chaos Chosen and Chaos Champions.

Normally, the Chaos army would burn, kill, and loot all the way as they crossed the border. Everywhere they went, they would fully vent their desires, collect trophies, and sacrifice to the evil gods before moving on. But Motkin seemed particularly anxious, and he kept The earth ordered the army to advance, and sometimes even the most important ritual of sacrificing the four gods of chaos was not completed, which made many chaos powers feel dissatisfied.

In addition to this point, Motkin's decision not to personally lead the army to attack Kislev City also caused a lot of controversy. In the eyes of most people, Kislev was already dying. At this time, the Chaos army plowed the court. After sweeping the hole, this thousand-year-old ice and snow kingdom should be completely destroyed, but no matter how the Chaos Gods and Chaos Champions pleaded, Motkin always refused. He clearly told everyone that there was only one goal, and that was located in Von-Zhukov Castle, the Elector's family castle in the north of Osterland, and Wolfenburg, the capital of Osterland, located in the southeast of the Central Mountains.

He has confirmed the presence of his enemy. The coalition forces composed of the elector's son Oleg von Zhukov and Kislev's new generalissimo Piotr Sergeyev sent by Tsarina Katalin are in The southern part of Kislev near the Oster Territory tried to block the tide of destruction of Chaos, but of course it ended in a disastrous failure. Now it has to retreat within the empire's borders and organize a new line of defense.

"Your Excellency, the Eternal Chosen One, I understand your desire for revenge, but if the fight continues like this, it will be difficult for us to break through the empire's defenses by force." Hal, the Eternal Eye, the Chosen God of Tzeentch, warned again: "We should try Let the end begin.”

"Let the end of time begin?" Mortkin rode on the Chaos Steel Bull given to him by Khorne. The cold eyes of the King of the North flickered slightly, making the Chosen of Tzeentch terrified: "I said it , I have only one goal, and that is revenge."

Hal, the Eye of Eternity, chosen by Tzeentch, became increasingly helpless.

During this period, the Chaos Daemon and Tzeentch's Chosen Champion Cha-Zan'ek begged Mortkin several times not to pursue his goal in Osterland. He should spread corruption, release plague, and send Chaos followers to infiltrate and occupy the land. Activate the chaos gathering places and beastman tribes deep in the forest to weaken the empire and guide the arrival of the end. Even some chaos demons knelt in front of Motkin and begged, and Cha-Zan Ek even proposed The strategy of "encircling the city with forests and villages, comprehensively guiding all the Chaos Cultists in the Empire to establish Chaos Sects, infiltrating the Imperial Court and corrupting the Imperial Nobles", however, these strategies were all rejected by Motkin.

"Whoever blocks my way forward is my enemy." After killing several Chaos Champions, Mortkin said coldly. The Eternal Chosen ordered the Chosen Champion of Tzeentch, Cha-Zan'ek, to lead His Raven Legion attacked Ostermark, but he still moved south resolutely. At the same time, he issued an order for Prince Sigvald and the Slaanesh Legion, who had lost track of time while playing in Zedevka, to go south as soon as possible after replenishing their numbers.

The Chaos army continued southward until it approached the border of Osterland, where Oleg von Zhukov, the eldest son of the Elector of Osterland, assembled an army of Imperial and Kislev soldiers. One hundred thousand troops and three temporarily formed lines of defense were waiting for the arrival of the Chaos army in uneasiness and tenacity.

At this moment, Motkin also received news that Britannia's knightly army had appeared in the Empire's West Territory.

The Chaos Eternal Chosen immediately realized that the legendary Knight King Ryan would become the biggest threat to his revenge.

"Immediately send an order to Drakwald Beastman Supreme Beast King Grak'Thar! No matter what the cost, Lion Malcador and his chivalry army must be firmly held back in Drakwald Forest!"

The order of the Everchosen Black Iron Mortkin was quickly conveyed to the Drakwald Forest through the magical omen of Hal - the Eye of Eternity.

On this day, the sound of more than a thousand beastman horns sounded in the ancient and evil giant black forest. Since the beastman legend Beast King Gotwal, the largest army of beastmen began to gather at the Ten Thousand Demon Rocks. Thousands of beastman tribes, warbands, and warbands received the revelation of the Dark God and came rolling in.

"Gather... and fight!"

"Kill... the knight... kill... everyone!"

"Eat...all...fresh meat!!!"

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