The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 938, Victory Reunion

Since entering the Drakwald Forest, the Chivalry Army has been attacked and harassed by the Beastmen. The Beastmen desperately attack the supply lines along the way and engage in mobile warfare and guerrilla warfare with the Chivalry Army, trying to delay the Chivalry Army in this way. The pace, although this was only piecemeal, also caused some trouble to the chivalry army.

To this end, Ryan carefully designed and planned Uduin's counter-ambush battle. He first deliberately disconnected some of the logistics troops from the main army, then used scent to attract the beastmen to ambush, and then used thick fog to hide the main army, and then launched a counter-ambush.

The difficulty of this plan is how to ensure that the beastmen will definitely appear, and how to ensure that after being ambushed, the combat effectiveness of the army will not be too weak and be swallowed up in one bite, but will not be so strong that the beastmen give up calling their companions and choose to escape. , these are all the difficulties in this ambush battle. As for the mist created by the Lake God Witch Group led by Morgiana in the end, it is the easiest to solve.

Fortunately, both Ryan and Duke Birhemond have a lot of experience in dealing with beastmen for a long time. They know very well that beastmen are essentially just corrupted and twisted humans. They have many things in common with humans. In the cold winter, , humans often face famine, and this is especially true for beastmen. As long as there are enough livestock and food, hungry beastmen will be willing to take risks.

The second is what Ryan judged. The beastmen probably don’t know much about the chivalry army. They haven’t seen it before. People are lucky. If you haven’t fought in person, you won’t know how powerful the opponent is. If you haven’t suffered, you won’t know. If you take it seriously, the IQ of beastmen is even lower than that of humans.

Therefore, there was this counter-ambush war.

The thick fog dissipated, and the Brittanian army was cleaning the battlefield. Most of the baggage was intact, with only a dozen horses, eight cattle and dozens of sheep lost. Among them, the sheep were bought by Ryan from nearby villages as bait. Ryan turned over and dismounted and took a closer look at the beastman's body. Aurora, Morgiana, and Theresa were all disgusted and did not approach. Lawn was counting the casualties. Only Veronica and Duke Birhemond inspected with Ryan.

"Only more than four thousand." Ryan shook his head with some uncertainty: "It's less than I thought, and I didn't see the Cyclops, the Doomsday Bull, the Four-Armed Bull Demon, the Dragon Demon, the large Chaos Egg and the legendary Split Mutated beasts, these are the elite among the beastmen."

"Big horned beast, minotaur, beast king, screaming shaman." Duke Bohemond stepped on the body of the beast man with his iron boots. The soldiers and knights of the Principality of Bastogne were finishing their wounds. All the beast men only needed to He still managed to finish off all the wounds in one breath, and then threw them together to prepare for burning: "In this battle, we destroyed a large number of the backbone army of beastmen, which was enough to make the beastmen feel pain for a while. Don't forget, the largest number of beastmen are still inferior ones. Horned beasts and horned beasts.”

"My dear, I remember that you started your career by fighting beastmen decades ago." Veronica took Ryan's arm with great interest, and the Witch of Gloria smiled sweetly, her sweet almond eyes full of memories. : "Now it seems like it's reincarnation again."

"Ha, let me tell you, Veronica, every one of these beastmen is responsible for what I, Ryan, am today." Ryan couldn't help but sneered: "During the avalanche, every snowflake is bravely traveling to the end of the world."

"Hahahaha~" Veronica couldn't help laughing. In fact, in this dark forest of ice and snow, the Witch of Gloria couldn't help but recall the time when she and Ryan had adventures together. She felt sweet in her heart, and she stretched out her hand and Ryan scratched his nose: "We don't want to stay here too long. The beastman has been hurt. Taking this opportunity, we'd better join up with the army led by Miden."

"Well, yes, I agree with Ms. Veronica, Your Majesty." Bohemond also said: "The beastmen will temporarily retreat, but if they really have thoughts about us, they will come back soon. "

"Call Bertrand, Hagen and Davout!" Ryan nodded in agreement, and the King of Knights immediately ordered to the Old Guards beside him.

Soon, the two commanders-in-chief of the Old Guard and Duke Hagen were found.

"I hand over the halberd battalion, sword battalion, musketeer battalion and part of the army of the Old Guard to your command. Your task is to serve as the vanguard to detect the situation in the front and give instructions and provide intelligence to the following army." Ryan ordered the three people: "Duke Hagen will lead the knight armies of the Principality of Gisoleaux and the Principality of Lyonnaise to assist you. What I ask of you is to try to contact Boris Todbringer as soon as possible. , tell Leader Miden our location."

"Send out the Old Guard?" Bertrand and Davout looked at each other and asked in disbelief.

"Assist them?" Duke Hagen was also surprised by this appointment. The Duke thought that these two guys are not even barons. As a member of the first generation of the twelve Holy Grail Knights family, he actually wants to assist them?

"The vanguard army consists of seven thousand people. Bertrand is the commander, Hagen and Davout are the deputy." Ryan did not give any more instructions to a few people. The Knight King shouted directly behind him: "Ms. Aurora and the three sisters Ansley will assist you with magic."

The ice sanctuary witch accepted this order somewhat reluctantly, and Morgiana also sent three young lake god prophets-the three Ansley sisters.

The three Ansley sisters have a past that is both sad and glorious - these three sisters are the three daughters of Sir Mousilon Evrul. The eldest daughter showed amazing magical talent when she was ten years old and was later killed by the Lake God. The prophet took her away. The second daughter also showed amazing magical talents when she was six years old and was taken away by the lake god prophet. The mother almost collapsed and ran away with her little daughter. As a result, a few years later, Morgiana personally Travel deep into the forest of Chalon and snatch the last little girl from her desperate mother.

Unable to stop her, her mother committed suicide on the spot, while Evrul "thanked" the lady for her gift while weeping.

However, when Ryan began to gather an army to support the empire, the Lake Fairy sent three sisters. They all completed the goddess's magic courses and returned gloriously from the goddess's kingdom, becoming the prophets of the Lake God.

It's ironic, but that's the nature of the world.

Since then, Ryan has split the 35,000-strong chivalry army into a 7,000-strong vanguard army led by Bertrand, Hagen, and Davout, and a vanguard army led by him, Morgiana, and others. The 28,000 main troops led by Lawn, Birhemond and others were divided into two parts.

The vanguard army spent nearly a week heading towards the deep forests of Drakwald at a relatively fast speed.

Their purpose is to reach Bergen Castle as soon as possible.

A week later, on Middenland Road, the chivalry vanguard army was advancing.

Bertrand, the commander-in-chief of the old guard, likes to wear a three-cornered hat on his head as always, but now the three-cornered hat on his head is extremely gorgeous, with the glory of a unicorn and a gryphon's kite feathers. The Eye of Tarr is alert. He looked around, ready for any possible attack.

It is a very spectacular sight to see such an organized elite army advancing on the Midden Road, especially the glorious Old Guards, although these veterans and the pride of Britannia do not understand why the king would send three battalions as Forward, but all of the Old Guard have sworn loyalty to Knight King Llane and Queen Surya, and they will proudly carry out Llane's orders.

It has begun to snow again, and this is the case in Middenland. It always snows here in winter. The dark mountains and black forests, the deserted roads, and the scattered villages along them are different from the warmth and the gradual change of population. There is a lot of Britannia. Walking here, the soldiers and knights feel like they have been forgotten by the world. The endless calls of beasts deep in the forest come and go. No one can figure out whether they are ordinary beasts, beastmen or some kind of beasts. The roar of a mutated existence.

According to the news, there are many places in the depths of Drakwald Forest that can directly reach the realm of Chaos. Many places in this ancient evil black forest have suffered from the corruption of Chaos for too long after the imperial forces withdrew.

The empire tried to burn the wasteland, but was stopped by the beastmen and tried to carry out large-scale felling operations. The result was that if there were few people, the beasts and greenskins would quickly appear and kill everyone, and if too many troops were sent to protect them, the imperial nobles would They cannot afford the huge military expenditure.

"Huh! It's so cold!" Old Guards company commander Raymond wrapped his lake green Old Guards winter coat tightly around him. Raymond, who is in his thirties and has entered middle age, is already a legendary strong man. He couldn't help but complain about the cold winter in Middenland. Most of the troops who were accustomed to living in the warm climate of Britannia were not very adaptable: "I sometimes wonder how the Imperial people managed to survive in such a world of ice and snow. Standing in the endless black forest?"

Snowflakes mixed with the cold wind were beating on Davout's face. The deputy commander of the old Guards was wearing a bicorne hat and was fully armed. It seemed that due to some cultural influence, his bicorne hat was deliberately worn very crooked, with a white horned eagle on it. The beast's feathers were stained with more snowflakes in the cold wind, and Davout couldn't help but say: "The people of the Empire are indeed amazing. They have stood firm from three thousand years ago to the present in such a harsh environment."

"So what, you don't need our help." Duke Hagen is a Knight of the Holy Grail. He can operate fully armed for a long time. The Duke wears an antler cross helmet with a gold cup on his head. The ancestral family armor is covered with a red and black base. Wearing a colored robe with a white stag family crest pattern, the Duke said angrily: "We have been deep into Drakwald for almost ten days, why haven't the imperial troops arrived yet?"

"The rule of Midden Territory does not extend that far, Duke." The expression of Aurora, the Holy Witch, was not very good. She obviously preferred to stay in the main army. The Hurricane Ice that she and Teresa owned together Inside the magic vehicle, she was making tea while following the army, but Aurora still explained: "The rule of Boris Todd Bollinger has never gone deep into the forest. Not everyone is like Ryan's brother Angron and those few You can go in and out of the forest at will just like a golden corn cob, just like going home, the nobles of Midden Territory cannot avoid the forest."

"Thank you for your explanation, Ms. Aurora." Duke Hagen nodded noncommittally.

Both Bertrand and Davout were born and raised in Brittany, but Aurora was not. She was not even considered a joiner, nor had she proven herself through a series of wars like Veronica.

The army continued to advance. Since the battle a week ago, the harassment from the beastmen had decreased a lot. The vanguard troops relaxed their hands and feet and maintained their marching speed.

Finally, when they were about to arrive at Bergen Castle, the vanguard of the vanguard army encountered a human army.

The two sides met at a corner ten kilometers away from Bergen Castle. The imperial army was startled when they saw an army appearing in front of them. A row of musketeers and crossbowmen immediately moved toward Britannia. The man raised his weapon: "Who are you? Which department are you from? Tell me your numbers!"

The Brittanians were also startled. The Old Guards also lined up and prepared to shoot. The two sides faced off about two hundred meters apart. Bertrand, the commander of the Old Guards, also yelled: "You are the ones who Yes, who is it? Say your name immediately!"

The two sides were at war with each other, and the knights seemed to be greatly insulted. Their faces turned red and they began to prepare for battle.

"Wait! That seems to be the army of Middenland. Bertrand, please order the army to put down their weapons!" Aurora noticed the opponent's flag, which was blue on top and white on the bottom, with a white wolf above a city. With the flying coat of arms, the Holy Witch said eagerly: "And this is the city coat of arms of Middenheim! Let the troops put down their weapons!"

"Why should we put down our weapons first!" Duke Hagen roared dissatisfied: "Is this how the empire treats their reinforcements? I want these wolf cubs to taste the pain!"

"Old Guard!" Bertrand raised his hand: "Put down your weapons! Raise our flag."

The red and blue lion and iris kingdom flag of Britannia was erected.

"In the name of Yurik! Welcome, reinforcements on the other side of the mountain." The imperial army on the opposite side also relaxed after a brief period of tension. This imperial army has a large number of people, about five thousand people, and their equipment is considered Not very sophisticated, but not shabby either. Most of the soldiers were wearing thick blue and white clothes, with breastplates on the outside, and weapons in their hands. Groups of halberd regiments and sword and shield soldiers made way for them. , a group of white wolf knights slowly emerged from the military formation. They were protecting an imperial general who was about forty years old. He was wearing full plate armor, with a sword hanging on his waist, a shield hanging under the horse, and a wolf skin wrapped behind him. The colorful kite feathers on the cloak and kite helmet point directly to the sky.

"I am Marshal Heinrich Todbringer of Middenheim. On behalf of my father, Middenheim, and Jurik, I welcome you!" Heinrich rode closer: " Where is His Majesty the Knight King?"

"We are the vanguard army. His Majesty the Knight King's army is two days' journey behind us." Bertrand stepped forward, and the holy emblem belonging to the Lord of Nature lit up on his forehead: "I am the commander-in-chief of the Old Guards, Bertrand. The Eye of Trang-Thar.”

"Eye of Tarr? Old Guard?" Heinrich pulled up the mask of the kite helmet, revealing a face full of cuts and cuts. He narrowed his eyes and looked at Bertrand. and Davout: "I know you, the Eye of Bertrand Tal, the Chosen of Tal who was born as a thief in Chalon Forest, and Nicolas Davout who drank the slurry of the Holy Grail as an Old Guard. , you and Old Guard’s names are considered household names in the old world.”

Since then, the two sides finally lifted their hostility and the armies converged. Heinrich greeted Aurora: "Ms. Aurora, long time no see."

"Yeah, long time no see, Heinrich." Aurora and Heinrich knew each other, but they were not familiar with each other.

Heinrich Todbringer is the first son of Elector Boris, but he is not the eldest son. He is the legitimate illegitimate son born to Boris's lucky female courtier. He has shown extraordinary talent since he was a child. Martial courage and extraordinary courage.

A bit like little Frederick.

A middle-aged white wolf knight came out on horseback. He had a big beard tied into braids, his long oiled hair was mixed with snow, he had a wolf skin on his head, and he was wearing full-body stainless steel plate armor. , holding a White Wolf Warhammer, smiled and said: "I wonder if His Majesty the Knight King will still remember me. I am Kohler Redsfield, the captain of the White Wolf Knights. I was only 24 years old when I was defeated by the Knight King. , now twenty years have passed.”

"It's an honor to meet you." Duke Hagen remembered, remembering what happened back then.

Since then, the imperial army and the Brittanian army have completed a victorious meeting.

And just when the two armies met, deep in the black forest, a powerful and terrifying existence was secretly watching everything.

The great sacred-level beast warlord named "One-Eyed" Kazzak, the legendary beastman beast king who was offered a bounty of 10,000 gold marks by Elector Boris, was secretly observing this army: "Disgusting...insects... Kazak...will crush pieces.”

Kazak roared angrily, feeling ecstatic and happy about the endless hunting and being hunted between it and Elector Boris. Kazak had already arranged a terrible ambush, preparing to kill Boris first. Rhys, his favorite son, made him feel the unforgettable pain of losing his beloved son: "gouge out...eyeballs...pee...wolf skin."

However, the appearance of the Brittanian vanguard army forced Kazak to abandon his original ambush plan. The two human armies combined had more than 12,000 people, while Kazak only had less than 7,000 beastmen in his hands. , This is impossible to win. Kazak, who has wisdom superior to all beastmen, immediately gave up the ambush.

Kazak issued a new order.

"Calling...the tribe, calling...the bull...calling...higher Gorr...the bull-headed destroyer!"

"Hunting... humans!"


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