When the overlord color domineering owner first awakens, he often faces great pressure, but he is stubborn and refuses to give up, his physical potential is stimulated, and the imperial posture awakens!

When Ling Song first came to the prehistoric ancient island, I don’t know how many times he faced the dilemma of life and death, and he almost became the food of giant beasts several times, but now if he thinks about it, it is really a miracle that he can survive so weakly.

Perhaps, this is the stubbornness of the crosser!

“It’s been too long since I have a long time, and I really don’t have much impression of the awakening overlord color, but the black energy has already fed me back to me the self-developed [Overlord Color Seizure]’s ability description, which confirms this fact!” Ling Song said darkly.

Five years ago, at a certain moment of life and death, he awakened the overlord color, and the independent development of black energy developed the overlord color into [Overlord color seizure]!

As we all know, the strength of the overlord-colored domineering is closely related to the owner’s courage!

Just as the so-called imperial posture, when crisscrossing the world, his heart is undefeated, his battle does not retreat, all the way to the triumphant song, with the word “hegemony”, pregnant with the spirit, with the word “king”, echoing the fate, in order to achieve the supreme overlord color!

Down-and-out losers, rule-breakers, and cowardly bearers are not worthy of overlord-colored domineering.

And the ability of [Overlord Color Seizure] is that as long as Ling Song defeats someone who also has overlord-colored domineering, he can destroy the opponent’s overlord life, leave a shadow in the opponent’s heart, and seize the opponent’s overlord-colored domineering, and at the same time of victory, Ling Song’s own overlord-colored domineering will become stronger and stronger!

“The powerful overlord color can cause physical damage with momentum, causing the earth to crack and the weak faint, but [Overlord color seizure] is even more profound, and can actually cause damage to life, courage and overlord color domineering, this development echoes the true imperial posture!”

Ling Song’s state of mind has improved a lot!

The world is too small, the rivers and mountains are humble, and the real emperor’s position has always left only one person’s place!

Once, that position belonged to One Piece Gor D. Roger, now, none of the four emperors can be competent, and in the future, it will be him, Ling Song, who will sit on the position of the supreme emperor!

Inside the conference hall.

Zefa felt the momentum on Ling Song’s body getting stronger and stronger, and soon, the coercion that had brought him the oppression before swept over again, and the tables and chairs swayed violently.

“This kid! Sure enough, after awakening the overlord color, and knowing that he has the overlord color, he has some understanding, the momentum has soared, the only thing missing is the use method! Zefa’s pupils shrank.

With his strength and self-confidence, although he does not have the color of an overlord, his courage is also not low!

He was able to withstand the coercion of Ling Song’s overlord color without substantial physical damage, but there was no way to dispel this uncomfortable palpitation and oppression.

Gradually, Ling Song calmly accepted the fact that he had the color of an overlord, and the oppressive momentum on his body gradually subsided, and it was contained in the body, without revealing mountains and water.

Facing Ling Song, who was like an ordinary person, Zefa had mixed tastes in his heart, and said solemnly: “You finally understand your talent, in your previous battles, maybe the overlord color is also revealed, but you don’t control it well, the momentum radiates, others only think that you are very strong, at most some are afraid of you!” ”


Ling Song signaled that he understood, but did not think about what happened in the past, the overlord color was very suitable for removing trash fish, but the really powerful enemy was more direct with his fist.

“But what I’m worried about is your future, the owner of the overlord-colored domineering, is it really suitable to stay in the Navy?” Zefa looked attentive and signaled to Ling Song that this was a very serious matter, and he must listen carefully.

“What do you mean by that?” Ling Song’s eyes were grim.

Zefa’s words have a deep meaning, which makes him guarded!

Along the way, he and Zefa often confronted each other, but it was all a small fight between cadets and teachers, but the meaning of this seemed to be to talk about whether he should continue to stay in the navy.

“What if it’s not suitable?” Ling Song’s tone was much colder.

Zefa wants to turn against him, and he will not hesitate to turn his face.

Even if he can’t fight, if he wants to escape, seeing the smell and the light of love, Zefa can’t stop him!

“Don’t be so excited!” Zefa pressed his hand down, trying to relax Ling Song, and between his eyebrows, the tension was no lower than Ling Song.

Ling Song’s sight caught Zefa’s nervousness, which made his face ease a lot!

It seems that it has not yet reached the point of turning his face, and if Zefa deliberately embarrasses him, he will not talk so well.

Zefa said abruptly: “This question is really too sensitive. Feeling! I’ll give you benefits first, I just don’t want you to be hostile to me! ”

Ling Song did not reply, Zefa’s intentions he did not figure out clearly, he could only wait for the following.

Organizing the language as concisely as possible, Zefa continued: “The rule of the world government and the concept of overlord color are opposites, and those who have the domineering power of overlord color will definitely have an impact on this domination, without exception!” And within the navy is a relationship between superiors and subordinates, those who are truly loyal to the navy will be subject to discipline, and it will never be possible to awaken the overlord color! Do you see what I mean? ”

Ling Song savored Zefa’s words and seemed to have some understanding.

Indeed, I have never heard of anyone in the Navy who has overlord-colored domineering, and his existence is somewhat incompatible with the Navy, and it is almost certain that there will be a collision between the two!

However, why did Zefa say this to him?

Thinking along this train of thought, Ling Song suddenly froze!

Thinking about it this way, it seems that he can continue to stay in the navy safely!

“I heard and understood,” Ling Song smiled slightly, breaking the oppressive atmosphere in the conference hall, and the originally tense relationship immediately eased up a lot, “I may be in trouble in the future, the Navy will not fully trust me, I understand, but I don’t care, my purpose is not rank, just like the “brigadier general” certificate you gave me, for me, it is no different from waste paper!” ”

Hearing the sound, Zefa had some admiration for Ling Song calming down so quickly, such a heart and city government, no wonder he could awaken the overlord color!

“I stayed in the Navy just because Peach Rabbit took me to Marin Fandor, where I had a good time, I was able to become stronger, and I settled down, but I didn’t have the heart to challenge the rules!”

Immediately afterwards, Ling Song’s words turned around, and his eyes stared at Zefa sharply, as if he saw through everything about Zefa!

“But what about you? Zefa-sensei, what is your position? Why would you talk so nicely to me who might challenge the rules, and when we met at Marin Fandor, we seemed to discuss your disappointment with the Navy, right? ”

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