Ling Song has many guesses about Kaiduo, among which the biggest possibility is that he did not eat the devil fruit, the so-called immortal is only a near-immortal physical quality cultivated by relying on a strong bloodline, which can be described as a strong person in the refining flow.

And even if there is a demon fruit, Ling Song originally thought that it would be one of the animal line, phantom beast species, unicorn form or animal line, phantom beast species, and bull demon king form, because Xiangrui and the demon king can have the ability to avoid water and can barely echo the “strongest creature in the sea”.

But when the [Superhuman Gene Fruit] came out of Zefa’s mouth, it made Ling Song feel strange, because the gene fruit always sounded like something that scientists would eat.

If one of the One Piece people ate this fruit, Ling Song would definitely think that it was the genius scientist Vegapunk, after all, that person had unlocked the communication conditions of the Devil Fruit and also discovered the bloodline factor, which had a lot to do with genes.

And this muscular Kaido doesn’t seem to be able to understand the genetic level!

It is as if to say that a choppy woman also has a very high IQ, full of a sense of discord.

But thinking about it carefully, when the gene fruit was substituted into Kaido’s ability, Ling Song felt that many problems could be explained.

First of all, Kaido’s definition of “creature” rather than “human” misleads many people into thinking that he is an animal, but in fact, Kaido is really not a human anymore.

Secondly, Kaido’s pirate group is named after “hundred beasts”, which must be related to the captain’s own attributes, not because there are many animal line abilities.

It should be said that there are “hundred beasts” and then many animal line abilities, rather than many animal lines first, and then there are “hundred beasts”.

Seeing that Ling Song was lost in thought, Zefa also knew that it was difficult to understand just telling a name, and then explained:

“Kaido’s ability is to imitate genes to optimize his body, at present, he can imitate all creatures, sea kings, birds, mammals, reptiles, etc., naturally including imitating human genes, do you see the horns on his head?” That was originally the genes of the Elbaf Demon Berserker clan, and he used it for himself! And what is even more terrifying is that he can also imitate the genes of animal line capable people! ”

“Also includes the ability of the animal line?”

The corner of Ling Song’s mouth twitched, didn’t this eat many animal line devil fruits when they became the same?

No wonder Kaido has been building an army of capable people, and just now he wanted to recruit him!

The more animal abilities it has, the stronger Kaido’s own strength will be.

As for why there are only genes of animal lines, Ling Song believes that most of them are related to bloodline factors, and the ability of animal fruits is to affect bloodline factors, that is, genes, so the artificial devil fruits studied by this are only animal lines.

“This is the root of Kaido’s strength! Over time, he will get stronger and stronger! The navy estimates that if Kaido is given another fifteen years, he will gain the advantages and abilities of all creatures in this world, and no one can match it! ”

Ze Fang is hard to hide his fear, anyone who thinks that the opponent is the terminal existence of genetic evolution will think so.

“Then he is really not afraid of seawater?”

Ling Song remembered the scene of Kaido swimming like a fish in the water before, and he still couldn’t understand it.

After all, if the fish man eats the devil fruit, he will also not be able to swim, but can only breathe in the water and will not drown.

“I don’t know…” Zefa smiled wryly.

The Navy has not studied everything thoroughly, and it is difficult to understand such a paradoxical problem.

“We suspect that Kaido has unlocked the restrictions of the Devil Fruit at the genetic level by imitating normal humans, and can freely enter the sea, but fortunately, the Sea Lou Stone still has a certain effect on him, otherwise it will be really trouble!” Zefa spoke of an analysis.

In other words, Kaido is deceiving the sea, pretending that he did not eat the fruit, and the sea lou stone that gathers the energy of the sea can detect this deception, but it only has a certain suppression effect!

Ling Song nodded thoughtfully.

As we all know, Devil Fruit has several drawbacks, but none of them are absolute!

For example, eating two devil fruits will die, but the dark fruit can be compatible, so that the eater has a variety of fruit abilities, and the gene fruit also solves the problem of being restrained by seawater to a certain extent.

“It’s really perverted! Gene fruit! ”

Ling Song clenched his fists fiercely, and his eyes erupted with excited battle intent!

Once again he trembled with excitement. Shake!

“yes… If Kaido awakens the fruit ability one day and extends the scope of the ability to others, even if the navy and the other three emperors join forces, they will not be able to compete with the hundred beasts! Zefa sighed.

Among the four emperors, he thinks that Kaido is the greatest threat to the world!

“What are you afraid of! Everything is fair! The more powerful the initial development, the more difficult the subsequent development, want to awaken? How easy to say! ”

Ling Song had a deep understanding of this, and the follow-up development and awakening of the ape fruit was several times more difficult than at the beginning.

“That’s right! You’re not scared at all! Zefa looked at Ling Song appreciatively.

Back then, he listened to Sengoku talk about Kaido and Gene Fruit in real time, but he was worried that he hadn’t slept well for months, but Ling Song, after knowing that the enemy was strong, had more ideas of fighting!

This is the gap in spirit!

At this time, Kaido, who had been silent, finally spoke up.

“Haven’t you finished discussing it yet?”

He allowed Ling Song and Zefa to discuss, not worried at all, just patiently grinding up.

The real power is that even if you know a certain ability very well, there is nothing you can do!

And Kaido, have this confidence! There is also this strength!

Combining countless genetic advantages, he is the strongest creature in the sea, land and air!

“How? Itchy skin? ”

Ling Song grinned, and his gaze was similar to Hawkeye’s infatuation with kendo duel.

In his bones, Ling Song had a different vision for fighting in the true sense!

“Don’t provoke him!” Zefa glared at Ling Song.

As he explained, he noticed that Kaido was letting him tell.

Therefore, Zefa took advantage of the conceited mood of the Four Emperors and wanted to delay time as much as possible and wait for reinforcements from G1 and G5, but Ling Song did not have this consciousness!

Isn’t it very clever on weekdays?

Why is the key moment inferior to him?

“I don’t like delays!”

Hearing Zefa’s heart, Ling Song spoke bluntly!

Although the punch of King Kong is his unprecedented serious attack, it does not mean that he handed over all the hole cards!

So far, no one has allowed him to fight at full strength, but today, he can try the true power of the ape fruit.

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