In the second round, the battle escalated, and it became more and more intense.

The aftermath of the battle between Ling Song and Kaido was even more powerful before, the sandstorm-like dust wall could not see the battle inside, and when he really entered it, Zefa found that it was full of fierce fists.

The wind did not have a fixed flow direction, chaotic and furious, and several low-altitude tornadoes swept through the earth, forming a wind blade as sharp as a knife.

If ordinary people were here, they would be strangled into bloody corpse fragments.

But since he entered, even if it was dangerous, Zefa was determined to fight!

Taking a back seat to becoming an instructor is his own will, and does not mean that he is the one who has been eliminated by the times!

On the contrary, starting from the basic theory, the teaching cycle after cycle, from shallow to deep, reconstructed and accumulated, he has a deeper understanding of combat!

Even if it’s the top of the world. The battle of the peak, even if it is the battle of the end of the era, he is definitely qualified to participate!

“Full-body armed color hardening!”

Sealed with the title of “black wrist”, Zefa’s armed color domineering ranks at least in the top five in the world, and unlike Ling Song’s resilient armed color, Zefa’s armed color is the ultimate hardness after thousands of trials.

He is strong, and I stand still!

The wind blade tore through the air, but it could not leave any marks on the surface of Zefa’s body, and he passed through the fist wind stranglehold belt like this.

In the center of the fierce battle, there is no dust wall to block the view.

Just as the center of a tornado is exceptionally calm, the view here is excellent.

Ling Song’s armed Chakra’s hand was black and red, so that he had four arms at the same time, and under the high-speed fist, the fist shadow was long, covering the sky!

Kaido’s hair swings enchantingly, and there are two more pairs of arms under the ribs, and the six arms are like sharp spears, reflecting cold rays, mercilessly piercing, as if NO.5 Ten-bladed Saint Weeping Mantis, is Kaido’s alien transformation that integrates many insects and spider genes!

Finally seeing the two, Zefa, who was black from head to toe, showed an oozing bloodthirsty smile, completely ignoring physical exertion, and exerted his sighting and armed color to the extreme, and swept into the battlefield!

“Don’t get in the way!”

Zefa’s arrival naturally can’t be concealed from Kaido!

This kind of blood-boiling battle, Kaido has not experienced for a long time, and Zefa, who suddenly cuts into the battlefield, is like an annoying fly.

Compared to him and Ling Song, Zefa’s physical fitness was simply not enough, even if he burst out with stronger speed and strength with the Six Styles, it was only a flash in the pan and could not raise his interest.

At this time, he was fighting fiercely with Ling Song, and Kaido couldn’t free his hand, but the ability of the gene fruit allowed him to get rid of the limitations of his human form!

A thick tail with a diameter of ten meters grew behind the body, which was taken from a dragon-shaped sea king gene, and after evolution, it seemed to be the tail of the legendary real dragon.

“Hundred Beasts Dragon Whip!”

There is no need to swing vigorously at the waist, the whole tail seems to have its own life, several twists, lightning flicking towards Zefa, obviously very huge, but only subtle afterimages can be seen!


Zefa was already holding a grudge, desperate for all the consequences, almost crazy!

In response to Kaido’s attack, he has to prove his strength, fist against each other, and move inward!

“Six Styles Aoyi, Black Fist, Six Kings Spear, Smashing Wind!”

A trick that can only be performed by those who are proficient in all six styles and have an understanding of each form, in the original book, Luqi’s six-style mysteries can barely be counted as entering the hall, and Zefa’s six-style mysteries are even beyond the reach of the five old stars.

Years of teaching, from the basic to the advanced, teaching the Zefa of countless masters of the six styles of the navy, has long penetrated the essence of the six styles.

The hardness of the iron, the softness of the paper painting, the cutting of the Arashi foot, the puncture of the finger gun, the speed of shaving, the outbreak of the moon step, the six styles of overall planning one, turned into six kings, returned to the black wrist!

With his hands clenched into fists closer, Zefa’s physical fitness could not reach the level of Ling Song and Kaido’s monsters, but at this moment, the storm impact around the black wrist strongly overwhelmed the two!


The extraordinary energy fluctuations made Ling Song slightly side-eyed!

What followed was the collision of the dragon whip and the black wrist.

Call! Syllable!!!


Kaido’s expression changed suddenly!

He felt an unimaginable shock and pain!

The surface of the dragon whip is convex. A huge lump of mass exploded, and then it exploded directly, dripping with blood!

[Black Wrist Six Kings Spear Smashing Wind] is like a broken bamboo, the impact of the fist is just like its name, everything that tries to block it is shattered, Kaido’s tail is broken through a large hole with a diameter of five meters, and the impact of the crushing wind shoots into the distance with a hurricane-like explosion visible to the naked eye.

The thick dust wall that originally permeated the G3 branch because of the battle between Ling Song and Kaido was blown away by the hurricane of the Black-Wristed Six Kings Gun!

The battle seems to be frozen in this second!

Wounding the enemy with one blow, Zefa did not have the idea of stopping there, and the black wrist grabbed both ends of the hole wound and clamped Kaido’s tail deadly.

“Six Styles Aoyi, Black Wrist, Six Kings Lock, Covering the Sea!”

I saw Zefa’s waist with strength, ten fingers deeply embedded in the blood and flesh of the dragon tail, and with a loud drink, Kaido’s tall and burly body was actually lifted by him.

Completely disproportionate in the confrontation, Zefa seemed to be a humanoid ferocious beast, smashing the huge Kaido out several full circles, and then he raised his hands above his head and suddenly slashed Kaido straight towards the island.

Another six-style mysteries, such as the ability to turn the earth and the sea!


Hit hard and a deep ditch. The valley stretches from within the G3 branch to the sea, the islands are overwhelmed, the earth cracks, and the sea is poured out!

Since then, the G3 branch has one more canal!


Finally upgraded to the level of terrain change!

“Whew! Whew! Whew! ”

Zefa breathed the air violently, sweating like rain.

In the domineering state, the two consecutive six-style mysteries consumed a lot of his physical strength, as if he had fought for ten days and ten nights.

“How’s that… Whew! Awesome! Zefa said to Ling Song while panting.

“Not bad!”

“You boy! Can’t you just praise me? ”

“Alright! Strong! ”

Hearing this, Zefa rolled his eyes, but smiled, happy like a sixty-year-old child.

In this world, no one can despise Tazefa!

But after the excitement, Zefa also knew that he had reached the limit, and as for Kaido, he was not lightly injured, and he was still far from the end of the battle!

“Go to rest when you’re tired, don’t be tense here, I can feel that Kaido is going crazy!”

Ling Song knew that Zefa’s state was not good, and Kaido, who smashed out of the canal, became very emotionally unstable, and even seeing and reading minds, he couldn’t hear Kaido’s heart clearly.

It was as if Kaido had turned into an irrational beast.

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