The expected return fire did not appear, and the distance of tens of meters opened by the cat pit viper looked so ridiculous!

“You guy!!! Damn it! ”

The claws of the cat pit viper scratched in the air, and under the anger, the beard could not stop shaking in anger.

The other party did not pursue, did not fight back, did not even glance at them.

This kind of contemptuous attitude is the most uncomfortable.

The fur tribe is not a warlike people, but it does not mean that there is no bestiality in the bones, not to mention the naturally violent cat and viper, who think that they are invincible!

“The old man wants you to know the end of arrogance!”

The cat viper screamed, and the jumping arc on his body expanded, crackling non-stop, bathing his whole body in thunder light.

The fur people are good at using electricity, which can paralyze the enemy’s static electricity during attacks, and the golden hair of the cat viper is even more proficient in this way.

But he released the electricity and generally speaking, the motorcycle. Rubbing electricity is very different.

It is a high-voltage current that can cause burns, and electricity can also stimulate the cat viper’s body nerves, causing him to go into a state of madness for a short time.

It is also the cat pit viper in the crazy state that will indiscriminately discharge electricity, and even accidentally injure friendly troops, and Inu Arashi, who has suffered losses, will call the cat pit viper a madman.

Static electricity escaped in the air, and the hairs of several fur tribes stood up, and Inuarashi’s sword was beaten with an electric arc, and fine blue light flashed.

Unleashing such manic electricity, apparently, the cat viper is ready to move for real!

A flash of lightning streaked through the air, that was the trajectory of the cat viper’s movement, the hideous cat face appeared above Ling Song, the sharp claws were raised high, and on it, countless arcs of electricity jumped at high frequencies!

Neither speed nor strength could be compared to the tentative attack just now.

In the middle of the wind, the cat pit viper glared at Ling Song cruelly, and the electric claw slapped down!

Ling Song dodged unconsciously, and the electric claw grazed his left shoulder and hit the empty place, but the cat pit viper had already expected it, and the other claw followed closely behind, blocking Ling Song’s dodging path.


With no intention of calculating, the cat viper’s left claw was pulled down from Ling Song’s shoulder, making a harsh sound like scraping a knife on glass!

The electricity flickered on Ling Song’s restricted clothing and disappeared, and the cat viper’s amazing claw strike force actually didn’t even tear off the hair!

“Is that again?”

The arc obviously touches the other party’s body, but it is difficult to achieve anything, and the force that penetrates the other party’s body is like a stone sinking into the sea!

The cat viper was unwilling, and after landing on the ground, he bent his knees and jumped forward, only to see that his high-speed movement left several electric light afterimages, attacking from all directions of Ling Song, dozens of times a second, many of which hit Ling Song!

The power of each blow is extraordinary, even the lieutenant general will be solved at will, but… Still nothing works!


The electric arc on the cat viper’s body exploded and made him completely crazy!

Speed and strength rose again, the fat cat body disappeared, and the sky was full of blue-gold claw shadows!

With Ling Song as the center, it is a slaughterhouse!

The cat viper unilaterally attacked for several minutes, like the head of the lord, the skin was cut into countless pieces, Ling Song, but did not move half a step!

“The time for the old cat outbreak is almost over!” Inuarashi said darkly.

He did not go to war, but was carefully observing the situation.

As Inu Arashi said, the arc on the cat viper’s body was much dimmer, and after another heavy blow, he immediately retreated with strength, landed on the ground with a backflip, and his breathing was extremely unsteady.

“What the hell is going on! Is it the ability of the Devil Fruit? ”

The cat viper grinds its fangs, and there is a accumulated breath in its heart!

Let him do his best, but he can’t force the other party to raise his head!


Great shame!

Under the suffocation, the cat pit viper could only glare at Inu Arashi fiercely.

Where did he attack hard for so long, this old dog has been watching the play, is it because he wants to make him ugly?

“Don’t stare at me, I seem to see something famous!” Inu Arashi’s performance was much calmer than that of the cat viper, and analyzed: “The power you hit him should be released from the body by him using some kind of unloading means!” ”

“Unloading? Old dog, are you serious? ”

“In swordsmanship, there are four or two thousand pounds of unloading power borrowing means, and the same effect can be achieved according to physical skills, but he should not be able to unload 100% of the force, right? Otherwise it would be bizarre! ”

“That said, the attack will still have an effect, right?”

“It should be!”

“What about electrical? Why is it useless! ”

“I don’t see the door at all, maybe he is also a master of electrical use?”

Inu Arashi’s analysis made the cat pit viper feel a lot relieved.

At least, the other party is not as breezy as it seems, just pretending to be in a state of godhood!

However, both kings thought wrong!

First of all, although Ling Song has fur, he does not know how to use electricity, but in the years of training on Thunder God Island, his body’s resistance to lightning is quite high! Even if the cat viper exerts all its strength, it will naturally not cause damage to Ling Song.

As for the power hitting the body but not having an effect, it is because of one of the talent skills of the gourmet species ape king form [Ape Warrior].

As one of the eight kings of the food world, the ape king’s whole body gourmet cells have reached a coordinated unity, and with the [Ape Wu] level that far exceeds the teacher level, even a hundred times the gravity can be removed!

Although the cat viper’s attack was fierce, it could not reach the upper limit of the ape martial arts, and the amazing strength turned into a cloud of smoke, and it did not have the slightest effect on Ling Song.

“Old cat! Let’s go together! He’s strong! ”

“Old dog! I think so too! ”

“Hahaha, we haven’t fought side by side for a long time! It’s like going back in time when I was adventurous! ”

“What a nostalgic time! Catch this orangutan fur weirdo, I will force him to explain today’s events! ”

The cat viper and Inu Arashi glanced at each other, and at the same time threw out a hand in tacit understanding, touching the back of the other’s hand!


With a soft sound, the corners of their mouths evoked a smile!

The inhabitants of the Furry Principality only know that the King of Day and the Lord of the Night are old enemies who will fight when they meet, but they do not know that a cat and a dog hide a deep friendship like the sea!

In the new world more than ten years ago, everyone knows the horror of cats and dogs working together!

The muscles on Inuarashi’s arms burst out, the sword connected the dots, and the cat viper turned into a spear with ten fingers, thrusting forward, and the moment they decided to cooperate, they divided the place to attack.

And at this moment, Ling Song, who had not moved all this time, raised his head, and the two of them were awe-inspiring, but they had no intention of recruiting!

“Cut! Finally can’t fit it? ”

The cat viper took a bite lightly, and the strength in his hand was three points heavier!

Inu Arashi is also a guess before he is sure.

But then, when the two thought that Ling Song would start fighting seriously, Ling Song still had no intention of defending.

Two hands, holding the two eggs under the crotch. _

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