“It’s really embarrassing! Magellan! ”

Hiliu wiped his blade and wanted to take a sip of the cigar, but found that the cigarette butt Mars was extinguished at low temperatures, pouted unhappily, and spit out the cigar casually.

If he could, he really didn’t want to come to Extreme Cold Hell.

“My coping has been excellent! The opponent’s speed and strength are monster-level, and even if I use the Poison Realm, I can only barely detect the momentum of some attacks. ”

Magellan said as he injected toxins into his body.

In the battle just now, he had several internal injuries, and the neurotoxin can seal blood and relieve pain, which is very suitable for emergency treatment.

But toxins don’t stop there.

In addition to suppressing injuries, toxins can also act on the heart and speed up his blood circulation!

By analogy, nerve sensitivity, muscle contraction, tissue coordination, etc., Magellan’s physical qualities temporarily improved under the stimulation of toxins.

Of course, he would endure severe pain afterwards, but in the face of Ling Song, it was difficult for ordinary states to have the power to fight!

“Ah, he’s very strong!”

Hiliu held the knife forward, and Magellan looked down his arm and could see a blood-soaking crack at Hiliu’s tiger mouth.

The scars were not obvious, but Magellan was surprised.

“You’re actually injured?”

The title prefix of the strong is often related to the characteristics of ability, such as the Warring States of the Buddha, the green pepper of the cone, etc., and the reputation of Xiliu outside is “Yu no Hiryu”, which is exactly the characteristic of Xiliu’s sword technique.

Hiryu’s sword technique is a move made by watching the rain, waterfall, and sea, and the sword technique has characteristics such as “warmth” and “tolerance”, allowing Hiryu to easily fight with people whose strength is much stronger than himself.

What’s more, just a round of sword light was just split, not a direct collision, and the mouth of the tiger was shaken open.

The strength of the other party and the level of terror are above his imagination.

“Not yet to save you! Don’t be big, he’s better than either of us! Hiliu commented extremely objectively.

“Understood!” Magellan nodded, “You are better at seeing and hearing than me, can you react to his movements?” ”

“It’s not much better, but it’s a little perceptible.”

“Only a little? It’s really helpless! Finally, this kind of thing happened again! ”

“Ah! Oh, yes! I thought I would never meet again again in my life! ”

Magellan and Hilieu both looked reminiscing.

When the Golden Lion Shiji escaped from prison, their official positions had not yet reached this position.

A legendary pirate without the restrictions of the Hailou stone handcuffs, more like the fluttering fruit of natural disasters than the natural system, once truly brought despair to the advancing city!

If it weren’t for the blood flowing from the other party’s severed feet when fleeing, and not fighting in love, I’m afraid that Imper’s hell would have been razed to the ground a long time ago!

After many years, a formidable enemy has appeared.

But this time, they are not who they used to be!

The memories in the eyes of the two restored their clarity at the same time, and when they saw that they were locked on Ling Song, their fighting intent burned.

“They seem to have a tacit understanding?”

The actions of the two made Ling Song feel very strange.

Although the outside world knows that Advance City is the two trump cards, based on Ling Song’s understanding of the two, there should be no possibility of cooperation.

No matter in terms of ability or fighting style, how could the poisonous fruit and the swordsman cooperate, maybe Hiliu was directly poisoned by Magellan.

It stands to reason that cooperation will only limit each other’s hands and feet.

But Ling Song heard the other party’s intention to join forces.

“You are strong! A respectable enemy! In the rain of Hiryu! Imper Hell Warden, please also report your name! Hiliu said loudly.

“Supreme, Ape King!” Ling Song said lightly.

“Are you the supreme man?” Magellan’s pupils shrank, “Are you here to kill people and kill people?” ”

The monitoring room has not been able to find Ling Song’s trace until now, and it is impossible for a big living person to disappear out of thin air like this.

But dead people, it’s different!

“I’m not qualified to kill him! He’s not the target, but it’s not something you can torture! As for the purpose of my visit this time, you will soon find out! ”

Ling Song felt that he had said enough, and then stopped talking nonsense and shot directly.

Let him see how the two aces of Advance City can cooperate!

As soon as the Ape King moved, Magellan’s poisonous realm immediately enveloped Helyu and him!

“Compound poison membrane!”

Strange things happened, Hiliu was wrapped in poison but did not show a painful expression, but instead resembled a fish in water, the tip of the knife pointed straight ahead.

“Rain Sword, Torrential Rain!”

What is a rainstorm is like a silk thread connecting heaven and earth, one after another, it is difficult to count, and it seems to cut the space into countless pieces.

In an instant, Hiliu repeated the process of stabbing and collecting knives, and stabbing hundreds of times, and shot out droplets like cannonballs from the venom membrane!

Imagine, a drop of liquid has the kinetic energy of a cannonball, the penetration of a sword and the corrosiveness of poison, and such a droplet forms a barrage, covering the sky, like a rainstorm density, leaving no room to hide!

This is the fusion technique performed by two people who are close to the combat power of the general!

If placed on the battlefield, it is definitely a map cannon-like clearance skill!

“Good to go!” Ling Song has an understanding!

Rain and poison are both forms of solution, compatible with each other, have something in common, and Magellan and Hillium’s use of their abilities to a fairly high level have led to the use of fusion techniques as they are now.

The dark green points of light reflected in Ling Song’s eyes were as innumerable as stars, which were dense barrages that could not be crossed by virtue of speed advantages.

Since you can’t cross it, burst it!

“Ape King punch!”

Aroused to fight, Ling Song threw a punch hard!

Immediately, he felt the great obstruction force coming from the air pressure.

In the past, when he moved at high speed, the air that he didn’t have time to avoid would also hinder him like this, but this time the blocking force was very strong, as if he was pressing a piece of stone coal into diamond with his hand!

But how could the ape king be blocked by the air and burst with one punch!

And the result of violently breaking through the air barrier is an ordinary human-sized fist that wields the power of a super giant sonic boom!

All the incoming venom was not blown away, but directly destroyed, and there was not even a little slag left, which was a manifestation of the leakage of destructive power within the fist!

As if the two sides colliding are not weapons of the same level of science and technology at all!

The fusion technique was broken by a punch, but Magellan and the two did not have time to be surprised, and the subsequent shockwaves followed, and they could only face it wholeheartedly.

“Poison Giant, Judgment of Hell!”

“Sword of Rain, Drawing Sword and Breaking Water Spring Rain!”

In order to block this blow, both of them made the strongest defensive moves!

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