1 – Never Forget (1)

Zhuge Sega’s martial arts were relatively weak, but with his intelligence and foresight he entered the ranks of the Five Great Houses, and was the true ‘military advisor’ of the Wulin Alliance.

Naturally, Xifeng where Zhuge Sega was located was famous as a place of learning. My settling there was only natural in a sense.

Like a mother who moves house three times for her child, I too made this choice for my disciple.

“Hey, Cheon Bi Yan!”



The girl called Cheon Bi Yan was sprawled lazily in the carriage. Her posture did not show an ounce of manners. I clicked my tongue.

Look at this brat answering back while not even meeting my eyes and lying down. I wonder what she’s thinking, acting so yellow at such a young age.

I let out a sigh. The truth is, part of why she turned out like this is my own fault. It’s already been 2 years since I took the girl as my disciple.

[So what is your name?]

[It’s Muryeong (No Name).]


[I was that kind of existence from the start.]


The girl said that even her parents who gave birth to her shunned her as a monster, thoroughly disowning her. She spoke of it so dispassionately.

The reason being her crimson eyes she was born with. Not only that, but her behavior was bizarre beyond simply being unconventional.

I let out a sigh. Although she was pretending to be indifferent, I could tell. That despite it all, this girl loved her parents as any child would.

The proof being, she is right here now, is she not? Following after her parents. Although now, they can never reconcile, however…

In any case, we couldn’t keep going on like this. There’s a saying that having no name is the same as being dead.

[Then it’s settled. I will give you a name.]

[On what basis are you naming me?]


I was struck speechless. At first I thought she’d be happy, but questioning it so coldly like this… Now what do I do?

Should I just honestly say it’s because it’s easier to call her casually? I shook my head. No matter how I thought about it, it seemed she would just refute me.

And above all, it would be a loss of face as her master. What disciple would follow a master who loses an argument to a mere disciple?

So here I had to somehow come up with a convincing argument. Just then, a thought flashed through my mind like lightning:

[The grace of a lord, master, and father are the same, how could one dare weigh their import?]

[What do you mean?]

[Am I not your master? Meaning, I can also fulfill the role of your father.]


[Isn’t this basis enough and more?]

Fortunately, it was my good fortune that I had enjoyed watching that movie about the unity of master and disciple. And so I had looked up the meaning.

Otherwise I would have been utterly humiliated here. In any case, the girl stared blankly at me, and I took the chance to give her a name.

Of course, I’m not sure if that phrase was really used with that meaning, but it doesn’t really matter, does it? It wasn’t entirely wrong either.

From noble mtl dot com

[What is my name?]

[Cheon Bi Yan. That is your name.]

Cheon Bi Yan. That was her name. As for me, my name is Cheon Biryu. Well, why not, I wanted a cool name like the protagonist of martial arts novels too.

In any case, that was how I took the girl as my disciple. I taught her many things, from martial arts and letters to all kinds of knowledge. She absorbed it all like a sponge. The problem was that her speed was much faster than I expected.

Although I say I am a third-rate martial artist who learned the third-rate Three Talents Sword Technique and Three Talents Inner Power, I had been holding a sword for over 10 long years.

[Is this all there is? Master.]


In the past 10 years, I had trained without missing a single day. Yet now, after barely holding a sword for two months, this girl had defeated me.

Just a hint of contempt flashed in Bi Yan’s crimson eyes. I was a little shaken, but somehow endured it with superhuman patience.

If I got angry here, it would all be over. My dignity as a master would be ruined beyond recovery. That’s why, with a smile, I said:

[What master exists who can defeat their disciple?]



…Honestly, even I think it was a moronic excuse. Sure enough, after that day Bi Yan never picked up a sword again.

Although the shock was tremendous, Bi Yan’s talent had been real. If she just had a slightly better master, or made a little more effort…

Reaching for the spot of number one under heaven would not have been impossible. Judging so, I decided to move to Xifeng where Zhuge Sega was.

Just then, Bi Yan who had been lying spread-eagled in the carriage, abruptly sat up and came over to me. I naturally tensed my body.

“Master, I have a question.”

“What is it?”

“Why exactly are we moving?”


“Didn’t you have close friends and neighbors back there?”

I desperately racked my brains. Although Bi Yan’s attitude was polite, I could feel a hint of looking down in her gaze.

Although my martial arts foundation had crumbled… I absolutely could not lose in rhetoric either. Somehow I had to come up with a convincing answer…!!

Desperately thinking, I finally came up with an answer. Maintaining as calm an expression as possible, I opened my mouth.

“A long time ago, in a certain village, there was a child…”

“Huh? What’s with the sudden…”

“But the child’s mother saw that, the child was digging holes with a shovel, and wailing in front of them?”


It was a story I had picked up off the internet. Although I don’t know exactly whose story it was, I remembered what meaning it held.

So I intentionally left the subject vague. If I attached a subject and it turned out to be wrong later, it would be f*cking embarrassing.

Anyway… Bi Yan was a clever child. I figured if I told the story like this, she would understand the implied meaning.

“And so the child’s mother moved homes.”

“What happened after?”

“Again one day, the child’s mother saw that the child had laid out straw mats on the floor, placed objects on them, and was bargaining.”


“And so the child’s mother moved homes again.”

“Did they arrive at a village school afterwards?”

“Yes. And the child pretended to study books.”

So in summary, the approximate meaning was… a child’s education is also heavily influenced by their environment. At least that’s how I remember it.

Anyway, Bi Yan immediately grasped the meaning and gave the right answer. Bi Yan let out a sigh, then leaned against me.

“I have no intention of learning anything anyway.”

“There is no harm in learning a skill.”


“Of course, I won’t force you. The choice is yours.”

I grinned and stroked Bi Yan’s head. Although she acted a bit bratty at times, at times like this she was cute like a child.

Personally, I felt her talent was too much of a waste, but I had no thoughts of forcing her. I merely wanted to expand her options.

In the end, the path she must take will be chosen by her one day. Until then, I will silently support her as her master from behind.

And at last, the carriage laden with luggage arrived at Xifeng. Fortunately, thanks to a connection I had made before, I was able to move here to Xifeng.

“We will be staying here from now on.”

There were overhangs supported by pillars in between, and the surroundings were enclosed by a stone wall. It was a decent enough house.

I nodded. Then I started unloading the luggage brought by the carriage. Just then, Bi Yan who had been sitting in the carriage went straight into a room.


“Yes, I am.”

“I see… go ahead and rest comfortably.”

Hey, that brat…! In that moment, a deep irritation rose up, but I forcibly swallowed it down. Endure, I must endure. The reason why I’m treating her so well,

is because… she is my retirement fund. She has talent that will succeed no matter what work she does outside.

When I think about the money I’ll receive from her in the future, I have no choice but to act the part of a virtuous master here. Although my martial arts foundation has already crumbled…

Then I have no choice but to earn her respect through other means! Thinking so, I started unloading the luggage by myself.

The sun hanging in the sky soon disappeared over the mountains. Only then, after somehow finishing unloading all the luggage, could I rest.

However, just as I had sat down to briefly rest, a loud sound came from behind. And I’m not joking, I really thought a bomb had gone off behind me.

“Bi Yan….?”


“What’s going on all of a sudden?”



The one who burst out as if to break down the door was Bi Yan herself. However, something was strange. Just this morning, she had lifeless eyes, but now,

her eyes were moist with tears, her cheeks flushed red, and her two clenched fists were grabbing my crotch.

And the tears welling up in her eyes now burst forth. Seeing her bawling her eyes out, I was bewildered. But just then,


A groaning sound echoed from my abdomen. I glanced down slightly. Bi Yan who had been crying from a distance had rushed into my arms.

I’m not exaggerating, I really felt a pain as if my intestines were bursting out. Unable to do anything, I could only hold her.

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