The third generation of Dark Lord came from Hogwarts

Chapter 40 If you are new, practice more. If you can’t afford to lose, don’t play!

Yagus was unwilling to hide from the twisted curse.

"How nice of Mr. Weasley to sneak up on the duel before it even started."

"No wonder I made a mistake and asked my brothers to help wipe my butt!"

"Shut up! You disgusting dark wizard!"

Ron was like a mouse whose tail had been stepped on, picking up the wand and waving it at Argus.

Unfortunately, he knows too little magic.

They eat, drink and have fun every day at home. Without Hermione's supervision at school, he and Harry would rather not even go to class.

It was those magic spells that went back and forth, and sometimes I even stuttered about the spells and almost hit myself.

"The Upside Down Golden Bell!"

Yagus was too lazy to continue playing this house game and just hung Ron in the air.

Seeing Ron twisting like a living maggot, Holy Mother Harry couldn't bear it again.


"Harry, are you going to plead for Weasley?"

This time, Draco couldn't bear it anymore and asked directly.

"You don't know what he said to Yagus back then, and what he said in the hall, right?"

"When Ron attacked Yagus just now, I didn't see you begging for mercy!"

"In your heart, is this Weasley the only friend? Who are Argus and me?"

No wonder I spent so many years fighting against Harry and Draco in my previous life!

Just looking at Draco's questioning, it looks like a couple quarreling and breaking up!

Ever since the last time in the hospital room, when Harry begged Argus for mercy regardless of the reason, Argus had been completely disappointed in this savior who was filled with the heart of the Holy Mother.

Harry's repeated pleas for mercy showed no emotion in his heart.

Harry held it in for a long time and could only manage to say one sentence.

" are all my friends."

"Ron, he...he just..."

"Shut up! Pote!"

Draco, filled with love and hatred, took out his wand and pointed it at Harry.

"You made your choice when you accompanied Weasley to the prize display room!"

"Let's do it! Po Te, don't let me look down on you!"

Harry still wanted to explain, but seeing Draco above him, he decided to let him calm down and find time to apologize.

"Grin and hula!"

"Tarantela dance!"

"Confinement quickly!"

A pure-blood family's education for their heirs is not comparable to that of a half-hearted Harry.

After being trained by Yagus, Draco's strength far exceeded that of the original.

It was almost easy to deal with Harry, who didn't even miss a few spells!

"Fight back, Pote!"

"You coward!"

After a few spells, Harry ran away in embarrassment, unable to even fight back.


Draco was venting his anger when a cat meowed at the door!

Harry was frightened.

Draco was also panicked and hurriedly asked Argus.

"what to do!"

In the eyes of these little wizards, Filch and his cat are nothing less than demons!

Whether it was the terrifying figure or the attitude towards the little wizard, they were extremely frightened.

As soon as he finished speaking, Draco saw Mrs. Norris rushing into the prize display room.

"It's over. Filch must be blocking us at the door."

"Professor Snape is not allowed to pluck out our skins when we go back!"

Draco was on the verge of tears, mentally prepared to be scolded by Snape for a few hours and then put in solitary confinement.

Ron became excited!

The ridicule of the people around him and the jealousy towards Yagus, coupled with being hung up by Yagus for so long today.

His brain has long been swallowed up by resentment!

I would rather be caught than let Yagus have an easy time!

He twisted his body and yelled at the door desperately!

"There's someone here, come quickly!"

"Someone is sneaking out at night, come and catch them!"

This shout not only dumbfounded Draco, but also Harry beside him!

No, man!

How about playing?

Don't bother me if you don't care about your life!

I'll risk breaking up with my friends and come with you. Are you going to make this happen?

Sure enough, Filch outside the door heard the noise and rushed into the house quickly.

The heavy footsteps were like a muffled drum, beating on everyone's heart.

Just when Draco had fallen into despair, a shocking scene occurred.

Mrs. Lorris, who was shunned in the eyes of others, actually nestled quietly at the feet of Yagus!

She grabbed his wizard robe and jumped into his arms.

"Yagos, this..."

"It's nothing. I've seen it a few times before. I just gave it some food."

Yagus's understatement explanation made several people even more shocked.

But what shocked them was far more than that.

Seeing Filch walk into the prize display room, Ron's face showed the pleasure of revenge.

He yelled at Filch hastily.

"I'll report it! They violate school rules and go out at night!"

"Catch them quickly!"

Unexpectedly, Filch did not capture Yagus with a grin as he imagined.

What happened next was so shocking that his eyes almost popped out!

The gloomy face that had remained motionless for thousands of years actually showed a bit of gentleness the moment he saw Yagus.

What made him even more unbelievable was that Filch actually took the initiative to say hello to Yagus!

"Mr. Grindelwald, long time no see!"

"Long time no see, Mr. Filch! Thank you for the trouble you have to do the night watch every night!"

"This is my job!"

"No, if you hadn't done your duty faithfully every night, Hogwarts would have been in such chaos!"

Argus's words made Filch's smile grow wider.

Make a few thick pleats.

"By the way, Mr. Filch!"

"Draco and I helped you catch two little wizards sneaking out at night tonight and tied them up inside."

"Waiting for your processing!"


Upon hearing this, Filch's eyes suddenly lit up!

He keeps anklets and handcuffs in his office all year round, just in case he needs them one day.

Unfortunately, none of the previous professors and principals of Hogwarts supported him.

Seeing that Yagus understands him so well, his affection for him becomes even stronger!

"Leave it to me to handle this! You and your friends should go back first!"

"Little wizards who don't follow school rules will be punished!"

Harry and Ron were completely stunned when they saw that Filch ignored both Argus and walked directly in their direction!


It’s also a night tour, why is the difference so big?

This is your unspoken rule! It’s a py transaction!

I'm not convinced!

Ron yelled: "You are abusing your power!"

"Why only arrest us!"


As soon as this word came out, Filch's expression changed.

But Ron didn't notice it and kept talking.

Yagus smiled slightly and lifted his golden bell.


Ron, who had been hanging, fell heavily to the ground.

"Mr. Filch, I'll leave this to you. Draco and I will leave first."

the next day.

At the entrance of Hogwarts Castle, Gryffindor's hourglass returns to zero.

Harry and Ron were like street rats, spurned by countless Gryffindor members.

Unwilling to reconcile, Ron kept explaining to his classmates.

The only response he received was the cynicism of his classmates.

Why did he only arrest you and not others?

Can you look for more reasons from yourself?

If you're good at it, practice more. If you can't afford to lose, don't play!

What Ron couldn't accept even more was that his parents learned the news.

Coming soon from the Burrow...

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