The third generation of Dark Lord came from Hogwarts

Chapter 67 The Crowded Ministry of Magic

There may be many people criticizing Professor McGonagall's past, especially her emotional experiences.

But it is undeniable that she is a perfect dean and a perfect teacher.

When one's students face danger or injustice, they will immediately stand up to protect their students.

No matter which college it is!

Seeing the bigwigs of Hogwarts gathered together, Fudge could no longer maintain his posture and walked out of the office quickly.

"Professor Dumbledore, four deans, long time no see."

"You must also be doing it for..."

"Minister Fudge, I would like to ask, what crime did my student commit? Does he need to be taken to the Ministry of Magic and imprisoned?" Professor McGonagall asked directly without mercy.

"This... this..." Fudge hesitated, not daring to reply rashly.

The four Hogwarts professors appeared together, representing... the attitude of the entire Hogwarts.

Not to mention anything else, more than 80% of the wizards in the UK are from Hogwarts!

It’s not an exaggeration to call it the cradle of British wizards!

Among them, I don’t know how many are students of these professors!

It’s just a matter of a few deans not showing off their power, but once they speak up, they will definitely respond!

More addition to the four deans, there is also Dumbledore, the Supreme Emperor of the British Ministry of Magic!

His status in the hearts of British wizards is much stronger than that of the Ministry of Magic!

Even Fudge's position as Minister of Magic was given up by Dumbledore!

In this case, how dare Fudge be careless.

"This...Professor McGonagall, I have sent someone to check it out. Please wait a moment."



Dumbledore looked serious and interrupted Fudge.

"You'd better go check out the Ministry Hall."

"Maybe you'll change your mind."

"Ministry of Magic Hall?" Fudge was a little confused.

"Let's go, just in time. I also want to see how Yagus is doing now."

Dumbledore didn't give Fudge any room to relax and took the lead towards the Auror's office.

Mrs. Arthur and Mrs. Molly came forward to say hello.

With the two of them at the beginning, others also stepped forward.

Even Lucius had to show some respect to the greatest white wizard of our time.

Only then did Dumbledore notice that the people around Fudge's office were all here for Argus.

Apart from being shocked, I couldn't help but feel a little afraid.

Famous wizards, pure-blood families, and now Hogwarts!

Unknowingly, this young man has opened up a huge network of contacts in the British wizarding world.

His reputation will surely rise again, relying on the saint's shop and the goodwill this incident has brought to the wizarding public.

This is extremely detrimental to his future plans and Harry's development.

He couldn't help but secretly regret his initial hesitation.

Now that Yagus has grown up, it's too late to touch him again...

Everyone came all the way to the hall of the Ministry of Magic.

The first time Fudge saw the hall, he was shocked by what he saw.

He never thought that there would be so many people in the entire Ministry of Magic!

Crowds of people!

A large group of Aurors and staff were working to maintain order.

"How is this going!"

Fudge hurriedly grabbed an Auror and questioned him.

His hand unconsciously touched the wand on his waist.

He heard Umbridge mention it before, but he didn't care at the time.

I feel like there are at most a dozen people, what can happen!

It wasn't until he came down that he discovered... there were more than a dozen!

There were more than one or two hundred people!

In shock, he wanted to lock himself behind Dumbledore.

Lucius and the others had already seen it when they came here and had no reaction.

It’s not like he came to find me anyway.

What do I worry about?

The caught Auror was sweating profusely.

"Minister, the newspapers have already spread it!"

"They say we abused our power and arrested people at will!"

"Also...there are several newspapers saying..."

"Say what!" Fudge roared.

"It is said that we colluded with the goblins of Gringotts and deliberately staged a show just for...the property of the Saints Group!"

Veins popped up on Fudge's forehead: "Asshole! Which reporter posted this!"

"Rita Skeeter!"

"It's her again!"

Fudge almost fainted without taking a breath.

Looking at the angry crowd, he swallowed and stepped forward.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I am Fudge, the British Minister of Magic!"

"Please don't be impulsive! If you have any questions, you can tell me!"

However, all he received in response was curses.

In desperation, Fudge had no choice but to turn his attention to the person he least wanted to ask for help.


Dumbledore stepped forward slowly.


The sound was not loud, but it reached everyone's ears clearly.

"It's Professor Dumbledore!"

"Is the professor also here to seek justice for Mr. Grindelwald?"

"Stop talking yet, listen to the professor!"

The crowd gradually became quiet, and everyone's attention turned to Dumbledore and others.

"I can understand how you feel."

"As Mr. Grindelwald's principal, I am also very sad that this happened."

"But please believe me, believe in Hogwarts, and believe in the Ministry of Magic."

"We will definitely give Mr. Grindelwald justice!"

"That's right!" Fudge quickly jumped out to show off his presence.

"I promise you in the name of the Minister of Magic, please go back first!"

Fudge thought that with Dumbledore's influence, everyone would be obedient.

In the end, no one moved.

This made him look a little embarrassed.

"Alas!" Dumbledore sighed and spoke again.

"Everyone, please consider the feelings of the Ministry of Magic employees."

"They also have work to do. Staying here will not only delay their time, but also more people who need help."

"We will only stay here and not make trouble!" A voice suddenly came from the crowd.

And then someone echoed: "That's right, we just need to take a look at Mr. Grindelwald and make sure he is okay, then we will go back!"

"Yes! We will go back after taking a look!"

"Take a look and go!"

Dumbledore asked Fudge with his eyes, and Fudge thought for a moment and nodded.

In his heart, he almost cursed Scrimgeour's ancestors to the apes!

You caused such a big thing, and in the end you hid in the office and didn't come out!

Let me take it all!

Is this something a human can do?

Suppressing his anger, Fudge waved his hand and asked most of the Ministry of Magic employees to evacuate the hall and return to work.

The wizards in the hall also abided by the agreement.

They did not ask to enter the Ministry of Magic as they did just now, but just stood there and waited quietly.

They came to the Auror's office. Before they entered the door, they saw several Aurors like mice seeing a cat.

They rushed into the room in a hurry!

"Freeze all!"

As a double agent, Snape was very sensitive to people's expressions and behaviors.

He immediately froze several people!

With a wave of his wand, the door of the office suddenly opened!

Inside the room.

Argus sat upright on the chair, and several Aurors stood on his left and right as if they were interrogating some unforgivable criminal!

He was not allowed to make any moves!

Tonks was tightly controlled by two Aurors and kept struggling.

And Scrimgeour was holding a small bottle of unknown potion and walking towards Argus!

Now, even Professor Flitwick, who was always good-tempered, was angry.

"Minister Fudge, is this what you are asking?"

"Is this what you call safe?"

"Great job...Great job to the British Ministry of Magic!"

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