180 – If anyone touches little Shinya (7)

At that time, Heodo.

“Heo Island is truly like hell.”

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei nodded heavily at Liu Bei’s words.

“If we were Jojo’s people, we would really be able to live comfortably. But it seems like we are not Jojo’s people. The more we live together, the more I feel it.”

“That’s right. Ikdeok, did you feel it too?”

“Hmm. They are trying to placate each of our three brothers.”

Liu Bei, Guan Yu, Zhang Zhang.

Against the three sworn brothers, Cao Cao’s army was trying to appease them in different ways.

“In the name of Hwang Suk, Cao Cao invited me to his banquets several times. And he said he would use me as his left general. But to be honest…”

Liu Bei put down his drink.

“I was attracted to it. I thought it wouldn’t be bad to live like this in Heodo as Cao Cao’s subordinate. In a wealthy house, with enough money to eat and drink every day, living happily with my wives and seeing you all happy, I was filled with this happiness. I also thought about how great it would be to have it.”

“But it wasn’t.”

“Yes. …I guess I have to leave the field as well.”

Yuvi patted his thigh with his hand.

Even though he had been in Heodo for a long time, his thighs were still firm.

“We can’t stay here for long. We need to go somewhere where we can build our own strength.”

“Where are you?”


Liu Bei’s sharp eyes shined and he pointed to the map on the desk.

“How about defeating the traitor Yuan Shu and staying there?”

“Did you choose a female or male?”

“Anywhere is fine. Anywhere I can get away from JoJo.”

“…Then how about this place?”

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Guan Yu pointed to another place with his finger.

“I heard this through Zhang Liao and Xu Huang, and I heard that Cao Cao’s advisors are planning to appoint you as the governor of Xinae County.”


“Yes. It’s near old Luoyang.”

“Little brother, are you okay…?”

The equipment caught sight of Guan Yu, and Guan Yu ran his hand over his beard and closed his eyes for a moment.

“…If it’s for the greater good.”

“I understand how Unjung feels, but hahahaha is dangerous.”

At Yubi’s words, both of their eyes focused on Yubi’s finger.

“If we go here, we might be placed between Cao Cao’s army and Yuan Shao’s army and receive a joint attack. No, we will be under concentrated attack by one of them.”

“You mean like when you were in Sopae?”

“Yes. Just like the time when he was caught between Cao Cao and Lü Bu, acting as a shield on both sides.”

Liu Bei pointed up and down and let out a sigh.

“Since we were given the position of governor of Xia by Cao Cao, Yuan Shao will most likely try to attack us. Then we must use our own strength to stop Xia Na. No matter how many troops we receive, we have no power to stop Yuan Shao’s large army. Is there one?”

“No matter how many times they come, you can stop them, big brother!”

“But what if the soldiers die? There must be at least 200,000, no, 300,000. Can we receive that much of an army from Cao Cao?”

“Take your time, thirty thousand. … If you think a little better, you will receive fifty thousand. I’m sorry, brother. I was short-thinking.”

“No, Commander. Just knowing that Cao Cao’s army was trying to send us to Hanae was a big help. I realized once again that we… should never go to Hanae.”

Liu Bei’s expression hardened and he lowered the flag with his last name written on it.

“So, let’s go down to the south. After defeating Wonsul, there is no owner of the land, so we are asking for Yenam land. How do you think?”

“Big brother, don’t you actually want to go somewhere else?”


Liu Bei was speechless after Jang Gi’s words.

It’s not easy to tell others, but the two were different.

“…Honestly, I want to go to Xuzhou.”


A place that welcomed Yubi more than anyone else.

Although the position of Zhou Mu was taken over by a famous person from Western Zhou, the people of Western Zhou still admire Liu Bei and hope that he will become the master of Western Zhou.

“Yeonam is so underdeveloped. It was horribly destroyed by Yuan Shu. The state of Xuzhou is not much different, but at least if it recovers, it will be better than Yeonam.”

I know it better than anyone else because I once occupied it.

The possibility of preface.

“Let’s go, to Xuzhou. Wouldn’t it be better for your second sister-in-law to go to her hometown anyway?”

“Sun Qian and Mi Fang also helped us in Xuzhou. The people in Xuzhou will be able to help us, so let’s go there.”

“Yes. Seoju… But.”

Yuvi raised his head towards the ceiling with a confused look on his face.

“Xuzhou is stable, and there are traitors here and there, so how can we go to Xuzhou?”

Unless even heaven helps.

“…I am afraid. One day, Cao Cao will kill me, use my brothers as his own soldiers, and take my wives as concubines for his subordinates. Isn’t he the kind of person who will leave me alone just because I don’t become his subordinate? Cao Cao.”

Cao Cao views Liu Bei quite favorably.

However, Liu Bei cannot serve Cao Cao as his lord.

“Most of Cao Cao’s subordinates are trying to kill me, and the government ministers are jealous and envious of me who suddenly became Hwang Suk. Aren’t you the same? It’s not just Cao Cao who is reaching out to me, but also to my three brothers.”



“We will be used again. We will die when we have served our purpose.”

Because of anxiety.

“That will never happen! Big brother, brace yourself!”

“That’s right. Have you forgotten the resolution you made at Taoyuan? If our eldest brother dies, we will die with him.”

“…Thank you.”

Yuvi patted the two on their shoulders and smiled bitterly.

“But if I die first, then you can do whatever you want. You can protect my wife, or you can make a name for yourself under Cao Cao or someone else.”

“No, how could we?”

“It’s a what if. What if.”

“Brother. I swear again. If you are killed by someone, it will be this governor.”

Guan Yu adjusted his posture and got down on one knee.

“I will sacrifice that man’s head to my brother’s grave, and I will also volunteer to be the crown prince. Even if he is Jojo.”

“Hmph! Then I can help too. Even if Heaven tries to kill you, I will destroy even Heaven! hahahaha.”


Yuvi wiped his eyes with his sleeve.

“Thank you, Unjang. Ikdeok.”

“What’s surprising? Big brother, Hwang-suk shouldn’t be like that. Thanks to you, we’re Hwang-suk’s younger siblings, so how popular are we now? Isn’t that right, little brother?”

“That’s right. The first thing people in the same riding say when they approach us is, rather than ‘that military officer,’ wouldn’t it be Yu Hwang-suk’s younger brother?”

“…Isn’t that something you don’t like?”

“So you smile on the outside and curse on the inside!”

“Brother, cheer up. It is you, not Cao Cao, the Emperor, or Yuan Shao, who was the first to recognize us, who were wandering around like a mountain, as a general who will command the world.”


It is said that a man is loyal to the first person who recognizes him.

“…Okay. I can’t be depressed here. I am Yu Hwang-suk. I must go to the Emperor tomorrow and ask for a subjugation force to defeat Yuan Shu.”

“Big brother, are you going alone? Are you disappointed then?”

“Shouldn’t we three brothers fight together? We should get out of Heodo together.”

“Liu Bei on the central army, Guan Yu on the left wing, and Gigi on the right wing. What do you think?”

“I’m satisfied, hahahahaha!”

“This time, let’s destroy Yuan Shu.”

The three brothers clinked their glasses together.

* * *

“If they all die now, Wonsul will essentially be over, right?”


On the cliff.

From a high place where we could clearly see the soldiers’ battle, Zhuge Liang and I looked down on the soldiers’ battle and kept a close eye on the situation.

Noebak and Jinran. is not it? Are they Noeran and Jinbak?

Anyway, the generals of Yunsul’s army were not tired and targeted Shinya again.

With a force of 10,000, they broke through the first tunnel where we were hiding, but they would soon realize that it was a decoy.

“It’s Hak Ik-jin, you traitors.”

The moment I broke down the palace hall where Zhuge Liang and I were and came inside, there were several other palace halls behind us to greet them.

Except for the first palace, the remaining palaces are connected in a way that everyone helps each other.

Although they cannot attack enemies beyond the palace, they are each placed in a position where they can fire toward the door so that they can escape toward Shinya.

Zhuge Liang was sincere about the arrangement of the palace.

We thoroughly focused on saving our troops and blocking the enemy, and thanks to this, we defeated over a thousand enemies with Gung-ro and Won-yung-no alone.

And now all that’s left is to wipe out the enemies all at once.

“Eight thousand or five thousand enemy soldiers. If you just look at it, we are at a disadvantage.”

“So from now on, how we use the military is important.”

Zhuge Liang looked down at the battlefield and raised a white flag.

“To the cavalry. Order to turn around and break through to the enemy’s flank. Spearmen approach from a distance. Strengthen the defense.”

Thump, thump, thump.

A huge drum gave a signal by beating at a steady beat.

As the military banner waved, Zhuge Liang’s intentions were spread to the allies on the battlefield, and the cavalry and spearmen began to move in harmony with each other.


Our military’s morale was sky high.

Of course, he possessed overwhelming power, but he had no hesitation in defeating the aggressor enemy.

Among them, the one who takes the lead is Moon Bing, wearing silver armor.

He rode his horse precisely towards the ‘enemy commander’ and penetrated deep into the enemy’s camp.

“Mr. West. If there was a way for soldiers to die the least, everyone would choose that, right?”

“of course.”

“…For that, a lot of soldiers would clash their spears and swords and fight against each other, but is that okay?”

Zhuge Liang was very sullen while leading.

“If I take more time, I could defeat the enemy with less sacrifice than that.”

“Yes, but we are the ones who make plans, not the ones who make decisions.”

Although it may have great influence, the final decision is ultimately made by the commander-in-chief.

And now the commander-in-chief of the battlefield is Moon Bing.

“We achieved a great result simply by opening a war front through Gung-ro and reducing the enemy’s strength by one part, or close to less than half. Creating an environment where soldiers can fight better through command here is also a great achievement. And…. “


“This is what I felt while participating in Cao Cao’s army, but they are already prepared to die.”

I met those fighting on the battlefield.

Some people volunteered to join the army because they had no way to make a living.

Some people joined the military to support their parents back home;

Another person jokingly said that if I were to join the military, the turbulent times would end quickly.

What they all have in common is that they don’t want to die, but they are prepared to die.

“Don’t forget, Liang. These are not ordinary people.”


“They are…soldiers.”

Those who are willing to risk their lives for something, whatever the purpose.

And we are the staff, strategists, and tactical commanders who have to come up with ways to save the lives of those soldiers as much as possible.

“It’s right to smack the back of a guy who just wants to fight without thinking, but we have to cheer hard for those who step up to protect our land.”

I just hope for our allies’ victory.

“…Look. Can you see it over there right now?”


Blood fountain splashed.

Zhuge Liang clenched his fists as he watched my head fly into the sky.

“Ilgito, you won.”

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The enemy commander has been defeated ㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡ!!

Moon Bing, cut down Noebak.

Needless to say, it was a landslide victory after that.

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