97 – How to survive in difficult times (8)

Suddenly subdue the general.

… didn’t work.

Those serving in Cao Cao’s army consider themselves to be the emperor’s army, and all ‘traitors’ who pose a threat to the emperor must be suppressed.

– Emperor, I am trying to subdue the general. Could you please issue a teaching notice?

-Now, who is the general?

-I am Zhang Jie’s nephew.

-Well, does that mean he can target Heo Do?


-Then subdue it….

“The general of Wan privately occupied the castle, plundered the people, and collected taxes. The emperor then ordered the general to be subjugated and the solemn authority of the Han imperial family to be restored.”

Cao Cao read the Emperor’s teachings in front of the priests.

“That’s it, the official story.”

Jojo folded the school paper neatly and placed it on the desk.

All the chiefs know.

The orders given by the emperor were Cao Cao’s own intentions, which he wrote down under the name of the emperor’s orders.

“I’ll start with the conclusion. Before you hit Lu Bu, hit the general.”

Rear stability.

The reason for subjugating the general has been decided.

“I heard that Yuan Shao of the north is preparing for a major battle with Gongsun Zan. Currently, our army has accumulated enough troops through Duntian, and based on this troops, we can raise an army of up to 10,000 units.”

Jojo was in tears for a moment as he spoke.

“hehehe, it seems like only three years ago I was begging Yuan Shao to send me 2,000 troops, but times have changed a lot, right? As expected, I like the Emperor.”

Collaborators were not simply used as a factor to pressure the feudal lords.

-For the imperial family!

Many young people applied for military service to sacrifice their lives for the Han imperial family.

300,000 Yellow Turban enemies from Cheongju volunteered to join the army, saying they would risk their lives for Cao Cao, who accepted them.

Those settled near Heohyeon and the people of Yeju were impressed by Cao Cao’s willingness to protect the Emperor and responded to the recruitment process.

Of course, there were only a very small number of people who were truly worried about the Han imperial family and volunteered to become soldiers of Cao Cao’s army.

-Do you really get rice if you apply for the military?

-Oh, of course! The work done on your land belongs to your family! This is what the Emperor and Duke Cao Cao promised!

-I will trust and follow you. Since I can’t farm, my family needs to eat comfortably.

-I promise, man to man. In the name of this Xiahouyuanyang!

…Many young men stepped forward to protect their families, who were closer to the royal family.

Thanks to this, although Cao Cao’s army cannot be said to be an elite army, it succeeded in immediately securing 20,000 soldiers who gradually became stronger through training within a few months.

This was the result of Sunwook suggesting to Jojo the plan of a student from a school in Jingju.

When you have power, you want to use it right away.

“Xun Yu. If Lü Bu attacks Liu Bei of Xiaopei, will there be enough reinforcements?”

“Of course. The three Liu Bei brothers are capable of dealing with an army of 10,000 men if they have sufficient military support. They will be able to buy enough time until we can go to provide support against the Lu Bu army.”

“Join, what is your opinion?”

“I agree with what Master Gongdal said. As soon as Pabal arrives, if you ride a horse from Jinryu, Sopae will arrive quickly. Moreover, if the situation arises, Liu Bei is even planning to abandon Sopae. We have used Sopae several times throughout the past Western Zhou. Isn’t this the place you occupied? We can occupy it.”

“Ocean sea?”

“We will also send troops from Fuyang. Our relationship with the Cheongju company has become quite strong, so there will be no attack on Fuyang from the North Sea.”

Although the defenses in the Western Zhou area cannot be said to be perfect, Cao Cao’s army did its best.

When half of the troops escape to the southwest, will Cao Cao’s army be able to actively defend the land against Lü Bu’s army?

The minimum condition for this, a sufficient number of soldiers, was secured.

The acceptance of Yellow Turban refugees from Hyeocheonja, Dunjeon, and Cheongju had a double effect and served as a positive sign for Cao Cao’s army.

“Jeongwook. How is Namyang? Are you still concentrating on Son Ga’s puppy running amok?”

“Yes. The counterattack in Gangdong is more significant than expected. If Lu Bu starts rampaging, Yuan Shu may be able to secretly support troops and supplies from behind, but at least he will not attack Heo Dao with the high rank of General Jindong. “

“What do you think about Munyak?”

“I agree. Yuan Shu is a different being from Lu Bu. Like Yuan Shao, he is someone who cares about the cause. He will not try to attack Heo Dao carelessly.”

The anxiety factors began to decrease one by one.

Now all that remains is to dispatch the soldiers.

“Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, Lu Bu. All defenses against the insurgents have been completed. Now all that’s left is….”


Jo Jo swung his fist at the ‘Wan’ area on the map on the wall.

“All we have to do is win against Wan’s general.”


Sunuk stepped forward.

“How about taking the army as far as possible and then asking Wan’s general to surrender?”


Cao Cao scanned the generals with his eyes and played with his hair.

“Still, with the soldiers gathered like this, shouldn’t we fight once?”

“That’s right! This Xiahumyojae, I’m ready to take down the enemy at any time!”

“I heard that the cavalry is the mainstay of the general’s army. If it’s about dealing with the cavalry, please leave it to me, Yue Jin.”

As Cao Cao slowly got lucky, the generals heated up their spirit and insisted on battle.

The atmosphere was so unusual that not even the treason could dampen the spirit.

“…I understand. However, you cannot mercilessly swing your spear against those who wave the white flag first. Please make a suggestion at least once. It will not be too late to make a decision later.”

“I understand. Then it looks like everyone is in order. Follow the teachings of the Emperor.”

Jojo unfolded the silk that was hanging in a position where it seemed as if it would fall to the floor.

“We will subdue the traitor and general who calls himself the governor of Wan!”

* * *

At that time, Wan’s government office.

“…Cao Cao is coming in person with 20,000 troops?”

While eating, the general dropped his spoon.

“how much?”

“That’s it. Most of them are soldiers absorbed from Cheongju. They should be considered new recruits.”

“Even new recruits should at least know how to cut, right? No, that’s enough. How much are we worth now?”

“500 cavalry. 3,000 infantry. If we force conscription, we can number up to 5,000.”

“So, I guess it’s five thousand?”

this much.

The amount of chatter is overwhelming.

Considering that Wan’s soldiers were only 5,000, this was a whopping four times that number.

“Crazy, why are you dragging in the army for so long because I did something wrong?”

“Hmm, you called yourself the governor of Wan? Isn’t that an impersonation since you became governor even though you didn’t receive the title?”

“Stop playing around, teacher!”

“hehehe, if you hear the real reason, you’ll be angry.”

“Just say it first!”

Gafu covered his mouth with his hand and laughed.

“It’s because it’s close.”


“It’s because we are the force that can be used as an example among the nearby feudal lords.”

“No, what is that?”

I got hit because it was close.

It was something that a general could not understand.

“Is it because I’m close? There’s Yupyo too!”

“Liu Biao’s main force must cross the Yangtze River from Yangyang, and Liu Biao is the one who does not attack first.”

“I have no intention of fighting with JoJo either!”

“Isn’t there still a shadow of Elder Jiang Ze?”


The general hit the desk with his fist.

“Is that why we are now being made an example of?”

“Yes. The current feudal lords can be divided into two. Those who received an official position from the emperor and were upgraded in rank. Those who did not receive an official position from the emperor.

“I didn’t get it.”

“The former are those with whom Cao Cao wants to form an alliance, and the latter are those with whom Cao Cao wants to rule by force.”

“Oh my. So you’re planning to bring several times more soldiers? What about the east?”

“The existing elite troops would have been left in the east.”

“I’m going crazy.”

Generals did not receive official positions from Cao Cao or the Emperor.

In other words, these 20,000 soldiers are envoys coming to strangle the general.

“What should I do?”

“There are three ways. One, fight. Two, run. Three, surrender.”

“Which road has the highest chance of survival?”

“Of course I surrender.”

The general bowed his head.

Gafu just laughed.

From noble mtl dot com

“What kind of future do you hope for, General? Do you hope to secure the Son of Heaven again and live a life like Dong Zhuo?”

“I want to be a father who is not ashamed of my son.”

“Then the answer is decided. Surrender. Surrendering to an imperial family would be a truly beautiful picture.”


The general took out a candle from his pocket.

“Sir, would you like a ride?”

“Do you recommend tobacco to a woman?”

Gafu was handed a piece of tobacco by the general.

“hehehe. You’ll be okay, right?”

“It’s of course okay since we entered Wan without blood. Cao Cao is probably a woman who can communicate well. If the general has no evil intentions, if he really cares about his son, I think surrender is the right thing to do. Of course, if this is a relationship between a man and a woman, it will only be visible if you push and pull once, but the general “There’s nothing like that, right?”

“Yeah. I just….”

The general burned the tobacco, shaking his legs as if he was nervous.

“…If I just surrender, I’ll get a spot, right?”

“It is said that Gong Yong, Governor of Beihai, also moved his base to Heo Island upon the call of the Emperor. Moreover, if the general bows to the Emperor first, it would symbolize even more.”


“Dong Zhuo, Yi Gak, and Guo Si. The general who broke away from them has returned to the Emperor, so it is a huge loss of face for the group in Chang’an.”

“…Still, I’m anxious.”

The general quenched his appetite and shook off the ashes.

“What if Cao Cao tries to attack us?”

“If they attack us even after we surrender, we must fight to the death. Then our strength alone will not be enough. We must find allies.”


“If the wall is breached, won’t Jingju be in danger?”

“…Are you saying we should form an alliance with Yupyo?”

The general’s expression became grim.

“On the outside, they killed my uncle! If I ally with them, how will I be able to see my aunt?”

“General. Think about the cause. If you allow it, I will definitely make an alliance.”


“There is a way.”

Gafu’s eyes were bent like half moons.

“I am well acquainted with the person in power in Hyeongju. hehehe.”

“Teacher Geum, it’s been a while. This is Huhwamun.”

“Wasn’t that the name from last time?”

“Is that so? Then let’s formally introduce ourselves.”

“No, I know. …Aren’t you a cultural teacher who served as the Crown Prince?”

Cheer up.

Nice weather day.

Gahu suddenly came to see me.

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