"This is the first cooperation. I will give you 3,000 weapons first." Liu Yu said quickly.

Zhang Shiping and Su Shuang were overjoyed. They didn't expect that they could get such a large number for the first time.

It was very refreshing to follow the owner of the manor!

"In addition, I will give you some dried kelp." Liu Yu ordered someone to take some from the warehouse and handed them to the two.

Zhang Shiping and Su Shuang were puzzled: "This thing... can be sold at a high price?"

Liu Yu chuckled, "This dried kelp, put in the pot and cook, is natural salt."

"And it can reduce greasiness, and it tastes very good when cooked with meat."

"It also has the effect of scraping away fat in the intestines, which is especially suitable for nomadic peoples."

"Such a good thing, why sell it to those bastards?" Zhang Shiping was puzzled.

Liu Yu ignored the other party's doubts and continued: "Give some of this thing to each tribe as a gift, and don't mention the money."

"When the other party asked, just smile and say it's a new product."

"Give it three times in a row, when they know the benefits of this thing and some of them can't do without it, it's time for us to reap their wealth."

"The price, don't we have the final say?"

Zhang Shiping and Su Shuang smacked their lips.

"It's a huge waste that Master Liu doesn't do business!" Su Shuang sighed, "You're too ruthless!"

"No matter how ruthless you treat those bastards on the grassland, it's not too much." Zhang Shiping took over and said, "I like what Master Liu did!"

"The most important thing." Liu Yu continued to say seriously, "We need beef tendons in Tiezhuang."

"As many as you can get."

"That thing is not easy to get, but it's a controlled item." Zhang Shiping lowered his voice and said carefully, "The court has always strictly managed the things used to make bows and crossbows."

"Exchange weapons with the tribes on the grassland." Liu Yu had already thought of a countermeasure.

"It doesn't matter if you offer a higher price than that of an adult cow."

"All expenses will be borne by our Iron Manor."

"Just do it freely."

"In addition, you can combine dried kelp and various dried seafood, use trade to lure the other party into being deceived."

"The grassland is not a monolithic entity, there will always be people who take risks."

"You must try your best to take advantage of human weaknesses."

"Spread false information, give some tribes a large amount of dried seafood, and then secretly leak the news, saying that those tribes exchanged it for beef tendons."

"People are not worried about poverty, but about inequality."

"The most common thing in the world is selfish people."

Zhang Shiping and Su Shuang looked at each other and made up their minds that they would never offend the young manor owner in front of them.

Too cruel!

Moreover, he sees human nature too clearly.

I am afraid that if I offend the other party, I will have to help them count the money after being sold.

The most important thing is to do their business honestly, follow the other party, and get the money.

After explaining everything, Liu Yu asked Taishi Ci, who had counted the amount of materials brought by the merchants, to deliver the goods from the Iron Manor to the other party.

Looking at the carriage that was quickly filled, Zhang Shiping and Su Shuang were extremely excited.

This trip to the grassland will definitely make a lot of money.

"In addition, equip your caravan with some weapons." Liu Yu asked Taishi Ci to bring some fifty steel-making weapons that were eliminated in the manor and distribute them to the two merchants and the caravan followers.

"Give... us fifty steel-making weapons?" Su Shuang stared at the big knife in his hand, his eyes changing repeatedly.

From shock to passion.

"Thank you, Master Liu!" Zhang Shiping clasped his fists and saluted, feeling extremely moved.

"Don't be in a hurry to thank you." Liu Yu raised his hand to interrupt the other party, "Next time you come to purchase goods, just make up the money for these weapons."

"It's considered as a credit to you."

"Uh..." Zhang Shiping and Su Shuang were speechless for a moment.

Sure enough, this Master Liu is too good at doing business, and he is really thrifty.

"Take the things, you two take the caravan and leave from the east gate of the city." Liu Yu ordered immediately.

"Don't stop for a moment."

"The Tiezhuang city is also hosting military commanders from Jicheng."

Zhang Shiping and Su Shuang understood in an instant and didn't say much.

He ordered people to pack up the things, pull the carriage, and go to the east gate under the guidance of Taishi Ci.

Liu Yu gave instructions for everything in the city and returned to the square to meet up.

"The scientific fitness method that Liu Zhuangzhu came up with is really useful!" Gongsun Yue followed Zhang Fei back with excitement.

"I practiced a few times under the explanation of Commander Yide, and I was so tired that I couldn't lift my arms."

"I can also teach you some of this method later." Liu Yu said.

"But it's a bit of a waste of food."

"Forget it." Gongsun Yue shook his head, "We don't have such luxurious military rations as Tiezhuang."

"What can the soldiers eat?""If the consumption increases, I'm afraid the governor will scold me." Liu Yu ordered the three commanders to gather the soldiers, lead the team, push some wheelbarrows, and after the gathering, head towards the west gate. "Huh?" Gongsun Yue was a little puzzled. "Why are there still full carts?" It was covered with burlap, and he couldn't see what it was, which made him very confused. "Bring some things you need." Liu Yu said casually to cover it up. "Gongsun Cavalry General, let's move forward as soon as possible." "The people in Jicheng are still waiting." "Okay! "Gongsun Yue nodded in response.

One thousand cavalrymen led the way, and Liu Yu, with Tiezhuang's 1,500 infantry, pushed a wheelbarrow and followed.

The team headed towards Jicheng.


Jicheng, standing on the city wall and looking down, those restless Yellow Turbans made Liu Yan understand that a big battle was imminent.

The ladders had been built by the Yellow Turbans, and there were quite a few of them.

Those hungry Yellow Turban soldiers were afraid that they would burst out with great combat power.

As the saying goes, when you are forced into a corner, you will be brave. The Yellow Turbans are ready to fight to the death.

Gongsun Zan also saw this.

He has already dispatched soldiers to prepare various materials for defending the city.

Golden soup, falling rocks, rolling logs.

As Jicheng, it naturally has a relatively abundant supply reserve for defending the city.

Outside the city, the Yellow Turban camp, the central army tent.

The Yellow Turban leader of Youzhou sat in the tent, squinting his eyes, pretending to be solemn.

"Leader, the siege equipment is ready. Just wait for your order and you can start the siege." The commander in charge of building the ladder reported.

"Yes." The Youzhou leader, who came from a poor family, did not rebel for long, but he learned the appearance of court officials thoroughly.

"Let the soldiers rest for a while."

"Give them a dry meal tomorrow morning."

"After eating, start attacking the city."

"Whoever climbs the city first will be rewarded with 100,000 coins. "

"In addition, you can pick any two young ladies in the city."

"After conquering Jicheng, everyone can plunder for three days."

"This general will not interfere."

"Okay! I will go down and convey General Qu's order!" The commander nodded and bowed in response, then hurried out of the tent to spread General Qu's order.

"General Qu!" Another person hurried into the central army tent, knelt on one knee and reported: "Cavalry came from the east, and it looks like reinforcements!"

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