"What is going on?"

Gongsun Xiu, who was still kneeling in front of the grove, looked at the serfs who were running towards Tiezhuang City like crazy, with a face full of questions.

The other owners were also confused.

"Yun Chang, tie these people up and throw them into the woodshed in the city." Liu Yu rode over and ordered.

"Spread the news later and ask their manor to send money to redeem them."

"Yes!" Guan Yu responded and took people to execute the manor owner's order.

"You...you can't do this to us!" Gongsun Xiu was tied up by two soldiers and shouted in panic.

"Do you know who I am?"

"Do you know that the Gongsun family is in Liaoxi... um..."

Gongsun Xiu, who was struggling and shouting, was gagged by Zhang Fei, who tore off the sleeve of a manor owner.

"You're so damn noisy."

"If I hadn't seen that you were a manor owner, I would have smashed your jaw."

"See if you can still scream?"

"Does anyone have any questions?" Liu Yu reined in his horse and held his spear, narrowing his eyes and asking.

"No, no!" Several manor owners and private soldiers shook their heads.

He didn't dare to struggle at all, and was tied up by the people of Tiezhuang and taken to the city.

He ordered the soldiers to chop off the head of the Yellow Turban bandit general and wait to go to the government to receive the reward.

Liu Yu ordered the soldiers to take the tied Yellow Turban captives to the city gate.

He asked the people to carry out dozens of large iron pots.

This evening's meal will be eaten at the city gate.

"Is this... cooking?"

More than a thousand serfs whispered.

Nearly three thousand Yellow Turban captives also blinked their eyes and watched.

If there is any topic, it is what everyone cares about these days.

Nothing is more than food.

Blacksmith Zhang and a group of villagers were busy, making fire and boiling water.

Before long, the smoke from cooking rose.

The dried seafood was put into the pot, and the wild vegetables dug by the women outside the city were stewed. The fresh and fragrant smell was blown by the breeze.

It drifted around in the space.

"How can it be so fragrant?!"

Both the serfs and the Yellow Turban captives exclaimed in unison.

People tried their best to sniff and compete for the few fragrances in the air.

If they were not tied up, they would definitely fight because of this fragrance.

It smelled so damn good!

They had never smelled such a fragrant meal in their lives.

The men, women, old and young in the village came to the outside of the city one after another with their own rice bowls.

The serfs and Yellow Turban captives were shocked.

"There must be 3,000 people here!"

"Such a big manor?"

"With city walls and manpower, who the hell can beat this manor?"

The serfs cursed the manor owners for being blind and coming to such a powerful Iron Manor to cause trouble.

The Yellow Turbans cursed them directly, because Qu Shuai had been beheaded by the leader of the Iron Manor.

They were no longer afraid of anyone.

Under the gaze of the crowd, the men, women and children of the Iron Manor took the initiative to line up.

Quietly waiting for food.

"This is more orderly than the imperial guards in Luoyang!"

Someone among the Yellow Turbans praised.

"One bowl per person, come and get more if not enough, you will be full!"

The young and strong who distributed the food shouted loudly in Liu Yu's order.

Let the Yellow Turbans and serfs hear it clearly.


The crowd stared, unable to believe what happened at the city gate.

"Guard...full? Did I hear it right?"

"Give me a punch, are you dreaming?"

Everything the Yellow Turban captives and serfs saw and heard made them doubt their lives.

The people of Tiezhuang got their meals in order.

Regardless of gender, age or status, they filled their bowls to the brim.

They squatted in the corner and started eating.

A rustling sound was heard, connecting into a piece.


The sound of swallowing saliva continued to sound among the Yellow Turban captives and serfs.

It spread rapidly as if it was contagious.

"No matter gender, age or status, everyone can eat so much!"

"Are the people of Tiezhuang too happy?"

"Master, do you need more people in your manor?" Someone among the Yellow Turban captives took the initiative to shout.

"I used to be a tenant farmer, and I grow good crops!"

"As long as you give me food, I will follow you!"

"I want to join!"

"I am a bamboo craftsman, and I want to join too!!"

The Yellow Turban captives shouted in a rush.

The fresh and fragrant smell in the air aroused the hunger in people's stomachs and stimulated every Yellow Turban captive.

The serfs were not willing to lag behind, and shouted at the top of their voices: "We also want to join the Iron Manor!"

"Is this the motivation that the owner of the manor said? It's really touching!"

The serfs were extremely excited.

"Look, it's meat! White fish meat!"

"Give me this food, I can beat the king of heaven!"

"Who the hell is not! Even if it is a heavenly soldier, I will fight him back!"

NoWhether it was serfs or Yellow Turbans, they were all eager for the food in Tiezhuang.

"Let's talk about the serfs first." Liu Yu came to the crowd.

Everyone's eyes were taken back from the bowls in the hands of the Tiezhuang people who were eating. Although they were reluctant to leave, they stared at Liu Yu.

They were afraid of missing any news.

They pricked up their ears and listened carefully.

The three thousand Yellow Turban captives quickly shut up and listened.

The city, which was just chaotic and noisy, suddenly became quiet.

You could hear a pin drop.

Liu Yu said with his hands behind his back: "Come on, give each person a spoonful of food first."

He pointed to the villagers squatting at the corner of the city wall to eat, "You all saw the process of the Tiezhuang people getting food just now?"

More than a thousand serfs nodded vigorously.

"Now, you also line up in the same team and go to get food in order."

"Remember, if you want to join Tiezhuang, everything must be in order."

"If someone in the team does not follow the order or deliberately destroys it, they will be punished together."

"The people in front, behind, and around him will be punished."

"The punishment this time is to deprive him of the opportunity to get food."

"From now on, line up and receive it quietly in order."

"Let's go!"

With his order, more than a thousand serfs acted quickly.

The young man was fast and occupied the front.

The middle-aged man was a little slower and stayed a little behind.

Although some people fell behind, they did not fight or grab.

The neat queue was completed in a short time.

The three thousand Yellow Turban captives were amazed.

They were both leading the team, but the Yellow Turban leader was compared with the owner of Tiezhuang.

He was just a stupid pig who only knew how to eat!

The serfs were distributed food in order, although it was very little, only a little in the palm of their hands.

But it made them so excited that their cheeks were hot.

The food in their hands was hot, but they regarded it as a treasure.

They quickly imitated the people in Tiezhuang, holding it carefully and running to the foot of the city wall.

They squatted on the ground and started eating.

"Wow! This is so delicious! I have never eaten such delicious food in my life!"

The serfs ate until their eyes were filled with tears in their praise.

In those farms, they had no choice but to sell themselves because their families were broken and they could not survive.

They worked for the landlords.

They got up before dawn and lay down in the dark.

They were squeezed to the limit every day.

But they were not given much food.

Two meals of porridge a day.

You could not even see a few grains of rice.

Many people could not stand it and were exhausted to death.

However, those landlords did not have any mercy at all.

Just throw it out, don't even bury it, it will be eaten by wild wolves.

Not even a bone will be left.

These days, human life is not as valuable as food.

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