After finishing their work, the people lined up neatly to get food.

Each person got a huge sea fish, with a little corn rice, and ate it until their noses were bubbling.

I have never had such a happy life in my life.

The children ate a lot, and their stomachs were bulging.

Their big eyes stared at the owner of the manor who was patrolling with his hands behind his back, and their young hearts deeply imprinted that figure in their hearts.

It can never be erased.

In the manor owner's courtyard, Liu Yu and Guan Yu Zhang Fei discussed things.

"From today on, we will carry out several major events in parallel in Tiezhuang." Liu Yu said to the two commanders.

"Parallel?" Guan Yu Zhang Fei looked puzzled.

"It means to do it at the same time." Liu Yu explained briefly and continued.

"Yide, select some strong young men and divide them into several groups, with about 20 people in each group."

"Bring iron pots and cooking utensils."

"Go to the gates of other farms in the county every day to cook fish."

"By the way, shout out the slogan of our Tiezhuang: If you have no food, come to Tiezhuang, work hard, and eat enough food."

Zhang Fei repeated in a low voice, keeping it in mind.

"We have more food and continue to recruit people." Liu Yu explained the key points.

"Give them to the tenants and serfs in those farms, and try to turn them over."

"I remember it!" Zhang Fei nodded vigorously, "Master of the manor, just watch it."

"I have a loud voice, and this is what I am best at."

"I will definitely let you come up with that slogan and let it resound throughout Youbeiping County."

"Zhang Damenlei, it's not for nothing!"

Guan Yu's eyes flickered with expectation, wondering what task the owner of the manor would assign him.

"Yunchang is responsible for going out to look for coal and iron ore." Liu Yu took out a few stones from under the table.

"These are hematite and limonite ores."

"Yunchang, take some people with you, go out of Tiezhuang, search around, and try to find places with more of these two kinds of stones."

"During this period, we must also look for places with more coal."

"Ask more people from other villages."

"In addition, explore more in the north direction."

"Strive to mine iron ore and coal by ourselves in Tiezhuang in the future."

"Don't rely on others for raw materials."

"Lest you be strangled by others at a critical moment, and be speechless."

"Yes!" Guan Yu replied solemnly.

Such an important task was handed over to him to handle, which was naturally valued by the owner of the manor.

This made him hold his breath in his heart, and he would complete the manor owner's entrustment in the shortest time.

"Now you go to select people and get busy." Liu Yu ordered.

The two commanders turned around and left the manor owner's courtyard.

He called the blacksmith Lao Zhang and the carpenter Gou Sheng's father over.

"Master." The two middle-aged men stood respectfully in the courtyard.

Liu Yu led all the villagers to live a good life that they had never dared to think of before, which made the villagers respect him very much.

Even if the king of heaven came down to earth, they would not be as loved as their master.

"Bring some wood, we will study and improve the deer cart." Liu Yu ordered while sitting on the stone bench in the courtyard.

"Yes!" The two craftsmen hurried down to work.

Not long after, all kinds of tools and wood gathered in the master's courtyard.

Bringing a few of the most proud apprentices, the two craftsmen waited for Liu Yu to give orders.

The deer cart was a one-wheeled wooden cart widely used by the people in the Han Dynasty.

It could carry more weight than the primitive shoulder-carrying cart.

The farms used that kind of deer cart to transport grain before.

One cart could carry 400 Han catties.

An adult man could push it and travel ten miles a day, which was not too tiring.

It is considered a very important tool in the ancient transportation industry.

It is said that Zhuge Liang's wooden ox and flowing horse are improved deer carts.

After optimizing the structure, the load capacity is increased, the manpower consumption is reduced, and the mileage is increased.

But whether Zhuge Liang's wooden ox and flowing horse is an improved wheelbarrow has never been determined.

Liu Yu squatted on the ground and used a piece of black charcoal to outline the pattern on the wooden board.

"First, make the deer cart larger and wider to increase the load capacity."

"Second, move the wheels back so that the center of gravity of the wheelbarrow basically coincides with the wheel axle after loading, increase the force-saving lever structure, and minimize the resistance arm."

"Third, add a rope or cloth belt, cross the shoulders of the cart pusher, and tie the two handlebars at both ends to reduce the arm load and increase the stability and balance of the vehicle."

"Fourth, add a front shaft so that it can be easily lifted when encountering obstacles."

"Fifth, add front feet to provide fulcrums on both sides to prevent rollover."

Lao Zhang and Gou Sheng's father raised their hands and scratched their heads, frowning.

"Master, you are talking and drawing, some of which we can understand, but some of which we can't."

Old Zhang said in embarrassment: "Especially the lever, which is blockingLever, we don't understand it. "

"These are all physical terms, you write them down for now, I will explain the specific principles to you later." Liu Yu said: "Understanding the principles will allow you to diverge your thinking and think about improving more tools in the future."

"Thereby improving work efficiency."

Lao Zhang and Gou Sheng's father nodded repeatedly.

"Do as I say first, move the wheels of the unicycle back, make several unicycles with different positions, and pick out the one that saves the most effort." Liu Yu instructed the two.

"You can understand the other projects, start making now."

"Yes! "The two men stood at attention with a snap, and then led the craftsmen to get busy.

For carpenters, deer carts are common objects.

All kinds of processes are familiar to them.

It didn't take long before several wooden wheels, frames, and handlebars were built.

Gou Sheng's father assembled them with his apprentices, and Lao Zhang didn't know what the blacksmiths were going to do.

Under Liu Yu's guidance, the blacksmiths made metal bearings of the Han Dynasty, which are the most primitive sliding bearings.

This thing is not accessible to ordinary people.

Only the luxurious carriages of princes and nobles can use it.

"Although it can't be compared with ball bearings, let's make do with it for now."

Lao Zhang blinked his eyes and thought to himself that the owner of the manor knows too much.

I'm afraid he won't be able to learn it in several lifetimes.

After several wooden carts were assembled, Liu Yu asked Lao Zhang to load the goods with his men and continue to experiment and adjust.

"Can it still be loaded? "Gousheng's father and several carpenters continued to load things onto the wheelbarrow under the instructions of Lao Zhang, who was pushing the cart.

"My goodness, it's already over 700 jin, Lao Zhang, can you still do it?"

"Don't hurt yourself."

"Don't worry, it's still possible, load more!" Putting both hands on the handlebars to stabilize the body of the wheelbarrow, Lao Zhang pushed it up and down twice to test, "No problem, it's not at the top yet."

"Keep loading." Liu Yu ordered: "After the improvement, the load should be able to reach the weight of one year's grain."

"That's about 900 Han jin."

"900 jin?!" Exclamations were heard in the owner's courtyard.

Whether it was Lao Zhang, who was pushing the cart, Gousheng's father, or other carpenter and blacksmith apprentices, they were all shocked by the huge number.

"In the past, adult men who could push 400 jin were all good hands. "Old Zhang exclaimed in admiration.

"With just a simple improvement, the owner of the manor has more than doubled the output. It's really amazing!"

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