The coking kiln and blast furnace, two of the most important buildings for steelmaking, were explained in detail by Liu Yu, so that the craftsmen could remember and understand them in detail.

Liu Yu gave the craftsmen various drawings.

Let them deepen their memory.

After completing the theoretical knowledge, he took the craftsmen to simulate the construction with small bricks in the manor house.

Under his leadership, the small models of the coking kiln and blast furnace were built by craftsmen divided into several groups.

Although small in size, all the processes are exactly the same as in the actual construction.

After completing the last process, the blacksmith Lao Zhang wiped the fine beads of sweat on his forehead, "The manor owner's simulation construction method is amazing!"

"Let us strengthen all the processes again, and we will never forget them in the future."

"And we are all very skilled."

"After starting the real construction work, it will definitely be very fast."

Other craftsmen agreed.

Originally, they had little confidence in the construction.

But with this practical training, everyone straightened their backs and wished that Liu Yu would issue an order immediately to start construction.

They were all eager to show their construction skills in front of the owner of the manor.

"Take a day off and start formal construction tomorrow." Liu Yu ordered as the crowd watched.

"In addition, this construction is very important."

"Don't compete in speed, put quality first."

"Especially don't make mistakes."

"We have limited bricks, and we can't waste any of them."

"Yes!" Blacksmith Lao Zhang took the lead and stood at attention to answer, "Master, just watch!"

"We will definitely do our best in construction!"


By the river, Liu Yu came with a group of craftsmen.

The young and strong men in the manor pulled a wheelbarrow full of bricks and followed.

Unload the bricks to the place designated by Liu Yu.

"Huh? Master, why are we here by the river?" Blacksmith Lao Zhang asked, scratching his head.

"Animal power can no longer meet our mass production needs." Liu Yu said as he looked at the river flowing happily.

"From now on, we must vigorously develop water power."

"Change the animal drain to a water drain."

"Water drain?" Lao Zhang was confused. "Can water do the same things that animals can do?"

The other craftsmen were also confused.

"As long as there is a way, of course." Liu Mu ordered: "First follow this manor owner to select the factory site."

"Determine the specific location of each workshop."

"Then level the land and wait for construction to begin."

"Yes!" A group of craftsmen answered loudly.

As long as the manor owner makes the decision, they will go up and work hard no matter what the situation is.

As for whether they understand or not, it doesn't matter.

The manor owner is always right!

Walking along the river bank, Liu Yu selected several places as the future site of the Tiezhuang Iron and Steel Smelting Factory.

With his order, the system enhancement effect was turned on.

More than 10,000 laborers in Tiezhuang rushed to the river, carrying various tools, weeding and leveling the land.

They worked hard.

Under the strengthening effect, the land by the river was rapidly developed.

Liu Yu ordered the blacksmith Lao Zhang to bring some young men to stabilize the river bank with stones.

Build a river embankment.

Both sides should be stabilized for a long distance as much as possible to make the river water as stable as possible.

Otherwise, the water can no longer be used.

After the land is leveled, it is time for planning.

The young men pulled the ropes, and the lines of several factory buildings were drawn.

Liu Yu asked the craftsmen to build some tall warehouses.

The key raw materials and finished products need to be protected from wind and rain.

Build some places for the craftsmen to rest temporarily and live when watching the kiln.

In addition, the courtyard wall needs to be built better.

To prevent the steel mill from being easily captured in the future.

The construction method still chooses houses with boards and mud and rammed earth walls.

The craftsmen are already familiar with the technology and construction process.

The entire factory area was built at a rapid speed and became well-organized.

After everything was completed, the final two major projects were to be built.

Under Liu Yu's plan, two coking kilns were built. According to the data on the coking kiln with a diameter of 6.66 meters, it can load about 70 tons of clean bituminous coal and produce 50 tons of coke.

Considering the transportation capacity of the fleet taken away by Guan Yu, 500 cars, each car 900 catties, that is, 450,000 Han catties, 112.5 tons.

After two transportations and burning, it will be enough for a long time.

The remaining coal can still be used in the manor.

At least the storage conditions of coke are relatively low, unlike charcoal, which is easily affected by moisture.

Liu Yu pondered in his mind and followed the records provided by the system.

In some special times, under the conditions of traditional steelmaking, more than 200 small blast furnaces in a certain county produced nearly 100 tons of steel a month.Although most of them are unqualified, there is a most intuitive record of the output.

In other words, a small blast furnace can produce about 60 to 70 Hanjin of steel per day.

Combined with the volume of the blast furnace provided in the system as a comparison, the daily output is about 200 Hanjin.

Let's set a small goal first, one ton of steel per day.

Liu Yu set the basic output in his mind according to the current labor in the iron manor.

Wait until later to expand.

According to this calculation, 20 blast furnaces need to be built.

Under Liu Yu's instructions, the craftsmen began to build the first blast furnace.

With the experience of building models before, when they started the actual construction, the craftsmen had memorized all the processes.

Just zoom in to complete the construction work easily.

Everything was carried out at a rapid speed under Liu Yu's instructions.


"Master, it's not good!!"

In the lobby of Gongsun's family, the housekeeper hurried in.

"What's the matter?" Gongsun Xiu was interrupted before he could open the bamboo slips just after picking up the reply letter from the Liaodong family.

He looked at the housekeeper with some displeasure.

"Master, there is another small farm where people have run away!" The housekeeper reported anxiously.

"This time, not only the serfs, but also the managers of the farm have run away."

"Even... even..."

"Even what?!" Gongsun Xiu stood up with a bang, came to the housekeeper, grabbed the other's clothes and shouted: "Hurry up and tell me!"

"Gulp..." The housekeeper swallowed hard and said in panic: "Even those guys took away the stored grain in the farm."

"Even farm tools and various things were not spared."

"Everything that could be taken was taken away."


Gongsun Xiu's hands fell weakly.

His eyes looking at the ceiling of the room were a little distracted.

"The whole... the whole farm was emptied overnight..."

"This is too much!"

He roared, and a raging fire rose in his heart.

It seemed to burn him to ashes.

He returned to the table and hurried to open the bamboo slips.

Fortunately, he had sent someone to send a letter to the Gongsun family in Liaodong for help.

Otherwise, if this continued, all his farms would be in danger!

Dog County Governor!

Gongsun Xiu cursed in his heart.

He accepted his gift but did nothing.

He even protected the Tiezhuang.

He was extremely angry.

He opened the bamboo slips and couldn't wait to read it.


With a scream, Gongsun Xiu couldn't believe his eyes.

The handwriting on the bamboo slips was concise.

Tiezhuang was favored by the governor of Youzhou, so don't provoke it, just take care of yourself.

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