60 – The Visit to the Giant Hospital

In the Larssa Empire, there are many hospitals.

These hospitals are mainly run by temple priests, but there are also ancient healing families that operate hospitals.

The Aureus family in the west is one of those ancient healing families.

“One of the best hospitals in the west!”

If you ask where the best hospital in the west is, this is one of the places that comes up.

Aureus West Hospital.

As the name suggests, this hospital, run by the Aureus family, is a large organization that treats thousands of patients every day.

It boasts a 300-year history as an old place,

and it firmly holds the medical market in the west!

“Aureus Hospital has been famous since I was young. It’s truly an honor to receive a letter from them, Kim Cheolsu!”

Miss Catherine explained feverishly about Aureus Hospital.

The information above is what Miss Catherine shared with me.

I stared blankly at the letter in my hand.

Written in an elegant script on a sophisticated envelope.

“Sent from the Aureus Viscount.”

A letter from the Aureus family to me.

Although there were numerous polite phrases, summarizing the content, it said, “We would like to socialize and will visit you.”

The Aureus family wants to socialize with me, Kim Cheolsu.

From what I heard from Miss Catherine, the Aureus family is a prominent family in the West, striving and thriving.

I found it somewhat puzzling why they wanted to socialize with me.

“Why would such a prestigious place want to socialize with me?”

“Because Kim Cheolsu is famous, of course!”


“People come from all over the country seeking medical treatment.”

“That’s true.”

Whether it’s because I offer free treatment or not, patients come from all over the country.

From noble patients to common ones.

A variety of patients come.

At least I never have to close my clinic due to lack of patients.

“And Kim Cheolsu also publicly shared his special pain relief patch recipe for free.”

“Is it because of this?”

I had freely shared the recipe for a pain relief patch made from the birch tree.

To alleviate the suffering of medieval patients from pain!

I made Kim Cheolsu’s special patch recipe widely known for anyone to use for free, and it received good reviews, even earning me a commendation from the Urugu Church.

“Hmm! Indeed, it was a good deed even in my opinion!”

Giving free pain relief to patients suffering from pain!

Miss Catherine acknowledged my efforts with a smile!

“Haha, well then. That’s how Kim Cheolsu’s reputation has grown.”

“Hmm, is it that significant?”

“Of course. When I mention Kim Cheolsu at a social gathering, everyone knows.”

Although my name was initially known due to the bathing culture.

Well, in any case, my fame has spread widely.

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Enough to garner a response from the large hospitals in the West!

“Well, I roughly understand why Aureus Hospital is trying to get closer to me. I should start preparing to welcome them from now on!”

No one will stop their arrival!

“Hmm… But where should I start with the preparations?”

My head felt numb.

Considering the distinguished guests, should I lay out a red carpet or something?

Feeling unsure, thankfully, Miss Catherine offered to help me!

“I’ll ask Emma to prepare a nice carriage.”

“Oh.. Thank you!”

It’s reassuring when Emma and the maids help!

I felt a little relieved.

* * * *

A young man in a neat priest’s robe was checking in front of a large carriage, Ashe Aureus.

The next head of the Aureus family, he was being advised by the elderly elders of the family.

Not far from the main house of Aureus, in the woods.

It’s a road to the capital, but the guards are watching the surroundings, so there’s no chance of birds flying away.

The elders in white hoods advised Ashe with relief.

“Ashe, our Aureus is old. Our Aureus has been dominating the western medical market so far, but it’s uncertain whether he will continue to do so.”

The therapists of Aureus are in their 60s on average.

Therapists who feel the sacred power are very difficult to train, and the Aureus family has tried to train many young people as therapists, but they have failed repeatedly.

“When the hospital therapists retire, it will be difficult for the Aureus Hospital to function.”

There is a shortage of therapists.

The therapists currently working at the Aureus Hospital are old.

So much so that it wouldn’t be strange for them to retire at any time.

Therefore, it is urgent to replenish new therapists.

Of course, it is possible to immediately fill the shortage with mediocre therapists.

Aureus Hospital is a very high-standard, major hospital!

The elders of Aureus have never seen such a sight, even if they have dirt in their eyes!

“Your role is important, Ashe.”

The elder pointed to Ashe and said.

Ashe, the next head of the Aureus family, who is going to meet Kims Charles.

Ashe is the hope of the Aureus family.

Even at the age of 20, he possesses the sacred power of a parish priest and has a high-level therapeutic ability that is well known even in the west!

It is obvious that Ashe will lead the Aureus Western Hospital in the future.

There was a subtle sense of expectation and greatness in the eyes of the elders’ council!

“First, it’s an alliance with Kims Charles.”

Kims Charles is a rising therapist who has recently shaken the Larssa Empire!

Although it has not been long since Kims Charles appeared, his fame is comparable to that of the Aureus Western Hospital.

“Many patients in the west are flocking to Kims Charles’ free clinic. At this frightening rate, Kims Charles’ free clinic will soon grow into a major hospital in the west.”

Ashe swallowed hard at the elder’s words.

Kims Charles, who will undoubtedly become a major competitor to the Aureus Western Hospital.

Ashe was chilled by how skilled Kims Charles must be to become so famous on his own and rival Aureus.

“But the hospital business is not resolved by fighting. A skilled hunter knows how to tame fierce beasts.”

The elder conveyed the message appropriately!

Skilled hunter=Aureus family.

Fierce beast=Kims Charles. That’s what he meant.

“Make Ashe aware that we are not enemies of Kims Charles. Form a close relationship with the rising star, Kims Charles. Then it will be a great help to the Aureus family…”

Big hospitals being friendly with each other is helpful in itself!

Why would conglomerates be close to each other for no reason?

Being friendly with each other is financially advantageous compared to fighting!

By being friendly with each other, they can sell and buy things at lower prices while calling each other “brother” and “sister.” They can also exchange land and businesses at lower prices.


Asher followed the will of the elders.

Forming an alliance with Kim’s Charles.

For the future of Aureus!

* * * *


The clinic is bustling as if it were new!

Emma and the maids rushed into our clinic, sweeping the floor and cleaning the water. It became really clean.

The refreshing air of the clinic made my heart feel clean!

Not only that, we brought the fancy chairs and desks left over from the viscount’s house and placed them in the examination room.

We also decorated the walls appropriately to prepare for the arrival of Aureus visitors.

“It was said that they would come today, right?”

A letter from the Aureus family said they would visit today.

Outside, Viscount Roland is present, along with the main figures of the Roland family such as Father James, and Mrs. Helen!

“It’s fitting for Father to take the lead in such matters.”

Catherine said as she looked out the window.

Thanks to Viscount Roland taking the lead, the burden of reception has decreased!

When Aureus visitors arrive, Viscount Roland will see them first.

I will handle it later.

I’ll just follow Viscount Roland’s lead.

…I guess this is my first time receiving such a visit from a big hospital, not a patient. It feels unfamiliar.

I wonder if it’s just me, but our clinic staff were standing straight and stiff, ready for action! They were in proper posture.

“Haha… This is the first time Aureus Hospital has visited Matthew Clinic..”

“Oh, what should we do if Aureus Hospital demolishes our clinic?”

“Ma-Maury, what if Aureus Hospital demolishes our clinic?”

“I-I don’t know!”

Now we are close colleagues at our clinic.

Jessica is sarcastically mocking Malvoi’s anxious symptoms.

Even if Malvoi trembles and makes mistakes with the guests, Jessica will surely stop him.

“I’m glad we have Jessica, who is so sharp!”

If Jessica wasn’t there, Malvoi would have had a hard time managing his anxiety symptoms!

Time passed.

Around 3 p.m., four horses appeared on the horizon, pulling a white carriage!

The pattern on the flag stuck to the carriage is the same as the letter I received from the Aureus family.

The carriage, slowly entering in front of our clinic, soon opened its entrance and a handsome man emerged!

Dressed in the white robe of the Uruk sect, a handsome man with short red hair.

As soon as he got off the carriage, he looked around and then bowed to Viscount Roland!

“Thank you for your hospitality, Viscount Roland.”

“Welcome, Asher, my brother.”

The handsome man and Viscount Roland exchanged greetings, creating a friendly atmosphere.

Miss Catherine whispered to me that he is Asher Aureus, the next head of the Aureus family.

“Is he really that formidable…?”

I may not know much, but he is the second in command of the Aureus family!

Even Kim Cheol-soo, who thinks he is used to dealing with noble patients, finds such an important figure a bit challenging!

“Well, I just came to make friends, so it should be fine, right?”

I barely gathered my courage.

What’s the harm in becoming friends?

While the red-haired Asher casually chatted with our Viscount, he eventually reached me after receiving numerous handshake requests.

Despite his gentle appearance, as soon as he saw me, he opened his eyes wide and firmly shook my hand.

“Mr. Kim Charles.”

“Um… Yes, nice to meet you, Asher?”

“I wanted to have a deep discussion with Mr. Kim Charles about the future of imperial medicine.”


Why would you want to discuss that with me?

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