0143 French U17 ask for help?! 14 balls in a row !! Completed !!

"Three ships enter the way !! Are you sure you did not lie to me?!"

In a luxurious suite at the Fudelin International Hotel, Wenlin Cass looked at the three ships in front of him and shouted in shock

He couldn't believe it at all, what he just got from the old thing in front of him.

When the three ships entered the road, they looked at each other, and hummed: "Mr. Cass, the old man said, the news was that Duke joined the neon

Rainbow U-17 compensation!


"The old man is not here to tell you this fake news!


"If you don't believe it ... you can have never heard of it!"

Wenlin Cassa sat back on the sofa.

"Beimo ... this genius that has noticed the world’ s online altar !! It has already joined Germany U-17 !! And, he joined when he was 11 years old! "

"This ... but obviously in a newcomer tour last year! He and Polk also did not know it at all!"

Although he is known as a stadium tyrant, he did not have a heavy hand to Bolk, but the score is not good! If it is a team

Payon, why ...

The three ships glanced at each other dismissively, and said with a sink: "Since it is to hide the facts of joining the German U-17, can you still see it in such a matter?"

"Besides! This is not the point now!"

"Instead ....... Beibei joined the German U-17 team! Then the introduction of the new mechanism, Germany U-1

7 has the advantage of any other team!


"For other teams, the three middle school students are destined to be the existence of the three lower team's average strength!"

"But for Germany U-17 ...


Wenlin Cass said directly: "For Germany U-17, it is not just one less cumbersome junior high school player!

There is a world -class professional player !!

"Damn !! This is simply cheating !!"

He couldn't help scolding.

At the time of the official release of the new regulations, he first thought of the "future legend" of Beimo.

If you can invite the other party to join the French U-17, then you can not only have a great achievement, but also make the French U-17 win the championship this year and hope greatly !!

But now ...

I just made a good plan to fail.

You also have to look at the German U-17, which is already in the U-17 World Cup, and adds an absolute dominance

player of!!

After the three ships entered the road, after observing the moment on the side, they slowly spoke again: "I owe you in France U-17, medical

Give you 150!

"As for what will you do in France U-17 later, the old man is not interested!"

To put it bluntly, he calmly put the leaflet of the professional master competition a few days later, put it on the original seat, and then

Stranged away from the room.

After Wenlin Cass left the room where the three ships entered the road, he subconsciously glanced at the location of the seat.

"Professional Masters? Where does the leaflet come from?"


"This is. Beimo?! The first stop of his second year of professional competition really chose the master competition?!


Looking at the player information printed on the leaflet, Wenlin Cass only felt his head hurt.

Even the Lord Savich, the leader of the U-17 representative team in the last year, the opponent still won professional points in the Golden Tour.

I have played a professional master race !!

But the young man who has a professional master competition in the 4th age of this is actually joined in Germany 3: 17 !!

what to do?!


When he saw another name in the player list, a thought suddenly emerged from his mind.

Quickly pulled out the phone from your pocket and dialed a phone call.

"Hey! I am Wenlin Cass! For me, find a way to contact me as soon as possible.

"France U-17, need his help !!"


Germany U-17 Training Camp.



In the training camp, the only interior training stadium.

I saw Beibei facing a new multi -ball player and continuously completed the attack.

Although he was originally unique to him, he was previously sent to the Bingdi Academy by Reitru, which was convenient for Beico for training.



Reitru still re -added a new one in this training stadium without notifying Beimo and Stan

at the moment!!

13 tennis !!

The speed of each ball exceeds 250km/h !!

Outside the pelvic fence network.

Stein, Q. P, Bismarck sat in the rest area.

In addition to the three people, the elbows were wrapped in gauze and Tezuka Kuoguang, which was tied to a splint.

"Tezuka, you should still take more rest! Run every day to see Beimo training. If you don't know, you think you are his assistant!

Bismarck looked at Tezuka Guoguang, trained by Beimo, and joked.

Tezuka Guoguang listened, and his expression couldn't help but embarrassed: "Sorry! Bismarck Senior! I just want to know more about multi -ball

Playing training!


On the day when I came to U-17 in Germany, Tezuka Guoguang had completed his elbow joint surgery.

The surgery is very successful, and now you only need to wait for the rehabilitation period to continue to complete the surgery of the shoulder joints.

Although he was allowed, he could watch the training of preparatory camp players and high school players at any time.

However, compared to these two places, he is obviously more interested in Beimo's training.

"Tezuka, you don't need to care! Bismarck just likes joking!"

"Although you did not feel the training of multi -balls in this time during this time, how much should you have your own understanding?

Q.P said lightly.

Tezuka nodded and answered seriously: "Q.P senior! Multi -ball training, the artisan of the danger is not just

Visual ability and physical response! "

"The main focus is on the mastery of the racket and the control force!"

"In the state of the limits of the body, always use the most suitable hit point to complete the ball! It's like ...

Heavy pressure training!

"Once adapting to such high -intensity pressure, the ball in the game will be more handy!

His answers made Q. P and Bismarck raised slightly.

In these days, they did not explain the essence of multi -ball continuous play to Tezuka.

Just want to see if the other party can find the answer by itself.

And now.

The result is undoubtedly obvious.

"So, Bimo He has completed 13 goals in a row ... How strong is it?

Seeing that his answer was over, Tezuka Guoguang couldn't help asking.

Bismarck laughed: "How strong is it? Anyway, I can't compare with him!"


Q. P said faintly: "I and Bismarck and I are barely reaching the level of 12 goals in a row! It's just proficiency

It still needs to be improved!


"In terms of ball speed, it is impossible to reach the speed of 250km/h faced by Beimo now!

"In short! The level of multi -ball continuous training reaches 10 goals is the first step to take the starting line!"

"11 goals, it's already very good!"

"12 goals ... in professional players, not all of them can be done!


"And 13 goals, even more goals ... Almost many professional players have ended their career, and

The height that cannot be achieved!


"More than! The difference between a goal, the gap in international quality will also be widening!"

Tezuka Guoguang heard the response given by Q.P, and his face could not help showing a stunned color.

He is too far away from him.

But he knows clearly that it has been carried out at North Mo with nearly 7 hours and 13 goals. How terrible is it?

In the case of the same age as himself, he not only became a professional player.

It has also reached a height of many professional players who spend the whole career that cannot be achieved !!

The Q. P two talked with Tezuka Guoguang.(Watching violent novels, go to Novel Network!)

Stan is observed through the laptop computer in his hand and the data from the data analysis room in real time.

Bei Mo's training.


His pupils shrank.

"Beimo! Do you need to adjust the number of balls?


His shouting made the Q.P three.

Adjust the number of balls ?!

Tezuka Guoguang could not help but subconsciously said: "Is it Beibei's body that he can't hold on?"

But when he saw Q. P and Bismarck stood up seriously from him, he faintly felt that he seemed to ask a fool

Stupid question.


"Add one after 5 minutes!


"The ball speed is adjusted to 240km/h!"

When Beibei took advantage of the backbone interval, he responded to Stan the three people (BBBB) Tiansheng.

Q.P and Bismarck took a deep breath.

"Sure enough !! Beibei has made progress again !!


"Really a monster ... Although I have said this sentence many times! But every time I see this guy like this

In the short period of time, it can be done ten times or even thousands of times that other people can't do .... I still don’t

Fa habits !! "[014005011 070010110]

While each of them spoke, they also took a step closer towards the direction of the fence network.

5 minutes later!!

They are about to witness a new miracle !!

14 balls in a row !!


Can you do it?!

It is the first challenge for others. D.P Bismarck will have some reservations.

The difficulty of playing 14 balls is not a joke !!

But if it is Beimo ...

They believe that each other will do !!

Tezuka Guoguang held his breath.

14 goals !!

He has not officially exposed to multi -ball training and even training, and even dare not confirm whether you can do this in his own tennis career

Now we have to witness the challenges of others.

The inexplicable nervousness continued to pour in his heart.

Time passed one minute and one second.

Seeing that the 5 -minute time limit for the increase in the number of balls in Beimo and Stan was coming.

※ Da Da —————— "

Reitru was wearing the clothes when he was wearing, and hurriedly trot into the training stadium.

Without waiting for his breath, he looked at Beimo, who was training.

It was found that Beibei was still playing 13 goals, and he couldn't help but breathe, leaning aside.

He also received a call from the data analysis room a few minutes ago.

Knowing that Beimo had to challenge 14 goals, he ran directly from his office door.

Fortunately, the office building is closer to Beimo's training stadium, otherwise it will really not be able to keep up!


When the three of the three saw him, what he wanted to say subconsciously was stunned by him.

"What is the status of the data in Beimo! Did the data analysis room calculate the success rate of Beimo to complete the 14 -ball player?"

"The data is stable! The overall physical response and the comprehensive data of the playback power, angle, and ball control are increasing! But can it

Success, the data analysis room can not give an accurate chance now! "

Stan's eyes are almost between Beimo and the data on the laptop, and constantly switch.

What Reateru wants to ask, Stein has touched the carriage return key with a finger.

"Beimo !! Preparation !!

"bring it on!!"

After hearing Beimo Ping's dull and calm call, Stan quickly pressed the Enter key.

Train the stadium.

The serve machine faced by Beimo once again opened a pores.

Next second !!

"Deu deu deu-"

14 tennons at a speed of 240km/h, which was screwed out of the pores in the blink of an eye.

At this moment they both held their breath at this moment.

Staring at Beimo, who was facing 14 goals.


And when Beimo took the first step, they only felt that there were several "North Mo" in front of them,


One !!

Two !!

Three !!

Is it a residual shadow formed too fast?!

But don't wait for the number of residues that appeared in the clearing, and didn't want to understand how these figures were formed.


The sound of hitting the ball has sounded in the training stadium.

I saw every "residual shadow" in Beimo, and the racket held in his hand had 1-2 tennis.


Along with the sound of tennis impact on the opposite court, they reached Guangshilu their earwax.

It's almost the same time.

They all looked down at the position behind Beimo.


There is no one !!

And this scene also means.

"Success !!!"

*Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!

"Beibei is successful !!"

"He finished playing 14 goals !!"

Stein was so excited that he almost fell the computer holding his hand.

While he yelled, Reitru and others clenched his fists one by one.

14 goals !!

14 -year -old junior high school student, completed 14 goals in a row !!


..... he has broken through a record that no one has reached in the history of the world of the world !!

Tezuka's eyes became dull.



On the barrack net, watching the 14 -out -out sender. When the tennis pops up, his brain is about to be empty.

mouth.(Watching violent novels, go to Novel Network!)

He brought himself into Beimo's situation, and he felt that he would definitely be climbed up by these 14 tennis.

But watching this back facing him, he hit them all back !!

In his eyes, Bigo's figure seemed to exudes some kind of divine glory.

At this moment, he suddenly gave birth to a very absurd, but couldn't help but spread in his heart.

If there is really a god standing on the court in this world.

Then the god ... it is a high probability that standing in front of yourself !!

And what he doesn't know is.

Similar ideas have also appeared in Bismarck and Q.P.

15 minutes later.


Along with the sound of the kick sound, the sound of stopping running.

"Ka ----"

Bei Mo's hand holding the racket, in the eyes of Reterru and others who are still in excitement, slowly walked out of the gate of the training stadium.

14 goals! [014005011 070010110]

Although it took more than a year from 13 goals to 14 goals.

But in the grasp of sweet technology technology, the gap between such a ball is enough to catch a large number of players and catch up again !!

And while reaching 14 goals, he also mastered a new method !!

That is, when he hit, the "remnant shadow" produced !!

Eighth consciousness ...

Nothing !!

After the basic five senses of the human body, as well as the sixth consciousness and the seventh consciousness.

It is almost called "human restricted area".

And he is also very clear !!

You can contact this force at a critical moment, and irrigate the talent raw liquid of Orange Yangtian Tongtian and Xuanhuang Liuli Gourd


There is an inseparable relationship.

In neon training and the close training in U-17 in Germany, his body felt the limit, so that he

Take this step !!


[Seeking full order!].

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