0016 won the first round! Ryinhart: I am not sure to win him! [Monthly ticket plus more]

"Well !!

5 minutes later.

As a tennis hit the ground on Dudu Obang Du's stadium again, it popped out of the court.

"Beibei player score! At the end of the game!


"Score 6-0!


"Congratulations to Beimo players to advance to the second round of knockout!

The referee also paused for 3 or 4 seconds before they announced the results loudly at everyone in the court on the 7th.

The 6-0 electronic scores beside the court seemed a bit dazzling at this moment.

But for Dudu Obangdu who lost the game, it is extremely dazzling.

"Pat in-

"Lost .........

I actually.

I didn't get a goal!


The racket in his hand was involuntarily dropped at his feet.

The tall body, sitting on the court with a buttocks.

The empty eyes and the sweat that had not been wiped off his forehead had left him without pride before the game.

Zero seal !!

Even if he faced high school students with a few national -level levels, he could score a few goals with his own strength!

Even if you get a small game, you can't do it.

But now

He undoubtedly suffered the first true frustration in the tennis career in front of Beimo!

13 years old to 10 years old ?!

What kidding !!

"Zero seal !! Dudu Obang Du was really eliminated by zero seal !!"

"This time the challenge tour is a big round of tour! For other players, whether it is good news or bad news !!"

"It must be bad news !! This Asian little guy named Beimo, I am afraid that the strength has really reached the national level! Otherwise, why can I seal Dudu Obang Du?!

"10 years old ... national level?! Is this really possible? Is there any problem behind this?"

"Stupid! What do you think can you do?! Opening the game! Who does not look at the eyes? The national level of strength to play the youth challenge still needs to be fake?!


"Beimo! I remember this name! He will support him at the end of the game!


"Me too!

The audience in the audience could not help but excite.

In their eyes.

Beimo is undoubtedly a genius player beyond imagination!

There has never been a 10 -year -old boy who can have such exaggerated strength!

Whether it is strength, speed or skills!

Even the use of competition tactics is not like the level that their 10 -year -old children can show in their cognition.

This alone is enough to let them completely remember the name of Beimo in their hearts!

There are many people who originally supported Dudu Obang Du to see each other as the top players in the United States.

Now after this game, I changed their views.

Perhaps they still admit that Dudu Obangdu's talent, but there is a mountain height.

In front of Beimo, the other party seemed a little dim.

Reinhardt looked at Beimo, who took the game deeply, and exported from the outside of the audience.

Although he wanted to know it with Beimo immediately.

But I also know that it is not a good time node now.

It is better to wait until all the games are over today, and then find a chance.

In his eyes, Beibei's strength wants to go to the final finals, which is undoubtedly a matter of nailing.

Now, he is worried that Qike, who has accompanied himself to participate in the competition.

Although the other party also has a state -level level, it may not have too much chance of facing Dudu Obang.

I want to defeat Beimo in the following game ... It's too difficult !!

In the game court.

Beimo slowly walked in front of Dudu Obang Du, who was frustrated.

The latter raised his eyes and looked straight at his Beico in front of him.

"You ... are you going to humiliate me?"


Seeing the other party picked up the racket on the side, he got up and left.

"Humiliation ... The score is enough! I'm just here to take you what you owe me!


Dudu Obang's expression was stiff.

He didn't know where he didn't know that the "things" in Beimokou were exactly the outdoor betting between himself and the opponent.

"follow me!!

With a whisper, he walked to the court with Beimo.

Open his own tennis bag, took out his wallet, and took out 500 meters.

When he handed it to Beimo, the expression on his face was very aggrieved.

No matter whether the other party lost the game or lost 500 meters, regardless of whether the other party lost.

I took my own loot.

"Don't say you don't give you a chance to avenge you!


"If you don't accept today's results, you can come to me again in the future!

"The end of the game! Inject 1,000 meters gold!


After speaking, he turned to the other side of the player, and took the racket to leave the field.

Dudu Obang Du looked at his leaving.

Opportunity to revenge?!


Losing today, it does not mean that I will lose in the future !!

Beimo !!

I will catch you soon !!

In his heart, the fighting spirit ignited again, and was determined to find a chance to find Beibei to play again.

When I came back.

He suddenly discovered.

There is no contact information in Beimo !!

When you want to get revenge, how do you find him !!

When he reacted to find Beimo, he found that he couldn't find the other person to leave.

No. 8 game.

"Well !!

"Chiko player score! The end of the game! Score 6-4!"

"Congratulations to the second round of knockouts in the second round!

After taking the game, Qiko Batin took a polite hands with the lost opponent and hurriedly returned to the player seat.

When you carry your own tennis bag, you have to trot away, as if there is something urgent.


The familiar sound behind him turned his head surprised.

"Ledhart?! Beibei and Dudu's game was over?!

"I still think about going to you to meet!"

I saw Ledhart leaned on the guardrail of the audience and shook his head: "You played for more than 20 minutes, where can you still catch



"Beibei and Dudu's game ended in only 10 minutes!


Qike listened and opened his mouth in surprise: "10 minutes?! Du Du really didn't feel mercy at all!


The time limit for 10 minutes made him unconsciously the idea that Du Du won the game.

Although he was disappointed in Beimo's strength, this result was also considered as he expected.

After all, 10 years old and 13 years old ..... It's three years away alone!

Even if Beibei showed a bit amazing power before, it is impossible to defeat Dudu alone!

Reinhart seemed to have guessed that the other party would say so, shook his head again, and said something that made Qiko shocking.

"It is Dudu lost! 0-6 zero seal!

"Beibei's strength ... it is a national level!"

"Even, I am not sure to defeat him!"

"Qike! You are going to be ready to run a trip this time!"

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