0050 looks down on the training intensity of high school students?! Multi -ball consecutive play?!

High school students training stadium.

"This is the training field! You have seen the stadium in the preparation of the camp! Although the area there is larger, it is mainly because there are a large number of middle school students!"

"However, on training equipment and conditions! Here is a lot stronger to prepare camps!"

"This is the speed test runway! The teaching assistant can help you record the results at any time!


"The equipment for strength training is there!


"There is a medical team over there! No matter what time, as long as there are players training! They will be present!"

"As for you want to train in a sweet area ... alas! Oh!

Ball machine!"

When the three Beimo three entered the training stadium, Bismarck, the "guide", also introduced on the side.

Bei Mo is still very satisfied with everything to train the stadium.

after all!

Since his contact with tennis, he has not been trained in a simple stadium built by Nanyeng.

It was trained at the supporting stadium of hotels across the country in the nation's various hotels in last year.

Compared with everything in front of you, the training environment is too far away.

The arrival of the three Beibei naturally attracted many high school students who were already training.


"Are you going to train just after playing with Polk?"

"Bismarck! Schneider! Are you here to be a guide?"

"The original training equipment was tense! Now, there is another resource!"

"I can't say that, after all, this Beimo is now promoted to us!


"The Lord should have arranged it! Don't manage it! Continue training!


High school players even greeted, but somewhat sour in their tone.

However, they obviously didn't pay much attention to the three people in Beigo, and soon turned to their care of themselves to continue training.

Their attitude, Beimo said faintly: "It seems" four or six "...

Welcome to newcomers! "

Bismarck made a hand: "There is no way! They will participate in the U-17 World Cup 2 months later!" "Right now is the key node of training! Naturally, there is no factor that affects their training plans!

"One more person! Still one more genius player like you!"

"If they are very enthusiastic about you, you may be alert to you?"

This point is naturally clear.


He doesn't care what these people think in their hearts.

Just walk towards a multi -ball training machine trained in the sweet area.

"嘭 ----"

"嘭 ---"


When Beimo three people stood outside the sweet area training stadium, I saw that four players used for multi -ball players have been occupied

Four high school players are facing each other, and different quantities popped up in the serve machine.

One of the high school students faced the most balls!


It seems to have reached a certain height of the level of sweetness!

Seeing that Beimo locked his eyes on the other side, Simai said softly: "Jones Card! The third grade of high school!

One of the formal players! He is very good in the control calendar and skills!


"Now that the servers are occupied now, I think you can go back to rest first!"

"The multi -ball training of high school students is at least one hour from the beginning to the end!

Beibei listened, and there was no change in the expression, and there was no intention to leave.

"Only one hour ..."

"The physical strength of a high school student is not as solid as I imagined!"


Although the sound of this remark was not loud, the Bismarck and Jones Carter, who were trained, heard it clearly.


It's almost a moment.

Jones Carter's figure did not continue to welcome the 10 tennis pop -up of the serial machine, but came to the outside of the court.

The pop -up tennis was successfully impacted on the protective iron wire network in front of Beimo.

"嘭嘭 嘭嘭!"

The sound of the collision between the ball and the wire mesh allows many high school players in the entire training court to set their sights on the same.

Human direction.

Bismarck and Schneider frowned slightly.

The two know.


This is not Jones Carter's error caused the leakage, but ... the warning of dissatisfaction!

The two watched the opponent suspended the serve machine and walked to the wire mesh step by step.

The opponent's eyes stared at Beimo's body, with a little cold.

"Beimo! You are indeed qualified to promote the high school students, but I hope you set your own position! Are you looking down on who now

In his obvious displeased eyes, Beibei said again: "If Bismarck said it is the fact ...

1. Then I really think your training intensity is not very good!


Jones Carter's eyes were pumped.

Dare to say it !!

Although I have seen this young man and Polk!

I also know how exaggerated this teenager is in tennis talent and strength!


For the first time I came to the high school student training stadium, I dared to send out such "provocation" !!

He can't bear it !!


"Let me see, how good your physical strength is !!"

"Didn't you learn the light strike when you played with Polk? For you, 10 goals should be able to deal with you, you should be able to deal with you

"I don't take advantage of you, you played a game with Polk! And I trained for 30 minutes just now! Now I will open together

At first! It is more time than persistence! Once there is a leak, it will be lost!

"Who lost, and after a week, he lined up for the training equipment for the other party!

"Do you dare?


Jones Carter's words immediately made many high school players move closer.

Even the other three high school students who were training multi -balls stopped each other and walked out of the original training stadium.

With such lively, they still want to make up!

Although they all recognize the strength and talent of Beimo, after all, the other party is less than 14 years old and enters the high school students training stadium.


They still feel the "site".

If you can borrow this opportunity, give Beimo a "disappear"!

Naturally, it's better!

At least let this boy know.(Watching violent novels, go to Novel Network!)

The other party has not grown up, you can underestimate these high school student players !!

When Bismarck and Schneider saw this, they couldn't help but want to speak.

Beibei came to the high school students training stadium. In the future, it is destined to be training with high school students.

If there is an irreconcilable conflict, it is a troublesome thing!


"Yes! Start!

Bei Mo said, while taking the racket from the tennis bag, and stepped into a multi -ball training stadium.

Seeing that he promised Jones Carter's "invitation" so quickly, the onlookers could not help but look different, and they each other.

The discussion was discussed.

"It's really arrogant ... I actually promised!

"I just came into contact with the skills of the sweet area today! Could it be that he can do better than Carter? On sweet technical mastery!

Carter is not under him!

"I want to see how long he can persist! Huh!

"It really doesn't take our high school students at all! Winning Polk does not mean that it is better than the card!


Jones Carter hummed again.

His face was gloomy, and he took a shot into a sweet training stadium adjacent to Beimo.

He must let the other party know.

In the high school student training stadium, the other party is not qualified to be so no one !!

Bismarck and Schneider shook their heads helplessly.

"What to do? Can't stop it! Do you want to notify coach Reitru?"

"No! There are so many monitoring equipment in the training ground.

"Huh? Then why don't he stop? This kind of thing that significantly affects the progress of training ... he won't allow it?

Schneider's surprise made Bismarck wave on: "Then you have to divide the situation! It is estimated that coach Reitru wants to see, North

To what extent is the mastery of sweet technology technology!

And the two spoke.

Bei Mo and Jones Carter have made their own goal parameters, standing at the bottom line and waiting for the ball.

A group of high school students also waited quietly.




The two kick machines rang up at the same time.

"* 960 960 960-"

Jones Carter is 8 tennis on the side!

Although he can complete 10 goals in a row, training requires physical adaptation time.

Generally, you face less number of balls first, and then increase to real training intensity after fast adaptation.

When I saw this scene, Bismarck couldn't help but exclaimed: "Oh! Forgot to say it with Beimo, let him enter from the beginning

Play 10 goals in a row!

The onlookers heard the exclaiming in his mouth, and soon reacted, and the corners of his mouth showed a playful color.


Their gaze also gathered in the direction of Beimo's stadium.

The 11 -year -old genius player is at most the level of 10 goals.

Still contacting multi -ball continuous training for the first time!

If the serve machine comes up, 10 goals will be available ... [014005011 060460450]

Maybe the first round of hitting is about to make a mistake!

Next second.

"980 980 980-"

When the kick machine opposite Beimo pops a tennis.

Bismarck and those high school students have shrunk their pupils.


The same as their guess !!

A total of 10 !!

Moreover, they obviously feel ... the speed of these 10 balls is a bit too fast!

Without waiting for them to take a closer look, Bei Mo's body has moved.

A kicking under his feet, the whole person took the initiative to welcome 10 ten tennis.

At the same time as a torch, the arm has long been completed.

"唰 ----"



Ten 10 places were burst into back in a moment.

The fall of each ball is also very close.

This scene caused those high school students to react, and their faces were a little unnatural.

It was so easy to successfully fight back!

In particular, when they also saw the speed of the ball on the screen outside the North Mo training stadium.

210km/h !!

And on the other side of Jones Carter Stadium, the speed on the screen outside the court ... 200km/h!

Beibei not only adjusted the number of goals directly to 10 at the beginning!

It also sets a faster speed than Jones Carter !!

The ball speed of 200km/h alone is naturally not fast ..

You can play multi -ball continuous, the visual capture ability must

Disposter to each ball.

200km/h ball speed ..

It's very exaggerated !!

As for the speed of 210km/h .., don't just look at 10km/h more!

But in terms of difficulty, it is enough to go to a new step !!

Not to mention, Beibei is now facing 10 balls!

And Jones Carter is just facing 8!



The sound of hitting the ball on both sides of the sweet area.

Many of the high school students frowned.

This contest was very clear at the beginning.

10 goals!

See who persisted for a long time!

Time does not matter. As long as Jones Carter starts 10 goals in a row, it will be good to start directly.

But in terms of difficulty, Beimo is significantly higher!

Even after Jones Carter played 10 goals, the ball speed is fast and slow, and naturally you cannot use the same standards to compare


"Da Da Da ---"

At this moment, the serious Polk didn't know when he came to the training stadium.


"What happened? Why are you around?


Faced with Borke's inquiries, Mai Mai simply told the other party what happened.

After listening to his telling, Bolk looked up at the sweet -seater on both sides.

"Let me contact Coach Reitru! The analysis room should give the most accurate criteria!

For this solution, other high school players have no opinions.


Don't wait for Bolk to take out your phone.

A teaching assistant in the training stadium has come to them: "Just received instructions from coach Reitru! They

For human training results, analysts have already performed statistics in real time! "


Everyone stopped talking, but just continued to look at the direction of the training stadium that was directly concerned.

A few minutes later.

Jones Carter's serving machine popped up and came to 10!

Because with the process of adaptation, coupled with its own regional skills, it is not weak.

Therefore, the counterattack and the quality of the counterattack did not change.

Time passed by every minute.

ten minutes!

twenty minutes!

Forty minutes!

In the first time Beibei took the lead in completing 10 goals in a row, reaching an hour's time limit.

The high school students on the onlookers became more and more heavier.

They are very clear.

Bei Mo's 10 -ball training intensity in this hour is enough to compare with Jones Carter in the face of 200km/h ball

Fast, one and a half hours of training intensity.

Bismarck sat on the ground, his eyes flickered.

"It's an hour! Schneider, what do you think?"

Schneider stared at the body of Beimo's constant running in the court, and said with a sinking voice:

What it means is his body 4.5 reaction speed!


"Beimo's physical strength is really strong! But I am even more here

"Bolk! You can persist for an hour under such circumstances, and keep your concentration and physical response speed.


Is it in a constant state? '

Bork was silent for a few seconds.


That is, shook his head: "The speed of 200km/h, I can! But 210km/h I'm not sure! Because I

There is no challenge to increase the speed of the ball! "

"But I can see, he still has the power!"

According to the current situation, Beimo should not just want to stabilize his sweetness! It also wants to pass training, and then


Raise this time! "

Bismarck raised an eyebrow.

"In other words, he didn't intend to provoke Carter's predecessors!

"I just want to train quickly, but the kicker has been occupied! Simply ...

"He dares to do that!"

He proposed this guess, and no longer stubborn his mouth.

Bork and Schneider's expressions also became a little weird.


If Beibei really uses this way to "cut into the line", it is indeed the first example of the training camp!

Those high school students on the side also heard what Bismarck said.

Various looks.(Watching violent novels, go to Novel Network!)


Especially in order to see Jones Carter and Beimo contest, the three high school students who left the sweet area training stadium.

Their foreheads were faintly raised.


Actually was set by a 11 -year -old ghost!

Not only did it give up the training venue in vain, but I waited for an hour now!

But even if they knew they were "played", they did not plan to run into the two spare -free training stadiums.

Continuous training.

Wait, wait at least one result!

I thought that the three of them looked at the direction of Jones Carter.

At least one person is more "stupid" than himself!

Such a simple excitement can be fooled by the other party!

If this contest is lost, it is not a little bit of this face !!

[On the shelves, it is more! Seeking full order!].

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