0067 suppression of neural reactions! The mentality collapsed?! The first seal!

"Starting in the second game! Serve by Aydis player!

The referee spoke.

Amardis didn't hesitate to hesitate, it seemed that he wanted to hit Beimo caught off guard and waved his hand.



But the sudden serve did not cause Beico to cause any loss or panic.

Suddenly, with an exaggerated visual ability, the yellow -green ball in the air was captured.

Step a step, holding the body and the backhand to complete the shooting.


The backhand pulled out and waved out.

Although Amardis like this, it seemed a little "despicable" in the eyes of some people.

But Beimo appreciated each other's approach.

Standing on the court, there is only one player's task!

That is to use all the means allowed in all rules to get the score!

Not to mention it is just a quick serve on time.

In order to win the game on the professional court, the opponent's injury is endless.

The weakness is the biggest sin on the court!

The cruelty of the professional arena, but it is not to play !!

When Beibei ran back to fight back, Amiidis had chosen to surf the Internet.

Back to the ball will leap the ball over the ball.

He kicked his left foot.

Get rid of the inertia of progress, take a break at the right side of the net!

This reaction speed and physical coordination ability are already the best compared to their peers and players.

It can also be seen that the other party has also made a lot of effort in the training of its own physical strength.


However, when he felt the power of the ball on the racket, he could not help but feel a little shocking in his eyes.


He did not expect that Bei Mo was just a seemingly simple backhand pumping ball. The strength of the strength actually made him hit by hitting the ball with a positive hand, and he felt a lot of pressure.

At this time, the slightly trembling wrist is the best proof.

"唰 ---"

Although it was still completed, this intercept seemed a little dazzling.

The resistance in power is undoubtedly the root cause.

"Da Da Da ---"

at the same time.

The footsteps running in the stadium also passed on to Aydis's ears.

So fast!!

The latter watched Bei Mo's body appearing in front of the ball that had not landed, and his body subconsciously returned to defense.

The median of the court is a vital point for defensive players.

At distance.

Occupy the medium position, you can always be ready to meet the attack balls of most extreme landing points.

The body of the defensive player "compulsory courses" !!

As a good understanding of tactical understanding, Ardis has developed muscular reactions almost in this regard.



When Bei Mo's hitting was just a step at Amadis, he just brought the crown from the blind area of the opponent's perspective.


Along with the tennis impact at the bottom of the backcourt, it pops out of the court.

"Beibei player score! 0-15!"

Seeing the score of this ball, some of the fans of the audience's seats could not help showing the disappointment.

"What's going on! What is he doing? What is he doing? This ball shouldn't be scored!"

"He ran to the opposite position!


"Is it amazing?! Impossible! How could he have such a mistake in this fierce game?!!

"Maybe coincidence?"

! ""

Although it is only a goal score, it is obviously unacceptable in the eyes of these fans.The two people sitting in the audience, Phoenix, who are also sitting in the audience, are full of inquiry in their eyes."The head! The trajectory of this ball just stuck in the blind spots of Amardis's sight, right?"

"But this Beimo has studied the habit of Amardis in advance? The timing of this ball is too accurate!"

"Without waiting for Ami Dis's interception, he speed up the chase to complete the background! Obvious

"But if so. F ...

Why doesn't he play the diagonal ball? Where is the farthest from Amiidis?

Pick up the ball! With his power control, it can be done completely! "

Duke's analysis of the other party could not help but agree with the other party.

His previous attention was put on Aydis's "mistake".

Ignore the analysis of the Beimo perspective standing on the stadium to hit the ball!

"Will it really be a coincidence? Beimo is only 13 years old! Maybe he never thought of this at all! After all

Power is not equal to the experience of the game ~ !,

The Phoenix of the Equal Court did not immediately deny the other party's guess.

Mainly, he didn't want to believe that all this was "calculated".

If so.

Then the genius crown wearing the 13 -year -old genius on the head, I am afraid that it will be inlaid again!

When the auditorium talked about a goal, the game in the court had continued.

Even if Aydis himself felt that he lost a goal, it was unacceptable.

But he also subconsciously attributed it to his own problem.


When the game continued, he began to find the problem !!


"Beibei players score! 0-30!"


"Beibei player score! 0-40!


It was the loss of two goals.(Watching violent novels, go to Novel Network!)

And the loss of these two goals is almost not much different from the first goal !!

In Amardis's own feeling.

Bei Mo just hit the rhythm of the game before landing at a very fast speed at a very fast speed.

But as long as you have obvious body steering in advance.

Then Beibei's backball will pass by the blind spot of his own sight, complete the score !!

This ... is definitely not a coincidence !!


"Beibei player score! At the end of the game! Score 0-2! Recharge!

When Beibei scored the last goal of the second game.


Amiidis stared at the opposite side of the court, with a peaceful expression Beimo.

"Can you tell me, how did you do it?"

Beibei glanced at him, but he nodded without any place: "Did you discover it? But it is even later than I expected!


"And didn't even judge the reason ...


"It's still overestimated you ..."

This remained could not help but be white and tightened the racket.

Evil yourself?!

Even if he was relatively reasonable, he couldn't help but feel a bit of anger in his heart.

However, I obviously did not intend to tell myself the reason.

He hummed at the moment and walked towards the bottom line of the ball.

As for the "fans" who made a boo again in the audience's seat, Aydis did not want to see them at all.

At this moment, he completely immersed himself in this game now !!

Bei Mo, as his opponent, has begun to accumulate !!

If you don’t hurry up, I will really overwhelm myself !!

At that time, even if this game is 50%of the winning percentage, the meat has fallen to an unimaginable abyss vulgar !!


"Beibei player score! 15-0!"


"Beibei player score! 30-0!


In the game court, Beimo still made Amardis that could not be fighting. [Impermanence], scored each serving.

At the same time.

The Phoenix and Duke Watanabe of the Equality Courtyard were observing the serve of Beimo while thinking about the situation in the last game.

Seeing that the third game score came to 40-0!

Beimo is also about to play the fourth round of the third game.

Phoenix's eyes narrowed, and there was a little strange color in the eyes.

"This is the case ... we still underestimated him!

Duke listened on the side and couldn't help but stunned.


"Head! Do you see the problem?" [014005011 060490240]

The phoenix "um" of the equal courtyard opened again, and said again: "Although I can't be 100 % certain! But according to the previous game

Look at the game!

"There should be only this possibility !!"

"The scoring method of this Beimo on Ami Dis is not a coincidence! It is not that he has investigated the style of Amardis in advance!"

"But ... his nerve response speed is far above Amiidis!"

Duke ̇ Watanabe opened his mouth slightly, revealing a stunned color: "The speed of neural reaction?! Faster than Aydis?!

Observation box.

The three of the Sigmond also watched Yueqian Nangelang at this time, and seemed to be waiting for the other party's answer.

The latter watched the stadium of the game, and said, "The speed of neural reaction! This is not a fresh word!"

"It refers to the human body's perception of the outside world.

Club instruction! Finally, it is transmitted to other parts of the body! "

"The timeliness of this process is the speed of neural reaction!"

"For ordinary people, as long

There are high and low, there is nothing much different from 匜!


"But for top tennis players, the difference is too big!"

After listening to Cai Caizi, it seemed to understand what!

Immediately said: "Uncle! So, what you mean! Beibei can be scored in the last game! Yes

Because his response is faster than his opponent!


"It's equivalent to what others do in a second, he can do it in half a second! So on the key hit, he

Have more opportunities to observe the opponent's action to form an advantage!


Her words made Qianjianjiro look at each other in surprise.

It was mainly explained to Sigmund, but I did not expect that my niece was all through.

Specifies the specific advantages of Beimo in the speed of neuropathy!

"Okay! Cai Caizi!"

"I should also let you learn to play tennis when I was young! Maybe your talent is good! It's a pity!"

In the game.

The third game is over!

The 3-0 score allowed fans who supported Amiidis to have different expressions.

Disappointed, incredible.

Even some people had stood up and began to shout at the Amaldis in the court.

"Ami Dis !! What are you doing !! Counterattack !!"

"Did you forget to lose to Midorine in Spain last time, have you forgotten it?!"

"The Swiss online altar can no longer be shameful !!

"If you lose


A 13 -year -old player, why are you called the strongest genius player of the new generation of Switzerland?! "

"Too disappointing !!"


These remarks have begun to spread in the audience's seats, and even become more intense.

So that the referee and the staff of the organizer also quickly stopped the game and began to maintain the order of the game.

Even if it is a professional field, there may be excessive acting audiences to make some moves to interfere with players.

This is something organizer and professional association do not want to see!

The media reporters present ".. sensitivity" to the "long gun and short cannon" in their hands, and aimed at these "noisy things"

Security personnel dispatched by the audience and the organizer.

For them.

Right now the finals of this Zurich Professional Newcomer Tour, even if the results of the game have not been announced, what happened is enough

They filled a few pages of layouts.


Whether it is because of the scolding of these audiences or the situation of the game now.

It also made Amardis's face began to become iron.

【Identity】 !!

After experiencing the serve of the first game of Beimo, he was very afraid of this special rotation.

And just now, he experienced four [impermanence], and he just had a new understanding of this serve!

He knows.

My thoughts were too simple before!

I thought that such a special rotation and amazing serve will inevitably have a lot of burden on Beimo arm!

But obviously.

This conclusion is not suitable for this genius boy.

Each of the opponent has no signs of rotating strength, and even the stability is consistent.

This also represents!

Beimo's arm muscles and joint bones are far stronger than they expect!

At least ... stronger than yourself !!

Therefore, this ball has no other way except the front cracking back !!

But if you want to crack positively ...

"Damn ... why can you only see the five trajectories !!"

Amiidis gritted his teeth, and he showed some blood.

In the limit state, he can only see Beimo's serve showing five flight trajectories. When the sixth change direction, his sight

It will leave the ball.

Not a matter of concentration!

It is his current visual ability that can only reach this step!

what to do?!

This issue made him as the general of the Swiss U-17 team, and he couldn't help but get rid of the horns.

But time will not stay for him alone.

A few minutes later.

After the referee and the staff of the organizer handled the problems of the auditorium, the fourth game game also officially started !!

In such a state, although it looks on the surface, he still goes to the ground to match!

But (money) !!

As his opponent, Beibei could clearly notice that his mistakes began to get more and more.

The reaction of the body's running is slow.(Watching violent novels, go to Novel Network!)

The ball control is not meticulous.

Even the cited shoots began to hesitate.

In terms of state, it can be said that it has completely dropped !!

just like.

Under the continuous strikes and pressure, the cracks of the opponent's mentality have begun to form a collapse.


"Beibei player score! At the end of the game! The score is 0-4! Replace it!"


"Beibei player score! At the end of the game! 5-0! Recharge!


At the entrance of the Person Player Channel.

As Pitt Lamy, wearing a Swiss U-17-style ball suit, appeared at the competition scene under a leadership of a staff member


"Beibei player score! The end of the game! Score 6-0!

"At the end of the first game, the two sides are compared with three!


"Midfield rest! The second game will be played in 10 minutes!"

The referee announced the sound of the score and the bright red scores beating on the large screen of the stadium, all of which make Pete Lamy's face,

Show an extremely serious expression.


He didn't want to be present in this final today.

However, the old coach Qin Ouocihaha was afraid that Ami Dis could not handle the matter about Beimo, or let him run a trip.

who knows..

Before entering the game, I heard the staff say that Amardis's dilemma.

Now, seeing the seal on the court with my own eyes, it is difficult to see Aydis, who is hard to see.

And on the other side, the mysterious boy who has already held the racket is the next game!

He couldn't help closing his eyes and breathed a few breaths.

clam down!,

10 minutes!

Maybe ... There are also turns!

And when he was sorting out his emotions, Beimo, who stepped off the stadium, also noticed the other party.

After all, Yuan.

This Swiss U-17 ball suit on the opponent is too conspicuous ..

[On the shelves, it is more! Seeking full order!].


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