The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1030: Gross profit

As soon as this "out of the ordinary" loud noise came out, Katsuta Taro and Ito Ryoko recovered, and then subconsciously looked back.

"Ah..." Ito Ryoko exclaimed, and Katsuta Taro jumped directly from Ito Ryoko, with a **** of a ghost expression on his face.

"Bodyguard, bodyguard..." Katsuta yelled subconsciously, the expression on his face no different from seeing a ghost. There are inexplicably more strangers, a man and a woman, in this cabin. What the **** is it?

Antarctica didn't say a word, even moved her eyes away, stared at the ceiling, with an expression that it didn't matter to herself, that the other party was not wearing clothes now, it was too ugly, she really didn't want to look.

Li Zedao stared at this old friend with a faint smile, but because he was now wearing a mask, when he laughed now, how wretched he looked, he was a real pervert who was very interested in men.

Such a smile fell into the words of Katsuda Taro, which naturally made him even more nervous and collapsed, so he continued to shout: "Bodyguard...Bodyguard..."

It's a pity that he was so frightened that his mind was a little awkward, he had forgotten it at all. Before entering the cabin, he had already explained that no one was allowed to approach here, and the sound insulation effect here was good. In other words, even if he broke his throat, no one would come in.

Then Katsuta Taro's eyes opened wider, and the eyeballs almost fell off, and the face was brushed all at once, and it was completely bloodless.

It seems that except for him and Ryoko, everyone else...dead?

"Ah...good brother brother...Ah..." Ryoko Ito widened her eyes and let out another horrible cry. She already saw her collapsed there, with blood soaking in the corners of her mouth, her eyes wide open, and she couldn't die anymore. The dead Ito Yoshitake.

"It's noisy!" Antarctica frowned, then kicked his foot on a pot lid that fell on the ground, kicking it directly out like a kick.

"Kang Dang!" With a muffled sound, the lid of the pot slammed into Ryoko Ito's head like eyes, and directly knocked her out.

"Good job!" Li Zedao smiled and gave Antarctica a thumbs up. He also felt that this chick, who had a good body and skin, was really noisy.

Then he smiled at Katsuda Taro, and said in fluent island Mandarin, "Master Katsuda, how are you..."

"You...who are you...what do you want to do?" Taro Katsuta swallowed and asked with a horrified expression. He had never thought that being naked is such an uncomfortable thing. He now wants to find a piece of clothing to wear, but he is afraid that he will move the other party and kill himself if he is unhappy, so he can only squat on the ground and try not to let him. Don't leak out the stuff that you are already scared to feel.

"I'm... Kogoro Maori." Li Zedao readily helped himself to pick up this well-known name all over the world.


Then Li Zedao took out his cell phone and snapped a few photos at Katsuda Taro. Katsuda only felt that his brain was about to explode. Now if the scene in the cabin is circulated, he will not die. Will peel off. After all, there are his sister Katsuta Michiko, Ito Yoshitake and Ito Ryoko here. Of course, it’s okay for the two teams to stay together. The key is not wearing clothes. What, who believes?

Besides, his elder sister Michiko Ito is also the female disciple of Junichi Ito, the sword demon who guards Yasushi Shrine, or his wife!

In other words, Yoshitake Ito had to call Katsuda Michiko "grandma", but the two of them made another piece...In short, the relationship is messy enough, and the picture is messy.

More importantly, Yoshitake Ito knew at a glance that he couldn't die anymore. Will the Ito family give up? Will you take his skin off?

However, the thing that made Katsuta Taro almost scared to pee is still to come. I saw Li Zedao play a short video, put it in front of Katsuta Taro, and deliberately increased the volume.

"Oh, my dear brother, my dear brother are much better than my father..."

"Of course, Mother Mother said the same..."

These two sentences of dialogue are definitely the two brightest sentences in this film.

"..." Taro Katsuta sat down on the ground directly, so scared that his heart and lungs hurt.

"Beast!" Antarctica curled his lips and continued to stare at the ceiling.

Li Zedao closed the video with a smile and admired: "Mr. Katsuda, even if this kind of incestuous plot is placed in that kind of small movie, it is definitely a large-scale existence with a heavy taste. Who would have thought that this would be in control. A true portrayal of Nisso’s Katsuda family, the world’s largest world leader in audiovisual, video games, communications products, and information technology? Mr. Katsuda, can you still be shameless? You said, if I throw this video away What kind of sensation will it make when you go out?"

Katsuta Taro's body trembled suddenly, and the look in Li Zedao's eyes was not only horror but horror.

"Please... please... don't..." he said, almost peeing his pants in fright.

If it is just him and Michiko Katsuda, then there will be room for this matter. The family only needs to announce that Taro Katsuda and Michiko Katsuda will be removed from the family. But now, Nisso’s absolute control, His father, Katsuta Okamoto and his mother, Miyako, are involved. Then, Nisso will definitely be in chaos, and the Katsuta family will collapse in an instant.

"Why not?" Li Zedao asked with a smile.

"You...what do you want, or what do you want for money, just ask for it..." Katsuta stammered.

Li Zedao smiled: "Answer me a few questions first, first question, is he Ito Yoshitake?"

Li Zedao pointed to Ito Yoshitake who was too dead to die. He felt a little bit blocked. He didn't feel the pleasure of revenge at all. The main reason was that he was too casual. He flew and died after a fist. Beyond Li Zedao's expectation.

Thinking of his father's death in the hands of this kind of person, Li Zedao had the urge to make Ito Kotake come alive and then punch him to death.

"Yes, he is Ito Kotake..." Taro Katsuta swallowed and dared not hide anything.

"How did it become like this?" Li Zedao asked, "Moreover, isn't he a martial arts genius who is known to be a rare encounter in the island country in a century? How could I be beaten to death with a random punch?"

"I heard my sister say about this..." Katsuda Taro subconsciously glanced at Katsuda Michiko, who had been stunned or even blackened, and quickly moved his eyes away.

Katsuta Taro didn’t know that she just fainted. He thought she was dead, just like Ito Yoshitake. At any rate, she was also a sister who gave her a lot of happiness. Only her own "enlightenment" teacher took her for the first time. That woman, so it is inevitable to feel uncomfortable.

"What did your sister say?" Li Zedao asked.

"She said Ito took what pills to take, and then she grew old, but because of what kind of sword she was using, and what kind of swordsmanship she used, she lost her cultivation base and became an ordinary person. She couldn't practice martial arts in this life. That..." Katsuta Taro said. At that time, my sister mentioned it at will, but Katsuta Taro, who didn't understand the convenience of martial arts, listened to it casually, so I didn't remember the keywords.

Li Zedao glanced at the corpse. It seemed that this guy did take Ghost Pills that night, and also used some powerful swordsmanship, and his father died under that swordsmanship.

Li Zedao recalled the scene that happened that night with great pain in his heart. There was actually a distance between the two people standing that day, but he didn't know why, but his father was motionless, and then he didn't know what Ito Kortake did. There was an extra blood hole in his father's chest.

"Your sister knows things about the Ito family well?" Li Zedao asked after taking a deep breath, and glanced at the body that had been blacked out by the Antarctic watch. Well, the figure is still very good.

"She is Ito Yoshitake's grandfather, the disciple of the sword demon Ito Junichi, and... his wife..." Katsuta Taro said.

"..." Li Zedao had another feeling of being overwhelmed by lightning. In other words, this Katsuda Michiko is the little wife of the sword demon Junichi Ito, that is, Yoshitake Ito's...grandmother?

It's really awesome. Not only did she get along with her own old man, her younger brother, and even her grandson!

"Animal, bitch!" The Antarctic face twitched even more. The scenes that happened tonight have completely subverted her worldview.

Li Zedao glanced at Michiko again and secretly rejoiced. Fortunately, she was only stunned by the Antarctic, and she didn't kill her. After all, Michiko seemed to be more powerful than Taro Katsuda, and Taro Katsuda could help them successfully break into Yasushi Shrine. , But if this Michiko used it properly, he could help them stab the sword demon Junichi Ito with a knife in the chest.

Of course, Li Zedao didn't think so much before. On the one hand, he didn't want to kill more people. On the other hand, he felt that Michiko seemed to have a close relationship with Ito Kotake. Maybe he could make a fuss. Unexpectedly, his article would be so big.

"The sword demon Junichi Ito killed me Maori with a stab at the door back then, and only my sister and I escaped by chance, so my sister and I want to avenge the Ito family!" Li Zedao said in a murderous tone.

So Katsuta Taro came to understand that the other party had inquired about Ito Yoshitake's trail, and he lurked on the ship in advance, just to kill Ito Yoshitake. As for himself, he was just suffering from the fish pond.

As for what the Maori slashed, Katsuta Taro had never heard of it, and he only regarded it as a little sect that Ito Junichi destroyed.

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