The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1302: Huang Wen calls

Li Zedao received a call from Zhou Yan. It was less than five minutes after he was separated from Deng Xiaomin. This is also after Zhou Yan called him the last time when Li Zedao was in Yanjing, saying that he had become a "man of the wind" in the school. Call him.

It’s been several days since Yanjing returned to Phoenix City. There was no communication between the two. Of course, Li Zedao went to Zhou Yan’s house, but Zhou Yan was not there at that time, and Li Zedao didn’t ask much where he went, because You don’t need to ask.

On the phone, Zhou Yan looked very impatient and angry: "Boss, Deng Xiaomin called me just now. Do you know what that woman said to me? She said that she had finished using me and was fed up with me. I met..."

"What then?" Li Zedao asked, "Let me take revenge on her?"

On the other side of the phone, Zhou Yan clearly heard that Li Zedao's voice was a bit wrong, and then he was taken aback and asked: "Boss, what's wrong with you...?"

"It's nothing, I just feel that you are swollen, and the swelling is very severe." Li Zedao said, "Before, you were a somewhat careless or unmotivated person. You will have feelings after being stimulated. , I will want to say what I should do, but within two days, those motivated ideas will be left behind by you. And now, you have no motivated at all. You are swollen and very lost because you think you There is a very good boss, he will give you a very good job, your future is bright, you think you can have Deng Xiaomin, you can also have Sun Ying, and even more..."

Li Zedao said lightly: "Don't be silly, I will not provide you with any help, I will not be responsible for your future, even if you are my friend, even if you are my future brother-in-law, I won't! Live, Zhou Qian is Zhou Qian, you are you, different! What you want, you have to fight for it by your own efforts."

"Old... Boss..." Zhou Yan was a little confused.

Li Zedao can imagine Zhou Yan's current state of mind, but he must do this, and say this kind of unimaginable or cruel words that Zhou Yan looks like is incredible, otherwise this ambition will become more and more serious. A man who is swollen but has no match for his ambitions is really going to be abandoned.

Before, Li Zedao thought this guy would awaken, but now he thinks he was wrong! So don't mind giving him a blow.

"Don't forget how you entered Phoenix University, and don't forget what you promised to the principal Zhang Guoqiang at the wine table that day, I remember what you said clearly, you said you will work hard... you Work hard, work hard! All day long, you know to do some opportunistic things." Li Zedao said, "Also, don't bother Sun Ying, it's really boring to stalker..."

"You... won't like Sun Ying, do you?" Zhou Yan's voice was firmly pressed, and his emotions fluctuated greatly.

Li Zedao didn't answer his idiot question, but said: "As for Deng Xiaomin, can you support yourself with that kind of woman? It's a bit ugly, she can support you almost!"

"You said, did Sun Ying hook up with you? So did Deng Xiaomin?" Zhou Yan's voice was almost roaring.

What this said was a serious exposure of his IQ.

"Think about it for yourself, don't think about it, don't call me." Li Zedao said lightly, hung up the phone, this guy is just a muscle, and it doesn't mean anything to continue.


A day later, Li Zedao received a call from Zhou's mother. The grandmother on the phone was irritated and said that the school had called and told her that Zhou Yan had applied for withdrawal from the school.

Li Zedao comforted and said, if you want to retreat, let him retreat. He is no longer a child and must be responsible for his series of actions.

In the end, Zhou Yan did not retreat. This result was within Li Zedao's expectations. After all, Zhou Mu started the fire, and Zhou Yan had to lie down no matter how much he felt. Furthermore, Li Zedao knew that he was making emotions with himself, he was saying Laozi doesn't accept any help from you, and he will still have a good time.

Li Zedao knows very clearly that this guy's determination is not that big, and the final result proved that it really is.

After another two days, Pan Xiaoting woke up, there was no such thing as the endless calls in the TV series, after all, she was not a heroine or other character.

The previous operation was successful, and Li Zedao would help her with acupuncture and moxibustion every day to stimulate certain nerves in her body, so it was natural that she woke up.

And even though before the operation, Li Zedao felt that he had a very important position in her heart, and his promise of her love would make this woman more eager to live, so he said something like that in her ear.

Li Zedao didn't know if she heard it at that time, but I hope...I didn't hear it.

When Pan Xiaoting woke up, Li Zedao just helped her finish the acupuncture and put away the silver needle.

First, she rolled her eyes, scanned the snow-white ceiling a few times, and finally met Li Zedao in her eyes, and then her eyes got brighter and brighter, and she tried to show a smile.

Then, she opened her mouth harder, with a weak voice, trying to say something.

Seeing this, Li Zedao hurriedly stopped: "You are very weak now, you are talking better."

Pan Xiaoting insisted that her voice was weak and soft, but Li Zedao could hear clearly: "Li Zedao, I heard it, you said that you would accept me when I wake up, so I worked very hard, really hard..."

"...Are you dreaming?" So, she still heard it? Li Zedao didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

"You can't shame..." Pan Xiaoting's pale face burst into a smile, "Shame...When I am discharged from the hospital, I will take a big loudspeaker and climb to the top of the teaching building, saying that you are a lie. "

Li Zedao helpless: "Aren't you afraid of shame?"

"I was shameless at first, and now I have even experienced death. What am I afraid of?" Pan Xiaoting said, very proud.

"Hey, don't talk, I haven't recovered yet, keep my strength, now close my eyes and rest...I won't be shameless." Li Zedao said, gently brushing her hand across her face.

"Yeah." Pan Xiaoting slowly closed her eyes with a sweet expression, enjoying the feeling of being spoiled.

"I'll sleep for a while and don't leave." She said, "Don't leave your hands."

"Go to sleep, don't leave." Li Zedao responded.


Pan Xiaoting woke up, and her body was gradually recovering. The happiest was Pan Fangguo and Fang Qing's couple. Even Fang Qing kissed her daughter's face with tears of excitement and hurriedly left the hospital and ran to Putuo Temple to go... …Before, she said very sincerely in front of the Buddha that the Buddha blessed my daughter to wake up and recover health quickly. I will donate one hundred thousand yuan to the temple when that time comes... The Buddha’s money cannot be counted on.

Wu Xin and Pan Xiaoyan were also very happy. They ran to chat with Pan Xiaoting and expressed an ambiguous welcome to be one of us. In addition, the room has been prepared for you in the villa, just waiting for you to leave the hospital.

There were originally only twenty rooms in the villa, but now it is naturally not enough. Therefore, the large-scale activity room on the first floor with some sports equipment was renovated and converted into four rooms.

After that, Li Mengchen looked very aggrieved and asked Li Zedao if this was enough? Li Zedao said with a guilty conscience, "Enough is enough, this time it is really enough!"

Li Zedao really didn't intend to provoke anyone this time.

"Smelly-thief, you always say that." Li Mengchen said, "I...we all like to be deceived by you, sometimes we think, are we not good enough? Otherwise, why do you do it one by one? How about the boss at home? Or are we all spoiling you too much? Or are you used to it naturally?"

"..." Li Zedao was ashamed, "It's not that you are bad, you are all good, and I don't know why this is the case."

Li Zedao really didn't know, but it was the same sentence, this time he really didn't intend to provoke anyone, even if he was arrogant and pitiful, it wouldn't work!

"Smelly-thief, I'm not complaining, I just want you to know that today is Friday." Li Mengchen looked at him blankly, with a slight jealousy in his tone.

Li Zedao gently hugged this delicate body and said, "I remember."

He had an agreement with Li Mengchen that no matter how many women there would be in the future, he would accompany her every Friday night, because Li Mengchen said that she was born on Friday.

After that, the wedding day of He Xiaofeng and Qin Xiangjun arrived, and the wedding venue was in Angel.

The wedding was planned by He Xiaoyue and He Xiaoyu. It was luxurious and romantic, and there were many people with good looks. Even He Xiaoyang came over from the island two days ago, and he too He Xiaofeng was very satisfied with one of the best man who made him the best man.

Li Zedao was originally intended to act as a witness and emcee, but He Xiaofeng saw that the man looked like a dog after he put on a suit and decisively indicated that he would change.

After all, the emcee of the hotel is very professional...This is the reason he gave.

He Xiaoyu and He Xiaoyue looked at Li Zedao with ambiguous eyeballs, and then they also felt that they should be replaced. They were worried that Li Zedao dressed like this would stand on stage so that those who did not know would mistake him for the bridegroom. How to do?

He Xiaofeng burst into tears when he heard it. He felt that this sister is not a real sister, and this sister is definitely not a real cousin either!

Therefore, Li Zedao did not act as the emcee or the witness of marriage after all. He sat down the stage and looked at He Xiaofeng who was smiling idiotly and Qin Xiangjun who stood beside him like a fairy. He decisively felt that He Xiaofeng must have stepped on a lot of **** in his life. , Then, the phone in his pocket vibrated.

After touching it out, his face changed drastically, then he got up and walked to a corner of no one, looked at the rough water below, took a deep breath, and then answered the phone.

"Found it?" Li Zedao asked actively.

Li Ze knew that the one who should have come was here, and he found another piece of leftover material from the yellow part of the colorful stone.

"Although I wasted a lot of effort, I found it in the end." Huang Wen's voice came over, "I have four or five days to return to Yanjing, and then you will come over too."

"Good." Li Zedao said without any hesitation.

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