At the moment, Li Zedao followed Huang Wen and walked away to the backyard, while Dong and several other men stayed here in the front yard and did not follow.

The front yard of this century-old house is not big, but the backyard is not small. There are many flowers and plants here, and even some land has been reclaimed, and some fresh vegetables are grown. It looks very comfortable and beautiful. .

It had just rained, so the flowers and plants looked green, with a few drops of crystal water hanging on them, which looked very pleasing to the eye.

Along the way, Li Zedao didn't see the Uncle Liu he was familiar with, and of course, he didn't see Dongfang Buqun and Dongfang undefeated.

Passing through the backyard, finally came to an antique small building. Li Zedao saw the antique square table under the eaves and the expensive set of purple clay teapots on the table.

When he first came here, Li Zedao was sitting here to taste the tea made by Dongfang Undefeated. After that, he saw Dongfang Buqun. Then the father and son told him something about grandpa, and finally gave it back to him. A small wooden box with a certain age. There are three sheets of paper that have been in a certain age and have turned yellow in the box.

One of the three pieces of paper is a letter written by Grandpa Shangguan to Dongfang Buqun. Shangguan's manuscript explains that Wang Zi used the liver of a three-year-old child to refine the elixir of life.

The other piece of paper wrote about the secret about the colorful stones and the quick method of internal force left by Chen Tuan. Of course, Shangguan Wen also indicated that he had told Wang Zi this secret.

As for the last one, it is the so-called Shen Wan refining method, with the name of the Chinese medicine and the refining method written on it, which is extremely complicated.

And now, the box that Li Zedao now believes is a prop for acting is lying quietly in the small backpack that Li Zedao is carrying on his back, intending to "return" it to the nominal grandfather in a moment.

"Sit down," Huang Wen said, and then sat down on the chair, and began to wash the tea set with boiling water to make tea.

Li Zedao sat down, opened the backpack, took out the small wooden box from his pocket, put it in front of Huang Wen, and said coldly: "Your props..."

Huang Wen glanced at the wooden box and said with a smile: "This wooden box was used by a certain prince of the Qing Dynasty to store his favorite piece of jade. It was made by a skilled craftsman in the palace using fine Hainan huanghuali. , At least worth a million..."

"Uh..." Li Zedao was stunned and stretched out his hand, took the box, opened it, took out the three pieces of paper inside, and threw it in front of Huang Wen: "This is your prop. Give it back to you." Then decisively put the small wooden box into the bag.

Huang Wen didn't bother to worry about anything with Li Zedao, and continued his whole tea art, and finally a cup of fragrant tea appeared in front of Li Zedao.

"Have the top of the crane red again?" Li Zedao said, picking up the cup of tea, smelling the familiar fragrance, and taking a sip.

"Added." Huang Wen nodded.

Li Zedao nodded, and once again felt that their conversation was both pretending and arrogant.

"So... South is the ladyboy Dongfang Ming..." Li Zedao put down his teacup and looked at the old man with Jia Ming's face, actually he wanted to peel off the fake skin on his face.

Huang Wen glanced at him, nodded and said, "My other identity is Dongfang Buqun, the one who makes dumplings for you."

"Damn!" Li Zedao widened his eyes, the muscles on his face twitched, and he took a deep breath, "You killed the real Dongfang Buqun... and then stripped off his face and pretended to be him? Shang Guanwen did the same thing? So, you are not my grandfather at all?"

Huang Wen didn't answer Li Zedao's question. He didn't even glance at Li Zedao. He was intoxicated and smelled the cup of tea in front of him, and then drank it with enjoyment.

"Good tea, really good tea, I have been drinking it for nearly a hundred years, but I still can't get tired of it." Huang Wen said.


"Presumably Dong has already told you that there are eight people from the south, east, north, west, up, down, left, and right. They are all masters who have been adopted by me since childhood and have been carefully managed. They are not inferior to you now." Huang Wen While continuing to make tea, he said, "You know the east and the north. As for the three you just saw are left, right, and down; as for the south..."

"Wait..." Li Zedao interrupted Huang Wen's words and said coldly, "What you said has nothing to do with me. I just want to know, when will we enter the magic cave? I just want to quickly end this matter. Then leave, and you and I have nothing to do with you."

Huang Wen glanced at him and continued: "As for Nan, you are already dead in your hands, and the rest of Xi will follow..."

"...I rely on!" Li Zedao couldn't help cursing inwardly.

"You killed Xi, now you have escaped." Huang Wen said after taking a sip of tea, but he was intoxicated, as if he was saying something very inconspicuous.

Bean sprouts are 50 cents a catty, and tofu is two yuan a piece, so inconspicuous.

Although Li Zedao has seen the cold-blooded and indifferent nature of this guy, but now seeing him say it with such a tone and expression, he can't help but pick him up from the airport for the handsome Dong Dong and himself and her a few minutes ago. Bei felt sad after an inexplicable fight.

"This is what happened that night three days ago." Huang Wen said, "I told Xi and Shang before that if you two find the stone first and see me, whoever belongs to the stone, in the end, Xi takes the lead. I found it. To be precise, I found it first, but it was snatched by Xi by some means. In the end, the stone returned to the West, and he integrated it into his tongue."

Li Zedao glanced at Huang Wen and said nothing, then lowered his head to drink tea.

Huang Wen helped himself to fill the already empty cup in front of him with tea that was steaming and fragrant, and then continued: "After that, he came to me and expressed his dissatisfaction. He said that he found the stone first, and it should be returned. He...well, I slapped him..."

Li Zedao was a little gloating: "No wonder, he wants to kill, or if he can't even beat you, I'm afraid he wants to kill you too?"

Huang Wen glanced at Li Zedao, then smiled and continued: "Xi can **** the stone from his hand and come to see me. That is Xi's ability. What qualifications does the loser have to suffocate over there? However, after that, he unexpectedly I dared to attack Xi and took away the stone from him. I had the courage to betray me. I have to look at him a little bit higher now."

"So... now there is one less stone? Can't make up eight people?" Li Zedao asked. He hadn't forgotten what Huang Wen said before, when eight people had to enter the magic cave together. As for why it had to be eight people, Li Zedao didn't know.

As Li Zedao stood up, he wanted to leave: "Then you continue to look for the stone, or send someone to retrieve it. I will return to Phoenix City first, and wait until you find the stone."

Huang Wen took a sip of tea, and Feng Qingyun said calmly: "Go and help me kill the Shang and bring back the stone."

Li Zedao sneered: "I'm sorry, I'm not free." How could he help him find the one who didn't know where to hide now and kill him?

Huang Wen is still calm and calm: "You said, who should I kill first? Li Mengchen? He Xiaoyu? Bailibing? Nintendo? Or Pan Xiaoyan and Pan Xiaoting, who were finally put into the harem by you?"

"...The bastard!" Li Ze was so angry that the muscles on his face were twitching, but he had no choice but to sit back obediently, and then pointed to the empty cup in front of him. The tea was good, and Li Zedao felt angry. Therefore, he has to vent his fire!

Huang Wen helped him pour a cup of tea and said: "After I gave him a slap before, I also gave him a ghost pill No. 1."

Li Zedao knew that this was a typical emphasizing both grace and power. After a slap, he gave a sweet date, but for Shang, the sweet date was not big enough, or for other reasons, he still betrayed.

Then, Li Zedao thought of a possibility, is it because Nan was the reason for the betrayal? After all, this Nan is an offensive and defensive guy, even his "defense" is much better than "offensive", they won't get together secretly, right? After that, Nan was cheated by Huang Wen. Does he hold a grudge?

"He is not stupid, so he must take that ghost pill now, and his skills will naturally become stronger than before." Yanhuang said, "So, I need you to go and kill him with Bei and bring the stone back."

Li Zedao's eyes widened slightly: "With Bei? That woman? Why with her? Not with other people?"

Li Zedao felt that the woman was a sword hanging over his head to himself, and that sword would be swung down at any time to chop off his head.

"No." Huang Wen simply gave the reason, "Because Dong and they are not willing to give North together, they are afraid of being beaten by her. Let alone perform the task together, they just don't have the courage to get closer."

"I rely on it!" Li Zedao couldn't help but relied on it, "I'm afraid too, OK?"

"You're not afraid." Huang Wen was justified, "If you were afraid, you wouldn't have thrown Bei's shoes out of the wall just now."

"..." Li Ze said he wanted to cry. He had known that she had just gotten down and had a violent beating. Anyway, Huang Wen would never allow her to kill herself.

"When Bei saw you, she wanted to kill you, not only because she hated the scumbag, but also because she felt insulted, and she wanted to cooperate with the scumbag to chase after him. This made her very The fire is big." Huang Wen said again.

"..." Li Zedao really felt like being insulted to death, thinking that I am not a scumbag, and the person who insulted Beibei was me, OK? "

"You can continue to carry forward the spirit of seeing one and loving one, and soak the north, grandpa, I won't say anything, and even I will bless you." Huang Wen looked at Li Zedao with a smile.


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