The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1592: He Xiaoyang accident

"It's too late." Susan said, her eyes were full of coldness, and her little patience could be said to have been completely worn away by this fly.

"What's too late?" Guo Dakai once again felt that this woman really had a brain disease, otherwise, how could he say such things that even a turtle with a high IQ like him would not understand. And there must be something wrong with those big beautiful eyes, otherwise, after seeing such a good and handsome man like yourself, why didn't they light up?

As soon as the voice fell, a few men in black quickly approached, came to Susan, nodded and said respectfully: "Boss."

boss? Guo Dakai looked at these black-clothed men, then looked at Susan, his heart trembled inexplicably, and a very bad feeling already surged.

"Break your leg, twitch your mouth, and throw it out." Susan pointed to Guo Dakai who was aside.

"Yes, boss." The black-clothed men's eyes all fell on Guo Dakai's body, the expressions on his faces were extremely bad.

Guo Dakai seemed to be smashed by thunder, and his whole person was in a stupid state, and his eyes were about to stare out. So, Susan is not mentally ill to say something that people don't understand, but really intends to break his leg and twitch his mouth?

At the moment, the panicked eyes looked at Susan who continued to walk forward, and her tone was trembling, trying to say something relaxed, such as "Ms. Su really likes to make jokes."

"Bang!" There was a muffled sound.

One of the men in black had already kicked Guo Dakai’s stomach heavily. The pain caused his body to bow down there like a shrimp, and the pain caused his handsome face to be twisted into a ball, and he couldn’t say a word. The word came out.

When Susan returned to the car, Li Zedao had not finished smoking the second cigarette.

"So fast?" Li Zedao was slightly stunned, "I just saw that fly enter, and thought you would be entangled for a while."

Susan smiled charmingly and said, "Oh, I was entangled, so I asked the security guard to interrupt his leg and twitch his mouth."


At this moment, several men in black dragged a person out of KTV as if dragging a dead dog, and then the blood-covered guy threw it directly on the side of the road as if tossing a dead dog, then clapped his hands like It was a okay person who returned to the KTV.

"Yes, it's very efficient." Susan looked at Guo Dakai, who was curled up there like a dead dog, with a nervous smile on her face.

Li Zedao's mentality shuddered inexplicably. He felt that this guy was too pitiful. Who would you provoke to provoke Teacher Su? Li Zedao did not forget that he was almost killed by Teacher Su that day.


When the battle was over, Susan's whole body was sour and soft, and her pretty red face was full of charm and satisfaction. Her eyes could hardly be opened, but her fingers were gently drawn in circles on Li Zedao's chest, her voice was waxy. Said: "Dear Classmate Li, are you satisfied with the teacher's reward?"

Li Zedao wandered about her with big hands and dishonestly: "Speaking of satisfaction is a fool."

"Go away." Susan beat Li Zedao's chest with sore hands a few times.

After leaving ktv, Susan took Li Zedao directly to find a hotel nearby. After entering the room, in twos or twos, Li Zedao teased him completely, and for the next more than an hour, the whole room was That soul-stirring moan-groan sound.

Li Zedao chuckled, and continued to spoil Susan, making Susan pant again and again.

At this moment, the mobile phone thrown aside by Li Zedao rang.

"It seems that some sister or younger sister misses you too much." Susan said sourly, but got up and helped Li Zedao fetch the phone.

Li Zedao can’t laugh or cry. Of course, he is more apologetic. The current situation is caused by him. In fact, he can be cruel and reject those girls, but he is cruel and didn’t refuse. Less, these women are more grudges, especially the earliest ones.

Li Zedao took the phone that Susan had received, and glanced at the caller's number. He Xiaoyue was calling.

"You take it, I'm busy with mine." Susan said, and then opened her mouth.

Li Zedao's body trembled, his left hand stretched over, gently stroking Susan's pretty face, and his right hand connected to the phone.

"Sister Xiaoyue..."

He Xiaoyue appeared extremely anxious but hesitant voice came over: "Ze Dao... something happened to Xiaoyang."

"What?" Li Zedao raised his brows instantly and said, "Sister Xiaoyue, don't worry, speak slowly."

At the moment, there is already a bad feeling in the mind. After all, who is He Xiaoyang? He is the leader of Qingyun, the largest Chinese gang in the island country, and Qingyun currently has extremely close cooperation with the Shankou group, so no one in the island country should dare to do anything that is not good for He Xiaoyang, otherwise it would be bothersome. There are two gangs. Could it be a car accident? Or what disease did you have?

But He Xiaoyue’s next words simply overturned Li Zedao’s speculations: “Qingyun sent me a message that someone else broke into Qingyun’s headquarters and injured people, but they still arrested them. After Xiao Yang left, the other party even left a word..."

"What are the words left?" Li Zedao's eyes narrowed, as if things were more complicated than he thought.

"Say..." He Xiaoyue said after hesitating for a while on the other end of the phone, "The other side said that he wanted Xiao Yang to survive, so Li Zedao had to go to the island country DJ personally, otherwise they said he would make Xiao Yang a superman... …"

He Xiaoyue doesn't really understand what it means to become a superman, but it's definitely not a good thing. And I understand that the other party has named Dao by name, so it is obvious that it is directed at Li Zedao, so I am really anxious and don’t know what to do. On the one hand, I worry about my brother’s comfort, but on the other hand I don’t want Li Zedao to go. Take any risks.

But Li Zedao understood it all at once, his eyes widened suddenly, and a huge wave of psychology was already set off.

Become a superman? Gene Superman? So He Xiaoyang was actually taken away by the skull? You know, according to the head of the Rothschild family Maier, one of the branches of the Skull and Crossbones is in Tokyo!

Therefore, Skull and Crossbones is because their head of the Huaxia branch, Wei Fengsheng, and the genetic superman Li Mengya were killed by himself, so He Xiaoyang was arrested and intended to lure himself to the island country for revenge?

"Sister Xiaoyue, I know who the other party is, so don't worry, Xiaoyang will be fine." Li Zedao softly comforted.

"But..." He Xiaoyue blamed herself for suffering and entanglement, feeling very sorry for Li Zedao. He hoped that Li Zedao could go to the island country to rescue He Xiaoyang, but he did not want him to take risks.

In fact, when she received a message from the dj’s Qingyun headquarters in the island country, she also struggled with pain for a while before calling Li Zedao.

This is a botched plan to lead Li Zedao to the island country, so how could she let Li Zedao take risks when she knew it was dangerous? But if you don't tell Li Zedao, what will Xiaoyang end up?

Li Zedao comforted softly: "Sister Xiaoyue, even if they didn't kidnap Xiaoyang, I will have to go to the island country DJ to kill them sooner or later, not to mention that they still dare to break into the Qingyun headquarters to wound people and kidnap Xiaoyang, you Don't worry, it's just some shameless little vulgars, they are not a threat to me."

"Really?" He Xiaoyue hesitated.

Li Zedao’s tone contains extremely strong self-confidence, which is indisputable: "Really, compared to last time, the risk factor is lower, so don’t worry, you can book the air ticket for me now, and I will leave for the island country. dj."

"Yeah." On the other end of the phone, He Xiaoyue seemed to have found the backbone, she was relieved a lot.

Seeing Li Zedao hung up, Susan looked up at Li Zedao and sighed slightly. There was a bit of resentment in her tone: "So, dear classmate Li, you have to skip class for several days?"

Li Zedao smiled bitterly and nodded: "Dear Teacher Su, I was asking for leave, not skipping class."

Susan bit her lip lightly, and stretched her hand over and gently stroked Li Zedao's face: "Then I'm trying to fawn on the teacher, otherwise even if you ask for leave, I will remember you being absent from class!"



He Xiaoyue is a very empathetic woman, so even if she is worried about He Xiaoyang's safety, she will not be foolish to immediately book tonight or tomorrow's ticket, but three days later.

Of course, because the other party named Li Zedao to go to the island country DJ dignitaries, so before Li Zedao arrived in the island country DJ, He Xiaoyang should not be in any danger, so He Xiaoyue was more at ease.

Knowing that Li Zedao was going to go away again three days later, these women had asked for leave for three days, skipped classes, and were tired of Li Zedao in the villa.

There is He Xiaoyue who went to the island country with Li Zedao. After all, it was her younger brother who was in the accident. She was really worried. In addition, Qingyun's eldest brother was taken away at home. It is inevitable that people will be unstable. Her former eldest sister must go back to town scene.

North followed. She looked at Li Zedao indifferently and said that I might have a conflict with a woman, so you can figure it out, so Li Zedao hurriedly said that dear Sister Bei, of course you have to go to the island country with me, you won’t go with me Who in the island country helps me warm my bed... North let him go.

Shadow also wanted to follow. The reason she wanted to go was to visit her father, Zhang Hailong, who was imprisoned in Qingyun Mansion. Li Zedao did not let him go. After all, this time he did not go there secretly, but with integrity, and what she was facing was still The skull organization is far more brutal than the Ito family, and one more person is equal to more danger.

Sister Bei is okay, she still has the ability to protect herself, but she basically has no shadow.

This shadow was depressed, chewing gum and spitting bubbles while muttering that Li Zedao was a big pig-headed idiot bastard... Then he dragged Li Zedao into her room and waited with a whip!

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