The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1652: Multiple choice

It is a multiple-choice question, a multiple-choice question that seems to be a good choice but is not a good choice.

Li Zedao swallowed, and said with difficulty: "That I am a human race, you are the queen of vampires, is this... appropriate?"

"Oh, our vampire clan has no rules that we can't like Humans." Elena directly blocked Li Zedao's words.

Li Zedao's such wonderful expression made her find it very interesting, and sure enough, she liked someone, even if he was picking his toes, it was all personality. If you don't like a person, even if he has a smile on his face like a spring breeze, he will feel that he is so hypocritical.

"I already have a lot of women." Li Zedao is still struggling hard, wanting this terrible woman to take the initiative to give up this idea.

"Oh, I don't mind. In our vampire family, it is normal for men to have wives and women to have multiple husbands." Elena said with a smile.

"..." Li Zedao was dumbfounded, is this okay? It seems that both men and women of this race will enjoy it.

"You... promise not to **** my blood?" After Li Zedao's face changed drastically for a few times, he exhaled a few deep breaths and asked carefully.

"Oh, of course not." Elena shook her head with a smile on her face, her voice full of charm, like a seduce goblin, "I like you when it is too late, so how can I be willing to **** your blood? "

"You promise that you won't **** the blood of people around me?" Li Zedao asked again, uneasy.

"I'll try my best." Elena didn't answer immediately, but said in a deep thought.

Seeing Li Zedao's face suddenly changed, Elena giggled and said, "Oh, don't worry, I was joking with you. I promise not to **** the blood of the women around you. Of course, you have to guarantee them too. Don’t come over to provoke me, otherwise..."

Elena's eyes became blood red all of a sudden, her nails became longer, her two horrified fangs were exposed, and she licked her lips and said grimly: "I don't mind scaring them."


Li Zedao wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and said with great difficulty: "They won't provoke you, and it's better not to **** human blood in the future. After all... not so good, isn't it?"

Li Zedao was really worried. One day when she took this woman on the street and pressed the road, the woman said that she was hungry, and then rushed directly to a passerby in full view, biting her neck and sucking the blood... Then it will cause great trouble.

"Of course, it doesn't mean that you are not allowed to drink human blood." Li Zedao quickly added, he knows, after all, it is a vampire. If this woman hasn't ingested human blood for a while, her temper will become manic, so she blindly Asking the other party not to consume human blood is equivalent to asking the lion to say that you should not eat meat and eat grass. This is simply unrealistic.

"I mean, I can find a way to help you buy blood from a hospital or blood station. That way, you can **** fresh blood without biting."

"Oh, okay, I listen to you." Elena nodded, the blood that has been drawn from the body and stored can naturally meet their needs, and it doesn't need to be fresh.

Li Zedao only breathed a sigh of relief now, so that he wouldn't have to worry so much.

Elena showed a very charming range, and then joked: "Dear Mr. Li Zedao, the proud and noble vampire queen listens to you like this, do you feel very proud?"

"...Proud, proud!" Li Zedao nodded quickly.

In about an hour, Li Zedao drove to the road where he snatched the car that was currently driving from the hapless guy before, and then slowly stopped the car on the side of the road.

After the two got out of the car, Li Zedao clearly saw a person lying motionless in the gutter on the side of the road, who was the hapless driver before.

Li Zedao didn’t kill him, but knocked him out. He woke up after sleeping until noon the next day at most. Of course, he was bitten by mosquitoes, and even if there was a poisonous snake. Then he can only be considered unlucky.

Elena looked at the guy lying there and habitually licked her lips.

Seeing this, Li Zedao said helplessly: "You... seem to be just full, right?"

Elena responded with a giggle: "Oh, my dear, don't worry, I am not interested in his blood at all. I am not the one who **** the blood of anyone, just like, you humans don’t like all food. , There are always flavors you don’t like, right? Me too."

"Aren't all the blood the same?" Li Zedao asked with some wonder.

"Oh, it's different. People of different blood types have different blood tastes. I know what blood type they are when I smell them. Blood type O is my least favorite blood type, while rh negative blood type is My favorite...Oh, that old man Akai is of this blood type, so I sucked him unceremoniously just now, oh, I can’t resist the temptation of blood.” Elena licked For the lips, it looks like you have enjoyed some food.

"..." Li Zedao's eyes widened. He has heard of rh-negative blood type, which is an extremely rare blood type, so it is also called panda blood. As for humans with type O blood, according to the survey, it is the most. In other words, the most is her least favorite taste, and the least is her favorite... This woman has quite a mouthful.

"Then, what blood type am I?" Li Zedao asked cautiously.

Elena licked her lips and smiled gloomily. Those two horrible fangs suddenly appeared: "You are my favorite rh."

"..." Li Zedao's face changed drastically, and his body stepped back subconsciously, trying to stay away from this terrifying woman.

Seeing Li Zedao this way, Elena chuckled for a moment and laughed at Li Zedao and said, "Oh, dear, you are so cute."

Li Zedao is about to cry, cute shit, I'm almost scared to death by you, OK?

"From this road, you can reach the laboratory secretly established by Skull and Crossbones in DJ. The laboratory is built under a family hotel. General Moore and Wade are in which room in that hotel." Li Zedao looked at it. Elena pointed to a trail on the side of the road and said.

He just came to this road through the trail carrying the bodies of Akai and He Xiaoyang.

"Oh, of course I know that they are in that hotel, and even more so, which room they are in." Elena's tone has become gloomy, and under the moonlight, her eyes seem to be shining with blood red light. Like two terrifying fangs suddenly appeared in his mouth, if anyone saw it, he might be scared of a heart attack.

Li Zedao nodded helplessly, but he had forgotten one very important thing, that is, this woman possesses extremely heaven-defying abilities. Not only can she **** up people’s flesh and blood, but they can also consolidate people’s soul and memory. Suck away, in other words, when she sucked Akai’s flesh and blood more than an hour ago, she also absorbed his memory and soul, so she now has all Akai’s memory, naturally for the hotel and the underground experiment The room is extremely familiar.

So, what can be imagined is how terrifying this woman is. If she wants to, she can become the king of all fields in the world, the most knowledgeable person in the world, and the price she needs to pay is nothing more than Take a few minutes to eat a meal...

Such a terrifying woman fell in love with him, which made Li Zedao really feel like she was dreaming.

"My dear, you said that those two **** guys would be scared to death when they saw the two of us suddenly appear in front of them?" Elena looked at Li Ze, the blood in her eyes instantly disappeared, and the inside was full. The gentle smile calmed down.

"Perhaps?" Li Zedao smiled, and he was expecting how the two damned guys would react, especially General Moore, the guy who sneaked into the Qingyun Building and caused He Xiaoyang to die. Li Zedao didn't plan to let him go. .

"By the way, did they put that kind of **** in their bodies?" Li Zedao frowned.

"Oh, that's not true." Elena shook her head and said, "From Akai's memory, General Moore is the cousin of General Skull, and Wade is the nephew of General Skull, so the organization still believes them. Loyal, the other two are not weak, and their whereabouts are secretive. The organization doesn't think they will encounter any danger, so it didn't place that damn* on them."

Li Zedao breathed a sigh of relief: "Nothing is fine."

Naturally, he was not afraid of the power of that kind of sex, he just didn't want General Moore to die so easily, if he was killed by the gun like this, it would be too cheap for him.

He intends to give it to He Xiaoyue and let her personally help her brother take revenge. This is the only thing Li Zedao can do now.

Of course, because of his own sake, He Xiaoyang was brutally murdered. Li Zedao was full of self-blame and apologies. This kind of self-blame and apology made him wonder how to face He Xiaoyue.


Right now the two of them entered the trail, their bodies flashed, and the speed was like lightning, galloping forward, and their movements were extremely slight, and there was no sound at all.

Soon, without disturbing any of the people in black who were hiding in the dark guarding around the hotel, the two had already arrived in front of the wall in the backyard of the hotel, and after a glance at each other, the figure of the two He had simply crossed the fence, and fell like a ghost in the backyard with a dry landscape.

For the two of them, killing the people hiding around this family hotel is no different from killing chickens, but there are a lot of people after all. Once one of them sounds the alarm, maybe General Moore and Wade will slip away, so On the way here, the two of them discussed it and tried not to disturb the shrimps.

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