The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1660: No possibility of cooperation

Li Zedao gritted his teeth, before the woman finished speaking, resisting the severe pain caused by the shoulder, he took the initiative to rush towards the woman.

The fists move together, like the turbulent waves, like the Yangtze River, the fists are full of shadows, and the strong wind rushes, which does not give the other party any chance to breathe.

Elena didn't try to catch the opponent deliberately as before, and then bit the opponent badly. She wanted to let the opponent die, so she quickly greeted him and directly showed various killer moves.

Bang bang ......

Fist-to-fist, foot-to-foot, attacking step by step, retreating steadily.

Judging from the results of the battle, it was naturally Elena that took advantage.

After all, she has that kind of terrifying self-healing ability, so now she has the upper hand over Li Zedao in strength and speed. Therefore, Li Zedao can only be beaten on defense, and there is no chance of counterattack.

However, in fact, Li Zedao also has an advantage, that is, unlike Elena, he can only launch a storm-like offensive. He has a richer strategy and knows how to attack. If you are real, I will be empty, and you will be empty.

So no one can do anything for a while.

Every time they fought, they exploded like two powerful cannonballs. Therefore, this 100-year-old pure wooden family hotel naturally suffered extremely serious damage, and all the furnishings were broken naturally. Needless to say, even the wood chips on the roof and the floor on the walls are splashing around, and if the damage continues, they may collapse.

"Bang!" The fists of the two collided again, making a sound of air burst, and then Elena's body took a step backwards, and Li Zedao simply flew out. After fighting, Li Zedao would still be a little bit inferior after fighting hard. Not to mention that his left shoulder was extremely injured. The pain that seemed to come from the soul made his body involuntarily pumped a few times.

At the moment, Li Zedao's leg slammed on a wooden pillar.

"Kacha!" The thick and thin pillars at the mouth of the sea bowl broke apart. At the same time, the ceiling collapsed in half. With this force, Li Zedao's body was like a fired cannonball, crashing into the Egyptian madly. Linna.

Elena grabbed a large decorative vase on the side, and slammed it at Li Zedao with a scream.

Li Zedao simply slammed a punch on the large vase that was half a person tall, instantly smashing it into a pile of fragments.

At this moment, Li Zedao's pupils widened slightly, and an extremely unpleasant feeling was already in his heart.

Because at the moment he smashed the vase with a punch, Elena's figure flashed, and she appeared in front of him at a more terrifying speed, and then her terrifying claws slammed towards him. Li Zedao's chest!

If this were grasped, her claws would have to pierce Li Zedao's chest abruptly.

In an instant, Li Zedao forced the pain in his left shoulder, his left hand turned into a fist, and he greeted the opponent's grasp fiercely.

"Puff!" This is the sound of a sharp object piercing the flesh. Unsurprisingly, Elena's stiff and sharp directly pierced Li Zedao's fist, even as if she was about to pierce a bone, causing Li Zedao's body to involuntarily twitch.

"Bang!" There was a muffled sound.

Elena simply kicked over and kicked Li Zedao's stomach directly, so Li Zedao's body simply flew out with a terrifying speed and strength.

"Boom!" The wooden wall was simply knocked out of a big hole by Li Zedao. Li Zedao's body rolled and fell out of the wall, and finally fell heavily on the white sand in the backyard with dry landscape.

"Cough..." Li Zedao coughed heavily, a mouthful of blood was already coughed out by him, and the white sand was instantly reddened.

A figure appeared there instantly like a ghost.

Under the shining of the moonlight, that face was horribly pale, the exposed fangs gleamed with inexplicable gloom, and the blood-red eyes, and the breath that seemed to be filled with death and blood emanating from the body , Makes Elena look no different from Li Gui. If this is seen by the cowardly people, I am afraid that she will be shocked immediately.

"You can actually run away." Her blood-red scary eyes stared at Li Zedao condescendingly, and said coldly.

If this guy chooses to escape instead of head-on fight at the beginning, then at his speed, Elena doesn't feel that she will be able to stop him in the end. Even if it can, it will take a long time. , Wait until this guy's strength is exhausted, then there will be a solution.

Even if this guy drilled into the crowd, Elena knew that she wouldn't even want to find him.

This is also the reason why Elena deliberately pretended to be Zheng Wan'er before approaching, instead of directly doing it, because she was not sure that she would be able to subdue this man all at once.

Of course, Elena knew that if her body hadn't been born with extremely terrible healing power, it wouldn't be certain who was lying here now.

Responding to her was a few violent coughs, Li Zedao simply spit out a mouthful of blood, and then moved his body, turning his back-prone position into a forward-leaning position, and then his eyes faced those terrifying **** eyes. Say aloud: "If I run away, do you think you will let them go?"

"They? Oh, are you referring to your sister Xiaoyue and Sister Bei?" Elena thought for a while and said with certainty, "No."

When the time comes, you only need to control them, and Li Zedao will naturally obediently catch them...Of course, the premise is that this guy is not that beastly.

"That's it?" Li said with a sleeve and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, "How could I allow such a horrible woman like you to appear in front of them? They are not as bold as I am. After you, you may have nightmares for a long time in the future."

"Oh, you can rest assured, they have no chance to have nightmares." Elena directly denied Li Zedao's statement.

"So... after you killed me, you still want to find them?" Li Zedao's voice became a little cold.

"Why not?" Elena asked back, "Fighting with you consumes a lot of my energy. I naturally have to go to a nice meal."

Li Zedao sighed softly: "Why do you want this? In fact, my heart is very soft and soft, especially for those girls who like me, I am softer, even if I don't like each other, but I Also try not to hurt her..."

When I was in school before, there was a beautiful girl who bravely showed love to Li Zedao. Li Zedao did not hurt others. He sent that girl several good people cards...

"Oh, is it? Why did you just start so cruel?" Elena was irritated by Li Zedao's words, and the corners of her mouth were twitching. If it weren't for her self-healing ability, this guy just hit her chest. The punch that smashed his own Mimi collapsed and shattered his breastbone. It was all light. Maybe, his heart would also be shattered, and his soul was broken.

"Well, I did it, but that's because I believe in your anti-healing ability..." Li Zedao defended with a guilty conscience, "Look, you have nothing at all now, don't you?"

"Oh, I really didn't expect you to be a man with such an inferior character." Elena was about to be **** off by Li Zedao's words, "Forget it, you can go to death. I've been talking about it for a week. For the sake of love, I will send your sister Xiaoyue and Sister Bei to accompany you soon, oh, don’t thank me, of course, if you have anything to ask you before you die, just mention it... Although I’m pretty sure Nine will not do it for you."

Li Zedao thought for a while and said, "I don't have any requirements, just a few questions I want to confirm with you."

"Oh, let's talk about it."

"We really have no possibility of cooperation?" Li Zedao said, "As long as the two of us join forces, break into the skull castle on Skull Island, grab the **** General Skull and beat him severely, even Killing him, I don't think this is a difficult thing... and I promise you that I will try my best to like you."

After saying this, Li Zedao himself was so guilty that he felt a little scumbag.

"Oh, now I feel more and more that you are a hypocritical guy, you know my situation." Elena said very angrily, decisively wondering if she had a problem with her brain sleeping because she slept for too long. Up? How else would you like this kind of stuff?

"Maybe, that **** old guy lied to you?" Li Zedao tried very hard to convince this woman, "He just wanted to let the two of us kill each other, no matter if you were killed by me or by me. You killed it. It was an excellent result for him. If the two of us die together, I think that old man will just go crazy, right?"

"Oh, no, I think he will be crazy if you die, he will bleed when I die." Anyway, Elena is not willing to take any risks. The safest thing to do now is to send This guy is going to hell.


"Okay, one last question." Li Zedao took a deep breath and looked at the terrifying woman and said, "Is it because your heart is blown that you can't survive?"

"What then? You want to curse me and say, hope that the skeleton head organization will explode the maggot system and blow up my heart so that my soul is scattered, and there is no possibility of awakening?" Elena responded coldly, her feet already lifted up Up.

She doesn't want to say any nonsense anymore, so keep doing it.

If Li Zedao can't avoid her next step that will be severely stepped on, then his neck will be directly broken.

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