"Ah..." Li Zedao's screams were simply mixed with the sound of the waves. This **** old man, doesn't he know that he is seriously injured now and can't stand the toss?

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, Li Ze Daolian flew off the boat with a wheelchair and slammed heavily on the beach. If it weren't for Li Zedao's means, I was afraid that the whole person would fall heavily there. On the beach.

At the moment the wheelchair fell to the ground, Dr. Qian's figure flashed, and he had already jumped off the boat and landed firmly beside the wheelchair.

"Old man, it's okay." Li Zedao said. From his point of view, this doctor of unknown origin does not have the skill of Director Yang. Li Zedao is becoming more and more curious about him. Although there are some guesses in his heart, Not so sure.

"Fart, can you compare to your kid?" The old man stared at Li Zedao without giving any face. "Don't think that I don't know. If your kid wants to send me to the west, it won't take you much effort. "

Li Zedao rolled his eyes: "Old man, what good is it for you to kill me like this?"

It is undeniable that although Li Zedao is seriously injured now, if he really fights this old man, he will have to pay a very heavy price even if he can win in the end, so there is no such exaggeration as the old man said.

"Is it okay to be humble?" The old man glared at the boy uncomfortably.


And even the muffled noise made after people fell directly from the boat with a wheelchair naturally attracted the attention of Yamane and the group of people. Now they looked back one after another, and then they were a little wondering what these two guys were. Where did it come out.

They did not see the scene of the two getting off the boat.

But Yuanzi, Honda Goro, and Nobita’s eyes widened all of a sudden. They were extremely jealous when their enemies met, so they were so excited that every cell in their bodies was trembling, and they felt that this mummy was a idiot, and they were worried. I couldn't find him. I didn't think I had brought him to the door.

"Uncle Shangen, that's the **** guy, the mummy in the wheelchair, he beat me." Yuanzi pointed to Li Zedao and said in a hurry, with a deep hatred in his eyes.

From childhood to adulthood, everyone praised her for her good looks and one of the most beautiful women in the island country...Of course, she herself thinks so too! But this **** guy dared to slander her like this, say such unrealistic things, and even more exaggerated is that he actually slapped himself in the face and almost disfigured himself... This is the enemy of life and death. Never die!

Shangen froze, "The one in the wheelchair? Are you sure?"

No matter how you look at it, it's a guy who is seriously injured and about to die...How could he be qualified to bandage his eyes if he is not seriously injured?

Just such a trash can bully Yuanzi and her two friends? To what extent can they be bullied by such a waste?

"Mr. Yamane, you must not be confused by him like that. We suspect that he is either uninjured and deliberately bandaged like that, or he is a ninja." Honda Goro on the side said quickly.

"Ninja?" Yamane raised his brows.

"Yes, Uncle Sangen, don't look at him in a wheelchair. He can jump out of the wheelchair very quickly. He broke the drawing board with one fist, so don't be confused." Yuanzi hurriedly said that she was also worried that Sangen would be too contemptuous of the other party and would suffer a loss, and the blame would be on them when the face was lost.

As for the old man... they simply ignored Yuanzi. He was just a bad old man. Even Yuanzi felt that he slapped him casually, and that old man had to lie down.

Yamane saw that the expressions of the two of them were a bit solemn, and he already believed that the guy in the wheelchair was a bit weird, maybe he was really that kind of ninja!

Of course, the ninjas are indeed a terrifying group in the past. Their silent hiding and speed, and the terrifying assassination methods, undoubtedly don't make people feel palpitation and feel powerless.

But in this *ramp era, there is nothing remarkable, they are fast, and there is no bullet fast! So regardless of whether he is a ninja or not a ninja, you have to endure it for Lao Tzu, or you will be embarrassed, you will have a few more shots.

Thinking about it, Shangen simply took out the pistol, and then waved his hand. The group of people in black with knives and sticks walked over to the mummy and the old man who were obviously waiting for them.

"Kakka..." The sound of leather shoes stepping on the sand sounded.

Black clothes, black trousers, black leather boots, walking forward in such a group, looks extremely powerful, which makes Yamane feel bold and bold, and feel that he is the most popular person in the world at this moment... none of them!

Honda Goro and Nobita who followed were also full of awe and envy. They felt that these people were too cool, and they were not at the same level as their kind of bullying in school, so they secretly decided to wait for that After the mummy and the **** **** were dealt with, they begged Sangen to ask if they could join the gang as well.

When he was still about three meters away from the opponent, Shangen looked at the old man and the mummy in front of him with cold eyes, and with a wave of his hand, the twenty-something people scattered all at once, and then surrounded the two people. Up.

These people clenched their swords, sticks, and even pistols, and only waited for the boss to give orders, they started to fight out the **** of these two guys together, and even directly killed them!

Yamane stared at these two guys coldly, and he was somewhat puzzled, mainly because the expressions of these two guys were too bullying. The old man sneered, looking at them as if looking at them. As for the sitting The mummy in the wheelchair, although he couldn't see his face, his eyes were smiling, and he looked like a good show.

Their battle is so big, their murderous aura is so **** and terrifying, there are so many machetes aimed at their bodies, and several pistols aimed at their heads, but these two men reacted like this... it's not. What is bullying?

At the moment, Yamane took out a cigarette and a lighter, lit one, and after spitting out the smoke, his fierce eyes met the mummy's eyes, and said faintly: "You hit my niece in the face?"

"I played it, but I was wrong." Li Zedao narrowed his smile and said sincerely.

"..." This was completely beyond Yamane's expectation. Wasn't this kid still laughing at all? Why did you admit it all at once?

Yuanzi was also stunned, how could this guy beg for mercy so easily? At the moment he said arrogantly: "Baga, I know that I was wrong now? Huh, it's too late! I must let you survive and die!"

"I think you misunderstood what I meant was that I should also slap your left cheek. In this way, your face can also be symmetrical. You are now big on one side and small on the other. It is really easy to scare people." Li Zedao looked at this woman in the same way as an idiot.

"Baga..." Yuanzi's body began to tremble again, and he couldn't wait to pounce on this **** guy immediately.

"Baga, it's really arrogant!" Shangen's face suddenly became gloomy, and he felt that his face was slapped several times by an invisible hand.

It's been a long, long time no one dared to be so arrogant and shameless in front of him.

"It seems that you want to die!" Yamane held the cigarette at the corner of his mouth, raised his hand, and the pistol in his hand was already facing the mummy's head.

Seeing that Uncle Yamane's gun was aimed at the **** guy's right forehead, Yuanzi's body trembled a few times...excited, and even enthusiastically cheered up in his heart: shoot! shot! shot!

Even she herself did not expect that she would hate someone so much, wishing him to die in the next second! Oh, and the **** of Keiko Hojo, can’t let her go. She doesn’t mind reminding Uncle Yamane that that **** is very nasty. She will be very excited when you line up with your little brothers. .

"You can't kill me." Li Zedao's voice was full of mockery.

"Really?" The corner of Yamane's mouth with a cigarette in his mouth was already cruel, and he had to pull the trigger. Of course, the muzzle was moved down slightly and aimed at his thigh, just like that. It would be no fun to blow his head.

He wants this arrogant guy to feel the real fear!

Then... the cigarette in the corner of his mouth had already slipped from the corner of his mouth and fell on the beach.

Looking at his face, his eyes were wide and his mouth opened wide, his mind roared abnormally, and a huge wave threw up in his heart, and he couldn't believe what happened before him.

Because, when he moved the muzzle down, he suddenly discovered that his hand was light, and the pistol in his hand was missing. At the same time, there was something cold and hard that was suddenly pressed against him. On his forehead, that is the muzzle! Dark and cold muzzle!

And it was the old man holding the gun against his forehead, the old man who they didn't even look at!

What is even more terrifying is that the old man was originally about three meters away from him, but why did he appear in front of him in an instant?

The others were also stunned at once, the excited smile on Yuanzi's face directly solidified, and they didn't even know what happened.

Isn't Yamane holding a pistol against the mummy's head? Why did it turn the other way around? He was put a gun on his forehead?

"Guess, how many bullets are in this gun?" The old man looked at Shangen and laughed very unkindly, revealing his ugly yellow teeth.

"..." Cold sweat broke out on Yamane's forehead, and his throat squirmed and swallowed a mouthful of saliva. He knew exactly how many bullets there were in this pistol, because he had loaded the bullets one by one... …He recognized it, this was his gun, as to why it fell into the old man’s hands now…

Shangen is about to cry, Baga, you ask me who the **** should I ask? He felt that his hand was empty, and then the gun was gone.

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