The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1719: Angry Wang Hui

Director Yang was speechless and swept away the old man: "They are island people, and the island country dj is now suffering from such a disaster. If something happens to them in Yanjing, it is inevitable that someone will encourage something. The country will also be very passive."

"Don't you suspect that he is Li Zedao?" Su Men was speechless.

"What if he is not Li Zedao, is he an islander?" Director Yang was even more speechless.

Sumen had a headache and waved his hand and said, "Whatever you do, it has nothing to do with Lao Tzu anyway." He really didn't bother to say anything to this obviously crazy old man.


Li Zedao did not go back to the hotel immediately, but drove Michiko Haneda and Yoko to press the road, feeling the night scene of Yenching that was completely different from that of the island country dj.

After that, Li Zedao drove to Wangfujing, and then he held Yoko in one hand and Michiko's hand in the other, and then merged into the crowd of Wangfujing Snack Street.

Michiko Haneda seemed so happy, she smiled and said to Li Zedao, my dear, there are so many people here.

She smiled and said to Li Zedao, this dear thing is so delicious.

She smiled and said to Li Zedao, my dear, our family of three took a selfie...This request Li Zedao decisively refused. In fact, ugly men do not like taking pictures.

Don't laugh, women who are ugly are the same. Of course, women who are ugly usually forget that they are ugly. This is the so-called Dongshi's role in ugly people.

After Li Zedao's reason for refusing to take pictures was thrown out, Haneda Michiko laughed so hard, and on tiptoe, Li Zedao printed a mouthful on Li Zedao's lips, his eyes seemed to melt Li Zedao, and his words were extremely soft: "Dear , Michiko will not despise you as ugly."

"Although my father has become ugly again, Yoko will not dislike his father for being ugly." The little girl looked at Li Zedao with big eyes very seriously, nodding her head heavily, and then also printed on his face. A bite.

Li Zedao laughed, and kissed the face of such a lovely daughter who was so cute, then looked at Michiko and said, "I want to help Yoko choose a Hua Xia name, how about you?"

"Well, it should be. Yoko will live in Huaxia in the future. Naturally, I have to help her pick a Huaxia name and learn Chinese language. Of course, Michiko has to learn it." Haneda Michiko nodded gently. , There is no objection, even Li Zedao herself didn't raise it, she also wanted to say that she would help Yoko pick a Huaxia name.

"Then call Shangguan Yangyang, Shangguan is the last name." Li Zedao said with a smile.

"Shangguan Yangyang..." Haneda Michiko repeated the name in slurred Chinese. Although she was surprised why Li Zedao named Yoko Shangguan Yangyang instead of Li Yangyang, she didn't ask much. The island woman’s obedience to her husband has long been integrated into this Michiko’s blood, so Li Zedao does what he says.

At the moment Michiko looked at her daughter tenderly and fondly, stretched out her hand, and gently squeezed her delicate face, "From now on, Yoko will be called... Shangguan Yangyang."

"I'll explain to you later." Li Zedao looked at Michiko and said.

Michiko Haneda smiled softly and nodded.

At this moment, Li Zedao's brows were already slightly wrinkled, and he clearly heard Pan Xiaoting's extremely angry and helpless voice behind him: "Wang Hui, you beast, You beasts are worse than... Get out, get out of me!"

In fact, when Li Zedao took Haneda Michiko and Yoko out of the snack street, he saw Pan Xiaoting holding her new boyfriend’s hand in front of him, and finally stood in front of a club with a few not far away. The men and women will get together, what did both sides say.

However, when we met again, Li Zedao only showed a strange feeling in the depths of his eyes, and immediately recovered to the same level as before. The inner fluctuations were no longer so intense, and it could even be said to be extremely peaceful.

Now he can stand calmly in front of Pan Xiaoting, smiling and saying to her: "I wish you happiness."

The only thing Li Zedao was upset was that this guy had fallen too much, he had already rolled down the stairs, and now he looked like a okay person.

And now, her reaction is so intense... The young couple is awkward? Do you want that hypocritical guy? Do you want to do it yourself?


Time goes by.

Although Wang Hui stepped on the air and rolled down the stairs directly, but because of the thick carpet and the physical fitness he usually likes to exercise, he is also good. Fortunately, he did not suffer much damage, just his waist. He twisted, and he passed out after rolling down... He really couldn't find any reason to open his eyes.

After being sent to the ambulance, Wang Hui opened his eyes and asked the ambulance to stop immediately after the ambulance drove forward less than 100 meters. He did not want to go to the hospital at all.

He knew his physical condition very clearly, and he didn't even want to say that he would beat Quan Jude severely and go to a hospital for a full body checkup. He didn't lack that little money! For him, going to the hospital is undoubtedly stepping on a few feet or even spitting on his face that has fallen to the ground.

Why did you go to the hospital? Oh, I fell three times in a row in Quanjude, and even rolled down the stairs the last time...Wang Hui couldn't afford to lose this person.

Therefore, if you fall, you will fall, and you must not go to the hospital! For him, face is more important than body.

Pan Xiaoting was somewhat worried about Wang Hui's body, so she persuaded her, but Wang Hui impatiently threw her hand away to shut her up! Manager Wang advised him to be sprayed as a grandson directly.

So helpless, the ambulance could only stop on the side of the road and let them get off. Of course, the cost of the car still had to be paid.

In front of so many people, he fell three times in a row, and his face was completely lost, so Wang Hui was very angry. He needed to vent, and Manager Wang and the others were undoubtedly excellent targets for venting.

So after getting off the bus, he simply scolded Manager Wang and the waiter, how did your store open, and that kind of broken chairs would dare to be there for customers to sit on? Why use round chopsticks and square ones? What stairs weren't cleaned, there was oil dripping there, making it so slippery...

In short, he was training them as grandsons, and he kept spitting on their faces. Of course, Wang Hui is also making excuses for falling three times in a row. The three times are the responsibility of your store! If your chair is broken, your chopsticks are round, and your stairs are oily or slippery, can I fall? impossible!

Even if it weren't for Pan Xiaoting to hold him, Wang Hui would have to do it.

Manager Wang can only accompany an awkward smiling face, let him vent, after all, they do have to pay more than half of the responsibility for this kind of thing... at least the responsibility for the first fall lies with them.

As for the two falls afterwards, Manager Wang wanted to swear. I went to your uncle. What happened to us if you did too much of your own wickedness?

Of course, fortunately, the customer did not suffer too much damage, and can still pinch his waist and curse at others. If he is paralyzed or even killed, the matter is really serious.

As for Pan Xiaoting, she stayed silently. When Wang Hui yelled over there, she persuaded him a few words at first, but Wang Hui was so impatient with her that she shut up, so in the end Pan Xiaoting I just ignored him, just toss about him.

Of course, my heart will inevitably be irritable and depressed.

In such a comparison, she discovered that when she was with Li Zedao before, it was so relaxing and cozy, and that life was so beautiful. Li Zedao really spoiled her, and she would not give her a favor at all. She has a stinky face and will not speak loudly to her impatiently.

Unfortunately, that kind of day won't happen again.

It wasn't until the phone in his pocket rang that Wang Hui glared fiercely at the smiling Manager Wang and the two waiters. After taking out the phone, his eyelids jumped and he quickly walked to the side. The phone picked up: "Hello, Wei Shao, I don't know what Wei Shao has instructed?"

Where is the anger from before in the voice? He looked so flattering and excited, looking at that face, and even a flattered expression appeared. It is conceivable that the person who called Wang Hui has a lot of background, and Wang Hui needs to be careful to flatter.

"Haha, how dare I give your Young Master Wang any instructions?" A teasing voice came over.

"Wei Shao laughed." Wang Hui smiled. In front of Wei Shao, no matter what kind of young master he is, he is at best a minor follower, and he is the most inconspicuous follower.

Therefore, Wei Shao ridiculed himself in this way, which made Wang Hui's heart suddenly panic. He wanted to say whether he had offended Wei Shao unintentionally. He was asking Xingshi to inquire.

For a while, a cold sweat broke out on Wang Hui's head. If Wei Shaozhen wanted to play with him, then he would undoubtedly die.

"I heard that you fell in Quanjudli? Three times in a row? The last time you even rolled down the stairs? Tsk tsk, did your kid squeeze too much soy milk on a woman and then his legs became weak?" The man laughed and continued to tease .

"This, something happened." Wang Hui responded with an embarrassed smile, but he was extremely angry. Of course, his popularity was not because of being teased by Wei Shao... He didn't have the guts to get angry at Wei Shao, but this. After all, the incident was spread out, and then Wang Hui didn't have the face to mix in this circle.

"Just kidding, I just called you just to ask you, did you have any problems?" Wei Shao expressed concern.

Wang Hui was stunned, and then the feeling of flattery spontaneously emerged, and he felt that his twisted waist seemed to not hurt all at once. He did not expect to say that Wei Shao would care about his body. .

Immediately he said quickly, "Thank you, Shao Wei, for your concern. There is nothing serious about it. I didn't even go to the hospital."

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