The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1756: Can eat meat

Li Zedao sighed softly, filled with emotion. This old man is really not a good thing. What he said is like farting. He just said he was going to give tea, but he turned his face in a blink of an eye.

At the same time, the father and daughter Yang Jingguo and Yang Qinglian stared at Li Zedao with stunned and weird eyes. Seeing that Li Zedao raised his head after the phone call, he glanced at them and quickly moved away.

"Chief of Staff Yang, your phone." Li Zedao handed the phone over, and the latter quickly reached out and took it, opening his mouth, but didn't know what to say.

He usually does not use his hands, even if he does, he basically opens his mouth to scold his mother, so he really doesn't know what to say now.

Of course, there is no doubt that Yang Jingguo has many doubts in his heart. For example, what is the relationship between him and his father? For example, what happened to my father last night? For example, how is the talk, is this the end of this matter, can they leave?

"Did Chief Yang eat it? Do you want to sit down and eat together?" Li Zedao asked with a smile.

"Uh...I've eaten, I've eaten...Then Shao Li, take your time, let's go first." Yang Jingguo said quickly, but he exhaled heavily in his heart. This matter is the end of the matter. .

Right now, Yang Jingguo quickly took Yang Qinglian, Zhu Changle, and the fat woman who was the culprit left the restaurant. The fat woman's legs trembled so badly that she could not walk smoothly. Yang Jingguo forced her to drag her away.

Many people also hurriedly left with two trembling legs, especially those who had been screaming at Li Ze before. Their courage was scared, for fear that their faces would be remembered and then revenge. .

Of course, they think too much. Li Zedao is too lazy to even look at them. How can he remember their faces and retaliate against them?

Following the departure of Yang Jingguo and his party, Li Zedao, Sun Lingfei and Michiko Haneda quickly finished their meal. At the moment, Sun Lingfei took out a black card and gave it to the waiter who seemed a little trembling and unable to calm down, and asked her to check out.

When the waiter saw this black card, his eyes widened, and the look of Sun Lingfei suddenly changed. You know, this black card is the super supreme card of the restaurant. With this black card, you can eat at the restaurant. Meals in any restaurant under the group, no matter what you eat, are free.

The waiter certainly didn't know that Sun Lingfei was the daughter of the owner of the restaurant group to which this restaurant belongs, and this restaurant was opened by their family.

Going out of the restaurant and back in the car, Kita was sitting in the back seat while Yoko was sleeping soundly in her arms.

"Sister Bei..." After seeing Bei, Sun Lingfei was already a little agitated. They all thought Bei's situation was the same as Li Zedao. Now that she was safe and sound, Sun Lingfei inevitably got sore.

Bei nodded gently, and the corners of her mouth slightly cocked. Although she always hoped that the women around Li Zedao would leave Li Zedao as soon as possible, she was still very happy to see Sun Lingfei and other women again. In fact, that day After being shot twice in the hotel room at night, Bei felt he was dead, and said goodbye to Li Ze in his heart.

And when she saw Yoko in Bei's arms, Sun Lingfei's eyes lit up, and she sighed, "What a cute little girl, is she Yoko?"

Li Zedao also told Sun Lingfei about Haneda Michiko and Yoko while there was no one eating in the restaurant, so Sun Lingfei now knew that she was also a little girl's mother...Of course, she was a stepmother.

If it weren’t for seeing Yoko sleeping soundly, Sun Lingfei wanted to stretch out her hand and pinch her cheek. She once saw such a cute little girl, and this cute little girl would have to call her "Mom" afterwards. This undoubtedly made Sun Lingfei feel extremely fresh and excited, and also happy for Li Zedao.

After all, she understands Li Zedao's physical defects, and the appearance of this little girl can undoubtedly make up for that gap.

"She is Yoko." Li Zedao looked at Yoko's cute face with a soft and doting smile, "Isn't she cute?"

"Super cute, almost catching up with my childhood." Sun Lingfei nodded heavily.


"Sister Bei, you and Michiko will take Yoko back to the hotel to rest for a while, Feifei and I will go back later, and then go to the airport to pick up mom and them." Li Zedao looked at Bei and smiled.

Bei's eyes glanced at Sun Lingfei with a slightly ambiguous look, naturally understanding why they had to go back later, and nodded without saying anything. She didn't say much, and Michiko Haneda wouldn't say much, so she came to drive, and she returned to the hotel with Kita and Yoko to rest.

"Okay, let's go racing, go back and fetch the car first?" Watching the car away, Li Zedao looked at Sun Lingfei on the side with a smile. The latter's hand was hugging his arm tightly, his head resting on On his shoulders.

"This kind of feeling is good." Sun Lingfei's face is sweet, and she has recovered from the loss. Now she doesn't want to let go of Li Zedao's hand. She cherishes every minute and every second of being with Li Zedao. She just wants to be tight. Stick with him.

" don't have to go racing." Sun Lingfei said in a low voice, her pretty face was already blushing. Sister Fang Caibei’s eyes that looked so ambiguous made her a little embarrassed. In fact, she was originally pure and wanted to go racing, but now think about it, such a good opportunity, such a good time to use it for racing, it seems like a waste of it. It's a sin.

"Where to go?" Li Zedao looked down, Xiao Nizi's face was full of spring, and her eyes were like water.

"Asshole, don't you know where to go? They will be here in the afternoon. They may not even be able to drink the soup, but now..." Sun Lingfei raised her head and looked at Li Zedao, eating and grinning. The face is evil, but the voice is charming and hoarse, "You can eat meat."


Then, Sun Lingfei bit Li Zedao on the neck.

"Ah! It hurts..." Li Zedao exclaimed, grinning, "You are a dog."

Sun Lingfei loosened her teeth uncomfortably, and then stretched out her lilac small tongue to gently lick the wound on Li Zedao's neck.

"Look, you can really eat meat." Sun Lingfei snorted in a charming voice, very proud. "Besides, I'm really a dog. Come on, take a bite."



"So, he... is that Li Zedao?" In the car, Yang Qinglian's face was stunned, she couldn't believe what she heard.

At this time, Yang Jingguo was driving the car and she was sitting in the co-pilot's position. As for her cousin, Yang Jingguo sent her to the hospital by herself, and said mercilessly not to appear in front of Lao Tzu in the future, otherwise, don't blame it. Laozi turned his face and didn't recognize anyone.

As for Zhu Changle also left on his own, he really wanted to drink, and the wine had to be drunk with Deputy Mayor Yu. He was very depressed, and naturally he couldn't make Deputy Mayor Yu too comfortable.

For Yang Qinglian, she has not only heard of the name "Li Zedao", but it is also very acclaimed. Although he does not mix with the Yanjing circle, his name is well-known in the circles of Yanjing, which can be said to be taboo. The taboo here is not to say that it cannot be mentioned or discussed, but that it must not be offended.

"I would rather offend Yan Luo than Li Zedao!" This is a sentence circulated in certain circles in Yanjing.

He has many staggering and unimaginable deeds. For example, he swaggered to take Su Xuan away at the engagement banquet between Su Xuan from the Su family and Gao Shenghan from the Gao family... Maybe there is nothing to take away, the key is to take away. After that, he was alive and well.

For example, he sent Wei Xiaobao, a famous mad dog in that circle, to the hospital, and even...killed it! At the same time, Gao Shenghan of the Gao family died in his hands.

Although both the Gao family and the Wei family said that Gao Shenghan and Wei Xiaobao, who had also completely lost their traces, had gone abroad, many people knew that they were actually dead, and it is said that they died extremely tragically. A female celebrity who was once a smash hit but also not small.

Who has such a deep conflict with them and has the ability to kill them? Didn't leave any clues afterwards?

It can only be Li Zedao, and only Li Zedao! Anyway, it is him.

But even if the Wei family and the Gao family were suspicious, they didn't dare to do anything without any evidence, because they chose to swallow their mouths full of blood and teeth in their stomachs because they really couldn't provoke each other.

After that, the Wei family repeatedly suffered from Li Zedao’s losses, and even compensated Li Zedao for the 100-year-old imperial city teahouse as compensation. In addition, the Wei family was suppressed by other families. It is becoming more and more declining, and now it is barely becoming a second-rate force, and it has no previous scenery.

Of course, the most enviable and enviable thing is that he has a lot of women, and he almost took all the noble and graceful girls of Yanjing into his harem.

And now, Su Qinglian feels that he can basically be regarded as a legend, because, when everyone believes that he is dead and there is no possibility of being alive, he unexpectedly reappeared alive, and compared to the past, his methods It seems to be tougher, and even less face.

In fact, Su Qinglian had long wanted to see and see this Li Zedao, but she did not expect to meet in this way now.

"He is the Li Zedao, so, do you know why I made you subdued just now? If you want to slap your face with his method, no one can stop it. When your grandfather comes, there is no way to help you find the place."

Su Qinglian bit her lip with her teeth and had to think that her father was right. He really dared to slap himself, even if he was such a beautiful woman.

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