The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1766: Curve to save the nation

"What do you look at? I accidentally stepped on it, can't it?" Meng Jing said with a straight face.

"Yes, of course..." Li Zedao accompanied a smiling face, "My instep accidentally stepped on the soles of your feet, Senior Sister, I'm sorry, Senior Sister."

Meng Jing couldn't hold back her joy, and immediately her face became stern again, and she gave Li Zedao a fierce look.

"Sister, you should smile more, you are really good-looking when you smile." Li Zedao pointed to Meng Jing's face and put forward his own suggestions.

"What does it matter to you?" Meng Jing snorted coldly, "Besides, wouldn't it look good if I didn't laugh?"

"Well, not smiling is as good as smiling." Li Zedao smiled. He knew it a long time ago that women are for coaxing, not for reasoning. If you talk to a girl for reason, it’s tantamount to telling the Taoist that you should read the "Vajra Prajna Paramita Sutra" several times. Squirted to death.

"What does it matter to you?" Meng Jing muttered very uncomfortably. She was very upset about this **** staring at other girls with a squinting look.

The reason I was upset was because... Oh, she felt worthless for the girls in the villa!

"Uh...Sister, I miss Master again." Li Zedao said sadly, opening his arms.

This trick is called saving the country by curve. When a girl is inexplicably angry about something, don't continue to struggle with her and try to justify yourself. You can find another better way of communication.

And the best way to communicate now is undoubtedly to miss Master.

"Ah..." Sure enough, Meng Jing was simply messed up, and her pretty face turned red all at once.

Then, Li Zedao simply hugged this delicate body again, and of course did not forget to say: "I really want to miss it."


After thinking about Master again, it was already ten minutes later. This time Li Zedao took the initiative to let her go.

The sun happened to be blocked by dark clouds before, but now the dark clouds have dispersed. If they continue to "think about Master" under the sun, it seems a bit silly?

And in the past ten minutes, Li Zedao has also heard someone say “Hey, look, the toad wants to eat swan meat” and “a flower is stuck in the cow dung”, if it’s not in his arms. With the beautiful lady, Li Zedao wanted to rush over and argue with the other party.

Who do you say is a toad? Who do you say is cow dung... Such a beautiful girl would you say that she is a toad and cow dung? Do you say that your conscience does not hurt?

At this time, the little jealousy in Meng Jing's heart naturally disappeared.

Of course she knew that she was once again taken advantage of by Li Zedao, but she couldn't afford any resistance in her heart, and she was so useful, and she was even fascinated by this feeling.

Meng Jing knew that she was basically the same as the women in the villa, and she was finished.

"Go... to play the speed car." Meng Jing hadn't reacted from that shyness, lowered her head, her eyes didn't dare to face Li Zedao.

"Sister, you are going in the wrong direction, you should go this way." Li Zedao said.

"Uh...Of course I know, I just want to buy a bottle of water, marshmallows are very sweet, you know." Meng Jing said in an uncomfortable defense, her pretty face flushed and continued to move forward.

This bastard, something would just be tacit. You have to tell it, where can you put your face?

Li Zedao looked at her back and followed with a smile.

After staying in Happy Valley for a long time, Meng Jing and Li Zedao basically played those items one by one. Even after playing the most challenging speed car, Meng Jingyi still did not finish. Come again.

After that, it was still not enough. But after the third time after playing, she immediately found a bag and ran to the bathroom, which was better than Meng Jing and simply vomited.

After clearing it out in the bathroom, Meng Jing's appearance is undoubtedly more refined, and even her somewhat weak appearance gives people a lovely look, which makes many men swallow wildly after seeing her. .

"Are you all right?" Li Zedao, who was waiting outside the bathroom, looked at Meng Jing and asked concerned.

"It's okay." Meng Jing exhaled, her head still a little dizzy and her body a little weak. She still underestimated the power of the speed car, playing three times in a row was beyond the scope of her body's ability to bear.

Being ugly in front of Li Zedao made Meng Jing feel very embarrassed.

He glanced at Li Zedao and said in his heart that this guy was a pervert. After playing three times in a row, his face remained the same, and there was no discomfort at all. Even the hairstyle has not changed. I don’t know what he used. What kind of hair spray, the fixing effect is so powerful.

"Going to play once?" Li Zedao teased.

"Get out!" Meng Jing glared at the guy who was gloating at this moment.

After walking out of Happy Valley, the two returned to the car. This time Meng Jing directly opened the co-pilot's door and got in, and handed over the driving to Li Zedao.

"Sister, where to go next?" Li Zedao asked after getting on the car.

"I don't know." Meng Jing glanced at Li Zedao and said. This kind of thing should be arranged by boys, right? Of course, Meng Jing swears that if this pervert dared to go to any hotel, she would definitely beat someone...Who would go to a hotel in the daytime? Even if you want to go, you have to go at night, right?

Meng Jing was simply shocked by her own thoughts. She wondered how she said that she was not so repulsive to go to the hotel with him, and even had some expectations inexplicably.

"Is there such a place called ‘I don’t know’?" Li Zedao looked puzzled.

"It's not funny at all." Meng Jing gave Li Ze a blank look.

"I don't think it's funny, too." Li Zedao nodded in agreement, "Mom said you like roast duck? It's already noon. Let's talk about roast duck first."

"Find a snack street to eat snacks, I haven't eaten snacks yet." Meng Jing turned around and said.

"Have you never eaten?" Li Zedao was slightly shocked.

"Do you think I have that kind of time and opportunity? Or should I take my wife to eat snacks in that kind of place?" Meng Jing's eyes looked at Li Zedao and looked at an idiot. For the first ten years of her life, she spent the next ten years with her master. Apart from training, she learned all kinds of knowledge all day long.

For the next ten years, she followed Xiao Qiangwei. Even if she left Xiao Qiangwei temporarily, she would do what she instructed to do. Usually things are complicated. Where can I have time for snacks?

Even if there is time to go shopping with Xiao Qiangwei, it is impossible to go to the snack street. On the one hand, the place is too crowded and messy. Meng Jing is afraid of Xiao Qiangwei’s accident. On the other hand, she cannot let Xiao Qiangwei go to eat there. This is not so hygienic.

Another thing is that unlike many girls, Meng Jing has no interest in eating. For her, a bowl of rice, a plate of vegetables, and a bowl of clear soup are enough.

But now, she wanted to try it, mainly because there was a fragment in her mind. The hero and the heroine were walking in the crowd to eat various snacks. It felt like a slow wave.

Of course, if she is the only one, she might not have that kind of interest. After all, she is not that interested in eating.

Li Zedao smiled, too, how could Meng Jing take Xiao Qiangwei to such a place? It's not that that kind of place is not good, things are unhygienic, or that going to a secret place under her identity means she is surrendering her identity or something. The main reason is that that kind of place inevitably hides some dangers.

"Take you to eat tonight." Li Ze said.

"At night?" Meng Jing was slightly taken aback.

"There are not many people in the snack street during the day, and many snack streets only open at night." Li Zedao said simply.

"Oh, you can arrange it." Meng Jing looked at Li Zedao's side and nodded. She really didn't understand this kind of thing.

"Then go to eat roast duck first, then go to the movies. Recently, a new science fiction film was released. It seems very interesting." Li Zedao started the car and planned the next trip. "Then I will take you to the snack street. Snacks, then buy a cake and find a place for me to help you celebrate your birthday."

Meng Jing nodded lightly without saying anything. She acquiesced to Li Zedao's arrangement, and her eyes showed expectation.

"Oh, by the way, I still owe you a birthday present, do you have a favorite?" Li Zedao asked.

I like you very much. Meng Jing muttered in her heart, and then her pretty face was hot again, but her mouth was indifferent and said: "Let's watch it, I don't pick it, but I don't need any bags, clothes, jewelry, sports cars, etc. Not interested either."

Li Zedao was about to sweat on his forehead, and he didn't even want girls' favorite brand-name bags or even sports cars, so he didn't want to choose?

But Meng Jing does not lack these things, even if you are giving her a sports car, she will find it troublesome.

Without saying anything at the moment, he kicked the accelerator and the car slowly left the parking lot thinking, and galloped forward.

Along the way, Li Zedao was the same as when he came, talking about various topics with a smile. After half a day of getting along, Meng Jing also relaxed a lot. Sometimes she was amused by Li Zedao's humorous words and laughed. Speaking, of course, if Li Zedao's joke is yellowish or too cold, she will stare at him fiercely and scold him as a pervert, but the tone becomes more and more like a girl talking about her boyfriend in shame It's like a pervert.

Finally, the car came to Quanjude Roast Duck Restaurant, and the two got out of the car.

Li Zedao looked at the roast duck restaurant, feeling a little bit in his heart. A few days ago, when he brought Michiko Haneda and Yoko, Pan Xiaoting and her new boyfriend also came over, and then her new boyfriend Wang Hui even more. I fell three times in a row.

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